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I. Choose The Correct Answer By Crossing (X) A, B, C, Or D !

1. Nina ... The Flowers everyday

A. Water C. destroy
B. Eat D. play

2. Arif likes play an Aeroplane. Someday he wants to be a....

A. Doctors C. Engeneer
B. Teacher D. Pilot

3. 1. Radio 4. TV
2. Marbels 5. Rice Cooker
3. Bycicle
Things above that used electric sorces are....
A. 1,2, and 3 C. 2,3 and 4
B. 1,4, and 5 D. 3,4 and 5

4. The day after Sunday is ....

A. Thursday C. Saturday
B. Friday D. Monday

5. My Father works in the Hospital. He is a ....

A. Doctors C. Student
B. Teacher D. Actrees
6. These are my ....
A. head C. toe
B. fingers D. foot

7. He Is a ....
A. Teacher C. Doctor
B. Actrees D. Policeman

8. I smell the fresh air with my ....

A. nose C. tongue
C. mouth D. hand

9. Jasmin : Do you like ....

Rosa : Yes, I like it very much.
A. apple C. orange
B. banana D. tomato

10. Usually – every sunday – Jogging - morning – Rina. The best arrangement for the
jumbled words is ....
A. Jogging morning every morning Rina usually
B. Every sundsy morning Rina usually Jogging
C. Rina usually jogging every Sunday morning
D. Rina every morning usually jogging

Ujian Madrasah MI T.P 2021/2022 Page 1

11. Turn the AC Please, it is so......
A. Hot C. Happy
B. cold D. Sad

12. it is a shark, it’s live in the .......

A. air C. forrest
B. water D. zoo

13. Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
The song was singging when we celebrate.....
A. Married party C. Funeral
B. Graduation D. Birthday Party

14. Indonesian has two season as below, ....

A. Rainy season and winter C. rainy and dry season
B. Autum and spring D. snowy and summer

15. Rudi is a great leader, He always tell the truth to everyone.

He is a ... leader
A. Honest C. lazy
B. lier D. stupid

16. What kinds of garbage it is ?

A. Organic C. Rubbish
B. Unorganic D. Flameable

17. How long does earth rotation ?

A. 24 minutes C. 24 months
B. 24 hours D. 24 days

18. “ United” in Indonesian is....

A. Berdua C. Berpisah
B. Bercerai D. Bersatu

19. The closest planet to the sun is ?

A. Pluto C. Mercury
B. Earth D. Saturn

20. The sun rises from the ....

A. East C. South
B. West D. North

21. We live on earth. The satellite of the earth is ....

A. Moon C. Stars
B. Sun D. Asteroids

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22. How many country are members of ASEAN ?
A. Eight Countries C. Ten Countries
B. Nine Countries D. Twelve Countries

23. He is a Mathematichan, he invented calculator, he called Mr Computer.

Who is he ?
A. Antonio Banderas C. Charles Babbage
B. Charles goodyear D. Thomas Alfa Edison

24. the invented of electricity is ....

A. Michael Faraday C. Charles Goodyear
B. Thomas Alfa Edison D. Michael Tesla

25. We like to eat this vegetables. It is very good to make our eyes so bright.
A. carrot C. potato
B. tomato D. spinach

II. Fill In The Blanks With The Correct Answer !

26. A good Leader must …. his employee

27. It is a .....

28. we breath the fresh air with ….

29. Dinda didn’t go to school, she got ....

She eats Spicy Seblak too much

30. Our indenpedence day is ....

31. Mrs. Anita works in the hospital, she helps the doctor to treat the Patient.

Mrs Anita is a .....

32. The Biggest planet is....

33. Waste – there – organic – inorganic – are – and

Rearrange the word intpa good sentence !
34. The largest oil producing country in ASEAN is .....

35. Earth Rotate .... hours in a day

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III. Answer These Questions Below Correctly !

What is Mr. Harun ?

37. mentions trhee kinds of healthy food?

38. where are they live.

a. Birds :
b. sharks :
c. Lion :

39. Translate the sentence in indonesian !

Wulan is a Nurse , He work at the Hospital

40. Complete the sentences with the correct word !

Dinda is so .... because her cat is dead, but now she looks very
..... because her mother gives her a beautiful cat.

== Good Luck ==

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