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What is your perspective on colonizing other Planets?

● Humans have a right and a moral duty to save our species ● Space is inhospitable to humans and life in space, if even
from suffering and extinction. Colonizing space is one method possible, would be miserable.
of doing so. ● Humans have made a mess of Earth. We should clean it up
● Space colonization is the next logical step in space exploration instead of destroying a moon or another planet
and human growth. ● Humans living in space is pure science fiction
● Technological advancement into space can exist alongside
conservation efforts on Earth.

Importance of online privacy

What Benefits Are Associated With Protecting Privacy?

Increasing Trust And Integrity.
Better Understanding Of Personal Data.
Enhanced Data Management.
Protected And Improved Enterprises And Reputation.
Reduced Unfair Competition.

Impact of allowing robots to kill

Complex and unpredictable in their functioning, such systems would

have the potential to make armed conflicts spiral rapidly out of control,
leading to regional and global instability

Should Abortion be legal? Pro-life or Pro-choice

● Abortion is a safe medical procedure that protects lives. ● Life begins at conception, making abortion murder
● Abortion bans endangers healthcare for those not seeking ● Legal abortion promotes a culture in which life is disposable.
abortions. ● Increased access to birth control, health insurance, and sexual
● Abortion bans deny bodily autonomy, creating wide-ranging education would make abortion unnecessary.

Explaine religious freedom

Religious freedom is a fundamental human right and the first among

rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution. It is the right to think,
express and act upon what you deeply believe, according to the dictates
of conscience.

Religious freedom benefits both individuals and communities. For many

Americans, a relationship with God is the most important aspect of their
lives, and their faith guides them in values like honesty and responsibility,
which impact their families and communities. It encourages them to
volunteer at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, schools, and other places
that help the underserved.

Impact of vaccines on Children

How stringent are privacy rights

Republic Act 10173 – Data Privacy Act of 2012

Should Equality be enforced in Marriages

Research suggests the answer is yes. An equal partnership benefits

marriages as a whole and benefits husbands and wives individually.
Happier marriages. Equal partnership fosters closeness between
husband and wife, resulting in a stronger and happier marriage.

Analyse Transgender rights

It protects transgender individuals against discrimination in education,

employment and healthcare. It recognizes the gender identity of the
individual, and there are provisions in the law for a certificate to be issued
with their new gender identity.

Should CEO’s compensation be regularized by the government

high-level managers, while pay at the middle and bottom of the wage
distribution continues to be depressed. Increasing CEO pay is not
actually linked to an increase in the value of CEOs’ work; instead, it is
more likely to reflect CEOs’ close ties with the corporate board members
who set their pay.

Excessive CEO pay exacerbates inequality. By now the explosive growth

of CEO pay in large firms—relative to typical workers’ pay and even the
pay of other members of the top 0.1 percent of the wage
distribution—has been well documented. This excessive CEO pay
matters for inequality, not only because it means a large amount of
money is going to a very small group of individuals, but also because it
affects pay structures throughout the corporation and the economy as a

Increasing CEO pay is not linked to increasing CEO productivity.

What is your perspective on the evolution?

In biology, evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over

several generations and relies on the process of natural selection

Your perspective, The new privacy policy by facebook

Announcing Facebook’s updated privacy policy and terms of service,

Michel Protti, chief privacy officer, product explained how while the text
looks different, the updates “don’t allow Meta to collect, use or share your
data in new ways.”

Announcing Facebook’s updated privacy policy and terms of service,

Michel Protti, chief privacy officer, product explained how while the text
looks different, the updates “don’t allow Meta to collect, use or share your
data in new ways.”
What is more important? Rules or principles

● Principles because wether we admit it or not some of the rules

that is created is to only protect certain group of people but in
principles all kind of people can be protected

Describe universal heath care

Universal Health Care (UHC), also referred to as Kalusugan

Pangkalahatan (KP), is the “provision to every Filipino of the highest
possible quality of health care that is accessible, efficient, equitably
distributed, adequately funded, fairly financed, and appropriately used by
an informed and empowered public”.1 The Aquino administration puts it
as the availability and accessibility of health services and necessities for
all Filipinos.

It is a government mandate aiming to ensure that every Filipino shall

receive affordable and quality health benefits.This involves providing
adequate resources – health human resources, health facilities, and
health financing.

UHC’s Three Thrusts

To attain UHC, three strategic thrusts are to be pursued, namely: 1)

Financial risk protection through expansion in enrollment and benefit
delivery of the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP); 2) Improved
access to quality hospitals and health care facilities; and 3) Attainment of
health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Is it wrong for business to reduce their tax payment by engaging in inversion

Corporate inversion is a legal strategy and is not considered tax evasion Companies who receive a significant portion of income from foreign
as long as it does not involve misrepresenting information on a tax return sources may employ corporate inversion as a strategy because the
or undertaking illegal activities to hide profits. foreign income is being taxed both abroad and in the country of
incorporation. Companies undertaking a corporate inversion usually
select a country which has a lower tax rate than their home country.

Should drugs sold by pharmaceutical firms be expensive..

Marketing and advertising. Companies spend large amounts of money to Make generic version
market and advertise their drugs—more than they spend to research,
test, and develop them. This spending drives up the cost of doing
business and probably contributes to high drug prices.

For one, it costs a lot for biopharmaceutical companies to research and

develop new medications.

Should there be advertisements of marijuana where it has to be legal

● Yes because having an advertisement about marijuana can

educate people what are the positive effects of marijuana in
human health
● Epilepsy - medical marijuana extract in early trials at the NYU
Langone Medical Center showed a 50% reduction in the
frequency of certain seizures in children and adults in a study
of 213 patients recently.

Should relationships at work be banned?

That said, we do recommend prohibiting managers from dating

subordinate employees as a standard policy, even if layers of
management separate them. There could be issues with preferential
treatment and complaints of harassment if the relationship ends. These
situations could expose your organization to increased risk.
Everything in the bible is true

The Bible is completely reliable source of information about what actions are morally right and morally wrong

It is morally wrong for unmarried people to engage in sexual intercourse?

The enjoyment of pornography is morally wrong

Homosexual sex is morally wrong

Voluntary active euthanasia should be remain illegal

● People should be allowed to choose—there could not be a ● The idea that every human life is precious and has value is
more fundamental issue of individual liberty than the right to undermined by euthanasia.
decide whether to live or to die. Control over one's own body ● Most medical professionals do not want to be involved with
should be a fundamental right. killing patients, as it is the total opposite of what they see as
● Euthanasia can reduce or prevent human suffering by relieving their purpose, which is healing people and saving lives.
people who are suffering extreme pain. Forcing people to ● There is a danger that euthanasia could be used to control
suffer against their will is wrong. health care costs, with the patient's needs and wishes taking
● It can also relieve suffering where someone’s quality of life has second place.
become drastically low. ● Whatever the theory, disputes over mercy killings can often be
● It can free up healthcare resources to help someone else who very difficult in practice, as it is not always clear what the
is severely ill. patient wants, or what is in their interests. It is likely that more
● Modern medicine can often keep people alive indefinitely, even euthanasia requests would result in more extended legal
if they are not conscious, it is therefore imperative that rules for battles. Take, for instance, the case of the Florida woman, Terri
when it is right to end a life are explored, rather than a blanket Schiavo, who was in a coma for years. Her husband wanted
ban on termination under certain circumstances. the hospital to remove her feeding tube and her parents fought
● Euthanasia does not mean a lack of caring or compassion, on a legal battle to try to stop that from happening.
the contrary, the patient's needs are put first. ● Allowing voluntary euthanasia is a slippery slope. Sick elderly
● Allowing living wills opens up the possibility of people people could be manipulated by selfish relatives into
determining whether their life is artificially extended after "choosing" to end their lives, either because selfish relatives
encountering serious illness or health issues. don’t want to look after them, or out of greed for inheritance
● Euthanasia has a dark history and was used in Nazi Germany
for the extermination of children and adults that the
government found undesirable, such as the disabled. Keeping
it illegal means that no government can ever use it for political

Some non-human animals have serious moral rights

Animals lack the capacity for free moral judgements
If an individual lacks the capacity for free moral judgment, then they do
not have moral rights. All non-human animals lack the capacity for free
moral judgment. Therefore, non-human animals do not have moral rights.

The cloning of humans should never be permitted

Abortion is very seriously wrong because it is murder

● Abortion is a safe medical procedure that protects lives. ● Life begins at conception, making abortion murder.
● Abortion bans endangers healthcare for those not seeking ● Legal abortion promotes a culture in which life is disposable.
abortions. ● Increased access to birth control, health insurance, and sexual
● Abortion bans deny bodily autonomy, creating wide-ranging education would make abortion unnecessecessary

Should parents watch over their children do on the internet

● In this way parents can prevent possible danger or problem

that people using internet can encounter
● In this way parents can really know what is happening in their
children's life because children nowadays usually tell their
anxiousness and problem on the internet

Should corruption in politics be dealth with more severely

Whistleblowing or social media Rants

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