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(Answer briefly the following items)

Name: Karyme Ofelle S. Romano

Course: BSECE-3

1. Freedom is the power to act or not to act, and so to perform deliberate acts of one’s own.
Explain further in words that best reflect your understanding of this matter.

Freedom is the ability to choose how to act and think independently and without the influence of others.
It is the right to make decisions and take control of one’s life and destiny. Freedom allows individuals to
express themselves without fear of repression, pursue their goals without interference, and live their lives
with autonomy and self-determination. It grants the power to act with intention, to think critically and
independently, and to make choices that shape one’s future. Freedom is essential to personal growth and
development and for society's day-to-day functioning.

2. What is cultural Relativism? Explain in language that will be understandable to ordinary


Cultural relativism is the idea that a culture's values, beliefs, and behaviors should be understood and
judged in terms of the culture's standards rather than in terms of another culture's standards. In other
words, it means understanding and respecting other cultures and their beliefs and practices, even if they
are very different from our own. It is essential to recognize that there is not one “correct” way of doing
things and that others have different beliefs and values shaped by their culture.

3. Enumerate the basic differences between Moral and Non-Moral Standards.

• Moral standards are based on ethical principles and values, while non-moral standards are based
on objective criteria.
• Moral standards are concerned with making judgments about what is right or wrong, while non-
moral standards are concerned with what is good or bad.
• Moral standards are enforced through social or legal sanctions, while non-moral standards are
enforced by individuals or organizations.
• Moral standards are applied to all individuals, while non-moral standards may be applied
differently to individuals depending on the circumstances.
• Moral standards are based on principles that are generally accepted by society, while non-moral
criteria are based on what is considered to be acceptable by a particular individual or group.

4. Enumerate the importance of employing the intellect and will in giving sound and just
moral judgement?

• Intellect and will help to ensure that moral judgement is based on reason, rather than emotion or
personal inclination.
• Intellect and will provide the ability to weigh evidence and facts, and draw logical conclusions
from them.
• Intellect and will ensure that moral judgement is impartial, consistent and just.
• Intellect and will help to identify underlying moral principles, values and standards that can be
applied to particular moral issues.
• Intellect and will help to develop a deep understanding of the ethical implications of a moral
• Intellect and will help to ensure that moral judgement is based on a reflective, deliberative
• Intellect and will provide the ability to assess the potential consequences of a moral decision. 8.
Intellect and will help develop the ability to make moral decisions that align with one's own
beliefs and values.

5. What are the important things/ideas that you learn in our class that made you value the study
of Ethics?

• The importance of understanding ethical principles and how they can shape our decisions in life.
• The need to consider the consequences of our actions and how they affect others.
• The importance of thinking critically and being open to different perspectives.
• The importance of developing an ethical code to guide our decision-making.
• The importance of understanding the complexities of ethical dilemmas and how to navigate
• The importance of being aware of our own biases and how they may affect our ethical
• The need for empathy and understanding when evaluating ethical issues.
• The importance of recognizing the value of ethical principles in the workplace and in society.

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