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1. Introduction --> group 1-Jen

2. Table of contents - Jen
3. The topic that we chose is smoking - d
minh chau
4. This topic is a significant problem.
many people can get affected by it so
that's why its so severe and many people
care about it. - Mai Nguyen
5. There are 3 main types of smoking.
First is the most common. Cigarettes.The
next most popular type of smoking is
vape. The last type is the Hooka. - Gia An
6. Ingredients - Jen
7. So who will get affected bby smoking?
First is the person who smokes. They will
breathe out the smoke so they will get less
affected than second-hand smoking.
Second hand smoking is the person who,
doesn't smoke but breathes in the smoke.
So they will get affected more than
smokers. - Jen
8. Data and statistics - Jen
9. Solutions:
Ban on smoking --> very effective, however
some people will try to find another way to
smoke. d minh chau

Educational events --> Not very effective,

not many people will attend the events,
not many people will listen or learn about
it. However it can raise awareness. - mai

Campaigns --> it can help more people

understand abt the problem. However
some people will ignore it.
10. Our solutions:Ban on smoking -->
Programmes to quit --> some people will
continue smoking after their help
Raise tax --> some people will still manage to
buy tobacco products.
11. Conclusion - Gia An
12. Member’s tasks - VT Minh chau
13. Thank you everyon for listening. If you
have any questions or feedback, pls feel
free to ask us. Thank you very much - D
Minh Chau

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