My Observation From My Plant - Donnamaggan

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Taking up Water
The first step is to soak the dry beans so they absorb water to begin the germination
process. Given a day of soaking, the beans will swell as they take in water. Mung
beans more than double their weight, and nearly triple their volume. While the water
level in the container doesn't change, the swelling beans take up a greater proportion
of the volume.

A Root Emerges
The seed, swells more quickly than the embryonic seedling inside. The first sign of
germination is the emergence of the white root tip called the radicle. Since this growth
process requires oxygen, the beans are drained for exposure to air while sprouting.
With each day, these roots grow longer. If the beans are sprouted in soil, there's
nothing to see yet above the surface while this is happening.

Shedding the Seed Husk

The emergence of the radicle begins the splitting of the seed. Next the plumule -- the
plant's first bud -- sheds the seed by growing out of it. This will become the above-
ground part of the erect adult plant, beginning with the cotyledons -- the first set of
simple, embryonic leaves. Mung beans exhibit epigeal germination, where the seed is
left below the soil surface. The plumule is pushed upward by the growth of the radicle,
which is also sprouting root hairs to gather moisture and nutrients from the soil.

True Leaves Develop

As the plumule breaks through the soil surface, the cotyledons (seed leaf within the
embryo of a seed), at its end open to present the first two leaves, making the mung
bean a dicot(split into halves). These embryonic leaves have a simple oval shape, not
like the adult plant's true leaves, which will grow later. They hold nutrients from the
original seed, to feed the development of the first true leaves. As the leaves develop,
the cotyledons wither and the young plant has left its seddling stage.

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