Acoustics Notes

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Acoustics - Italian Physicist

- Branch of physics that studies sounds - Was the first scientist to record the
(of any kind) relationship between the frequency of
- Concepts like frequency & amplitude the wave to the pitch it produces
- Derived from the Greek word - Was able to come to this conclusion
1. “akoustikos” meaning “of or for after taking a chisel and scraping it
hearing, ready to hear” against a brass plate
2. “akoustos” which means “heard, - The pitch of the screech varied
audible” directly with the spacing of the
- Study of how sound is perceived; Marin Mersenne
mostly psychology - French mathematician and monk
- Concepts like pitch, loudness, timbre - First person to record the speed of
- Relationship to physical concepts, sound as it travels through air in the
often roughly logarithmic year of 1640.
- Mersenn’s speed of sound was shown
Sound to be an error of less than 10%
- Is a wave that is created by vibrating - “Father of Modern Acoustics”
objects and propagated through a
medium from one location to another
- Mechanical wave
- Transported by particle-to-particle
- Carried through air at 345 m/s (770 Ernst Chladni
m.p.h.) as compressions and - “Father of Acoustics”
rarefactions in air pressure - For his seminal experimental work on
- Really tiny fluctuations of air pressure vibrations.
2 lbs - Also a well-respected musician and
( N /m ∨ psi , square −inch)
inventor of musical instruments.
- SI unit for pressure: atm (atmospheric
pressure) Node
Aristotle - Lines at rest
- Greek philosopher - Point along a standing wave where the
- One of the first people to claim that wave has minimum amplitude
sound traveled in waves
- Claimed that the quality of sound will Christian Doppler
be unchanged and will travel as far as - Austrian Physicist
the waves reaches - Known for developing a mathematical
equation that calculated the frequency
Galileo of a wave when the waves of the
source is moving relatively to the remember – sound is actually a
person/ observer. (Doppler Effect) longitudinal wave.
- Claimed that as the sources of the Longitudinal vs. Transverse Waves
waves moved further away from the 1. Longitudinal Wave
observer, the frequency of the waves - Motion of particles is along the
would become lower, therefore, the direction of propagation
person would hear the sound with less 2. Transverse Wave (water, light)
intensity. - Moving perpendicular to the
- On the other hand, if the source of the direction of propagation
waves moves closer to the observer,
the person would hear the sound with Why is Sound Longitudinal?
greater intensity. - Waves in air can’t be transverse

( )
c+ v
- f = c+ v f 0
because the atoms/molecules are not
bound to each other
- Air molecules only bump into one
Temperature and Medium another.
 Affects speed of sound - Gases can’t support shear loads

Pitch  The subsequent direction of

 Qualitative equivalent for wavelength motion of individual particles of a
medium is the same as the
Amplitude direction of vibration of the source
 The maximum displacement of a of the disturbance.
wave from the equilibrium position  The variation of pressure with
distance is used to represent sound
Properties of Waves waves graphically.
 Wavelength is measured from crest-
to-crest (meters) Sound Wave Interference and Beats
 For traveling waves (sound, light, - Two similar frequencies produce
water) there is speed (c) beats
 Frequency (f ) refers to how many Interference
cycles pass by per second (measured - Superposition of 2 sound waves
in Hertz) (T = 1/f )
Types of Interferences:
 These 3 are closely related
1. Constructive
 λf = c
- On pace (same)
- Amplitude of the wave increases due
Graphing a Sound Wave
to the wave amplitudes reinforcing
- The variation of pressure with
each other
distance is a useful way to represent a
sound wave graphically. But
2. Destructive
- Not on pace (different) - Sounds with frequency above 20 000
- Amplitude of the waves reduces due Hz is known as an ultrasounds
to the wave amplitudes apposing each
other Frequency and Music
- Intervals in music – sound waves
Sound hitting your eardrum producing particularly pleasant
- Pressure variations displace sensations.
membrane (eardrum, microphone) - Any two sounds whose frequent
which can be used to measure sound. make a 2:1 Ratios are said to be
- Speaking voice is moving your separated by an octave
eardrum by a mere
1.5 ×10 4 mm=150 nm= wavelength of visible light Animals
- Dogs can detect 50 Hz to 45 000 Hz
- Cats can detect 45 Hz to 85 000 Hz
- 5 ×10−8 mm – threshold of hearing (1/2
diameter of single atom)
“Intensity is caused by the Amplitude of
- 0.85 mm – pain threshold the vibration”

- Ear ignores changes slower than 20Hz

- Eardrum can’t be wiggled faster than Intensity
about 20 kHz - Measured in Decibels (dB)
Depends on:
Frequency of Sound 1. Amplitude
- vibrating object creates sound 2. Distance from source
- As sound waves moves through a
medium, each particle of the medium The amount of energy transferred to the
vibrates at the same frequency. medium is dependent on the amplitude of
- Frequency at which each particle vibrations
vibrates is the same as the frequency
of the original source of the sound Loudness
waves. - Subjective
- Frequencies of sound as having - Personal, physical response to the
different pitch. intensity of sound
- Produced frequency = sound heared - As intensity increases, so does
- Low frequency = low pitch loudness but loudness also depends on
- High frequency = high pitch the listener’s ears and brains
- Human ear = 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz
- Sounds with frequency of less than 20 The Decibel Scale
Hz (audible range of hearing) is called - abbreviated dB, unit used to measure
infrasound. the intensity of a sound.
- Is a little odd because human ear is
incredibly sensitive.
- Smallest audible sound (the threshold
of hearing) is 0 dB.
- Sound 10 times more powerful is 10
- Sound 100 times more powerful than
near total silence is 20 Db
- Sound 1,000 times more powerful
than near total silence is 30 dB.

- Threshold of Hearing: 0dB: 10o

- Instant Perforation of Eardrum:
160 dB: 1016

1. What is the medical term for ear wax?

 Cerumen
2. Hector Rivera
3. Black Bolt
4. Toha
5. Who produced the loudest scream in
the Guinness world records
 Jill Drake

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