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Fluid Mechanics-1

Lecture - 10

Flow over Weirs

Measurement of Discharge

Dr. Mansoor Ahmad

 A structure, used to dam up a stream or river;
over which the water flows, is called a weir.
 The conditions of flow, in the case of a weir are
practically the same, as those of a rectangular notch.
That is why, a notch is sometimes called as a weir
and vice versa.
 The only difference between a notch and a weir is,
that the notch is of a small size; but the weir is of a
bigger one. Moreover, a notch is usually made in a
plate, whereas a weir is usually made of masonry or
Types of Weirs

• Rectangular
Shape • Cippoletti (Trapezoidal)

Nature of • Ordinary
Discharge • Submerged or drowned

• Narrow Crested
Width of Crest • Broad Crested

• Sharp Crested
Nature of Crest • Ogee
Discharge over a Rectangular Weir

 Consider a rectangular weir, over which the water is flowing.

 Let
H = Height of the water, above the crest of the weir,
L = Length of the weir, and
Cd = Coefficient of discharge.
Discharge over a Rectangular Weir

 Let us consider a horizontal strip of water of thickness dh at a

depth h from the water surface as shown in.
Area of strip = L.dh
 We know that theoretical velocity of water through the strip is,
= 2 gh
 dq = Cd x Area of strip x Theoretical velocity
= C d .L.dh 2 gh
 The total discharge, over the weir, may be found out by
integrating the above equation within the limits 0 and H.

Q = C d L.dh 2 gh

= C d .L 2 g h1/ 2 dh
 
 h3/ 2 
= C d .L 2 g  
 3 
 2  0
 
Q = C d .L 2 g h 3 / 2

= C d .L 2 g xH 3 / 2
Discharge over a Rectangular Weir

Sometimes, the limit of integration to the above equation, are
from H1 to H2. (i.e,. the liquid level is at a height of H1 above
the top of the weir and H2 above the bottom of the weir)
instead of 0 and H; then the discharge over such a weir will be
given be the equation.

Q = Cd L
2 g H 2 3 / 2 − H13 / 2 )
A rectangular weir 4.5 meters long has a head of water 300mm,
Determine the discharge over the weir, if coefficient of
discharge is 0.60.
Given :
L = 4.5m
H = 300mm = 0.3m
C d = 0.60
Discharge over the rectangular weir,

Q = Cd .L 2 g (H )2
2 3

Putting values,

x0.6 x 4.5 2 x9.81(0.3) m 3 / sec

3/ 2

Q = 7.972 x0.164 = 1.31 m 3 / s = 1310 litres / s
A weir 8 m long is to be built across a rectangular channel to
discharge a flow of 9 m3/sec. If the maximum depth of water on
the upstream side of the weir is to be 2 m. what should be the
height of the weir? Adopt Cd = 0.62
𝐺𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛 :
L= 8m Q = 9 m3 /𝑠
Depth of water = 2 m & Cd = 0.62
Let H = Height of water above the sill
2 3
Q = 𝐶𝑑 . 𝐿 2𝑔 𝐻 2
Putting values,
2 3 3 9
9 = 𝑥0.62𝑥8 2𝑥9.81𝑥𝐻 2 𝐻 =
2 = 0.614
3 14.645
𝐻 = 0.72 𝑚
Therefore the height of weir should be 2−0.72 = 1.28m
The daily record of rainfall over a catchment area is 0.2 million
cubic meters. It has been found that 80% of the rainwater
reaches the storage reservoir and then passes over a rectangular
weir. What should be the length of the weir, if the water is not to
rise more than 400mm above the crest?
Assume suitable value of coefficient of discharge for the weir as
Given :
Rainfall = 0.2x10 6 m 3 / day
Discharge in the reservoir = 80% of rain water
H = 400mm = 0.4m
C d = 0.61
We know that the volume of water which reaches the reservoir
from the catchment area,
Q = 80% of rain water = 0.8 x (0.2 x 10 6 )m 3 / day
0.16 x 10 6
= 0.16 x 10 m / day =
6 3
= 1.85m 3 / s
24 x 60 x 60
Discharge over the rectangular weir,

Q = C d .L 2 g ( H ) 2
2 3

Putting values,
1.85 = x0.61xL 2 x9.81x(0.4) 2 = 0.456 L
L = 1.85 / 0.456 = 4.06m
Francis’s Formula for Discharge over a
Rectangular Weir (Effect of End Contractions)

 Francis, after carrying out a series of experiments, proposed

an empirical formula for the discharge over a rectangular weir.
He found that the length of the stream of liquid, while flowing
over a weir, gets contracted at the ends of the sill as shown in
Francis’s Formula for Discharge over a
Rectangular Weir (Effect of End Contractions)

 This end contraction, of the stream of liquid, is known as

lateral contraction or side contraction.
 Francis also found that the amount of the end contractions
depend upon the conditions of sides of the channel and top of
the sill, as well as velocity of liquid.
 But an approximate value of end contraction, at each end, is
1/10 of the height of the liquid above the sill of the weir. Thus
if, there are two end contractions only (as in the case of simple
rectangular weir) the effective length of the weir is(L – 0.2 H).
Substituting this value of length in equation for discharge,
Q = C d (L − 0.2 H ) 2 g x H 2
Francis’s Formula for Discharge over a
Rectangular Weir (Effect of End Contractions)
Francis’s Formula for Discharge over a
Rectangular Weir (Effect of End Contraction)

 Sometimes, the total length of a weir is divided into a number

of bays or spans by vertical posts as shown in Fig. In such a
case, the number of end contractions will be twice the number
of bays, or spans, into which the weir is divided. Thus, in
general, we may write the empirical formula proposed by
Francis as:
Q = C d (L − 0.1nH ) 2 g xH 2
 Where, n = No. of end contractions.
 Now substituting Cd = 0.623 and g = 9.81 m/sec2 in the
general equation for discharge, 3
Q = 1.84(L − 0.1nH )H 2
Note: When the end contractions are suppressed, the value of
n in the above equation, is taken as zero.
A 30 meters long weir if divided into 10 equal bays by vertical
posts each 0.6 meter wide. Using Francis' formula, calculate the
discharge over the weir, under an effective head of 1 meter.

Given :
Total length of weir = 30m
No. of bays = 10
Width of each post = 0.6m
H = 1m
We know that the no. of end contractions,
n = 10 x 2 = 20 ( Each bay has two end contractions)
and the effective length of the weir,
L = 30 - (9 x 0.6) = 24.6 m
30 m

Discharge over the weir (by Fransis formula)

Q = 1.84(L − 0.1nH )H 2

= 1.84 24.6 - (0.1 x 20 x 1)x(1) 3 / 2

= 41.6 m 3 / s
A reservoir has a catchment area of 25 square kilometers. The
maximum rainfall over the area is 25mm per hour, 40% of
which flows to the reservoir over a weir. Using Francis'
formula, find the length of the weir. The head of water over the
weir should not exceed 0.8m.

Given :
Catchment area = 25 square km = 25 x 10 6 m 2
Maximum rainfall per hour = 25 mm = 0.025 m/hr
Discharge into the reservoir = 40% of total rainfall
H = 0.8m
We know that the no. of end contractions :
n=2 ( of simple weir)
and the volume of water, which reaches the reservoir
from the catchment area,
Q = 40% of rainfall = 0.4 x Area x Rainfall
= 0.4 x (25 x 10 6 ) x0.025 = 0.25 x10 6 m 3 / hr
0.25 x10 6
= = 69.4m 3 / s
60 x60
Discharge over the weir (by Fransis formula)
Q = 1.84(L − 0.1nH )H
3/ 2

69.4 = 1.84(L − 0.1x 2 x0.8)x0.83 / 2

L = 52.74m
Bazin’s formula for discharge over a
Rectangular Weir
 Bazin, after carrying out series of experiments, proposed an
empirical formula for the discharge over rectangular weir.
 He found that the value of coefficient of discharge varies with
the height of water over the sill of the weir. Thus, he proposed
an amendment in formula for rectangular weir.
 We know that discharge over rectangular weir,
Q = Cd L 2 g x H 3 / 2
 Bazin proposed that the discharge over a weir,

Q = m L 2 g x H 3/ 2

Where m = 2/3 Cd
Bazin’s formula for discharge over a
Rectangular Weir
 He found that the value of m varies with the head of
water, whose value may be obtained from the

m = 0.405 +
Where H = Height of water in meters

 He found the above relation by experiments in which

he avoided the effect of end contractions.
Find the discharge over a rectangular weir 4.5m long under
head of 600mm by using Bazin’s formula.
Given :
L = 4.5m
H = 600mm = 0.6m
From Bazin' s relation :
0.003 0.003
m = 0.405 + = 0.405 + = 0.41
H 0.6
and the discharge over the weir (By Bazin' s formula)
Q = m L 2 g x H 3/ 2
= 0.41 x 4.5 x 2 x 9.81 x 0.63/2
= 3.8 m 3 / s
A rectangular weir 6m long is discharging water under a head
of 300mm. Calculate the discharge over the weir by using
i) Francis formula
ii) Bazin’s formula
Given :
L = 4.5m
H = 300mm = 0.3m
i) Discharge over the weir by Franci' s formula
No. of end contractions, n = 2
Discharge over the weir, Q
Q = 1.84(L − 0.1nH )H 2

= 1.84 6 - (0.1 x 2 x 0.3)x(0.3) 3 / 2

= 1.796 m 3 / s
ii) Discharge over the weir by using Bazin' s formula,
From Bazin' s relation :
0.003 0.003
m = 0.405 + = 0.405 + = 0.415
H 0 .3
and the discharge over the weir (By Bazin' s formula)
Q = m L 2 g x H 3/ 2
= 0.41 x 4.5 x 2 x 9.81 x 0.63/2
= 1.18 m 3 / s
Velocity of Approach:
It is defined as:
 “The velocity with which water approaches or reaches a weir
before it flows over it is called velocity of approach.”
 If Va is the velocity of approach then additional head ha equals

to V2/2g due to velocity of approach is acting over the water

flowing over the weir.
 It is determined by finding discharge over the weir neglecting

velocity of approach. Then dividing discharge by the cross

sectional area of the channel on the upstream side of the weir,
the velocity of approach is obtained.
Velocity of Approach:
 Mathematically, Va =
Area of Channel

 This velocity of approach is used to find an additional head:

ha =
 Again the discharge is calculated and above process is
repeated for more accurate discharge.
 Discharge over the rectangular weir with velocity of approach
Q = Cd L 2 g x [( H + ha ) 3 / 2 − ha ]
3/ 2

A weir 2.4 m long has 0.6m head of water over the crest. Using Francis’
formula, find the discharge over the weir and, if the channel
approaching the weir is 6m wide and 1.2m deep.
Also determine the new discharge, considering the velocity of approach.
Given :
L = 2 .4 m
H = 0.6m
Width of channel = 6m and depth = 1.2m
i) Discharge over the weir without considering the velocity of approach :
No. of end contractions, n = 2
Q = 1.84(L − 0.1nH )H 3 / 2
= 1.84 2.4 - (0.1 x 2 x 0.6)x (0.6)3 / 2
= 1.95 m 3 / s
ii) Discharge over the weir considering the velocity of approach
Cross sectional area of water flowing in the channel,
A = 6 x 1.2 = 7.2m3
Q 1.95
∴ Velocity of approach, v = = = 0.27𝑚/𝑠
A 7.2
and head due to velocity of approach,
v2 0.272
ha = = = 0.0037𝑚
2𝑔 2𝑥9.81
Putting values,
Total Head H1 = H + ha = 0.6 + 0.0037 = 0.6037𝑚
𝑄 = 1.84(𝐿 − 0.1𝑛𝐻1 ) 𝑥 [𝐻1 3/2 − ℎ𝑎 3/2 ]
𝑄 = 1.84[2.4 − (0.1𝑥2𝑥0.6037)]𝑥[(0.6037)3/2 − (0.0037)3/2 ]
𝑄 = 1.966 𝑚3 /𝑠
Flow through Mouthpieces
 We know that discharge through an orifice depends upon its
coefficient of discharge. It was felt by the engineers that the
discharge through an orifice is too less (due to low value of
coefficient of discharge).
 It was found after conducting series of experiments by
engineers that if a short pipe be fitted to an orifice, it will
increase the value of coefficient of discharge and of course
discharge too.
 Such a pipe whose length is generally more than 2 times the
diameter of the orifice and is fitted (externally or internally) to
the orifice is known as mouthpiece.
Flow through Mouthpieces
Flow through Nozzles
 A nozzle is a tapering mouthpiece, which is fitted to the outlet
end of a pipe.
 A nozzle is generally, used to have a high velocity of water,
as it converts pressure head into kinetic head at its outlet.
 A high velocity of water is required in fire fighting, service
station, mining power development etc.
Quiz 2
 Define
1. Orifice
2. Vena Contracta
3. Coefficient of resistance
4. Vortex
5. Ir-rotational Flow
Quiz 3
 Define
1. Notch
2. sill or crest of the Notch
3. vein of the Notch
4. Internal energy
5. What is Pitot tube?

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