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DPSSL/ACD/CIR/8471/2022-23 Dated: 14-12-2022


Subject Syllabus Weightage
Units and Measurement 3
Kinematics 12
Laws of motion 11
Work Energy and Power 9
Motion of System of particles and Rotational motion 7
Gravitation 14
Properties of Bulk Matter 14
Total 70
Accounting Equation 5
Accounting Principles 4
Journal with GST 8
Cash Book 6
Subsidiary Book 4
Bank Reconciliation Statement 5
Capital and Revenue 3
Depreciation 10
Trial balance and Its Errors 5
Rectification Of Errors 10
Financial Statements with and without Adjustment 20
Total 80
Part A - Indian Constitution at Work 40
Ch - Constitution 12
Ch - Election and Representation
Ch - The Legislature
Ch - The Executive
Ch - The Judiciary
Ch - Federalism
Ch - Local Governments
Part B - Political Theory 40
Political Science
Ch - Political Theory :An introduction 4
Ch - Liberty
Ch - Equality
Ch - Justice
Ch - Rights
Ch - Citizenship
Ch - Nationalism
Ch - Secularism 8
Total 80
Chapter- 2 Biological Classification
Chapter- 2 Plant Kingdom
Chapter- 5 Morphology of Flowering Plants
Chapter- 9 Biomolecules
Chapter- 13 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Chapter- 14 Respiration in Plants 18
Chapter- 15 Plant Growth and Development
Chapter- 17 Breathing and Exchange of Gases
Chapter- 18 Body Fluids and Circulation
Chapter- 19 Excretory Products and their Elimination
Chapter- 20 Locomotion and Movement
Chapter- 21 Neural Control and Coordination
Chapter- 22 Chemical Coordination and Integration
Total 70
I) Computer Systems and Organisation 10
II) Computational Thinking and Programming - 1 50
Computer Science
III) Society, Law and Ethics 10
Total 70
Unit 1:Entrepreneurship: concept and functions 20
Unit 2: An entrepreneur
Unit 3: Entrepreneurial journey
Entrepreneurship Unit 4: Entrepreneurship as innovation and problem solving
Unit 5: Understanding the market
Unit 6: Business finance and arithmetic 15
Total 70
Part A Statistics for Economics
Introduction 5
Collection, Census & Sample methods Organisation of data 10
Mode, Arithmetic Mean ,Median 13
Correlation, Index Numbers 12
Part B Introductory Microeconomics
Introduction 4
Consumer’s Equilibrium , Demand & Elasticity of Demand 15
Production Function, Cost, Revenue, Producer's Equilibrium and Supply 15
Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition with simple
Total 70
Ch-1 Some Basic Concepts of chemistry (concentration of solutions) 5
Ch-2 Structure of atom 5
Ch-3 Classification of elements and periodicity in properties. 5
Ch-4 Chemical Bonding 12
Ch-5 Thermodynamics (First Law, Thermochemistry, Second Law: Gibbs free
Chemistry energy & spontaneity)
Ch-6 Chemical Equilibrium 5
Ch-7 Redox 5
Ch-8 General organic Chemistry 10
Ch-9 Hydrocarbon 15
Total 70
Part A Foundations of Business
1 Nature and Purpose of Business
2 Forms of Business Organisations
3 Public, Private and Global Enterprises
4 Business Services
5 Emerging Modes of Business
Business Studies 6 Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics
PART B Finance and Trade
7 Sources of Business Finance
8 Small Business
9 Internal Trade
10 International Business
Total 80
Ch- From the beginning of time 10
Ch- Writing and City Life 10
Ch- An Empire Across three continents 10
Ch- The Central Islamic Lands 10
History Ch- Changing cultural tradition 10
Ch- The Industrial Revolution 10
Ch- Displacing Indigenous People 10
Ch- Paths of Modernisation 10
Chapter 1: Sets 5
Chapter 2: Relations & Functions 5
Chapter 3: Trigonometric Functions 5
Chapter 6: Linear Inequalities 6
Chapter 7: Permutations and Combinations 5
Chapter 9: Sequence and Series 6
Mathematics Chapter 10: Straight Lines 9
Chapter 11: Conic Sections 10
Chapter 12: Introduction to Three–dimensional Geometry 8
Chapter 13: Limits and Derivatives 9
Chapter 15: Statistics 6
Chapter 16: Probability 6
Total 80
Introduction to Python 30
Informatics Database concepts and the Structured Query Language 30
Practices Introduction to Emerging Trends 10
Total 70
Section A: Reading
• Case Based Unseen (Factual) Passage
• Unseen passage (factual, descriptive or literary/discursive or persuasive)
• Note Making and Summarization
Writing Skills :
• Classified Ads
• Poster Writing 16
• Speech Writing
• Debate Writing
• Tenses
• Clauses
• Reordering/Transformation of Sentences
English • The Portrait of a Lady
• Discovering Tut………. the Saga Continues
• We’re not Afraid to Die…
• The Adventure
• Silk Road
• A Photograph
• The Laburnum Top 31
• Childhood
• The Voice of the Rain
• Father to Son
• The Summer of a Beautiful White Horse
• The Address
• Mother’s Day
• The Tale of the Melon City
• Birth
Ch- Changing trends & careers in Physical education 6
Ch- Olympic Value Education 7
Ch- Physical fitness, wellness & Lifestyle 8
Ch- Physical education & sports for CWSN 8
Ch- Yoga 6
Ch- Physical activity and leadership training 8
Ch- Test, Measurement & Evaluation 7
Ch- Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology 6
Ch- Psychology & Sports 6
Ch- Training and Doping in Sports 8
Total 70
Ch- What is Psychology? 5
Ch- Methods of Enquiry in Psychology 13
Ch- Human Development 11
Ch- Sensory, Attentional and Perceptual Processes 8
Psychology Ch- Learning 11
Ch- Human Memory 8
Ch- Thinking 5
Ch- Motivation and Emotion 9
Total 70
Pre-Historic rock paintings and art of Indus Valley 10
Buddhist, Jain and Hindu Art 10
Temple Sculptures, Bronzes and Artistic aspects of Indo-Islamic architecture 10
Total 30

Academic Supervisor Principal

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