Republic Act of Philippines

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Section 1. Pending the approval of the General Appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen
hundred and forty-seven, the sums equal to the various items of appropriations on the yearly
basis authorized in Commonwealth Act Numbered Seven hundred and twenty-three, as herein
amended, are hereby appropriated from any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise
appropriated for the operation of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
beginning July first, nineteen hundred and forty-six.

Section 2. The following items provided in Commonwealth Act Numbered Seven hundred and
twenty-three are hereby amended to read as follows:


(a) Item A (1)-IV-1, page 8. For traveling and other expenses of Committees of the Senate
when authorized by resolution of the latter to undertake studies in and outside of the Philippines
(b) Item B-IV (13), page 36. For expenses for the inauguration of the Republic of the
Philippines on July fourth, nineteen hundred and forty-six, including transportation,
accommodation and entertainment of official guests and other incidental expenses
(c) Item L-I(4)-2, page 440. One
Director 7,200.00
Excess of actual salary 240.00
(d) Item 1. For covering deficits in the appropriations authorized in this Act for the Executive
Branch of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines which the President may
authorize P375,000.00

Section 3. The following sums or so much thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated for the
purposes herein specified for the operation of the offices concerned in addition to the
appropriation authorized for said offices in Commonwealth Act Numbered Seven hundred and
twenty-three: Provided, That no amount authorized under the Department of Justice, items (a)
and (b), for the People's Court and the Office of Special Prosecutors shall be available for
creating new positions nor for increasing the compensations authorized for existing positions:
Provided, further, That the appropriations authorized under this section shall be available for the
payment of expenses incurred prior to July first, nineteen hundred and forty-six:


(a) For other services, including transportation and additional secretarial services for the
members of the Senate, or expenses incurred by direction of the President of the Senate
(b) For the alteration, repair, rental, maintenance of the offices of the Senators in the City
Hall, including furniture and equipment 200,000.00
(a) For other services, including transportation and additional secretarial services for the
members of the House of Representatives, or expenses incurred by direction of the Speaker
(a) For expenses of investigating committees or commissions as the President may
authorize 200,000.00
A. For Department proper (Home Office)
1. For salaries and wages P469,060.00
2. For sundry expenses P363,000.00
(a) Traveling expenses of personnel P70,000.00
(b) Freight, express, and delivery service 5,000.00
(c) Postal, telegraph, telephone, radio and cable service 10,000.00
(d) Illumination and power service 2,000.00
(e) Other service, including contributions and subscriptions to, or membership dues in, foreign
services or international organizations; expenses for entertainment of foreign diplomatic
representatives; and allowances for representation expenses as may be authorized by the
President 250,000.00
(f) Consumption of supplies and materials 20,000.00
(g) Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications 3,000.00
(h) Maintenance and repair of equipment 3,000.00
3. For furniture and equipment P50,000.00
4. For special purposes P556,480.00
(a) For salaries, traveling representation and other expenses of delegates to the United Nations,
and to international conventions and conferences P200,000.00
(b) For allowances, transportation and other expenses of trainees in foreign service
(c) For salaries and other expenses of Advisers and Consultants in Foreign Affairs
(d) For cultural publicity, including participation in fairs and expositions of the Republic of the
Philippines 50,000.00
(e) For reimbursement to the General Auditing Office for salaries of personnel of the
accounting-auditing services 6,480.00
B. For Embassy, Washington, D.C. —
1.For salaries, wages and post allowances P278,680.00
2. For sundry and other expenses 150,000.00
C. For Consulates General (San Francisco, New York City and Honolulu) —
1. For salaries, wages and post allowances 105,200.00
2. For sundry and other expenses 120,000.00
D. For other diplomatic and consular establishments that may be set up as the needs of the
service may require 907,580.00
(c)For the payment of pensions to veterans of past Philippine revolutions or wars in accordance
with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 605, including the operating expenses of the
Board on Pensions for Veterans P300,000.00
(d)For the payment of retirement gratuities to officers and employees of the Office of the
Resident Commissioner of the Philippines to the United States, who may be separated from the
service upon establishment of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on July fourth,
nineteen hundred and forty-six, subject to the provisions of section four (b) hereof300,000.00
(a)Four delegates at P6,000 24,000.00
(b)For carrying out activities in the restoration and maintenance of peace and order, and other
contingent expenses as may be authorized by the Secretary of Interior with the approval of the
President 500,000.00
(a)For the operating expenses, including salaries and wages, sundry expenses, and furniture
and equipment, of the People's Court in carrying out the provisions of Commonwealth Act No.
682 650,000.00
(b)For the operating expenses, including salaries and wages, sundry expenses, and furniture
and equipment, of the Office of Special Prosecutors in carrying out provisions of Commonwealth
Act No. 682 750,000.00
(c)For the organization and operation of liaison offices between the United States Army, Navy,
or other agencies or instrumentalities of the Government of the United States established in the
Philippines and the Government of the Philippines to help veterans, widows, and orphans of
Filipino citizens who served in the Armed Forces of the United States, and Filipino citizens who
suffered losses and/or damages not exceeding P2,000 on account of war operations, in the
enforcement of their claims by reason of such services and/or losses or damages, and for the
training of personnel for the purpose P300,000.00
(a)For the purchase and production of breeding animals in connection with the campaign for
increased meat production 1,000,000.00
(b)For the restocking of breeding stations and stock farms 500,000.00
(c)For the reconditioning, reestablishment, equipment, operation and maintenance of the
Sisiman Quarantine Station and Slaughterhouse 150,000.00
(d)For the purchase of seeds and other planting materials, as well as the cost of their
propagation and distribution to increase agricultural production 600,000.00
(a)For the organization and maintenance of labor placement offices to assist unemployed
persons, including demobilized personnel of the Philippine Army, unemployed USAFFES and
guerrillas, members of the women's auxiliary service, volunteer guards, "bolo" battalions, and
laid-off civilian employees who shall be given first priorities in the procurement of employment
(a)For the relief and rehabilitation of indigent widows, orphans, invalids, and other indigent war
victims who are not entitled to the benefits provided by existing laws, and for immediate relief to,
indigent widows and orphans of members of the USAFFE, volunteer guards and members of
"bolo" battalions of duly recognized guerrillas, and or unrecognized guerrillas killed by the
Japanese for guerrilla activities until the United States Veterans' Administration should begin
payment of their claims and allowances, in which case they shall refund the amount of relief
they may have received from the proceeds of their claims against the United States Veterans
Administration: Provided, That not more than P40,000 hereof shall be used for salaries and
wages of new or additional social workers and other employees: Provided, further, That the
disposition of this appropriation shall be in accordance with rules and regulations to be
promulgated by the Secretary of Health and Public Welfare with the approval of the President
(a) For the payment of bonuses to employees embraced in Grades 10 to 5 and the first rate
of Grade 4 of the present schedule of salaries as follows:
(1) For rates in Grade 10: P50
(2) For the rates in Grade 9: P45
(3) For the rates in Grade 8: P40
(4) For the rates in Grade 7: P35
(5) For the rates in Grade 6: P30
(6) For the rates in Grade 5: P25
(7) For the first rate in Grade 4: P15
Provided, however, That no employee receiving salary other than any of the rates prescribed for
the corresponding grade in which the said salary falls shall be given less than the salary,
including bonus, of another employee in the next lower rate: Provided, further, That the bonuses
to be given to employees whose salaries are chargeable against special funds shall be paid out
of such funds: And provided, finally, That the President may, at any time during the fiscal year
nineteen hundred and forty- seven, order the reduction of the rates of bonuses authorized
herein or suspend or otherwise stop the payment thereof whenever, in his judgment, the public
interest so requires, but in case of reduction, the same shall be general and the reduction shall
be uniform for similar rates of bonus

Section 4. Notwithstanding the provisions of section one hereof. —

(a) No expenditure shall be authorized from the appropriations provided for the following
purposes under Commonwealth Act Numbered Seven hundred and twenty-three: Item 5, page
35, P5,265; item 8, page 35, P160,095; item 10, page 35, P75,000; item 12, page 36, P22,500;
item 18, page 40, P37,500; item 16, page 101, P17,310; item 7, page 238, P18,750; item 2,
page 444, P7,035; item 4, page 445, P60,000; item 2, page 470, P5,000,000; item 2, page 475,
P3,000,000; and item 3, page 475, P10,000,000.

(b) Of the appropriations authorized under Commonwealth Act Numbered Seven hundred and
twenty-three for the Office of the Resident Commissioner of the Philippines to the United States,
only so much thereof as corresponds to a period of one month shall be available for further
expenditure beyond June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and forty-six.

Any officer or employee of the Office of the Resident Commissioner of the Philippines to the
United States who, after July thirty-first, nineteen hundred and forty-six, may not be reemployed
in, or reassigned to, any other branch of the Philippine Government either at home or abroad on
or before August thirty-first, nineteen hundred and forty-six, shall be considered retired and may
be paid gratuity chargeable against the appropriation authorized under the Office of the
President in item (d), section 3 of this Act, at the rate of one-half month's pay for every year of
continuous service prior to separation, but not exceeding six months, and return transportation
to the Philippines in kind if availed of not later than December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and
forty-six: Provided, That any officer or employee who, having received retirement gratuity under
the provisions hereof, is recalled to the service prior to the expiration of the gratuity period, shall
refund the gratuity corresponding to the unexpired portion of the said period from the date of
such recall, irrespective of whether or not the same is accepted by such officer or employee.

Section 5. This Act shall take effect on July first, nineteen hundred and forty-six, unless
otherwise stated, and shall continue in force until the General Appropriation Act for the fiscal
year nineteen hundred and forty-seven is approved: Provided, however, That upon the approval
of the said General Appropriation Act, such expenses as may actually have been incurred by
authority of this Act chargeable to appropriations for which corresponding appropriation items
shall be provided in the General Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1946-1947, shall be
charged against such appropriation items in the said General Appropriation Act for the fiscal
year nineteen hundred and forty-seven.

Section 6. The provisions of Commonwealth Act Numbered Seven hundred and twenty-three,
except Section 5(1) thereof, page 477, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are
hereby re-enacted and made parts hereof.

Approved: July 15, 1946



WHEREAS, Manuel L. Quezon, President of the Philippines, who died in the United States
during the war, dedicated his life and labors to the service of his country;

WHEREAS, arrangements have been made in Washington, D.C. to transfer his remains from
the United States to his native land, the Philippines; Now, therefore,

Section 1. The sum of fifty thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby
appropriated out of any funds in the Philippine Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to defray
the expenses of a state funeral for Manuel L. Quezon, the late President of the Philippines, and
for the erection of a temporary mausoleum to contain the remains of the great leader.

Section 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: July 19, 1946



Section 1. The Act of the Congress of the United States, approved on August 5, 1909, entitled
"An Act to Raise Revenue for the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes," otherwise known
as "The Philippine Tariff Law of 1909," as amended, shall continue in force and effect on and
after July 4, 1946, until the Congress of the Philippines shall provide otherwise.

Section 2. This Act shall take effect on July 4, 1946.

Approved: July 19, 1946



Section 1. Section twenty-six hundred and ninety-two of the Revised Administrative Code, as
amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered Fifty-six, is hereby further amended to read as

"Sec. 2692. Unlawful manufacture, dealing in, acquisition, disposition, or possession of firearms,
or ammunition therefor, or instrument used or intended to be used in the manufacture of
firearms or ammunition. — Any person who manufactures, deals in, acquires, disposes, or
possesses any firearm, parts of firearms, or ammunition therefor, or instrument or implement
used or intended to be used in the manufacture of firearms or ammunition in violation of any
provision of sections eight hundred and seventy-seven to nine hundred and six, inclusive, of this
Code, as amended, shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment for a period of not less
than one year and one day nor more than five years, or both such imprisonment and a fine of
not less than one thousand pesos nor more than five thousand pesos, in the discretion of the
court. If the article illegally possessed is a rifle, carbine, grease gun, bazooka, machine gun,
submachine gun, hand grenade, bomb, artillery of any kind or ammunition exclusively intended
for such weapons, such period of imprisonment shall not be less than five years nor more than
ten years. A conviction under this section shall carry with it the forfeiture of the prohibited article
or articles to the Philippine Government.

"The possession of any instrument or implement which is directly useful in the manufacture of
firearms or ammunition on the part of any person whose business or employment does not deal
with such instrument or implemented shall be prima facie proof that such article is intended to
be used in the manufacture of firearms or ammunition."

Section 2. The provisions of the foregoing section to the contrary notwithstanding, any person in
possession of any of the prohibited articles therein mentioned, may, without incurring any
criminal liability, surrender the same to such officer and within such period of time as the
President shall by proclamation designate and fix immediately upon the approval of this Act:
Provided, however, That this section shall not be interpreted to mean as in any way exempting
from such liability any person, without the requisite license, found, within the aforementioned
period of time, making use of any of said articles, except in self-defense, or carrying them on his
person except for the purpose of surrendering them as herein required: Provided, further, That
this section shall not in any way affect any case pending in court, on the date of the passage of
this Act, for violation of section twenty-six hundred and ninety-two of the Revised Administrative
Code: And provided, lastly, That the President may authorize any officer or agency of the
Government to issue to the persons surrendering their firearms temporary licenses therefor for
the periods not exceeding three months at a time.

Section 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: July 19, 1946




Section 1. Section two of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five hundred eighteen is amended to
read as follows:

"Sec. 2. The National Coconut Corporation shall have the following objects:

"(a) To establish, keep, maintain, and operate or help establish, keep, maintain, and operate
drying plants, or copra driers, or coconut centrals with a view to adjusting the coconut industry
to a position independent of trade preferences in the United States and to provide facilities for
the better curing of copra products and the proper utilization of coconut by-products;

"(b) To afford facilities for bona fide production loans to Philippine coconut planters and copra
producers; and

"(c) To buy, sell, barter, export, and in any other manner deal in, coconut, copra, and desiccated
coconut, as well as their by-products, and to act as agent, broker or commission merchant of
the producers, dealers or merchants of coconut, copra, and desiccated coconut or their

Section 2. Section five of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five hundred eighteen is amended to
read as follows:

"Sec. 5. The management of the National Coconut Corporation shall be vested in a board of
directors consisting seven members appointed by the President of the Philippines, with the
consent of the Commission on Appointments of the Congress of the Philippines. The President
of the Philippines shall appoint the chairman of the board from among its members.

"The President may, in his discretion, remove any director. The directors serving upon the
passage of this Act shall remain in office until relieved by the President. Four members of the
board of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

"Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, each director shall take the oath prescribed
by law.

"The members of the board shall each receive per diem not to exceed twenty-five pesos for
each day of meeting actually attended by them except the chairman who shall at the same time,
be the general manager of the corporation and shall entitled to a compensation not to exceed
fifteen thousand pesos per annum.
"The provisions of paragraph eight, I. — General Provisions section seven of Commonwealth
Act Numbered Two hundred forty-six to the contrary notwithstanding, no officer or employee of
the Government receiving a fixed compensation or salary from public funds and serving as
director of the corporation shall be paid the per diem herein provided.

"The board shall submit its annual report and balance sheets to the President of the Philippines
and to the Congress of the Philippines, as provided in sections five hundred seventy-four to five
hundred seventy-seven of the Administrative Code."

Section 3. To enable the Corporation to effectively carry out the objectives enumerated in
section 1 hereof, principally subdivision (c), the sum of five million pesos is hereby appropriated
and set aside as additional operating capital for the Corporation out of any funds in the
Philippine Treasury not otherwise appropriated. This amount shall be disbursed upon authority
of its Board of Directors.

Section 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: August 1, 1946




Section 1. As of the date of the proclamation of the Republic of the Philippines on the fourth day
of July, nineteen hundred and forty-six, the present Congress of the Philippines shall be known
as the First Congress of the Republic of the Philippines.

Section 2. All laws enacted by the said Congress on or after said date shall be serially
numbered beginning with number one and shall be known as Republic Acts.

Section 3. This Act shall take effect as of July four, nineteen hundred and forty-six.

Approved: August 5, 1946

REPUBLIC ACT No. 7 August 9, 1946

Section 1. There is hereby established a Foreign Funds Control Office under the Department of
Finance with authority, during the existence of the national emergency resulting from the war or
so long as it may be necessary in the public interest, to exercise financial control over, and to
investigate, regulate, direct and compel, nullify, void, prevent or prohibit any holding of, or
dealing in, or exercising of any right, power or privilege with respect to any property within the
Philippines or any transaction involving such property in which any enemy country or national
thereof has any interest.

Section 2. The Foreign Funds Control Office is authorized to require any person to keep a full
record of and to furnish under oath in the form of reports, or otherwise, complete information
relative to any act or transaction referred to in this Act either before, during, or after the
completion thereof, or relative to any property or interest therein in which any enemy country or
any national thereof has or has had any interest or as may be necessary to enforce the
provisions of this Act; and in any case in which a report could be required, the Foreign Funds
Control Office may require the production of, or seize any books of account, records, contracts,
letters, memoranda or other papers in the custody or control of such person, and the Foreign
Funds Control Office may take further measures not inconsistent herewith for the enforcement
of this Act.

Section 3. For the purpose of this Act, the term "national" of an enemy country shall include, but
not by way of limitation:

(1) Any foreigner who directly or indirectly, or who there is reasonable cause to believe directly
or indirectly, levied war against the United States or the Commonwealth of the Philippines, or
adhered or gave aid or comfort to an enemy country, during the war;

(2) Any foreigner who is or has been, or to the extent that there is reasonable cause to believe
that such person is or has been, acting or purporting to act directly or indirectly for the benefit or
on behalf of any enemy country or national thereof, and

(3) Any Filipino citizen against whom charges for treason or any other crime against the national
security are pending in any court or tribunal, civil or military.

Section 4. The Foreign Funds Control Office, with the approval of the President, is hereby
authorized to prescribe from time to time further definitions not inconsistent with the purposes of
this Act for any or all of the terms used in this Act, and generally to make such rules and
regulations as may be deemed necessary or expedient to carry out and enforce the purposes of
this Act.

Section 5. Any person violating any provisions of this Act shall, upon conviction, be punished by
a fine of not exceeding twenty thousand pesos or by imprisonment of not exceeding ten years,
or both, in the discretion of the court.
Section 6. To carry out the purposes of this Act, there is hereby appropriated out of any funds in
the Treasury of the Philippines not otherwise appropriated the sum of fifty thousand pesos, to be
expended upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Finance with the approval of the

Section 7. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: August 9, 1946


An Act Appropriating Funds for the Operation of the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines from January One to December Thirty One, Two Thousand and Fifteen, and for
Other Purposes

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. The provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, the President of
the Philippines is hereby authorized to enter into such contracts or undertakings with the
Government of the United States or its authorized representative or representatives for the
purpose of effecting the transfer to the Republic of the Philippines under the Philippine Property
Act of 1946 (Act of Congress of July 3, 1946) of any property, real or personal, or property rights
or the proceeds thereof authorized to be so transferred under said Act, upon such terms and
conditions as may be agreed upon between the President of the Republic of the Philippines and
the Government of the United States or its authorized representatives.

Section 2. The President of the Philippines is hereby authorized to designate an existing office,
agency or instrumentality of the Government, to take over and administer the properties
acquired under the provisions of this Act and the disposition of these properties shall be made in
accordance with the existing laws.

Section 3. The sum of five hundred thousand pesos is hereby appropriated out of any funds in
the Treasury of the Philippines not otherwise appropriated for the creation of a revolving fund to
carry out into effect the purposes of this Act.

Section 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: August 9, 1946

REPUBLIC ACT No. 9 September 2, 1946


WHEREAS, the maintenance of a strong military establishment in the Philippines is undertaken

in the joint interest of the United States and of the Philippines, and with the interests of world
peace and security;

WHEREAS, the people of the Philippines and their Government are already legally pledged to a
common defense of the Philippines with the United States;

WHEREAS, the United States Government, through United States Public Act Numbered Four
hundred and fifty-four, commonly called the "Republic of the Philippines Military Assistance Act,"
has offered to extend military assistance to the armed forces of the Republic of the Philippines
in the form of supplies and equipment, information and technical advice and of personnel for the
training of the armed forces of the latter; Now, therefore,

Section 1. The President of the Philippines is hereby authorized to enter into agreement or
agreements with the President of the United States, or with any of the agencies or
instrumentalities of the Government of the United States, regarding military assistance to the
armed forces of the Republic of the Philippines, in the form of transfer of property and
information, giving of technical advice and lending of personnel to instruct and train them,
pursuant to the provisions of United States Public Act Numbered Four hundred and fifty-four,
commonly called the "Republic of the Philippines Military Assistance Act," under the terms and
conditions provided in this Act.

Section 2. The President of the Philippines is hereby authorized to issue such rules and
regulations as may be necessary and comparable to those customarily made by the United
States, for the security of any article, plan or information received or acquired under the terms of
this Act.

Section 3. Any officer, employee or agent of the Republic of the Philippines who shall, directly or
indirectly, permit the use of any property received under the provisions of this Act or shall
disclose any plan, specification or other information pertaining thereto, or any technical
information furnished, for any purpose other than as set forth in the United States Public Act
Numbered Four hundred and fifty-four or who shall violate the security of any plan or information
received under the terms of this Act shall be punished as provided in the Articles of War
(Commonwealth Act No. 408) or in Espionage Law (Commonwealth Act No. 616) or with
imprisonment for not more than ten years or a fine of not more than ten thousand pesos, or
both, in the discretion of the court, whichever of said penalties is higher.
Section 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 2, 1946



Section 1. Any person who, with or without pretense of official position, shall perform any act
pertaining to the Government, or to any person in authority or public officer, without being
lawfully entitled to do so, shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than two years nor
more than ten years.

Section 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 2, 1946




Section 1. Any provision of existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding, slaughtering of male
and female carabaos, horses, mares, and cows is hereby prohibited unless authorized by the
Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce.

Section 2. Any person who violates the provisions of the preceding section shall be punished
with a fine of not less than two hundred pesos nor more than five hundred pesos or by
imprisonment of not less than two months nor more than six months, or both fine and
imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Section 3. The Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce shall promulgate such rules and
regulations as will effectively carry out the provisions of this Act. However, when in the opinion
of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce there exists a sufficient number of work animals
for agricultural purposes in the Philippines, the President may declare this Act inoperative.

Section 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 2, 1946


An Act Amending Articles One Hundred Forty-Six, Two Hundred Ninety-Five, Two Hundred
Ninety-Six and Three Hundred Six of the Revised Penal Code

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. Article one hundred forty-six of the Revised Penal Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:

"Art. 146. Illegal assemblies. - The penalty of prision correccional in its maximum period to
prision mayor in its medium period shall be imposed upon the organizers or leaders of any
meeting attended by armed persons for the purpose of committing any of the crimes punishable
under this Code, or of any meeting in which the audience is incited to the commission of the
crime of treason, rebellion or insurrection, sedition or assault upon a person in authority or his
agents. Persons merely present at such meeting shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor,
unless they are armed, in which case the penalty shall be prision correccional.

"If any person present at the meeting carries an unlicensed firearm, it shall be presumed that
the purpose of said meeting, insofar as he is concerned, is to commit acts punishable under this
Code, and he shall be considered a leader or organizer of the meeting within the purview of the
preceding paragraph.

"As used in this article, the word "meeting" shall be understood to include a gathering or group,
whether in a fixed place or moving."

Section 2. Article two hundred ninety-five of the Revised Penal Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:

"Art. 295. Robbery with physical injuries committed in an uninhabited place or by a band.— If
the offenses mentioned in the next preceding article shall be committed in an uninhabited place
or by a band, or by attacking a train, car, vehicle, vessel or craft, or by entering any
compartment thereof or, in any manner, taking the persons therein by surprise in the respective
conveyances, the offender shall be punished by the maximum period of the proper penalties.

"In the same cases, the penalty next higher in degree shall be imposed upon the leader of the

Section 3. Article two hundred ninety-six of the Revised Penal Code is hereby amended to read
as follows:

"Art. 296. Definition of a band and penalty incurred by the members thereof .— When more than
three armed malefactors take part in the commission of a robbery, it shall be deemed to have
been committed by a band. When any of the arms used in the commission of the offense be an
unlicensed firearm, the penalty to be imposed upon all the malefactors shall be the maximum of
the corresponding penalty provided by law, without prejudice to the criminal liability for illegal
possession of such unlicensed firearm.

"Any member of a band who is present at the commission of a robbery by the band, shall be
punished as principal of any of the assaults committed by the band, unless it be shown that he
attempted to prevent the same."

Section 4. Article three hundred six of the Revised Penal Code is hereby amended to read as

"Art. 306. Who are brigands—Penalty. - When more than three armed persons form a band of
robbers for the purpose of committing robbery in the highway, or kidnapping persons for the
purpose of extortion or to obtain ransom, for any other purpose to be attained by means of force
and violence, they shall be deemed highway robbers or brigands.

"Persons found guilty of this offense shall be punished by prision mayor in its medium period to
reclusion temporal in its minimum period if the act or acts committed by them are not punishable
by higher penalties, in which case, they shall suffer such higher penalties.

"If any of the arms carried by any of said persons be an unlicensed firearm, it shall be presumed
that said persons are highway robbers or brigands, and in case of conviction the penalty shall
be imposed in the maximum period."

Section 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 5, 1946


An Act to Amend Sections Five and Six of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six Hundred and
Seventy-Two, Entitled "An Act to Rehabilitate the Philippine National Bank"

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. Sections five and six of Commonwealth Act Numbered Six hundred and seventy-two
are hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 5. The blocked deposit balances of the Commonwealth Government, cities, provinces,
and municipalities, remaining after effecting the write-offs as hereinbefore provided, shall stand
as a credit balance in favor of the respective entities: Provided, That these deposit balances
shall remain blocked until June thirty, nineteen hundred forty-seven and shall be available to
cover such further deficiencies which may be disclosed or ascertained on or before June thirty,
nineteen hundred forty-seven: Provided, further, That any further adjustments shall become
effective only upon approval of the Secretary of Finance: And Provided, finally, That said deposit
balances may, prior to June thirty, nineteen hundred forty-seven, be withdrawn under licenses to
be issued by the Secretary of Finance, upon the recommendation of the Bank Commissioner.

"Sec. 6. The net profits of the Philippine National Bank shall be apportioned annually as follows:

"(1) Fifty per centum to surplus until the latter shall equal fifty per centum of the capital stock of
the Bank, and thereafter twenty-five per centum of said net profits until such surplus shall equal
the capital stock.1awp++i1

"(2) The rest of the net profits shall be paid by the Bank with the approval of the Bank
Commissioner to the respective entities in proportion to their blocked deposit balances until the
total amounts thereof shall have been fully covered and refunded.

"Any amount that may be realized from assets previously determined as losses shall also be
paid by the Bank with the approval of the Bank Commissioner to the respective entities in
proportion to their blocked deposit balances.

"When the requirements of the preceding paragraphs numbered (1) and (2) shall have been
fully complied with, the provisions of section four of Act Numbered Thirty-one hundred
seventy-four of the Philippine Legislature with respect to disposition of net profits shall again be

Section 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 5, 1946


An Act to Change the Name of the Province of Tayabas to Quezon

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. In recognition of the eminent and patriotic services rendered to the country by
President Quezon, the name of the Province of Tayabas is hereby changed to Quezon.

Section 2. All laws inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed.(awÞhi(

Section 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 7, 1946


An Act Providing that in Any Criminal Proceeding Before a Justice of the Peace No Cost De
Oficio Shall be Taxed Against the Municipality Concerned When the Case is Dismissed or the
Defendant Acquitted

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. Any provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding, in any criminal proceeding
before a justice of the peace no cost de oficio shall be taxed against the municipality concerned
when the case is dismissed or the defendant acquitted.£á⩊phi£

Section 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 18, 1946

Republic Act No. 16 September 18, 1946



Section 1. The President of the Philippines is hereby authorized to negotiate such loans or to
incur such indebtedness with the Government of the United States, its agencies and
instrumentalities, as may be necessary to cover budgetary deficits and other expenditures of the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines for rehabilitation purposes, including the
purchase of necessary equipment or of surplus and other kinds of property from the United
States, under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon.

Section 2. The authority herein granted to the President shall be deemed to include the authority
to guarantee loans and credits extended to the corporations owned or controlled by the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the President as soon as a loan is obtained or an indebtedness
is incurred, to report to the Congress the amount of loan obtained and to submit a detailed
program of expenditures for its approval.
Section 4. The necessary amount is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the National
Treasury not otherwise appropriated to pay the principal and interest on such loan or
indebtedness as and when they shall become due.

Section 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 18, 1946


An Act to Provide for the Circulation of Treasury Certificates with the Official Seal of the
Republic of the Philippines Stamped, Printed or Superimposed Thereon, and for Other

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. The Reserve Vault Committee provided for in section sixteen hundred twenty-five (e)
of the Revised Administrative Code is hereby authorized and directed to cause the official seal
of the Republic of the Philippines to be stamped, printed or superimposed on all the unissued
treasury certificates in its possession and on all treasury certificates that will hereafter come into
its possession, and shall not issue or cause to be issued any treasury certificate that has not
previously been so stamped, printed or superimposed with the official seal of the Republic of the
Philippines. The Reserve Vault Committee shall determine the manner of effecting the above

Section 2. The Treasurer of the Philippines, as well as the treasurers of the provinces, chartered
cities and municipalities and also all banks duly authorized to do business in the Philippines are
hereby directed to deliver or present all treasury certificates in their possession which have not
been previously marked as above provided to the Committee for exchange with treasury
certificates that have been so previously marked.

Section 3. Every person holding or possessing, in whatever capacity, treasury certificates not
duly marked as above provided, shall present the same on or before November thirtieth,
nineteen hundred and forty-six, for exchange with treasury certificates that have been duly
marked as herein provided, to the Treasurer of the Philippines, to the treasurer of any province,
chartered city, or municipality, or to any bank duly authorized to do business in the Philippines.

Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the Philippines, the treasurer of any province,
chartered city, or municipality, and the cashier and tellers of any bank doing business in the
Philippines, upon presentation by any person of treasury certificates that have not been marked
with the official seal of the Republic of the Philippines, to exchange such treasury certificates
with those that have been previously marked that are in his possession at the time the
presentation is made.

Section 5. On December first, nineteen hundred and forty-six, the Treasurer of the Philippines,
the treasurers of the provinces, chartered cities and municipalities, and all banks doing business
in the Philippines shall make a list of all treasury certificates in their possession that have not
been duly marked with the official seal of the Republic of the Philippines, showing the
denominations thereof, series, number and amount, and transmit the said list in a sealed
envelope to the Committee. The respective treasurers and banks shall, within the month of
December nineteen hundred and forty-six, present the treasury certificates appearing in the said
list to the Committee for exchange with treasury certificates that have been duly marked with the
official seal of the Republic of the Philippines.

Section 6. Treasury certificates not marked as hereinabove provided shall, after November
thirtieth, nineteen hundred and forty-six, not be legal tender for the purposes of section sixteen
hundred and twelve of the Revised Administrative Code.1âwphi1

Section 7. The President of the Philippines is hereby authorized to extend the periods provided
for in sections three, five, and six of this Act for periods of one month in each case, but in no
case to exceed a total of three months, if in his opinion, public interest warrants such extension.

Section 8. This Act shall be published not only in the Official Gazette but also in newspapers of
general circulation to be determined by the Secretary of Finance. It shall be the duty of the
treasurers of provinces, cities and municipalities to post and keep posted copies of this Act and
in conspicuous places in the buildings where they have their offices during the period fixed
herein for the presentation of treasury certificates for exchange.

Section 9. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946


An Act to Amend Articles Sixty-Two, Two Hundred and Sixty-Seven, Two Hundred and
Sixty-Eight, Two Hundred and Seventy, Two Hundred and Seventy-One, Two Hundred and
Ninety-Four, and Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine of the Revised Penal Code

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. The last paragraph of article sixty-two of the Revised Penal Code is hereby amended
to read as follows:
"For the purposes of this article, a person shall be deemed to be habitual delinquent, if within a
period of ten years from the date of his release or last conviction of the crimes of serious or less
serious physical injuries, robo, hurto, estafa, or falsificacion, he is found guilty of any of said
crimes a third time or oftener."

Section 2. Article two hundred sixty-seven of the Revised Penal Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:

"Art. 267. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention. - Any private individual who shall kidnap or
detain another, or in any other manner deprive him of his liberty, shall suffer the penalty of
reclusion temporal in its maximum period to death:

"1. If the kidnapping or detention shall have lasted more than five days.

"2. If it shall have been committed simulating public authority.

"3. If any serious physical injuries shall have been inflicted upon the person kidnapped or
detained, or if threats to kill him shall have been made.

"4. If the person kidnapped or detained shall be a minor, female or a public officer.

"The penalty shall be reclusion perpetua to death where the kidnapping or detention was
committed for the purpose of extorting ransom from the victim or any other person, even if none
of the circumstances above mentioned were present in the commission of the offense."

Section 3. Article two hundred and sixty-eight of the Revised Penal Code is hereby amended to
read as follows:

"Art. 268. Slight illegal detention.— The penalty of reclusion temporal shall be imposed upon
any private individual who shall commit the crimes described in the next preceding article
without the attendance of any of the circumstances enumerated therein. "The same penalty
shall be incurred by anyone who shall furnish the place for the perpetration of the crime.

"If the offender shall voluntarily release the person so kidnapped or detained within three days
from the commencement of the detention, without having attained the purpose intended, and
before the institution of criminal proceedings against him, the penalty shall be prision mayor in
its minimum and medium periods and a fine not exceeding seven hundred pesos."

Section 4. Article two hundred and seventy of the Revised Penal Code should be amended to
read as follows:
"Art. 270. Kidnapping and failure to return a minor.— The penalty of reclusion perpetua shall be
imposed upon any person who, being entrusted with the custody of a minor person, shall
deliberately fail to restore the latter to his parents or guardians."

Section 5. Article two hundred and seventy-one of the Revised Penal Code should be amended
to read as follows:

"Art. 271. Inducing a minor to abandon his home.— The penalty of prision correccional and a
fine not exceeding seven hundred pesos shall be imposed upon anyone who shall induce a
minor to abandon the home of his parents or guardians or the persons entrusted with his

"If the person committing any of the crimes covered by the two preceding articles shall be the
father or the mother of the minor, the penalty shall be arresto mayor or a fine not exceeding
three hundred pesos, or both."

Section 6. Cases 2, 4 and 5 of Article two hundred ninety-four of the Revised Penal Code are
hereby amended to read as follows:

"2. The penalty of reclusion temporal in its medium period to reclusion perpetua, when the
robbery shall have been accompanied by rape or intentional mutilation, or if by reason or on
occasion of such robbery, any of the physical injuries penalized in subdivision 1 of article 263
shall have been inflicted.

"4. The penalty of prision mayor in its maximum period to reclusion temporal in its medium
period, if the violence or intimidation employed in the commission of the robbery shall have
been carried to a degree clearly unnecessary for the commission of the crime, or when in the
course of its execution, the offender shall have inflicted upon any person not responsible for its
commission any of the physical injuries covered by subdivisions 3 and 4 of said article 263.

"5. The penalty of prision correccional in its maximum period to prision mayor in its medium
period in other cases."

Section 7. The first paragraph of article two hundred ninety-nine of the Revised Penal Code is
hereby amended to read as follows:

"Art. 299. Robbery in an inhabited house or public building or edifice devoted to worship.— Any
armed person who shall commit robbery in an inhabited house or public building or edifice
devoted to religious worship, shall be punished by reclusion temporal, if the value of the
property taken shall exceed two hundred fifty pesos, and if—

"(a) The malefactors shall enter the house or building in which the robbery was committed, by
any of the following means:
"1. Through an opening not intended for entrance or egress.

"2. By breaking any wall, roof, or floor or breaking any door or window.(awÞhi(

"3. By using false keys, picklocks or similar tools.

"4. By using any fictitious name or pretending the exercise of public authority.

"Or if—

"(b) The robbery be committed under any of the following circumstances:

"1. By the breaking of doors, wardrobes, chests, or any other kind of locked or sealed furniture
or receptacle;

"2. By taking such furniture or objects away to be broken or forced open outside the place of the

Section 8. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946


An Act Appropriating the Sum of One Hundred Thousand Pesos for the Improvement of the
Maternity and Children’s Hospital in the City of Manila

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. Out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated there is hereby
appropriated the sum of one hundred thousand pesos or so much thereof as may be necessary
to be expended by the Director of the Bureau of Health upon approval by the Secretary of
Health and Public Welfare for the construction of a dormitory building and additional wards for
the Maternity and Children's Hospital in the City of Manila, as well as for the purchase of
hospital, medical and other necessary equipment and supplies for the said hospital.(awÞhi(

Section 2. Any sum or sums of the appropriations hereinabove mentioned remaining

unexpended on the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred and forty-eight shall revert to the
general funds of the National Treasury and shall not thereafter be available for expenditure
except in pursuance of appropriation made by law.
Section 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946


An Act to Amend Sections Twelve Hundred and Fifty-Six, Thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Five,
Subsection (c), and Thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight of the Revised Administrative Code

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. Section twelve hundred and fifty-six of the Revised Administrative Code is hereby
amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 1256. Disposition of merchandise remaining on vessel after time for unlading.—
Merchandise remaining on board any vessel after the expiration of the said period for discharge,
and not reported for transshipment to another port, may be unladen by the customs authorities
and store at the vessel's expense.

"Merchandise so stored may be claimed and entered at any time within fifteen days after
discharge or such longer period not beyond thirty days as the Insular Collector shall approve. If
not entered it shall be sold at public auction at the next ensuing regular sale, though at any time
prior to sale it may be entered for consumption or warehouse, and be withdrawn upon payment
of duty and expenses."

Section 2. Subsection (c) of section thirteen hundred and ninety-five of the Revised
Administrative Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

"(c) Merchandise of which entry is not made within fifteen days after discharge; or which, having
been entered, is not claimed within fifteen days thereafter: Provided, That in justifiable cases, or
when public interests so require, the Collector of Customs may, in his discretion, grant an
extension of not more than fifteen days."

Section 3. Section thirteen hundred and ninety-eight of the Revised Administrative Code is
hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 1398. Disposition of surplus.— In the case of abandoned and forfeited goods no part of
the surplus proceeds shall be returned to the owner of the merchandise.1âwphi1 In case of the
sale of other property, and surplus remaining after the satisfaction of all lawful charges as
aforesaid shall be paid by the Collector to the owner, if known, otherwise it shall be retained by
the Collector for ten days subject to the call of the owner. Upon the failure of the owner to make
demand within this period, the Collector shall deposit such surplus with the Treasurer of the
Philippines as a special deposit, to be paid to the proper claimant demanding the same within
one year thereafter, upon such evidence and in such manner as the Auditor General shall

"In such cases the Collector shall fully report his action in the matter, together with all the
particulars, to the Insular Collector of Customs and to the Auditor General.

"After one year all such special deposits unclaimed and unpaid shall be covered into the Bureau
of the Treasury as customs receipts: Provided, However, That seventy-five per centum of such
deposits, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the proceeds of sale of merchandise
falling under subsection (c) of section thirteen hundred and ninety-five of this Act shall be
apportioned and distributed by the Auditor General among the insurance agents, shipowners or
agents, and the operator of the arrastre plant at the end of every year in proportion to their
respective payments for claims on importations during the year; And Provided, further, That in
no case shall any of the entities concerned be entitled to more than the amount it had paid for
claims during the year."

Section 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946

Republic Act No. 21 September 25, 1946


Section 1. Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the legitimate father, or, in his
default, the mother, of any minor or incompetent person having a claim, or share in a claim,
against the Government of the Philippines or of the United States, is authorized, without need of
the court appointing him or her as guardian for said minor or incompetent person, to receive
payment of said claim or share when the amount thereof does not exceed five hundred pesos or
its equivalent in dollars, except in case said father or mother is an imbecile, insane, vagrant or
vicious person, or is a habitual drunkard or a habitual criminal, or has abandoned, neglected, or
refused to support said minor or incompetent person, or has caused the same to commit
offenses against the law.

Section 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946

Republic Act No. 22 September 25, 1946



Section 1. This Act may be cited as the "Emergency Currency Registration and Deposit Act of

Section 2. There is hereby created an Emergency Currency Board (in this Act referred to as the
Board). The Board shall consist of three members, to be appointed by the President of the
Philippines, with the consent of the Commission on Appointments, from among persons now in
the service of the Government or from among persons in private life. The members of the Board
who are not Government officers shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the
President in their appointments. The terms of office of the members of the Board shall expire at
the time fixed in section twelve for winding up the affairs of the Board. A vacancy in the
membership of the Board shall not impair the authority of the remaining two members of the
Board to exercise all of its functions. Vacancies occurring in the membership of the Board shall
be filled in the same manner as in the case of their original selection. Members of the Board
shall receive their necessary traveling and other expenses incurred in connection with their
duties as such members or a per diem allowance in lieu thereof, to be fixed by the Secretary of
Finance with the approval of the President.

Section 3. For the purposes of this Act, the term "emergency currency" includes all
pre-surrender emergency issues, guerrilla issues, and so called mountain money.

Section 4. The Board may prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary for
carrying out its functions, and may delegate functions to any member, officer, or employee of the
Board or of any other department or agency of the Government or to any other person or
persons and shall give public notice of the time when, and the limit of the time within which,
registration and deposit of emergency currency must be filed and made, which notice shall be
given in such manner as the Board shall prescribe.

Section 5. Provincial, city, and municipal officials and all persons who shall be designated by the
Board to take charge, in their respective territories, of the registration and deposit herein
provided are hereby constituted, for all the purposes of this Act, employees of the Board, and
shall take direct charge of the registration and deposit of emergency currency in their respective

Section 6. The period of registration and deposit shall be four months, the inclusive dates of
which shall be stated in the notice provided for in section four hereof: Provided, however, That
the President of the Philippines may, by executive order, extend the same for such longer period
as may be necessary in the public interest.
Section 7. All persons, corporations, associations, partnerships, and Government bureaus,
offices, and instrumentalities having emergency currency in their possession are required to
register and deposit the same at the places to be designated and during the period fixed in this
Act, and to submit at the same time a detailed sworn statement in such form and containing
such information as the Board may prescribe, but (a) no emergency currency shall be
comingled; (b) each issue shall be separate and (c) the amounts, denominations and serial
numbers shall be specified. The Board or its agents shall issue certificates of registration and
deposit to the person or persons registering and depositing such emergency currency.

Section 8. All emergency currency not registered and deposited pursuant to section seven
hereof and within the time limit provided for in section six hereof shall be null and void.

Section 9. a. In each province there shall be a committee composed of the Provincial Treasurer,
the Provincial Auditor and the Provincial Fiscal and in each city there shall be a committee
composed of the City Treasurer, the City Auditor and the City Fiscal to which respective
committees all reports and data shall be sent in their respective territories. Such committees
shall segregate all emergency currency registered and deposited and shall set aside all
emergency currency which is (a) counterfeit, (b) mutilated and (c) which was redeemed by the
Japanese-sponsored government in the Philippines.

b. Should such committee find any emergency currency to be counterfeit, it is hereby authorized
to mark the same "Counterfeit" and is directed to notify the person or persons who registered
and deposited the same pursuant to section seven hereof. The person or persons concerned
shall be entitled to be heard by such committee, which hearing shall be held within fifteen days
from the date of notification. Any person affected by the ruling of such committee may, within
fifteen days after such ruling, appeal to the Secretary of Finance and the decision of the
Secretary of Finance shall be final.

c. For the purpose of this section, emergency currency shall be considered mutilated (a) if it is
not complete due to the fact that two-fifths or more of its original size are missing by wear, tear,
or otherwise; or (b) if it is damaged, defaced or perforated through action of insects, chemicals
or other causes to such an extent that the total area of the damaged, defaced or perforated
portion equals two-fifths or more of the original size of the note; or (c) if it is scorched or burned
to such an extent that, although recognizable as such, it has become fragile and brittle as to
render further handling thereof impossible without breaking it up; or (d) if it is split edgewise into
two so that only one side is available. The committee is directed to notify the person or persons
who registered and deposited same pursuant to section seven hereof. The person or persons
concerned shall be entitled to be heard by such committee, which hearing shall be held within
fifteen days from the date of notification. Any person affected by the ruling of such committee
may, within fifteen days after such ruling, appeal to the Secretary of Finance and the decision of
the Secretary of Finance shall be final.
Section 10. Within fifteen days after the expiration of the period of registration and deposit
provided herein, unless the Board shall otherwise direct, the Provincial Treasurers and the City
Treasurers shall forward all registrations and deposits to the Board together with all reports and
data obtained by them and may make such comment and recommendations as they deem

Section 11. Any and all persons who at any time were members of any emergency currency
boards or committees or who assisted in the printing or issuance of any emergency currency
and any other person whomsoever are subject to examination by the Board, which is authorized
to issue subpoena, must furnish all information within their knowledge concerning emergency
currency. Any person called under this section to render assistance or to give information shall
be paid compensation and traveling and other necessary expenses incident to the performance
of his duty hereunder. Such compensation shall be determined by the Secretary of Finance and
paid out of the funds appropriated under section sixteen of this Act.

Section 12. After the time for registration and deposits has expired, the Board shall marshal all
registrations and deposits ascertain and determine (a) the extent of the authority given to each
emergency currency board or committee; (b) the amount of emergency currency actually printed
and the amount actually issued by each emergency currency board or committee; (c) the nature
of disbursements made with the emergency currency and classify such disbursements whether
made for local civil government, for civil activities and functions, for military supplies and
salaries, for prosecution of the resistance movement and such other classifications as may be
deemed expedient; (d) the total outstanding emergency currency which should be redeemed
and the basis or rate of exchange at which same should be redeemed; and shall report to the
Secretary of Finance who shall recommend to the President of the Philippines the steps to be
taken to implement such redemption. The members of the Board will then be discharged unless
the Secretary of Finance shall certify to the President of the Philippines the necessity of their
remaining longer in office in which event, they shall continue for such further period as may be
authorized by the President.

Section 13. Any person filing a sworn statement pursuant to section seven and any person
called pursuant to section eleven who makes any statement or representation knowing it to be
false or who wilfully fails to supply information within his knowledge or who wilfully furnishes
false or misleading information and any person who negotiates or attempts to negotiate any
certificate issued pursuant to section seven hereof shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine
of not less than five thousand pesos nor more than ten thousand pesos or by imprisonment for
not less than two years nor more than five years, or both, in the discretion of the court. In
addition to such penalty, the emergency currency registered and deposited by any such person
shall be forfeited.

Section 14. Nothing in this Act shall be construed or deemed to legalize or give value to any
emergency currency which may be registered or deposited hereunder or to guarantee their
Section 15. The sum of fifty thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is
appropriated out of any funds in the Philippine Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to cover the
expenses in carrying out the provisions of this Act: Provided, That all expenses incurred shall be
reimbursed from the funds to be made available for the redemption of emergency currency.

Section 16. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946


An Act to Amend Section Eight of Act Numbered Forty-One Hundred and Nine, as Amended,
Entitled, "An Act to Create an Anti-Usury Board, to Prescribe the Duties and Functions of the
Said Board and for Other Purposes"

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. Section eight of Act Numbered Forty-one hundred and nine, as amended, is hereby
amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 8. In addition to the [permanent] officials and employees of the Anti-Usury Board and
those detailed on special duty therewith, members of the Philippine Constabulary, members of
the city, municipal and municipal district police, and such rural credit agents and district
agronomists of the Bureau of Plant Industry, agents of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, agents
of the Bureau of Labor and other persons as may be designated by the Chairman of the Board,
are hereby made deputies of the Anti-Usury Board. The officials, employees, agents and
deputies mentioned shall be peace officers, with full authority to enforce the provisions of this
Act and the Usury Law, as amended, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, and to arrest
offenders against the same."

Section 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946

Republic Act No. 24 September 25, 1946

Section 1. Effective upon the approval of this Act the salary of the City Auditor of Manila shall be
paid from the funds of said city at the rate of eight thousand pesos per annum.

Section 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946




Section 1. All officers and enlisted men of the Air Corps of the Philippine Army whose duty
requires regular and frequent aerial flights shall receive an increase in compensation equivalent
to fifty per cent of their respective base pay at the time of the approval of this Act.

Section 2. There is appropriated, out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise
appropriated, the amount of two hundred thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be
necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act.

Section 3. This Act shall take effect on the first day of July, nineteen hundred and forty-seven.

Approved: September 25, 1946

Republic Act No. 26 September 25, 1946



Section 1. Certificates of title lost or destroyed shall be reconstituted in accordance with the
provisions of this Act.

Section 2. Original certificates of title shall be reconstituted from such of the sources hereunder
enumerated as may be available, in the following order:

(a) The owner's duplicate of the certificate of title;

(b) The co-owner's, mortgagee's, or lessee's duplicate of the certificate of title;

(c) A certified copy of the certificate of title, previously issued by the register of deeds or by a
legal custodian thereof;
(d) An authenticated copy of the decree of registration or patent, as the case may be, pursuant
to which the original certificate of title was issued;

(e) A document, on file in the registry of deeds, by which the property, the description of which is
given in said document, is mortgaged, leased or encumbered, or an authenticated copy of said
document showing that its original had been registered; and

(f) Any other document which, in the judgment of the court, is sufficient and proper basis for
reconstituting the lost or destroyed certificate of title.

Section 3. Transfer certificates of title shall be reconstituted from such of the sources hereunder
enumerated as may be available, in the following order:

(a) The owner's duplicate of the certificate of title;

(b) The co-owner's, mortgagee's, or lessee's duplicate of the certificate of title;

(c) A certified copy of the certificate of title, previously issued by the register of deeds or by a
legal custodian thereof;

(d) The deed of transfer or other document, on file in the registry of deeds, containing the
description of the property, or an authenticated copy thereof, showing that its original had been
registered, and pursuant to which the lost or destroyed transfer certificate of title was issued;

(e) A document, on file in the registry of deeds, by which the property, the description of which is
given in said document, is mortgaged, leased or encumbered, or an authenticated copy of said
document showing that its original had been registered; and

(f) Any other document which, in the judgment of the court, is sufficient and proper basis for
reconstituting the lost or destroyed certificate of title.

Section 4. Liens and other encumbrances affecting a destroyed or lost certificate of title shall be
reconstituted from such of the sources hereunder enumerated as may be available, in the
following order:

(a) Annotations or memoranda appearing on the owner's co-owner's mortgagee's or lessee's


(b) Registered documents on file in the registry of deeds, or authenticated copies thereof
showing that the originals thereof had been registered; and
(c) Any other document which, in the judgment of the court, is sufficient and proper basis for
reconstituting the liens or encumbrances affecting the property covered by the lost or destroyed
certificate of title.

Section 5. Petitions for reconstitution from sources enumerated in sections 2(a), 2(b), 3(a), 3(b),
and/or 4(a) of this Act may be filed with the register of deeds concerned by the registered
owner, his assigns, or other person having an interest in the property. The petition shall be
accompanied with the necessary sources for reconstitution and with an affidavit of the registered
owner stating, among other things, that no deed or other instrument affecting the property had
been presented for registration, or, if there be any, the nature thereof, the date of its
presentation, as well as the names of the parties, and whatever the registration of such deed or
instrument is still pending accomplishment. If the reconstitution is to be made from any of the
sources enumerated in section 2(b) or 3(b), the affidavit should further state that the owner's
duplicate has been lost or destroyed and the circumstances under which it was lost or
destroyed. Thereupon, the register of deeds shall, no valid reason to the contrary existing,
reconstitute the certificate of title as provided in this Act.

Section 6. The register of deeds may motu propio reconstitute a certificate of title from its
corresponding owner's duplicate, and, for this purpose, may compel the registered owner, or
any person holding such owner's duplicate, to surrender the same to the registry of deeds. After
the reconstitution said owner's duplicate shall be returned to the person concerned.

Section 7. Reconstituted certificates of title shall have the same validity and legal effect as the
originals thereof: Provided, however, That certificates of title reconstituted extrajudicially, in the
manner stated in sections five and six hereof, shall be without prejudice to any party whose right
or interest in the property was duly noted in the original, at the time it was lost or destroyed, but
entry or notation of which has not been made on the reconstituted certificate of title. This
reservation shall be noted as an encumbrance on the reconstituted certificate of title.

Section 8. Any person whose right or interest was duly noted in the original of a certificate of
title, at the time it was lost or destroyed, but does not appear so noted on the reconstituted
certificate of title, which is subject to the reservation provided in the preceding section, may,
while such reservation subsists, file a petition with the proper Court of First Instance for the
annotation of such right or interest on said reconstituted certificate of title, and the court, after
notice and hearing, shall determine the merits of the petition and render such judgment as
justice and equity may require. The petition shall state the number of the reconstituted certificate
of title and the nature, as well as a description, of the right or interest claimed.

Section 9. A registered owner desiring to have his reconstituted certificate of title freed from the
encumbrance mentioned in section seven of this Act, may file a petition to that end with the
proper Court of First Instance, giving his reason or reasons therefor. A similar petition may,
likewise, be filed by a mortgagee, lessees or other lien holder whose interest is annotated in the
reconstituted certificate of title. Thereupon, the court shall cause a notice of the petition to be
published, at the expense of the petitioner, twice in successive issues of the Official Gazette,
and to be posted on the main entrance of the provincial building and of the municipal building of
the municipality or city in which the land lies, at least thirty days prior to the date of hearing, and
after hearing, shall determine the petition and render such judgment as justice and equity may
require. The notice shall specify, among other things, the number of the certificate of title, the
name of the registered owner, the names of the interested parties appearing in the reconstituted
certificate of title, the location of the property, and the date on which all persons having an
interest in the property must appear and file such claim as they may have. The petitioner shall,
at the hearing, submit proof of the publication and posting of the notice: Provided, however, That
after the expiration of two years from the date of the reconstitution of a certificate of title, if no
petition has been filed within that period under the preceding section, the court shall, on motion
ex parte by the registered owner or other person having registered interest in the reconstituted
certificate of title, order the register of deeds to cancel, proper annotation, the encumbrance
mentioned in section seven hereof.

Section 10. Nothing hereinbefore provided shall prevent any registered owner or person in
interest from filing the petition mentioned in section five of this Act directly with the proper Court
of First Instance, based on sources enumerated in sections 2(a), 2(b), 3(a), 3(b), and/or 4(a) of
this Act: Provided, however, That the court shall cause a notice of the petition, before hearing
and granting the same, to be published in the manner stated in section nine hereof: And
provided, further, That certificates of title reconstituted pursuant to this section shall not be
subject to the encumbrance referred to in section seven of this Act.

Section 11. Petitions for reconstitution of registered interests, liens and other encumbrances,
based on sources enumerated in sections 4(b) and/or 4(c) of this Act, shall be filed, by the
interested party, with the proper Court of First Instance. The petition shall be accompanied with
the necessary documents and shall state, among other things, the number of the certificate of
title and the nature as well as a description of the interest, lien or encumbrance which is to be
reconstituted, and the court, after publication, in the manner stated in section nine of this Act,
and hearing shall determine the merits of the petition and render such judgment as justice and
equity may require.

Section 12. Petitions for reconstitution from sources enumerated in sections 2(c), 2(d), 2(e), 2(f),
3(c), 3(d), 3(e) and/or 3(f) of this Act, shall be filed with the proper Court of First Instance, by the
registered owner, his assigns, or any person having an interest in the property. The petition shall
state or contain, among other things, the following: (a) that the owner's duplicate of the
certificate of title had been lost or destroyed; (b) that no co-owner's mortgagee's or lessee's
duplicate had been issued, or, if any had been issued, the same had been lost or destroyed; (c)
the location, area and boundaries of the property; (d) the nature and description of the buildings
or improvements, if any, which do not belong to the owner of the land, and the names and
addresses of the owners of such buildings or improvements; (e) the names and addresses of
the occupants or persons in possession of the property, of the owners of the adjoining properties
and all persons who may have any interest in the property; (f) a detailed description of the
encumbrances, if any, affecting the property; and (g) a statement that no deeds or other
instruments affecting the property have been presented for registration, or, if there be any, the
registration thereof has not been accomplished, as yet. All the documents, or authenticated
copies thereof, to be introduced in evidence in support of the petition for reconstitution shall be
attached thereto and filed with the same: Provided, That in case the reconstitution is to be made
exclusively from sources enumerated in section 2(f) of 3(f) of this Act, the petition shall be
further be accompanied with a plan and technical description of the property duly approved by
the Chief of the General Land Registration Office, or with a certified copy of the description
taken from a prior certificate of title covering the same property.

Section 13. The court shall cause a notice of the petition, filed under the preceding section, to
be published, at the expense of the petitioner, twice in successive issues of the Official Gazette,
and to be posted on the main entrance of the provincial building and of the municipal building of
the municipality or city in which the land is situated, at least thirty days prior to the date of
hearing. The court shall likewise cause a copy of the notice to be sent, by registered mail or
otherwise, at the expense of the petitioner, to every person named therein whose address is
known, at least thirty days prior to the date of hearing. Said notice shall state, among other
things, the number of the lost or destroyed certificate of title, if known, the name of the
registered owner, the names of the occupants or persons in possession of the property, the
owners of the adjoining properties and all other interested parties, the location, area and
boundaries of the property, and the date on which all persons having any interest therein must
appear and file their claim or objections to the petition. The petitioner shall, at the hearing,
submit proof of the publication, posting and service of the notice as directed by the court.

Section 14. If any person withholds, refuses or fails within a reasonable time after request, to
produce a document or paper without which the reconstitution of a certificate of title, or any lien
or annotation affecting the same, cannot be fully accomplished, the court may, on motion and
after notice and hearing order such person to produce and/or surrender such document or
paper at the time and place named in the order and may enforce the same by suitable process.

Section 15. If the court, after hearing, finds that the documents presented, as supported by
parole evidence or otherwise, are sufficient and proper to warrant the reconstitution of the lost or
destroyed certificate of title, and that the petitioner is the registered owner of the property or has
an interest therein, that the said certificate of title was in force at the time it was lost or
destroyed, and that the description, area and boundaries of the property are substantially the
same as those contained in the lost or destroyed certificate of title, an order of reconstitution
shall be issued. The clerk of court shall forward to the register of deeds a certified copy of said
order and all the documents which, pursuant to said order, are to be used as the basis of the
reconstitution. If the court finds that there is no sufficient evidence or basis to justify the
reconstitution, the petition shall be dismissed, but such dismissal shall not preclude the right of
the party or parties entitled thereto to file an application for confirmation of his or their title under
the provisions of the Land Registration Act.

Section 16. After the reconstitution of a certificate of title under the provisions of this Act, the
register of deeds shall issue the corresponding owner's duplicate and the additional copies of
said certificates of title, if any had been previously issued, where such owner's duplicate and/or
additional copies have been destroyed or lost. This fact shall be noted on the reconstituted
certificate of title.

Section 17. The register of deeds shall certify on each certificate of title reconstituted the date of
the reconstitution, the source or sources from which reconstitution has been accomplished, and
whether administratively or judicially.

Section 18. In case a certificate of title, considered lost or destroyed, be found or recovered, the
same shall prevail over the reconstituted certificate of title, and, if both titles appear in the name
of the same registered owner, all memoranda of new liens or encumbrances, if any, made on
the latter, after its reconstitution, except the memorandum of the reservation referred to in
section seven of this Act, shall be transferred to the recovered certificate of title. Thereupon, the
register of deeds shall cancel the reconstituted certificate of title and spread upon the owner's
duplicate, as well as on the co-owner's, mortgagee's or lessee's duplicate, if any has been
issued, such annotations of subsisting liens or encumbrances as may appear on the recovered
certificate of title, cancelling at the same time the memorandum of the reservation referred to in
section seven hereof: Provided, however, That if the reconstituted certificate of title has been
cancelled by virtue of any deed or instrument, whether voluntary or involuntary, or by an order of
the court, and a new certificate of title has been issued, the recovered certificate of title shall be
likewise cancelled, but all subsisting liens or encumbrances, if any, appearing thereon shall be
transferred to the new certificate of title and to its owner's duplicate, as well as to any
co-owner's, mortgagee's or lessee's duplicate that may have been issued, the memorandum of
the reservation referred to in section seven of this Act, if any, being thereby ipso facto cancelled.

Section 19. If the certificate of title considered lost or destroyed, and subsequently found or
recovered, is not in the name of the same person in whose favor the reconstituted certificate of
title has been issued, the register of deeds should bring the matter to the attention of the proper
Court of First Instance, which, after due notice and hearing, shall order the cancellation of the
reconstituted certificate of title and render, with respect to the memoranda of new liens or
encumbrances, if any, made in the reconstituted certificate of title, after its reconstitution, such
judgment as justice and equity may require: Provided, however, That, if the reconstituted
certificate of title has been cancelled by virtue of any deed or instrument, whether voluntary or
involuntary, or by an order of the court, and a new certificate of title has been issued, the
procedure prescribed above, with respect to memoranda of new liens or encumbrances made
on the reconstituted certificate of title, after its reconstitution, shall be followed with respect to
the new certificate of title, and to such new liens or encumbrances, if any, as may have been
made on the latter after the issuance thereof.

Section 20. If the registered owner or any other person withholds, refuses or fails, within a
reasonable time after request, to produce the owner's duplicate or any other duplicate of a
certificate of title, for cancellation or annotation as provided in sections eighteen and nineteen of
this Act, the register of deeds shall report the fact to the proper Court of First Instance and the
court, after notice and hearing, may order the person concerned to produce the duplicate in his
possession at the time and place named in the order, and may enforce the same by suitable

Section 21. In all cases where the reconstituted certificate of title does not contain the full
technical description of the land, except where such technical description is contained, in a prior
certificate of title which is available, the registered owner shall, within two years from the date of
the reconstitution, file a plan of such land with the Chief of the General Land Registration Office,
who, after approving the same, shall furnish the register of deeds with a copy of the technical
description of said land for annotation on the proper certificate of title and file. After the
expiration of the period above prescribed, no transfer certificate of title shall be issued in
pursuance of any voluntary instrument until such plan and technical description shall have been
filed and noted as provided above.

Section 22. Every petition filed with the court under this Act shall be sworn to by the petitioner or
the person acting in his behalf and filed and entitled in the land registration or cadastral case in
which the decree of registration was entered. If the petition relates to a certificate of title
originally issued under the provisions of section one hundred twenty-two of Act Numbered Four
hundred and ninety-six and the property has been included in a cadastral survey, the petition
shall be filed in the corresponding cadastral case: Provided, however, That where the property
has not been included in a cadastral survey, or where the land registration or cadastral case has
been lost or destroyed and/or the number thereof cannot be identified, the petition shall be filed
in a special case to be entitled "Special proceedings for reconstitution of lost certificate of title."

Section 23. No fees shall be charged for the filing of any petition under this Act, nor for any
service rendered, in connection therewith or in compliance with any provision of this Act, by the
Chief of the General Land Registration Office, clerks of Court of First Instance, sheriffs, and/or
register of deeds. Any certified copy of document or paper that may be necessary in the
reconstitution of a certificate of title under this Act shall, upon request of the court, register of
deeds, or Chief of the General Land Registration Office, be furnished free of charge, by any
office or branch of the Government, including Government controlled corporations, institutions or

Section 24. The Chief of the General Land Registration Office, with the approval of the
Secretary of Justice, shall issue rules, regulations, circulars and instructions, and prescribe such
books and blank form, as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Act.

Section 25. Sections seventy-six, seventy-seven and eighty-nine of Act Numbered Thirty-one
hundred and ten are hereby declared inoperative, insofar as they provide for the reconstitution
of certificates of title.

Section 26. This Act shall take effect on its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946


An Act to Repeal Act Numbered Two Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven, as Amended
by Acts Numbered Two Thousand Three Hundred and One, Three Thousand Eight Hundred
and Forty-Three, and Four Thousand and Ninety-Six

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. Act Numbered Two thousand two hundred and eighty-seven, entitled, "An Act
prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors, with certain exceptions, in the Mountain Province,
Nueva Vizcaya, and Agusan, except in certain districts," as amended by Acts Numbered Two
thousand three hundred and one, Three thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and Four
thousand and ninety-six, is hereby repealed.

Section 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946

Republic Act No. 28 September 25, 1946



Section 1. Municipalities are hereby authorized to contract loans from the Agricultural and
Industrial Bank, said loans to be taken from time to time in such amounts as may be needed for
the construction of public markets and slaughterhouses and for the acquisition of the necessary
sites, subject to the approval of the President of the Philippines.

Section 2. That said loans shall bear an interest at the rate of not more than six per centum.
Fifty per centum of the annual net income of the operation of the market and slaughterhouse
constructed under this Act shall be used to pay the loan herein authorized, until such time as
such loan together with the interest shall have been totally paid. At the end of each fiscal year
the said sum shall be turned over by the municipal treasurer concerned to the Agricultural and
Industrial Bank.

Section 3. The construction of such markets and slaughterhouses shall be under the
supervision of the district engineer.
Section 4. The municipal treasurer shall be charged with the administration, operation and
maintenance of any project constructed under this Act, and shall monthly or as may be required
by the Agricultural and Industrial Bank, submit to it a report showing the income from the
operation of the project.

Section 5. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946


An Act Authorizing Provincial and Municipal Governments and Chartered Cities to Grant Living

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. The provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding, provincial and
municipal governments are hereby authorized to grant living bonus to their officers and
employees not in excess of the schedule or rates fixed by the National Government for its
officers and employees.

Chartered cities are also hereby authorized to grant such living bonus as may be fixed by city

Section 2. This Act shall take effect as of July first, nineteen hundred and forty-six, and shall
lapse on June thirty, nineteen hundred and forty-seven.

Approved: September 25, 1946

Republic Act No. 30 September 25, 1946



Section 1. In addition to any right or benefit which, by operation of law, accrues to the widow
and/or children of a deceased officer or member of any police force or similar governmental
organization, whether national, provincial, city or municipal, engaged in the maintenance of
peace and order, there is authorized to be paid to such widow and/or children a gratuity
equivalent to one year salary, but in no case less than the sum of one thousand pesos, if the
deceased officer or member of the force shall have been killed while engaged in the
performance of his duties in connection with the campaign for the maintenance of peace and
order, or as a direct consequence of his participation therein. If such deceased has no surviving
widow or children, such gratuity shall be paid to his other heirs in the order of succession
established by the Civil Code.

Section 2. The President of the Philippines shall issue such rules and regulations as may be
necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.

Section 3. The sum of five hundred thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
is appropriated out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry out
the provisions of this Act for the current fiscal year. Thereafter, a like amount shall be included in
the annual General Appropriation Act to meet the payment of the gratuities herein authorized for
the succeeding years.

Section 4. This Act shall take effect as of January first, nineteen hundred and forty-six.

Approved: September 25, 1946

Republic Act No. 31 September 25, 1946



Section 1. Section six of Act Numbered Twenty-six hundred and thirteen is hereby amended to
read as follows:

"Sec. 6. The Collector of Internal Revenue shall have the power and it shall be his duty:

"(a) To establish general and local rules respecting the classification, marking, and packing of
tobacco for domestic sale or factory use and for exportation so far as may be necessary to
secure leaf tobacco of good quality and to secure its handling under sanitary conditions, and to
the end that leaf tobacco be not mixed, packed, and marked as of the same quality when it is
not of the same class and origin.

"(b) To establish from time to time adequate rules defining the standard and the type of leaf and
manufactured tobacco which may be exported, as well also as the manner in which standard
tobacco shall be packed. Before establishing the rules above specified, the Collector of Internal
Revenue shall give due notice of the proposed rules or amendments to those interested and
shall give them an opportunity to present their objections to such rules or amendments.

"(c) To require, whenever it shall be deemed expedient, the inspection of and affixture of
inspection labels to tobacco, removed from the province of its origin to another or other
provinces before such removal, or to tobacco for domestic sale or factory use."

Section 2. Section seven of Act Numbered Twenty-six hundred and thirteen is hereby amended
to read as follows:

"Sec. 7. No leaf tobacco or manufactured tobacco shall be exported until it shall have been
inspected by the Collector of Internal Revenue or his duly authorized representative and found
to be standard for export. Collector of Customs shall not permit the exportation of tobacco from
the Philippines unless the shipment be in conformity with the requirements set forth in this Act.
The prohibition contained in this section shall not apply to waste and refuse tobacco
accumulated in the manufacturing process when it is invoiced as such waste and refuse."

Section 3. Section fourteen of Act Numbered Twenty-six hundred and thirteen is hereby
amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 14. Any person who shall export or attempt to export any tobacco that does not bear the
inspection label hereinbefore required, and any person who shall knowingly violate any other
provisions of this Act, or any of the rules issued by the Collector of Internal Revenue in
accordance with this Act, shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding five hundred pesos or by
imprisonment not exceeding six months, or by both penalties, in the discretion of the court."

Section 4. This Act shall take effect on October first, nineteen hundred and forty-six.

Approved: September 25, 1946


An Act to Amend Act Numbered Four Thousand and Thirty-Five of the Philippine Legislature
Entitled, "An Act to Prevent Dumping of Imported Articles, Wares, or Merchandise, to
Discourage Unfair Practices or Methods in the Import Trade, to Impose Special Customs Duties
Therefor, and for Other Purposes"

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. Sections one, two, three, four, and five of Act Numbered Four thousand and thirty-five
of the Philippine Legislature entitled, "An Act to prevent dumping of imported articles, wares, or
merchandise, to discourage unfair practices or methods in the import trade, to impose special
customs duties therefor, and for other purposes," are hereby amended so as to read as follows:

"Sec. 1. Whenever the Insular Collector of Customs has reasons to believe that any owner,
importer, consignee, or agent, is importing or about to import articles, goods, wares, or
merchandise either dutiable or duty-free, which importations or attempted importations have or
would have the effect or tendency to destroy or injure an industry efficiently and economically
operated in the Philippines, or to prevent the development of an industry that is being so
established, or to restrain or monopolize trade or commerce in the Philippines, or when he has
reasons to believe that an importer, owner, consignee, or agent is indulging in unfair methods of
competition which may result in the destruction of industries or in restraint of trade as aforesaid,
or whenever he has reasons to believe, from the invoice or other papers or information
presented to him, that the purchase price or the exporter's selling price of any imported
merchandise is less than its foreign value or, in the absence of such value, the cost of
production in the country of origin, it shall be his duty to make report thereof to the Secretary of
Finance who shall order an investigation of the matter by a Board composed of the Insular
Collector of Customs, the Collector of Internal Revenue, and the Director of Commerce. The
investigation shall include a hearing or hearings where the parties affected or other interested
parties shall have an opportunity to be heard and to present evidence bearing on the
subject-matter of the investigation. The Board shall make report of the findings within thirty days
to the Secretary of Finance who shall decide whether the merchandise in question is being
imported in violation of this Act. Pending the decision of the Secretary of Finance, the delivery of
the merchandise involved shall be withheld unless released under bond as provided in section
two hereof. Merchandise which may have been delivered under the provisions of section twelve
hundred and seventy-seven of the Administrative Code prior to the institution of the investigation
provided in this section shall, pending final decision, be ordered returned to the custody of the
Collector of Customs unless released under a new bond as provided in section two hereof.

"Sec. 2. If the Secretary of Finance finds that the importations or attempted importations have or
would have the effect or tendency to destroy or substantially injure an industry efficiently and
economically operated in the Philippines, or to prevent the development of an industry that is
being so established, or to restrain or monopolize trade or commerce in the Philippines, or that
the owner, importer, consignee, or agent, had indulged or was indulging in unfair methods of
competition which have or would have the effect of destroying industry or restraining trade, or
that the purchase price or the exporter's selling price is less than the foreign market value or, in
the absence of such value, the cost of production thereof, it shall be his duty to refuse delivery
of the merchandise and cause the owner, importer, consignee, or agent, to reship the
merchandise to the port of origin or to any other foreign port at his expense; or he may permit
the importation of the merchandise in question upon payment of special customs duties in
addition to the regular duties. The special customs duties shall be equal to the difference
between the purchase price or the exporter's selling price and the foreign market value of the
merchandise when sold for home consumption, or, in the absence of such value, the cost of
production thereof in the country of origin. If the foreign market value or cost of production of the
merchandise cannot be ascertained satisfactorily to the Collector, the special customs duties
shall be the difference between the purchase price or the exporter's selling price and the
Philippine value which shall be the price at which such or similar imported merchandise is freely
offered for sale, packed ready for delivery in the principal markets of the Philippines to all
purchasers, at the time of exportation of the imported merchandise in the usual wholesale
quantities and in the ordinary course of trade, with allowances made for regular duties, cost of
transportation and insurance, and other necessary expenses from the place of shipment to the
place of delivery, a commission not exceeding two and one-half per centum, if any has been
paid or contracted to be paid on goods secured otherwise than by purchase, and gross profits
not exceeding ten per centum: Provided, That the owner, importer, consignee or agent shall be
permitted to obtain the release under bond of the merchandise in question pending appeal and
final decision of the case, such bond to be in cash and to run in favor of the Government of the
Philippines for double the appraised value of the merchandise, conditioned upon the exportation
thereof, at the expense of the owner, importer, consignee, or agent in the case of adverse
decision: Provided, However, That if the Secretary of Finance is of the opinion that the release
of such merchandise under bond as above provided would result in injury to industries or in
restraint of trade, he may refuse to release under bond.

"Sec. 3. The owner, importer, consignee or agent may appeal from the action of the Secretary of
Finance to the President of the Philippines within fifteen days after receipt of the Secretary's
decision. The decision of the President of the Philippines shall be final.1âwphi1

"Sec. 4. After a decision of the Secretary of Finance has become final either through
confirmation by the President of the Philippines or through failure to appeal by the aggrieved
party before the expiration of the time set for appeal, and said decision does not authorize
importation upon payment of special customs duties, the Insular Collector of Customs shall
order the exportation of the merchandise in question to the port of origin or to any other foreign
port at the risk and expense of the owner; importer, consignee or agent, and failure on the part
of the latter to comply with such order shall result in the confiscation of the bond and the seizure
and forfeiture of the merchandise to the Government of the Philippines to be destroyed or
disposed of as provided in article twenty, chapter thirty-nine of the Administrative Code, at the
discretion of the Insular Collector of Customs with the approval of the Secretary of Finance.

"Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of all collectors of customs at subports of entry, as well as customs'
appraisers, to bring to the attention of the Insular Collector of Customs any case coming within
their notice which may, in their opinion, require action by the Insular Collector of Customs as
provided in this Act."

Section 2. Section six of Act Numbered Four thousand and thirty-five of the Philippine
Legislature is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof the following is hereby inserted:

"Sec. 6. The Secretary of Finance shall make all rules and regulations necessary to enforce the
provision of this Act."

Section 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 25, 1946


An Act to Approve the Agreement Entered into Between the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines and the Government of the United States of America, Dated September Eleventh,
Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six; to Authorize the Acceptance, Administration, Sale, and
Disposition of the Surplus Property Acquired Thereunder; and to Appropriate the Necessary
Funds for the Purpose

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


WHEREAS, on the Eleventh day of September, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six, the President
of the Philippines representing the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, and the
Central Field Commissioner for the Pacific and China, Office of the Foreign Liquidation
Commission, Department of State, representing the Government of the United States of
America, entered into an Agreement in words and in figures as follows:


This Agreement between the Government of the United States of America, hereinafter called
"United States," and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, hereinafter called


WHEREAS, the cessation of active military operations in the war with Japan has rendered
surplus to the needs of the United States quantities of its property now situated in the Philippine
Islands; and

WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has, by the Surplus Property Act of 1944, as
amended, authorized the disposal of the surplus property of the United States; and the Central
Field Commissioner for the Pacific and China of the Office of the Foreign Liquidation
Commissioner has been charged with responsibility for that disposal in the Philippine Islands;

WHEREAS, such surplus property available for sale to the Philippines, exclusive of property
which is already under contract or firm commitment for sale or transfer, represents an estimated
aggregate procurement cost of approximately six hundred thirty million dollars in movables and
fifty-five million dollars in fixed installations, of which over one-half has already been declared
surplus; and

WHEREAS, it is the policy of the United States, as declared in the Surplus Property Act, to
establish and develop foreign markets and promote mutually advantageous economic relations
between the United States and other countries by the orderly disposition of surplus property to
other countries, and to dispose of surplus property as promptly as feasible without fostering
monopoly or restraint of trade; and

WHEREAS, the prosecution of the war with Japan caused widespread damage and loss in the
Philippine Islands; and

WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has, by the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946,
authorized the grant to the Philippines of surplus property in the Philippine Islands aggregating
not more than one hundred million dollars in fair value without reimbursement to the United
States; and chanrob1es virtua1 1aw 1ibrary

WHEREAS, a general understanding as to the property to be granted under the Philippine

Rehabilitation Act of 1946 has been reached between the United States and the Philippines,
and certain of such property has heretofore been transferred to the Philippines in accordance
with the terms of Contracts Nos. W-ANL(PA-I)-206, W-ANL(PA-I)-1611, and W-ANL(PA-I)-3811
on the understanding that if and when said Rehabilitation Act became law, the fair value of the
property so transferred would be charged as a transfer within the contemplation of, and under,
said Rehabilitation Act; and

WHEREAS, the United States has a financial obligation to the Philippines arising from advances
and loans to the United States and the issuance of emergency currency and guerrilla currency
during the war with Japan;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and the mutual agreements and
covenants hereafter stated, it is agreed:


That by these presents the United States sells and grants and the Philippines buys and accepts
all that property owned by the United States on the effective date hereof but surplus to its needs
in the Philippine Islands, except aircraft, ships (other than as specified in Article six, paragraph
a, hereof) and non-demilitarized combat material, subject however, to the limitations following:

(1) That the property has been or will be declared surplus by the United States owning agency,
pursuant to the said Surplus Property Act; and
(2) That no property is sold hereby which is already under contract or firm commitment for sale
or transfer; and

(3) That, at the option of the United States, exercised within ninety days from the effective date
hereof, property having a sales value of ten million dollars, in addition to the property designated
in Article one – (2) hereof, shall be deemed to be under firm commitment to governments other
than the Philippines to which the United States has extended credit for the purchase of surplus


a. That the right to possession of the property sold under Article one hereof shall, after
declaration to the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner for disposal as surplus, pass to the
Philippines at the earliest practicable date upon either (1) the surrender by the United States
and the acceptance by the Philippines of physical or constructive possession, or (2) the
passage of sixty days' time after notice to the Philippines that specified property is available for
transfer, whichever shall first occur. That such notice shall be deemed to have been duly given
when delivered, in writing, to the Office of the Philippine Government Purchasing Commission at
Manila, and shall be deemed sufficient if it either generally describes the property available or
generally describes the location thereof.

b. That until right to possession passes to the Philippines pursuant to paragraph a of this Article,
the United States shall continue to have custody and control of the property sold, and shall give
said property the same care and protection as is accorded its own property of like character.

c. That after the right to possession with respect to specified property has passed to the
Philippines pursuant to paragraph a, all responsibility, risk of loss, and liability for the care,
custody, protection and maintenance of such property shall be upon the Philippines, including
rents and liabilities for the storage thereof and damages and claims of any nature arising out of
or incident to the ownership of such property, and the Philippines shall indemnify and hold the
United States harmless from any such responsibilities, risks, liabilities, rents, damages and
claims. That the Philippines shall promptly enter into such rental and leasing arrangements as
may be necessary or appropriate to the possession or use of the property transferred, and shall
assume all obligations under such rental and leasing arrangements to which the United States
is now a party, without charge to the United States other than such charges as shall have
rightfully accrued prior to the effective date hereof, and the Philippines shall remove the property
from land owned by the United States within six months, and from other land used or controlled
by the United States within twenty-two months, after passage of right to possession hereunder.

d. That all crating, conditioning, handling, loading and transportation of the property sold shall
be arranged and paid for by the Philippines.
e. That the owning agency of the United States shall make property available for visual
inspection before the transfer of right to possession.

f. That representatives of the Philippines engaged in guarding, storing, or removal of property

located on lands owned by the United States and on other lands used or controlled by the
United States shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the owning agency of the United
States, as may be agreed upon by the two Governments.


That the Philippines shall utilize to the greatest extent possible established commercial
distribution channels for the resale of property sold hereby and that United States distributors
established in the Philippine Islands shall have an equal opportunity to bid for and to obtain
such property. That the Philippines shall recognize normal distribution practices including the
marketing wherever practicable of same brand products through the established agencies for
such products.


That the United States warrants title to the property transferred, and that in lieu of any other
warranty or undertaking as to the kind, size, weight, quantity, quality, character, value,
description, condition or fitness for use thereof, it is understood that if a material disparity is
found to exist between the property transferred to the Philippines hereunder and the
consideration given therefor by the Philippines hereunder, the two Governments will consult
together to fix an appropriate adjustment in the price paid.


a. That a portion of the property sold and granted hereby, together with the property heretofore
sold under Contracts Nos. W-ANL(PA-I)-206, W-ANL(PA-I)-1611, and W-ANL(PA-I)- 3811,
having an agreed fair value of one hundred million dollars is accepted by the Philippines in full
discharge of the grant authorized by Title II of the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946 and any
and all obligations of both parties hereto arising in any manner through or in relation to said
contracts, and upon the effective date of this contract, the aforesaid three contracts are hereby
terminated, and the property so accepted shall be identified by methods and procedures to be
determined by the United States. That the portion so identified or the proceeds from any and all
sales of any part thereof shall be used by the Philippines in accordance with the provisions of
section two hundred one of said Rehabilitation Act, and there is hereby delegated to the
President of the Republic of the Philippines authority to control the use and disposition of such
property and the use of the proceeds of any disposition of any part thereof, provided such use
and disposition must be in accordance with the provisions of section two hundred one of said
Rehabilitation Act and reports of all activities related thereto will be made available to the
Central Field Commissioner for the Pacific and China at request, and said President is further
authorized to redelegate this authority to any officer or employee of the Republic of the

b. That the United States shall forthwith pay to the Philippines the sum of twenty-five million
dollars on account and in part payment of the financial obligations and responsibilities of the
United States arising from:

(1) The issuance in the Philippines of emergency currency, guerrilla currency, military scrip or
other writing intended to circulate as money, the issuance of which was duly authorized; and

(2) Any unpaid advances, loans, credits and overdrafts by the Philippine National Bank, the
Commonwealth of the Philippines or any corporation, political subdivision or agent thereof,
during the war with Japan but not after the second day of September nineteen hundred and
forty-five; and that the Philippines, as partial consideration for the property transferred
hereunder and not identified in Article five-a hereof as granted under the Philippine
Rehabilitation Act of 1946, hereby releases and acquits the United States of the unpaid balance
of the financial obligations and responsibilities aforesaid and shall forever indemnify and hold
the United States harmless from all claims and demands of every nature arising therefrom by
any person or persons whomsoever.+3u.7!ydmb7

c. That in further consideration for the property transferred hereunder and not identified
pursuant to Article five-a hereof as granted under the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of nineteen
hundred and forty-six, the Philippines shall make available to the United States the equivalent of
five million dollars in manner following:

(1) The equivalent of three million dollars to be available for the purchase of designated real
estate and improvements in real estate in the Philippines for the use and benefit of the United
States at prices to be agreed upon by the Governments; and

(2) The equivalent of two million dollars and any unexpended portion of the sum set forth in
Article five-c (1) above, to be available for the implementation of agreements to be entered into
between the Philippines and the United States for cultural, research, instruction and other
educational activities.


a. That certain ships designated by mutual agreement and representing an aggregate fair value
not in excess of six million dollars shall be included in the property transferred hereunder.

b. That in connection with the fixed installations and the weather stations and communication
service equipment incident to the operations of aircraft transferred hereunder, and as an
additional consideration therefor, the Philippines shall undertake by separate agreement in the
usual form to operate and maintain weather and communication services in a manner, to an
extent and within limits to be negotiated.

c. That the Philippines shall use its best endeavors to insure that property transferred pursuant
to this Agreement shall not be imported into the United States in the same or substantially the
same form, if such property was originally produced in the United States and is readily
identifiable as such, unless such property is to be imported into the United States on
consignment to a person or firm in the United States for the purpose of reconditioning for
re-export, or by a member of the United States armed forces for his personal use.

d. That no duty, tax, excise, or other governmental exaction is included in the price, and if any
such duty, tax excise, or governmental exaction is levied or found to be payable, the Philippines
shall pay such sum in addition to the purchase price of the property sold. The United States
represents that no duties, taxes, excises, or other governmental exactions are due to the
Government of the United States.

e. That the transfer of title to the fixed installations sold and granted hereunder is conditioned
upon the approval thereof by appropriate agencies of the United States at Washington as
required by the Surplus Property Act, as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder.

f. That this Agreement is conditioned upon the ratification or approval thereof by the Congress
of the Philippines, but upon such ratification or approval shall be deemed to have taken effect on
the second day of September, nineteen hundred and forty-six.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the
undersigned, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed the present
Agreement at Manila on the eleventh day of September, nineteen hundred and forty-six.


President of the Philippines


Central Field Commissioner for the Pacific and China
Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner
Department of State
WHEREAS, the said Agreement is advantageous to the Philippines, as it will keep in this
country properties declared surplus to the needs of the Government of the United States of
America and which will be necessary for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the Philippines
or which may be sold in order to raise funds for such reconstruction and rehabilitation; and

WHEREAS, under said Agreement, some pending obligations of the United States of America
to the Philippines and to our people are settled by immediate cash payment and payment in
surplus properties, thereby avoiding the uncertainties and the delay which any other form of
liquidation would entail; Now, therefore:

Section 1. The Agreement entered into between the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines and the Government of the United States of America on the eleventh day of
September, nineteen hundred and forty-six, hereinbefore set forth, is hereby approved.

Section 2. The President of the Philippines, or such agency or instrumentality as he may create
or designate, is hereby authorized to accept and administer the surplus properties acquired
under said Agreement, and to sell or dispose of so much of such surplus properties as may not
be needed by the Government, its subdivisions and instrumentalities, including
government-owned or controlled corporations, either in the Philippines or abroad, under such
terms and conditions as may be deemed most advantageous, hereby appropriating from the
proceeds of the sales of such properties the necessary amount or amounts for the
administration and custody of such properties and for the operating expenses of the office,
agency or instrumentality which will handle their sale or disposition.

Section 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 27, 1946

Republic Act No. 34 September 30, 1946



Section 1. Sections three and four of Act Numbered Four thousand and fifty-four are hereby
amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 3. Landlord and tenant interpreted. - For the purpose of this Act, the word "landlord" shall
mean and include either a natural or juridical person who is the real owner of the land which is
the subject-matter of the contract, as well as a lessee, a usufructuary or any other legitimate
possessor of agricultural land cultivated by another; and the word "tenant" shall mean a farmer
or farm laborer who undertakes to work and cultivates land for another or a person who
furnishes the labor with the consent of the landlord.

"Sec. 4. Form of contract. - The contract on share tenancy, in order to be valid and binding, shall
be drawn in triplicate in the language or dialect known to all the parties thereto, to be signed to
thumb-marked both by the landlord or his authorized representative and by the tenant, before
two witnesses, one to be chosen by each party. The party who does not know how to read and
write may request one of the witnesses to read the contents of the document. Each of the
contracting parties shall retain a copy of the contract and the third copy shall be filed with, and
registered in, the office of the municipal treasurer of the municipality, where the land, which is
the subject- matter of the contract, is located: Provided, however, That in order that a contract
may be considered registered, both the copy of the landlord and that of the tenant shall contain
an annotation made by the municipal treasurer to the effect that same is registered in his office.

"The forms of contract shall be uniform and shall be prepared and furnished by the Department
of Justice. Oath or affirmation by the contracting parties before the municipal treasurer
concerned shall be sufficient for the purpose of acknowledgment. No fees or stamps of any kind
shall be paid or required."

Section 2. Section seven of the same Act, as amended by Commonwealth Act Numbered One
hundred seventy-eight, is hereby further amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 7. Freedom to contract. - The landlord and tenant shall be free to enter into any or all
kinds of tenancy contract as long as they are not contrary to existing laws, morals and public
policy. Such contract shall be conclusive evidence of what has been agreed upon between the
contracting parties, except in case of fraud or error, if the said contract is not denounced or
impugned within thirty days from its registration in the office of the municipal treasurer, as
provided in section five of this Act.

"The following stipulations are hereby declared to be against public policy:

"(a) If the tenant shall receive less than fifty-five per cent of the net produce, in case he
furnishes the work animals and the farm implements, and the expenses of planting and
cultivation are borne equally by said tenant and the landlord.

"(b) If the rental stipulated to be paid by the tenant to the landlord is higher than twenty-five per
cent of the estimated normal harvest, in case of a contract providing for a fixed rental of the

"(c) If the landlord is the owner of the work animal, and the tenant of the farm implements, and
the expenses are equally divided between the landlord and the tenant, for the tenant to receive
less than fifty per centum of the net crop."
Section 3. Sections eight, nine and twenty-two of the same Act are amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 8. Share basis. - In the absence of any written agreement to the contrary and when the
tenant furnishes the necessary implements and the work animals and defrays all the expenses
for planting and cultivation of the land, the crop shall be divided as follows: the tenant shall
receive seventy per cent of the net produce of the land and the landlord thirty per cent, for
first-class land, the normal production of which, based on the average yield for the three
preceding years, is more than forty cavans of palay per one cavan of seeds; seventy-five per
cent for the tenant and twenty-five per cent for the landlord, in case of land the average normal
production of which is not more than forty cavans of palay per one cavan of seeds. In case the
landlord furnishes the necessary work animals and farm implements and, likewise, bears all the
expenses of planting and cultivation, the landlord shall receive seventy per cent and the tenant
thirty per cent of the crop; but if the landlord furnishes the necessary work animals and farm
implements and bears equally with the tenant the expenses of planting and cultivation, the crop
shall be divided equally between the parties.

"Expenses for harvesting and threshing shall be deducted from the gross produce. Expenses for
the maintenance of irrigation systems within the respective areas shall be for the account of the
tenant, but amortizations for the cost of construction of the system itself shall be for the account
of the landlord. The expenses for construction and maintenance of privately owned irrigation
systems shall be agreed upon between the landlord and tenant, but in case of disagreement, all
expenses for the construction of the system shall be for the account of the landlord, provided
that the costs of constructing the distribution canals shall be for the account of the tenant.

"The division shall be made in the same place where the crop has been threshed and each
party shall transport his share to his warehouse, unless the contrary is stipulated by the parties.

"Sec. 9. Auxiliary industry. - In the absence of any written agreement to the contrary, in case the
land is planted to a second crop of rice or other auxiliary crops, the tenant shall receive eighty
per cent and the landlord twenty per cent of the net produced, provided all expenses of
production are borne by the tenant.

"Auxiliary industry shall not, however, be construed to include the crops or products raised from
a garden, poultry, and such other industries carried on a lot specially provided for the residence
of the tenant.

"Sec. 22. Lot for dwelling. - The tenant shall be entitled to construct a dwelling on the land
cultivated by him, if he so chooses, and once a dwelling is constructed, he shall be entitled to a
fixed residential lot of not less than six hundred square meters, but not exceeding one thousand
square meters in area, depending upon the availability of suitable land and the area cultivated
by the tenant belonging to the landowner, the same to be devoted to the purposes of a garden,
poultry and such other minor industries as may be necessary for his livelihood, the products of
which shall accrue to the tenants exclusively: Provided, That the tenant shall be given forty-five
days within which to remove his house from the land of the landlord in the event of the
cancellation of the contract of tenancy for any reason: Provided, further, That in case he fails to
devote the lot allotted to him for the purposes herein mentioned for a period of six months, it
shall revert the cultivation of palay."

Section 4. This Act shall take effect immediately, provided that when the landlord has advanced
money, seeds or the like to the tenant, and in the cases in which it might be applicable, the
landlord shall have a preferential lien on the share of the tenant for the payment of such
advances made plus six per cent interest per annum.

Approved: September 30, 1946


An Act Authorizing the Exemption of New and Necessary Industries from the Payment of
Internal Revenue Taxes

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. Any person, partnership, company, or corporation who or which shall engage in a
new and necessary industry shall, for a period of four years from the date of the organization of
such industry, be entitled to exemption from the payment of all internal revenue taxes directly
payable by such person, partnership, company, or corporation in respect to said industry.

Section 2. The President of the Philippines, shall, upon recommendation of the Secretary of
Finance, periodically determine the qualifications that the industries should possess to be
entitled to the benefits of this Act.

Section 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.1âwphi1

Approved: September 30, 1946

Republic Act No. 36 September 30, 1946


Section 1. A population census of the Philippines and such other related data as may be
decided upon by the President of the Philippines shall be taken not later than January 1, 1947.
The President shall, by executive order, proclaim any day selected for census-taking as Census
Day, and from that time on the enumeration shall proceed on consecutive days from daylight to
darkness including Sundays and Holidays, until completed: Provided, That the census of
population shall be completed, proclaimed and published within one year after January 1, 1947.

Section 2. All data prescribed to be gathered by this Act or by regulations issued under this Act
shall be as of twelve o'clock of the night preceding Census Day: Provided, That if it shall be
deemed necessary to require that the enumeration of any part or parts of the Philippines should
begin before Census Day, the President shall, by proclamation, fix the time when enumeration
shall begin.

Section 3. The direct execution of the provisions of this Act shall be entrusted to the Office of the
President through the Bureau of the Census and Statistics, with the cooperation of the
Department of the Interior.

Section 4. The persons to be enumerated shall comprise all those persons who spent the night
preceding Census Day within the jurisdiction of the Philippines, including all those who have
subsequently died or departed therefrom, and all persons who spent the said night on any ship
within the jurisdiction of the Philippines: Provided, That persons belonging to the armed forces
of the United States in the Philippines shall be separately recorded and except in the case of the
citizens of the Philippines, shall not be included in any official statement of the population of the
Philippines when such population is given as a part of the total population of the United States:
And provided, further, That no enumeration of the persons belonging to such armed forces of
the United States in the Philippines shall be undertaken without the consent of the officers
commanding the military and naval forces, respectively.

Section 5. The supervisors, enumerators and other subordinate personnel for this census work
shall be drafted mostly from the personnel of the Government, including provincial, city and
municipal officials and employees, school teachers, field forces of the different bureaus and
offices, city and municipal police forces, and members of the Philippine Army: Provided,
however, That such officers and employees of the Government as may be designated Census
Officers may be given a recess from their ordinary duties by the President of the Philippines.

Section 6. Every officer or employee of the national or of any provincial or municipal government
who may be designated by the President of the Philippines to perform any duties in connection
with census operation is hereby required to accept such designation and to perform such duties,
and it shall be the duty of every head or chief of department, bureau, office, division, or service,
or of the chief executive of any provincial or municipal government, to authorize any necessary
detail and to relieve any officer or employee from his regular duties for such period, if any, as
may be required for the purposes of this section: Provided, That during the designation of such
persons they shall continue to receive their salaries in full but not from Census funds, and they
shall not be entitled to any additional compensation except such per diems and traveling
expenses as are authorized by this Act.

Section 7. No head or chief of department, bureau, office, division or service shall order the
transfer of any officer or employee under him, who may have been detailed to the Census in any
locality to another locality until the work of such person in connection therewith is completed, or
without advising the Office of the President of such proposed transfer at least fifteen days before
such proposed transfer is to become effective.

Section 8. The duties of all persons appointed or designated under this Act shall begin at such
times as shall be fixed by the President of the Philippines and shall continue until such persons
are relieved of such duties: Provided, however, That subsequent to such relief persons so
appointed or designated may be required to perform such further services as may be necessary
for the carrying out of the purposes of this Act.

Section 9. Every officer and employee whose services are engaged for the census work shall
take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to do and perform accurately and to the best of his
ability such duties as may be required of him. An oath or affirmation prescribed by this Act to be
taken by any officer or employee of the Office of the President or of the Department of the
Interior in connection with his duties thereunder may be taken and subscribed to before superior
officers of such departments who are hereby authorized to administer oaths for the purposes of
this Act, or before any national, provincial, or municipal official authorized to administer oaths,
and all such officials are hereby required to administer such oaths or request: Provided, That no
such person shall receive any fee or compensation for the administration of such oaths: And
provided, further, That such oath of office should be exempt from documentary stamp tax.

Section 10. There shall be Provincial, City and Municipal Census Boards which shall direct the
enumeration work within their respective jurisdictions and which shall assume full responsibility
for assembling and consolidating census returns and forwarding them through channels as
herein provided to the Department of Interior. The Provincial Census Boards shall be composed
of the members of the provincial board, and the City or Municipal Census Boards, of the
members of the city of municipal councils, as the case may be.

Section 11. Census returns shall be prepared in duplicate, the original of which shall be
forwarded to the Department of the Interior and the duplicate kept in the city or town of origin as
part of the permanent record therein. City census returns shall be forwarded direct to the
Department of the Interior, while the returns from each municipality or municipal district shall be
coursed through the Provincial Census Board which shall review and consolidate therein
contained for the purpose of preparing a census report for the province.

Section 12. There shall be in each representative district a District Census Supervisor and in
each municipality or municipal district a Municipal Census Supervisor who shall act as technical
advisers to the census boards and who shall supervise the work of the census enumerators to
facilitate filling of census schedules in accordance with rules and regulations issued by higher
census authorities and within the time prescribed for census-taking. Their compensations shall
be determined by the President of the Philippines, but in no case shall a District Census
Supervisor draw more than two hundred pesos a month, and a Municipal Census Supervisor
more than one hundred pesos a month: Provided, That during their term of employment they
shall be entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses.
Section 13. Each enumerator or other employee detailed to service as an enumerator shall be
charged with the collection in his subdivision of the facts as the Office of the President may
direct him to do, which may include the fingerprints of both hands of all persons to be
enumerated. It shall be his duty to visit personally each dwelling house in his subdivision, and
each family therein, and each individual living out of a family in any place of abode, and by
inquiry made of the head of each family, or of the member thereof deemed most competent and
trustworthy, or of such individual living out of a family, to obtain each and every item of
information and all particulars required for the census; and in case no person shall be found at
the usual place of abode of such family, or individual living out of a family competent to answer
the inquiries, then it shall be lawful for the census employee to obtain the required information
as nearly as may be practicable from the family or families or person or persons living nearest to
such place of abode who may be competent to answer such inquiries. Each enumerator is
required to prepare the returns and forward the same to the supervisor of his district, within thirty
days unless by some unavoidable causes he is prevented from submitting the same within the
period mentioned in which case an extension of time not exceeding fifteen days may be
authorized by the Director.

Section 14. The President of the Philippines is hereby authorized to do and to require to be
done any and all acts or things necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act, and to delegate
any and all authority in him vested in this Act to any official in charge of census work.

Section 15. Partial or complete returns, reports, and other information may be published from
time to time by order of the President of the Philippines and the returns shall be so prepared as
to show the population and other statistics by provinces, subprovinces, districts, municipalities
barrios, and other subdivisions.

Section 16. If, in the judgment of the President of the Philippines, it shall appear that a more
complete, accurate, and economical census of the inhabitants of any of the areas, institutions,
or establishments enumerated in the next following section of this Act, can be secured by the
owners, occupants, or persons in charge thereof than by the regular enumerators, he may direct
that the census of such areas, institutions or establishments shall be made by such owners,
occupants, or persons in charge, who shall thereupon take the oath prescribed for enumerators,
or a modified form thereof, in the discretion of the President of the Philippines, and shall be
subject to the penalties provided in this Act for the non-performance or improper performance of
the duties required of enumerators, and shall have the powers conferred upon enumerators.
Said owners, occupants, or persons in charge shall be required to complete such enumeration
in a satisfactory manner and in accordance with the instruction given them, and to deliver the
schedules within the time prescribed; and for such service as enumerators, they shall not
receive any compensation: Provided, That when such areas, institutions, or establishments are
the property of, or when the persons in charge of them are the employees of, the Government of
the United States or of the Philippines, such service shall not be required, except with the prior
approval of the head or chief of the department, bureau, office, division or service concerned, of
the Commanding General of the Army or the Commandants of naval stations, or of such other
persons who have power to authorize such service: And provided, further, That if any officer or
employee making enumeration is charged with the collection of such schedules, he shall revise
them and require the correction of all errors, and cause all data and information omitted to be
supplied; and if there is reasonable ground to believe that such enumeration is incomplete or
inaccurate, he may, if specifically authorized by his superior officer, reenumerate the residents of
such area, institution or establishment; and he also may, if such proceeding would facilitate the
work of reenumeration, and if he is specifically authorized by his superior officer, demand that
the residents of the premises be assembled for the verification of such enumeration.

Section 17. The special areas, institutions, and establishments, which the owner, occupant, or
other person in charge may be required to enumerate without compensation under the provision
of the next preceding section of this Act, may include any or all of the following, together with
the premises attached to them; private dwelling houses occupied by literate persons who for
any reason can be more efficiently enumerated in such manner, to be enumerated by the
householder, landlord, or other person in charge; military and naval reservations, to be
enumerated by persons detailed by the commanding officers; public and private hospitals,
asylums, and charitable institutions to be enumerated by the persons in charge; prisons, jails,
lockups, reform schools, and other penal institutions, to be enumerated by the warden or other
person in charge; army and any other police barracks or quarters to be enumerated by persons
detailed for such service by the commanding officer; agricultural experiment stations, seed
farms, stock farms, breeding stations, and public works in operation or under construction, to be
enumerated by the persons in charge; convents and religious schools and seminaries, to be
enumerated by persons selected by the ecclesiastical authorities; boarding or other schools, to
be enumerated by the persons in charge; hotels, boarding houses, lodging houses, cooperative
messes and clubs having members residing on the premises, or other such places or
establishments, to be enumerated by the proprietor, landlord, manager, managing director, or
person in charge; public civil reservations, to be enumerated by the person in charge; ships in
harbor and other boats, vessels, or craft to be enumerated by the master or other person in
charge; landed estates, forest concessions, private workshops and construction works, to be
enumerated by the person in charge; and any other area, institution or establishment of
whatsoever character, to be enumerated by the person in charge: Provided, however, That any
person required in this section to perform any of the duties indicated may delegate such duties
to another, but shall himself subscribe, take oath or otherwise certify to the correctness of the
enumeration made and shall be responsible for such errors and omissions as may appear
therein, and shall be subject to the penalties imposed by this Act.

Section 18. If, in the judgment of the President of the Philippines, it shall appear practicable and
desirable to collect in addition to any prescribed facts and statistics relating to the population as
individuals, further information relating to general statistics including corporate bodies,
partnerships, associations, groups of persons having joint or common interest, social and
economic institutions, industrial and commercial enterprises, and agricultural and other forms of
property of whatsoever class, kind or character, he may direct that such information shall be
collected and it shall be obligatory on all proprietors, officers, partners, associates, directors,
administrators, managers and legal representatives of such corporations, partnerships,
associations, groups of persons, institutions, enterprises, and properties, to furnish such
information in the manner and within the time which may be prescribed by regulation. The
collection of the information may be secured by mailing or delivering the necessary forms and
explanatory matter to the persons best qualified to furnish it, in which cases such proprietors,
officers, partners, associates, directors, administrators, managers or legal representatives shall
be required to complete the schedules or forms themselves or cause them to be completed, on
their own responsibility, by their delegates, as provided in the next preceding section. The
persons required to complete such schedules may also be required to mail or deliver them on
completion, and within such time as may be prescribed to a designated Census officer.

Section 19. No information obtained during the taking of this Census from any person or
corporation, association, partnership, institution, business enterprise, or group of persons
having a joint or common interest, however established or constituted, shall be used in any
court or in any public office, either as evidence for or against the person, corporation,
association, partnership, institution, enterprise, or group, from which such information
emanates, or for the purpose of basing thereon any assessment or collection of taxes or public
contributions; nor shall any such information be divulged to any person, except to authorized
Census officers acting in the performance of their duties; and no Census officer or employee of
the Government shall make known to any other person not properly authorized any information
contemplated in this section, which may have been secured during the Census operations; nor
shall any report or publication issued under the provisions of this Act contain any information
indicated in this section which would serve to identify the person, corporation, association,
partnership, institution, enterprise, group, or property, from which it was secured, without the
special consent in writing of the proprietor, officer, director, administrator, manager or legal
representative of such person, corporation, association, partnership, institution, enterprise,
group, or property. The receipt by any officer, partner, associate, member, or stockholder of any
corporation, association, partnership, institution, business enterprise, or group, of any schedule
or form contemplated in this section shall constitute delivery to the corporation, association,
partnership, business enterprise or group, and the fact that such officer, partner, associate,
member, or stockholder is not the person who would ordinarily complete such schedule or form
shall not relieve him of responsibility for the redelivery of such schedule or form to the proper
person, nor shall it relieve such proper person from the responsibility for the completion thereof.

Section 20. Whenever it shall appear to the President of the Philippines that any portion of the
enumeration and Census provided for in this Act is incomplete or erroneous, he may cause
such incomplete and unsatisfactory enumeration and Census to be amended or retaken under
such methods as may, in his discretion, be practicable.

Section 21. All residents of the Philippines shall give any required assistance in executing the
provisions of this Act by giving all information requested by Census enumerators.

Section 22. The authority to lease, rent, hire, remodel, furnish, and pay all necessary expenses
of such buildings, offices, or other quarters in the Philippines as may be required for Census
purposes is hereby conferred upon the Chief of the Executive Office.
Section 23. No information secured by any Census form shall be divulged to any person other
than an officer or employee of the Census acting in the discharge of his duty; nor shall it be
published, except in the form of tabulations or summaries having no reference to individuals;
and all such forms shall be destroyed when, in the judgment of the President of the Philippines
they have served their administrative purpose. No entry in any form, register or record made by
a Census officer or by any other person in the discharge of his duty under this Act shall be
admissible as evidence in any civil or criminal proceeding, except for the purposes of a
prosecution instituted under this Act.

Section 24. Upon conviction hereof, a fine of not more than one hundred pesos, or
imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be
imposed upon:

(1) Any person who refused to supply any prescribed information, or refuses to answer any
proper question necessary to secure such information, when asked by an officer or employee of
the Census, in regard to himself or any other person of whom he has knowledge: Provided, That
no such information need be supplied and no such question answered unless the questioner, on
request made at the time of inquiry, exhibits his formal appointment, or other clear evidence of
appointment, as a Census officer or employee; or

(2) Any person who, being a passenger, guest, boarder, or lodger, inmate, patient, or other
resident in any special area, institution, or establishment set apart to be enumerated by the
owner, occupant, or person in charge, under the provisions of sections fourteen and fifteen of
this Act, refuses or neglects properly to complete and sign any Census schedule or form
delivered to him by the owner, occupant, proprietor, or person in charge of such special area,
institution or establishment, for himself or for his family and dependents; or who, if unable to
read and write English or Spanish, refused to supply the required information to the persons
responsible for the proper completion thereof; or

(3) Any person who refuses to allow any Census officer or employee to fix on any portion of any
dwelling or other property in his possession, in a conspicuous place, any authorized mark, sign,
notice, letter or number necessary to the prosecution of the Census work; or who removes such
mark, sign, notice, letter or number before the expiration of one month from the Census Day,
unless sooner authorized; or who removes any mark, sign, notice, letter or number placed or
reserved to indicate the boundary of an area set apart for Census purposes; or

(4) Any person who, on the completion of the Census operations in the locality in which he
resides, has not been enumerated or knows that any other person or persons have not been
enumerated and neglects to notify the nearest officer or employee of the Census without delay
of such facts; or

(5) Any person who neglects to notify the nearest officer or employee of the Census of his
knowledge that he himself, or any other person or persons, have been enumerated twice; or
who has once been enumerated, or knows that any other person or persons have once been
enumerated, and neglects to inform of the fact of such prior enumeration, any enumerator or
other authorized person who is on the point of enumerating a second time either himself or any
other such person or persons; or who fails to present to such enumerator or other authorized
person any pass, ticket, certificate, or other document which may bear evidence to the fact of
such prior enumeration; or

(6) Any person who, having received from any Census officer any pass, ticket, certificate, or
other document showing that he is, his family or dependents, any area, institution or
establishment of which he is the owner, occupant or person in charge, or the inhabitants thereof,
have been enumerated by such Census officer, fails to preserve such pass, ticket, certificate, or
other document in an unmutilated and legible condition for two months from the receipt thereof;

(7) Any person who refuses compliance with the provisions of this Act or with any regulations
issued under it and necessary for its execution, when such refusal is not otherwise penalized

Section 25. Upon conviction hereof, a fine of not more than six hundred pesos, or imprisonment
for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be imposed upon:

(1) Any person, who being the owner, occupant, or person in charge of any special area,
institution, or establishment set apart to be enumerated under the provisions of sections
fourteen and fifteen of this Act, or an officer, director, partner, associate, manager or local
representative of any corporation, partnership, association, institution, industrial or commercial
establishment or enterprise, group of persons having a joint or common interest, or other
property, in regard to which the collection of statistics is prescribed under the provisions of
section fifteen of this Act, refuses or neglects properly to complete any Census from mailed or
delivered to him to subscribe the same; or

(2) Any person who, being a resident of such area, institution, or establishment, or an officer,
director, manager, associate, partner, or employee or any such corporation, partnership,
association, institution, industrial or commercial establishment, group of persons having a joint
or common interest, or any other property, refuses or neglects, in the absence of the owner,
occupant, or person in charge, or of an officer, director, manager, or legal representative to
receive such form and make delivery thereof to owner, occupant, person in charge, officer,
director, manager, or local representative; or

(3) Any person who, being the owner, occupant, or person in charge of such special area,
institution, or establishment, refuses or neglects to distribute the necessary schedules or forms
to the passengers, guests, boarders, lodgers, inmates, patients, or other residents of the
premises entitled thereto, and to report to the nearest office or employee of the Census the
names of those who refuses to receive or complete them; or

(4) Any person who refuses or neglects to deliver or transmit to the addresses any Census form
mailed or delivered to him, in the manner and within the time prescribed; or

(5) Any person who refuses any Census officer or employee, acting in the discharge of his duty,
entrance to any premises under his control, except portions of a private dwelling other than the
room in which such officer or employee would naturally be received: Provided, That such
entrance be not demanded to an extent beyond that necessary to secure the prescribed facts
and statistics or to verify them after they have been entered upon the schedules by other
persons; or

(6) Any person who obstruct any Census officer or employee in the discharge of his duty, or
refuses or neglects to render him reasonable assistance, when called upon to do so; or

(7) Any person who misrepresents or attempts in any way to misrepresent the objects of the
Census or to arouse hostility against it; or

(8) Any person who, being the owner of any animal, vehicle, ship or vessel of any kind, and
such animal, vehicle, ship or vessel being needed, in the absence of any other satisfactory
facility, for the transportation of any Census officer or employee or the transportation of any
form, correspondence, or supplies, shall refuse without adequate reason to permit the use of
such animal, vehicle, ship or vessel, on the request of the officer or employee of the Census
responsible for such transportation or for the transmission of such forms, correspondence, or
supplies, to the extent necessary for such transmission; or shall refuse to render such
reasonable personal services as may be necessary in connection with the use of such animal,
vehicle, ship or vessel; or shall demand an unusual or extortionate price or sum for the use of
such means of transportation or for any service in connection therewith; or

(9) Any person who knowingly gives oral or written answers to any question upon a Census
form or to any proper question asked by a Census officer or employee in the discharge of his
duty, which shall prove to be materially untrue in any particular; or who alters or falsifies any
Census form or declaration before or after it has been completed; or who signs any Census
form or declaration after it has been completed in the knowledge that it is materially untrue in
any particular; or who pays, compels, advises, or induces any other person to make or sign any
such untrue statement or form; or who forges any Census form, completed or uncompleted.

Section 26. Upon conviction hereof, a fine not exceeding two thousand pesos, or imprisonment
for not more than two years, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be imposed upon:

(1) Any person who impersonates a Census officer or employee; or

(2) Any person who offers a reward, fee, or gratuity to any Census officer or employee for the
purpose of inducing such officer or employee to alter or omit any portion of the census record or
returns; or

(3) Any person who commits any fraud, makes any false statement, or compels, pays, requests,
or induces any other person to commit such fraud or make such false statement with the object
of enabling him to secure a position in the employ of the Census.

Section 27. Upon conviction hereof, a fine not exceeding six hundred pesos, or imprisonment
for not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court shall be imposed upon:

(1) Any person who, having accepted any position in the employ of the Census and taken oath
thereof, and not having been duly released, refuses to perform the duties of such position, or
neglects to use due diligence in bringing such Census work as is entrusted to him to a
satisfactory termination or disregards proper and necessary orders and instructions coming from
his superior; or

(2) Any officer or employee of the Census who, whether during, or after the termination of his
service divulges or communicates the contents of any Census form, record, return or document,
to any person not authorized by the President of the Philippines to receive the same; or

(3) Any officer or employee of the Census who solicits or receives any reward, fee, or gratuity
from any person, other than his usual salary and his regular compensation from Census funds,
whether or not conditioned upon the altering or committing by him of any portion of the Census
return; or

(4) Any officer or employee of the Census who attends to secure any information not prescribed
by the President of the Philippines or who asks offensive or improper questions in the process of
securing any information, authorized or unauthorized; or who wilfully and maliciously attempts to
enter any portion of any private dwelling except the room in which he would naturally be
received, or any portion of any other premises an inspection of which is not essential to the
performance of his duties.

Section 28. Any executive official or employee of the Government who refuses to accept a
position in the employ of the Census when tendered him by an authorized officer of the Census,
with the sanction of his superiors in office, shall be punished by such disciplinary measures as
may be imposed by the proper department head.

Section 29. Any person who, being the owner, occupant, or person in charge of any special
area, institution, or establishment set apart to be enumerated under the provisions of sections
fourteen and fifteen of this Act, shall perform the enumeration required thereby in a manner so
incomplete or erroneous as to necessitate its being done anew by an officer or employee of the
Census, shall be punished upon conviction, in addition to any other penalties herein elsewhere
provided, by a fine of one and one-half centavos for every person enumerated as resident within
such area institution, or establishment, when such persons are enumerated anew.

Section 30. Concurrent jurisdiction is hereby conferred upon Courts of First Instance over all
offenses punishable under this Act, which but for this provision would be exclusively
recognizable by justice of the peace.

Section 31. The Chief of the Executive Office shall prepare the budget of expenses incident to
the enforcement of the provisions of this Act and he shall submit said budget to the President for

Section 32. Whenever it shall appear that any person appointed, detailed, or designated to a
position in connection with the Census is performing or has performed his duties in an inefficient
or dilatory manner, or at an unnecessary cost to Census funds, or whenever any such person
shall contravene any of the provisions of this Act or of any regulations or instructions issued
thereunder, the President of the Philippines may in his discretion authorize the imposition of a
fine; and the amount of such fine shall be deducted from the compensation due such person on
the termination of census operations.

Section 33. All fines, whether administrative or judicial, which may be imposed on any person
for offenses against the provisions of this Act, or of regulations issued thereunder, and all funds
accruing from the sale of any property purchased from Census funds, or of any salable
document issued in connection with Census, shall be covered into the general funds of the
Philippine Treasury.

Section 34. Whenever the Office of the President shall terminate the appointment, detail or
designation of any person to a position in connection with the Census for cause, he may in his
discretion authorize the payment to such person of such compensation at the rate of payment
agreed upon at the time of his designation, as he may deem to constitute a fair remuneration for
the service rendered.

Section 35. The allowance of per diems and traveling expenses to officers and employees used
for census-taking shall be governed by existing laws: Provided, That the President of the
Philippines may by general regulations determine in what cases or classes of cases such per
diems and expenses may be allowed; and may fix a maximum less than that allowed by existing
law: And provided, further, That in the case of officers or employees detailed for Census work
from another department, bureau, office, division or service and continuing to receive their usual
salaries therefrom, the amount of their per diems may be paid from Census funds.

Section 36. No surcharge shall be imposed, nor shall any charge be made by any department,
bureau, office, division, or service of the Government for any services rendered or supplies
furnished or purchased in connection with the Census, over and above the actual cost of such
services or supplies.
Section 37. The sum of four hundred eighty thousand pesos or so much thereof as may be
necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Philippine Treasury not otherwise
appropriated to carry out the provisions of this Act: Provided, That no amount shall be set up on
the books of the Auditor until it has been allotted by the President of the Philippines.

Section 38. After the publication of the Census which shall include a segregated report on war
damages in the Philippines, all records, documents used in the preparation, taking and
publication of such Census, shall be kept or disposed of by the Bureau of Census and Statistics
according to law.

Section 39. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: September 30, 1946


An Act Granting Preference to Filipino Citizens in the Lease of Public Market Stalls

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress


Section 1. All citizens of the Philippines shall have preference in the lease of public market

Section 2. The Secretary of Finance is hereby empowered to promulgate the necessary rules to
carry into effect the purposes of this Act.

Section 3. All existing laws or parts thereof contrary to the provisions of this Act are hereby

Section 4. This Act shall take effect on the first day of January, nineteen hundred and

Approved: October 1, 1946


An Act Repealing Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and Eighty-One, Entitled, "An
Act Abolishing the Existing Municipal Governments and the Provincial Government of Romblon,
and Creating Instead Four Special Municipalities," Restoring the Regular Provincial Government
and Municipalities of the Province of Romblon, and Creating the Municipality of Santa Fe
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress

Section 1. Commonwealth Act Numbered Five Hundred and eighty-one, otherwise known as the
Charter of the four special municipalities of the Province of Romblon, is repealed. Except as
hereinafter provided, the regular provincial government of Romblon and the regular
municipalities of the Province of Romblon existing prior to the taking effect of the said Act are
restored. The capital of the Province of Romblon shall be the municipality of Romblon.

Section 2. A new municipality to be known as the municipality of Santa Fe which shall comprise
the barrios of Agcogon, Guimbarayan, Lanas and Santa Fe, formerly comprised within the
municipality of Looc prior to the enactment of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five hundred
eighty-one, is hereby created.1âwphi1

Section 3. Except as herein otherwise provided, the Revised Administrative Code and other
laws applicable to regularly organized provinces and municipalities and to the officers and
employees therein shall apply to the Province of Romblon and its municipalities as restored or
created, as the case may be, under this Act and to the officers and employees therein.

Section 4. Pending the election of provincial and municipal officials, the offices of the elective
officers of the Province of Romblon and its municipalities shall be filled by the appointment by
the President of the Philippines with the consent of the Commission on Appointments of the
Congress of the Philippines.

Section 5. The funds, properties, debts and obligations of the four special municipalities under
Commonwealth Act Numbered Five hundred and eighty-one shall be equitably distributed and
apportioned among the Province of Romblon and its municipalities in such proportion as may be
approved by the President of the Philippines upon recommendation of the Auditor General. The
custody and administration of all properties formerly belonging to the Province of Romblon prior
to the taking effect of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five hundred and eighty-one shall be
transferred to the provincial government of Romblon. Property formerly belonging to the
Province of Romblon prior to the taking effect of Commonwealth Act Numbered Five hundred
and eighty-one and transferred to the National Government in accordance with the said Act
shall be returned to the provincial government of Romblon for such consideration as may be
approved by the President of the Philippines upon recommendation of the Auditor General.

Section 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved: October 1, 1946

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