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Dissipation in arbitrary direction for TLS - Master Equation and solution

C. L. Latune

We consider a two-level systemS of time independent Hamiltonian HS = ωS |+u ⟩⟨+u |, where |+u ⟩ is the eigenvector
of σu := ⃗u.⃗σ associated to the eigenvalue 1. Here, ⃗u is a real unit vector of components ux , uy and uz , and ⃗σ is the
Pauli vector of component the Pauli matrices σx , σy , and σz . In other words, |±u ⟩ are given by
(1 + uz )|+⟩ + (ux + iuy )|−⟩
|+u ⟩ := p ,
2(1 + uz )
−(ux − iuy )|+⟩ + (1 + uz )|−⟩
|−u ⟩ := p , (1)
2(1 + uz )
where |±⟩ are the eigenstates of σz . The two-level system S interacts with a bosonic thermal bath B at inverse
P †
temperature β according to the coupling term V = σz B, where B = k gk (bk + bk ) is the usual bath coupling
operator. This leads to a dissipative dynamics described in the weak coupling limit by the following standard GKSL
master equation
2 2 − + 1 + −
Lρ = −i[HS + HLS , ρ] + (ux + uy )γ(ωs ) σu ρσu − {σu σu , ρ}
+(u2x + u2y )γ(−ωS ) σu+ ρσu− − {σu− σu+ , ρ}
+u2z γ(0)[σu,z ρσu,z − ρ], (2)
where σu+ := |+u ⟩⟨−u |, σu− := |−u ⟩⟨+u |, σu,z := |+u ⟩⟨+u | − |−u ⟩⟨−u |, γ(ωS ) = 2πJ(ωS )(nωS + 1), γ(−ωS ) =
2πJ(ωS )nωS , J(ω) is the bath spectral density, and nωS = (eωS β − 1)−1 is the average thermal excitation
h contained
in the (resonant mode of the) bath B. The Lamb-Shift is given by HLS := u2z s(0) + (u2x + u2y ) s(ωS )|+u ⟩⟨+u | +
s(−ωS )|−u ⟩⟨−u | , implying
h i h i
HS′ := HS + HLS = ωS + u2z s(0) + (u2x + u2y )s(ωS ) |+u ⟩⟨+u | + u2z s(0) + (u2x + u2y )s(−ωS ) |−u ⟩⟨−u |
= ωS′ |+u ⟩⟨+u |, (3)
with ωS′ := ωS + (u2x + u2y ) [s(ωS ) − s(−ωS )], and redefining the energy reference. The coefficients are given by,
Z ∞  
nω + 1 nω
s(ν) = −βC(ν) := − dωJ(ω) − (4)
0 ω−ν ω+ν
Z ∞
νcoth(ωβ/2) + ω
= − dωJ(ω) . (5)
0 ω2 − ν 2

Same expression, swapping ω and ν,

Z ∞  
nν + 1 nν
s(ω) = − dνJ(ν) − (6)
0 ν−ω ν+ω
Z ∞
ωcoth(νβ/2) + ν
=− dνJ(ν) . (7)
0 ν 2 − ω2
Then, s(0) = −Q, with Q := 0
dωJ(ω)/ω is the reaorganization energy. The master equation can be re-arranged in
the following way,
1 + −
Lρ = −i[HS′ , ρ]
+ (1 − −
u2z )γ(nωS +
+ 1) σu ρσu − {σu σu , ρ}
+(1 − u2z )γnωS σu+ ρσu− − {σu− σu+ , ρ} + u2z γ(0)[σu,z ρσu,z − ρ], (8)
R∞ J(ω)
where, γ = 2πJ(ωS ), and γ(0) = π 0 dωJ(ω)(2nω + 1)δ(ω) = π2 limω→0 J(ω)(2nω + 1) = π
β limω→0 ω . More
formally, we can re-write the above master equation in the generic form,
′ − + 1 + −
Lρ = −i[HS , ρ] + Λ− σu ρσu − {σu σu , ρ}
+ − 1 − +
+Λ+ σu ρσu − {σu σu , ρ} + Λ0 [σu,z ρσu,z − ρ]. (9)
The above master equation is obtained by performing the secular approximation, which is valid when ωS is much
larger than the dissipation timescale, given by [2πJ(ωS )(2nωS + 1)]−1 .

The corresponding time evolution implied by the above master equation is

p+ (t) := ⟨+u |ρS (t)|+u ⟩ = e−(Λ+ +Λ− )t p+ (0) + (1 − e−(Λ+ +Λ− )t )
Λ+ + Λ −
2 nωS 2
= e−(1−uz )γ(2nωS +1)t p+ (0) + (1 − e−(1−uz )γ(2nωS +1)t ) (10)
2nωS + 1

p− (t) := ⟨−u |ρS (t)|−u ⟩ = e−(Λ+ +Λ− )t p− (0) + (1 − e−(Λ+ +Λ− )t )
Λ+ + Λ −
2 nωS + 1 2
= e−(1−uz )γ(2nωS +1)t p− (0) + (1 − e−(1−uz )γ(2nωS +1)t ) (11)
2nωS + 1

′ Λ+ +Λ−
c+− (t) := ⟨+u |ρS (t)|−u ⟩ = e−iωS t e−(2Λ0 + 2 )t
c+− (0)

−iωS t −[2u2z γ(0)+(1−u2z )γ(nωS +1/2)]t
= e e c+− (0). (12)

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