Self Help Group

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A Self-help croup aoa Oobreviaktd 3H) f& a Rnanctal inkevme: Commitee usually Composed of 10-26 local women between, ‘he ages af Ib-Ho who chase fo come together te find Ways to imorove their living Conditions + lk can digo be AeGined as self Querned, peer conmdled, Nforrnalion group oF peopIe Lith Similay Socto - etoramnicfeactiground and having a desire fo Collectively pevforen Common purpose Villages Face numeRas peblems -telaled fo poverty , illiteracy jlack of stats , lack of Formal credit ete» These prilems cannet be tackled at an individual level and need | coueckive effets » Thus shu can beame © Venicle of change for “he poor and Marginalized - BH “rely on the Nokon of Set Help” to ermourage SAE employment and preesty | Neviation A SHA 3 a Small economically Wonmagensus affinit woup sf the rural poor Voluntarily coming together te Save Smal! amedat “ata are deposed In a “commen Fund to meet members emergency needs and to prowidd caiaieral free loans decided by he group - “They have beim recagnited as useful tool te help Ane poor and as an alleynGlive mechanism meet the argeck Creat needs of omy “thugs pati The basle prindpes of the SHus Gye Group approach , mutual tusk , organization oF Small and Managedole qeaps , group cohesiveness | Spivit of thrift | demand ased lending , collateral free , women, Frendiy loan , peer ini ‘ i epaymmeny , “Bran raining) Gspadig sj eataiod Evolution Of SHG SHlv's have their found in mg b: university + Shuas 1p pressure in land empowerment encsis, Frorn ‘he Gwamin Bank of Ganaladesn which was ‘tne econornist: Prof Monammad Yunus sf ehitragen ee eStablished Caclusively For ‘the benefit oF paov - witnin “lithe Span of time , SHMS pec the velfcle for ural credit delivery System fo many parts of the word: In 1941, at the word Micro Credit Summit, ela at Washington ne deveroped and developing Cunbies aayera fo Faceie the menance of ruval poverty tasing tne teal\oF rfero> cieait AB rang a5 53 developing counwes” witluding” India have Seb 4p Swit to facite Sural poverty - Evolution tn India Whe origin of Shira in India Can be braced back to the establishment of the SeF- Employed Women's Assocation (SewA) in 1912 - alll NAGARD, 9 1902 + Formed the Shu Bank Linkage Pagject , which (% today the wona's largest miewfinance Project. From , 1993 onwards, NABARD, along with Resewe | Bank of india , allowed SHS tp open Bavings ‘bank ateunt ial eee The Swan Tayantri Gran Swaresgar Yejana was inmeduced in 1999 by | = Ane intention of promsting Seif - emy | notre and Skin, of Gel Pleyedment: in ural areas try ach partner of a group. This Nakonal Rural Livetinesd Mission [NRtNJin 20n- evolved Inte the Functons of SHU *Tney hry fo Touild the Rinancial and Functional capacity oF poor and zea Sections of Society in the domain oF ¢ en! income - genexal ackvives S vy) oy Ine offer conaleval- Free loans to Sections of people that generaly Fina it to get loans from banks - hey also aesolve Conflicts via mutual diswussion and Collective ‘ney are an important Source of micioRnance Services to “he poor. Rey ack as 6 go-Arrou. GP for forme banking Services Ty aeacn Ane poor, cially eee ‘ney algS encourage habit 8f Saving among the poor - za q J 3 oe leadership. Need box SHor fOne of the cnieF reason fox rural Poverty iS the lack of acess or lined actess to credit and Financial Sewices. * The Rangarajan Committee Report highil gic Four major ~eassn Fox lack oi “Financial inclusion in tnaia They ares ® 2 eax heat absmpin Sapa © The insufkcient each of institutions: © kale cammunity nehoork Jo Trey als help to build Secfal Caprral among the poor , eSpectaliy wsdmen. This Empasers loomen and gwes them greater Voice in Boceity « * Financial Independence Arough SelF- emplaument has many exlernalites Such as_lmprmed eraty level, Beller health cite ana even bitter fami ty Planning, Litevature Revie mac's empowerment Twoygh Seif Help groups plays @ pivotal avie in the advan- Menk 8F wae IQ order to Hep the ural peor tribal, pariculay women iq Seuring inspivahona\ and Bupponive Senices Fram "within and outside sitn speyps Women bea an un qual Shove oF the burden of poverty glthaliy , due to Societal and Shucural inequality - wer gins one enroned in Senoot ren toys, tesxiing #9 mare than boo tneds of the World's “illiterale adults being women: women enpetence unequal acess te Nealthemt Stating fiom birth and throughout they epraduchve years and ave CONSRCIOUS by ea gpiemment = local tegfo- nal and natonal women also have limiled economic freedom - In Stic salnavan Ahica, ony 16-12 per cent oF loans {sued fo Small and medium-sized businesses ave to wonten Business owners +, in Sout ASO, Anis figure 18 only 6 per Cent «In South and Sautheast ASIA , Warren Comense fy more than 60 percent af the agxcaltardl tasour Force , bul in India ,Mepal and AMnaitand, For EXamp!e, 1é5S Ahan Joc! of vonenen Farmers own and These Facts descrine the fminisation of piverty’, a prrase thal Capture women's “Unequal shave. of poverty i lems of wealth , choices and opportunites ————— i ee Afler the 1844 Inlemational Conference om papulation and Development in Cato, ‘ne Unite Nations nealeased a Paper thar dlelinealed five tajor Companents GF empowerment: women's Sense of Self- worth, Women's Tight fy have and fe delernaine Chace», wWomer's git Yo Ihave acess fe opponiuniltes “and ‘TesounceS *, women's mig he lo have athe power I Connel thelr Oa ves, beth within ond outside the hene-, Gnd womens ability 1 influence the avection of Sectal change fo Crea a more {Ast Sectal dha cioromte order, natignaliy and internationally | Stis ave a lonq history {9 India and throughout Sout and Swuineas ABCA « Camentiy Ane largest ahd most well known= programme 1S tne Naronal Racal Uelinads Mission, nich almS te mobilise To miltioa househsids {Io | Shivs , 1A in India - NRLM Inctudes multiple Components right Fronma Socio) |= ae oF houscholas ty evelopment oF full Scale ~ Cederation, SW parkcipakon tay \ead 10 UoameniS empowerment Weecause oF tne: lonprocemenis 9 income , Savings and/or lean “repayments and Sbilis afer women ate exposed 1 Qroup Suppert and — Qcumulake Seciql Capital duc pavttapaton in regular meetngs , duning which they gain aaeis we resources in the frat! oF creat Raining | wans & CApital- Studies foun Anak imome oF women Increased afer {oini Ane Shins. Ay Ane same me , monthly bousele\ds expenditure tw abs went high: The good prackee fox the tasmen Stes in the Subchyacaees was the 1 oF Ioan. ia Hine + Wem empowers men in thork s indicate a change from powerlessness power fullness, wander pavilag ed » Privileged vand: enakting wore te have Conwol B over tHe resources 9 Socfal ; economical s polikeal ,tnieecwal , and Cultural vegources nak €1 = wamen women Empowerment Tmodugh Seif help group Weuld lead ty benefits mob ony Aine individual wornen ut aise the Feareltiy and Community aS A Whole Awaugh Collective action for development: Empmacing women is fot {use For Meeting ‘neice economic need® but argo Fox xe holistic Soctal development «Te SHMS provide Credit and empawiey voomen Socially and crononicalty + hey enidurage women © participate in decfsion making in the househt® | Community Seal demscrale Sector and prepare women tr fake Up leadership pasirfon >

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