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Name:______ Class: 5th

Paper: Science Total Marks:100

Part1 (Objective)

☆Choose the correct answers: (50)

1.Disease caused due to air pollution:

a) Diarrhoea b)Typhoid c)Cholera

2. Which one is Non-biodegradable?

a) Feather b) Paper c)Polythene bag

3. All living organisms needs:

a) Food b) Water c)Oxygen d) All

4.___ is used in Refrigerator.

a) CFL b) CBC c)Chloroflourocarbon d) BFC

5. Polluted sewerage water cause:

a) Air pollution b) Water pollution

c) Land pollution d) environmental

6. Germs which cause typhoid:

a) Fertilizer b) Sewerage water

c) Factories substances d) Insecticides

7. Change of milk into yogurt is:

a)Physical change b)Chemical change

c)Climate change d)Change of colour

8.Matter have____ Physical states:

a) 2 b)3 c)4 d)5

9. Matter changes on:

a)Cooling b)Heating

c) Cleaning d)Heating and cooling

10. Liquid changed into solid is:

a) Boiling b)Melting c)Freezing

11. Wet clothes dry due to:

a) Melting b)Boiling c)Evaporation

12.Change of Gas into Liquid is called:

a)Pressure b)Condensation c)Force

13. Light travel in a___ in air.

a) Circle b) Curved c)Straight line

14.Speed of sound is maximum in:

a) Metal wire b) Air c)Water

15.Which object reflects maximum light? a)paper b)Mirror c)Wall

16.Light is the type of:

a)Motion b)Energy c)Speed

17.Which object emit its light?

a)Wood b)Soil c)Sun

18.Which are transparent objects?

a)Water b)Glass c) Air d)All

19. Moon is______ object.

a)Luminous b)Non Luminous c)Opaque d)Translucent

20.Sound is a type of____ energy;

a)Electrical b)Mechanical c)Thermal

21.Which thing is not bright?

a)Book b)Candle c)Bulb d)Sun

22.Sound is produced by____ objects.

a)Transparent b)Vibrating c)Opaque

23.Speed of light travel in one second

a)200,000k b)300,000km c)400,000km d)500,000km

24.Tissue paper allows to pass__light

a)Complete b)Some c)Special

25.Which sound is called noise?

a)Flute b)Chirping birds c)Pressure horn d)Rustling of leaves


Q1: What are the 4 effects of pollution on life?

Q2a:What is greenhouse effect?

Q2b:Write 3 ways to reduce pollution

Q3: Explain Evaporation giving Examples from everyday life.

Q4a:The moon is Non-Luminous. How does it look Luminous to us?

Q4b:what is transparent object? Write the names of 3 transparent objects.

Q5:What will be the effects o Global warming?

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