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Prepared as a requirement for completion a Bachelor's Degree Program at the

International Chemical Engineering Education Department, Faculty of Engineering

Directed by
D 500 184 058

Supervisor :
Muhammad Mujiburahman, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.


I hereby declare that in the manuscript of this scientific publication there is no
work that has ever been submitted for a bachelor's degree at a university and to the best
of my knowledge there is also no work or opinion that has been written or published by
another person, unless it is referred to in writing and stated in the Bibliography.
If in the future it is proven that there is untruth in my statement above, then I will
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Surakarta, 23 March 2022


Adam Hidayat (D500184058)

( )

COVER ............................................................................................................................................... 1
APPROVAL PAGE............................................................................................................................ 2
RESEARCH APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................................. 3
STATEMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 4
TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................................................... 5
Abstrak ................................................................................................................................................. 6
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 7
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS.................................................................................................. 9
2.1. Tools and Materials .............................................................................................................. 9
2.2. Methods.................................................................................................................................. 9
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.................................................................................................. 11
3.1. Results of soaking pH and after the oven ......................................................................... 11
3.2. Drought test results ............................................................................................................. 13
4. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 14
5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................... 14
REFFERENCE ............................................................................................................................... 15
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan natrium
metabisulfit dengan konsentrasi 200, 300,400 ppm per sampel perendaman terhadap nilai pH
dan pengaruh suhu oven terhadap kekeringan tepung durian tempat suhu pengeringan dibuat.
70,60 dan 50 derajat selama 4 jam, biji durian mengandung dua komponen utama yaitu pati
dan gom, pati yang terkandung dalam biji durian memiliki ukuran yang sama dengan pati yang
terdapat pada tepung beras. Strath merupakan salah satu bahan untuk membuat tepung,
kandungan yang terdapat pada biji durian kaya akan nutrisi sehingga dapat menjadi alternatif
tepung pengganti tepung tapioka Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) merupakan buah yang
banyak digemari masyarakat Asia dan memiliki harga komersial. Ada sekitar 30% limbah
durian yang dapat diolah dan dimanfaatkan kembali, antara lain : 20–25% biji dan buah
(Baraheng dan Karrila, 2019). Sedangkan biji (20-25%) dan kulitnya biasanya tidak
dimanfaatkan dan menjadi limbah

Kata Kunci : Suhu, Nilai pH, Tepung Durian, Kekeringan

This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of the addition of sodium
metabisulfite with a concentration of 200, 300,400 ppm per soaking sample on the pH value
and the effect of oven temperature on the dryness of durian flour where the drying temperature
was made 70,60 and 50 degrees for 4 hours, Durian seeds contain two main components,
namely starch and gum, the starch contained in durian seeds has the same size as the starch
found in rice flour. Strath is one of the ingredients for making flour, the content contained in
durian seeds is rich in nutrients so that it can be an alternative flour to replace tapioca flour
Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) Is a fruit that is widely loved in Asian communities and has a
commercial price. There is about 30% of durian waste that can be processed and reused,
including : 20–25% of seeds and fruit (Baraheng and Karrila, 2019). While the seeds (20-25%)
and the shells are usually not used and become waste

Keywords: Temperature, pH value, Durian Flour, Dryness

Indonesia is a tropical country that has abundant natural resources. However, one of the
problems faced by Indonesia is the increasing value of wheat imports due to an increase in
population and the large demand for public consumption. To reduce the use of wheat flour can
be done by replacing alternative flour as a food diversification program. Durian seeds are one
of the ingredients that can be used to make flour (Ryan and Raswen, 2016). The development
of the flour industry is developing so rapidly along with the modernization of downstream
starch production, because flour is one of the direct trading commodities (Mustafa A , 2016).
The durian plant is a native Indonesian fruit which occupies the 4th position of the
national fruit with uneven production throughout the year, approximately 700 tons per year.
Durian fruit is green to brownish, covered with pyramidal thorns wide, sharp and 1 cm long.
Durian seeds are oval, in two pieces, yellowish white or light brown in color. Durian seeds can
be obtained in several areas that have the potential for durian fruit where durian seeds are one
of the neglected or unused wastes, which actually contain a lot of added value. In order for this
waste to be utilized according to the nature of the material and used for a relatively long time,
it needs further processing.(Betty et al. 2015)
Tropical country where there is a lot of natural wealth, both biological and non-
biological, one of the biological wealth is many plants that produce fruit, for example durian.
whereas durian seeds have many benefits to be processed back into flour, from flour it can also
be processed into glucose syrup through an enzymatic process or an acid reaction because
durian seeds contain starch which can be a source of glucose through the liquefaction stage and
the overhaul of the glucoamylase enzyme to become D-glucose. Durian (Durio zibethinus
Murr.) is a popular fruit in various Asian societies and has commercial value. There is about
30% of durian waste that can be used and used to make flour, including: 20-25% seeds and
fruit (Baraheng, S. and Karrila, T. 2019). While the seeds (20-25%) and shells are not used and
become waste.
Rofaida (2008) changing the shape of durian seeds into flour will facilitate the
utilization of durian seeds into flexible semi-finished materials, because apart from their long
shelf life they can also be used as a diversification of food processing. Durian seeds contain
soluble polysaccharides water which has hydrocolloid properties widely used as an alternative
food substitute Gum derived from durian seeds has a high water binding capacity, so it can be
used as a potential source of dietary fiber. Durian seeds can be used as a low-cost source of
hydrocolloids in various types of food Wirawan et al. (2013)
In previous studies it was found that durian seeds contain many nutrients that are very
beneficial and have a high fiber content for the human body, the results obtained in previous
studies indicate that processed durian flour from durian seeds is used to make various kinds of
processed foods. Such as bread, cake, soup, etc. So that this durian flour can be used as an
alternative or a mixture of tapioca flour but contains useful nutrients that are not inferior to the
content of tapioca (Amin, A. M. et al. 2007)
Durian seeds contain two components, namely starch and gum. Starch or amylum is a
complex carbohydrate in the form of a white, tasteless and odorless powder. Starch is the most
common carbohydrate in plants and is most abundant as a food reserve in storage places such
as tubers, rhizomes and seeds. Apart from being a food ingredient, starch can be used as an
auxiliary material in the pharmaceutical industry1 . Different types of starch from various
plants have different characteristics. Starch as one of the constituent components that has a
major role in determining the properties of a product. Starch can interact with other compounds,
either directly or indirectly, thus affecting process applications, quality and product acceptance.
These properties are called functional properties of starch, such as gelatinization,
retrogradation, solubility, swelling power, viscosity, and etc.(Deman M ,1997) durian seeds
have starch with a size similar to starch from rice flour with a value of about 4-5 nm but has a
different content from rice flour in durian seeds, including the polysaccharide galactose (48.6
–59.9%), glucose (37.1–45.1%), arabinose (0.58–3.41%), and xylose (0.3–3.21%); and protein
contains only 12 different amino acids, durian seeds have many potential sources of nutrients,
carbohydrates, including protein, fat, calcium and phosphorus. In 100 grams of durian fruit
seeds contain: 28.3 grams of carbohydrates, 67 grams of minerals, 520 KJ energy equals 124.8
calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of protein, and 1.4 grams of fiber (Ramadan K.M.E. and
Deny U. 2019)
As stated by Usmiati and Abubakar (2009), ice cream is a frozen/cold food that is very
popular with various groups. This product consists of a mixture of ingredients that contain lots
of high protein such as eggs and milk. Cow's milk contains 3.81% - 3.94% fat; protein 3.59%
- 3.75% and unsaturated fatty acids 61.96% - 71.81% (Sulistyowati et al, 2010).
Durian seeds as alternative food substitutes such as combined with tapioca flour or
starch as filler sausage nugget dough or bread dough. Sumarlin, Effendi and Rahmayuni (2013)
because Durian seeds contain starch which is quite high (about 42.1%) exceeds Cassava starch
(34.7%) with this starch content in durian seeds is more than sufficient to be used as an
alternative food substitute for flour and is expected to become a commercial product that can
compete in both local and international markets.
Suciani (2015) reported a lot of mucus content in durian seeds which is odorless and
tasteless and soluble in cold or hot water with its main components namely phosphatides,
proteins, carbohydrates and water. Meanwhile Wulandari (2014) reported that durian seeds
contain water-soluble polysaccharides which have hydrocolloid properties which are widely
used as an alternative to food ingredients. Amin and Arsad (2009) reported that durian seed
flour showed great potential as a new source that could be used in the food industry due to its
high content of dietary fiber, low fat content, and suitability as a dough thickening agent.
The similarity of the content of durian seeds with tapioca flour in terms of starch, among
others, consists of amylose & amylopectin, with an amylose content of 26.607% in durian seeds
and 20-27% in tapioca flour, this amylose functions to form a gel which gives it hard properties
like a shell, in Durian seeds also contain amylopectin which causes stickiness and forms
viscoelastic properties (Yuwana and Sulistyowati, 2017). But in the manufacture of flour from
durian seeds only about 10% is obtained in the process of processing it into dry tapioca flour
because the gum content absorbs a lot of water, or clumps will hinder the starch extraction
process in the process of making durian seed flour. (Baraheng, S. and Karrila, T. 2019).
This study aims to determine the effect of adding drying time and setting the
temperature of sodium metabisulfite on the characteristics of durian flour, moisture content,
concentration, flour color, and flour quality.


2.1. Tools and Materials
In this study, the experiment to be carried out was to analyze the effect of temperature,
time and the addition of sodium metabisulfite in the durian seed extraction process on the
characteristics of the resulting flour. The materials used in this study were sodium metabisulfite
durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) seeds, while the tools used were a blender to grind the durian
seeds, a basin for soaking, measuring cups for weighing, filter paper, watch glass, plates, pH
test kit and weights. The durian type Durio zibethinus Murr is a type of durian that is widely
cultivated throughout Indonesia and is almost easy to obtain, apart from its distinctive smell,
the taste is not inferior to imported durians or other types
2.2. Methods
1. Boiling
Before being used for extraction, the process of preparing durian seeds is by
boiling the durian seeds with boiling water to peel off the outer skin to make it easier
to separate the seeds from the outside. in the boiling process the starch content in the
durian seeds will produce white foam like the sticky liquid contained in the durian
seeds. This liquid will later be filtered using filter paper in order to obtain a better
sample to be examined. This mucus can be separated but requires quite a long time due
to its sticky condition and mixing with other durian seed contents. The temperature used
for boiling ranges from 70℃-80℃ . The use of temperatures that are too high is feared
to affect the value of starch such as protein and carbohydrates.
2. Cutting
Cut the boiled durian seeds with dimensions of ±0.4 cm3 (Oktavia, A. D. et al
2013) using a knife or milling machine. The process of making flour from starch of
durian seeds through the extraction of chopped durian was then divided into three
samples. Dimensional cutting is done based on the results of previous studies. This
cutting process aims to speed up the drying process using the oven. the smaller the
cutting dimensions will speed up the drying process. but it is also necessary to pay
attention to the cutting dimension limits so as to produce good drying, so that when the
process of grinding or refining flour that has been in the oven can produce flour that
meets market standards.
3. Soaking & Filtering
Then soaking with Sodium Methhabisulfite with a concentration of 200, 300,
400 ppm per immersion sample. Then the durian seeds which had been soaked for 4
hours with Sodium Methabisulfite were filtered and then blended until the remaining
soaking water and durian seeds dissolved. Sodium methhabisulfite with a concentration
of 200, 300, 400 ppm per bath sample. In the process of making flour browning occurs
both enzymatically and non-enzymatically when cutting and drying tubers. One effort
to prevent browning is done by soaking the tubers for a certain time in a solution of
sodium metabisulfite. According to research by Heriyanto et al., (2001), processing
sweet potatoes into flour only requires simple technology. The way the sweet potato is
peeled and then washed clean then cut into thin pieces or shredded with a knife or other
cutting tool. The chips are then dried in the sun or using a dryer with a maximum
temperature of 600 C for ± 5 hours and then milled. Flour can be put in a plastic bag or
a tightly closed jar of 7 cans which can be stored for six months. By cutting tubers, the
tissue material is damaged, which results in oxidation and can cause browning. To
produce good quality flour, grated or sliced tubers are soaked in a solution of sodium
metabisulfite before drying or drying to prevent browning of the ingredients. However,
in this study did not use sodium metabisulfite, only used a salt solution, while in this
study, we used sodium metabisulfite to reduce the brown color of durian flour by
preventing caramelization.
4. Drying
in rural areas people use sunlight for the drying process but this has the
disadvantage that it cannot determine exactly when it is needed and the drying
temperature, in this study the use of an oven medium with a time of 4 hours for each
sample but with different temperatures is expected to obtain better results. in more
detail regarding the relationship of time, temperature and pH of soaking flour to the end
result of drought and pH that meets national or international food standards. The durian
seeds which had been soaked for 4 hours with Sodium Methabisulfite were filtered and
then blended until the remaining soaking water and durian seeds dissolved. The blended
durian seeds were then dried in an oven for 4 hours, 50 grams of each sample were
taken using a porcelain cup.
5. Dryness and pH test
The result of this drying is durian flour. After all the experimental stages have
been carried out, the last stage is testing the results of the experiments that have been
carried out. Tests were carried out by analyzing the characteristics of flour treated with
different concentrations of Sodium Metabisulphite and temperature during oven drying
in the form of pH values and water content. testing was carried out with a pH meter,
pH testing was carried out by adding aquadest with a concentration of 50:50 then
measuring the pH using a tool so that the pH value was obtained from variations in time
and temperature. For dryness testing Using a comparison of the weight before being in
the oven with the weight after coming out of the oven, the dryness ratio value of each
sample is produced.


3.1. Results of soaking pH and after the oven
In this study the process of drying processed and soaked durian seeds with variations
of 200 ppm, 300 ppm and 400 ppm was carried out in an oven with temperature variations of
60℃, 70℃ and 80℃ for 4 hours. pH testing is carried out by adding aquadest with a
concentration of 50:50 then measuring the pH using a Ph meter
Analysis was carried out by weighing before being in the oven and after being in the
oven, before being dried in the oven, durian seeds that had been soaked for 4 hours. The
following are the results of the pH meter analysis:






200 ppm 300 ppm 400 ppm

Figure 1.pH value of soaking durian seeds before baking

In the analysis data generated above, a pH value of 6.3 was obtained for soaking durian
seeds which was added 200 ppm sodium metabisulfite, while for the addition of 300 ppm
sodium metabisulfite a pH value was obtained of 6.5 so that the increasing volume of ppm
sodium metabisulfite will increase the pH value. also goes up. Analyze the change in pH as
well affected by drying. The resulting high or low pH is thought to be influenced by the drying

7,20 7,31
7,00 7,10
6,80 6,93
6,60 6,73
6,40 6,53
6,39 6,40
6,20 6,32
200 ppm 300 ppm 400 ppm

Figure 2. pH value after drying

temperature. Drying temperature plays a role in water evaporation (Rizal, S. 2013).The effect
of evaporation of this water will affect the pH value where the pH value increases from before
it was in the oven. This happens because the quantity of water will affect the value of the ppm
ratio in flour from durian seeds. The following is the pH result after the drying process using
the oven:
3.2. Drought test results
The drying process was carried out at various temperatures of 60 ℃, 70 ℃ and 80 ℃
(zulisma and fauzi, 2013) for 4 hours. To find out the percentage of final dryness yield, the
calculation process is carried out by means of a comparison of the weight in grams before
entering the oven and after leaving the oven, the percentage results show the amount of water
that evaporates from the drying results in the oven. The following is a formula for calculating
the percentage by weight of tapioca flour :
Percentage (%) = (weight after oven)/( The total weight) X 100% (1)
Weight yield before baking and after baking :

Table 1. Table of drought test results

befour after
ppm T (℃) oven oven percentase
(grams) (grams)
200 60℃ 45,89 11,93 20,6%
300 60℃ 45,62 12,09 20,9%
400 60℃ 48,00 13,01 21,3%
200 70℃ 49,90 20,51 29,1%
300 70℃ 46,76 19,27 29,2%
400 70℃ 47,89 20,07 29,5%
200 80℃ 47,34 29,21 38,2%
300 80℃ 47,44 29,37 38,2%
400 80℃ 46,89 29,96 39,0%

percentage after oven

40% 34,21% 34,38% 34,64%

29,28% 29,48% 29,68%
30% 20,76% 21,07% 21,45%
60℃ 60℃ 60℃ 70℃ 70℃ 70℃ 80℃ 80℃ 80℃
200 300 400 200 300 400 200 300 400
ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm

Figure 3. percentage after oven

From the results obtained at temperatures of 60 ℃, 70 ℃ and 80 ℃ for 4 hours, it was
found that the higher the temperature, the higher the percentage value of the drought or drought
test, because the higher the temperature of the oven, the volume of water contained will

From the test results by calculating the pH value and dryness, it can be concluded that
the addition of sodium metabisulfite concentration treatment affected the pH value of each
solution. The oven temperature also affects the water content and the pH value. It can be
concluded that: The addition of sodium metabisulfite volume will increase the pH value
because sodium metabisulfite is an acidic substance. The oven temperature affects the pH value
due to the reduced volume of water thereby increasing the acidity value because the ppm value
of sodium metabisulfite increases from before baking. The ideal temperature to use is between
60℃-80℃ in 1 atm where the temperature factor also affects the drought test value.

thank you to all the international chemical engineering lecturers at Muhammadiyah
University of Surakarta who have taught a lot of knowledge about chemistry so that this
research can run well. do not forget to thank the laboratory workers who have supported the
equipment and materials needed to facilitate research
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