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Internship Report


Secondary School
Qasba Gujrat
Muzaffar Garh

Supervised By

Submitted By

Student of ENGLISH
Main Fall Regular



Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to Allah Almighty for enabling me to complete this task. I also
give my thanks to the Department of English for offering such practical courses and providing an
internship program for better experience for the students.

On the completion of the internship program, I take this opportunity to thank all the faculty of the
Department of English for making us capable of undertaking this task. I am personally thankful to HOD
DR. ASAF AMIR for giving me this opportunity. I am also highly thankful to Ma’am Sara Malik;
because under their precious guidance, I was able to complete this report.

Lastly, I want to thank Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan for offering such a career oriented course in
its umbrella.

Asad Shahryar


This project is dedicated to my Parents who have never failed to give me financial and
moral support, for giving all my needs during the time I studied and developing my
project and still supporting me.


I declare that the work presented here is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, original and the result
of my own investigations, except as acknowledged, and has not been submitted, either in part or whole,
for a degree at this or any other university.

Asad Shahryar


This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
BS (English) at Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan.


External Examiner





Chapter 01 Introduction 1

Chapter 02 Academic Programs 5

Chapter 03 My plan of internship 23

Chapter 04 SWOT Analysis 37

Chapter 05 Conclusion and Recommendations 39

Reference 41


Introduction of Muzaffargarh
Muzaffargarh is a city in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. Located on the bank of the
Chenab River, it is the capital of the district with same name. It is the 39th largest city
of Pakistan by population.

The Muzaffargarh region was an agricultural and forested area during the rule of the
Indus valley civilization. Then came the Vedic period, which was characterized by
the introduction of Indo-Aryan culture from into the Punjab province.

Muzaffar Khan was also the Governor of Multan at the time. The meaning of the
word is “Fort of Muzaffar” because the “historic district” lies within the walls of a
fort belt by the Governor. In 1864, it became of the Muzaffargarh District.

During the independence movement of Pakistan, the Muslim population

supported the Muslim League and the Pakistani movement.

Overview of the Organization

Government Higher Secondary School Qasba Gujrat Tehsil Kot Addu District
Muzaffargarh is well reputed public sector institute working to promote education. It
is an established institute with good name in Muzaffargarh District. It is managed by
Qualified and devoted team including well known principal.

Our vision is to enable the student to commensurate with the challenges of dynamic
world. We seek students delight by better swerving them. Govt. Higher Secondary
School Qasba Gujrat Muzaffargarh is a learning community which ensures students
success. Govt. Higher Secondary School Qasba Gujrat Muzaffargarh provides a
stimulating and supportive environment which focuses on the power of individual
guidance and assistance.


“To Enhance Global Competitiveness at Qasba Gujrat Muzaffargarh, through a

quality and productive workforce by developing a demand driver, standardized,

Core Objective:

• Quality Education

• Personality Development

• True performance

• Career Molding


Govt. Higher Secondary School Stating in Muzaffargarh. Govt. Higher Secondary

School is major Institute for Education in this city. It is also affiliated with DG Khan
Board which is the main source of education throughout the country.


Since education is the key to success and the sole change agent in all fields of life.
Quality of education determines the quality / competence of human resources. A
nation cannot develop without developing the quality of education/ human resources
in such a way that it is can meet all the needs of society at national and international
The recent changes in the system of education are the reflection of the demand of the
area to create teachers who have the quality of creativity and novelty, innovation and
specialization in their own filed of knowledge. So that the best quality human
resources be produced to dominate the world scene and to play to leading role in this
age of competition and specialization.

Saeed Akhtar Meo
Govt. Higher Secondary School
Qasba Gujrat Muzaffargarh

Test & Examination System

Since the Govt. Higher Secondary School Qasba Gujrat affiliated with DG Khan
Board (Punjab) and Annual examination system is introduced to assess the students.
There shall be a weekly assessment test comprising the material taught during the
previous week. A certain portion of marks obtained by the students shall be kept on
being recorded on weekly basis.

a) First and Second monthly generate tests are taken accordingly.

b) Pass marks will be 45% and passing in all subjects will be. Compulsory
c) Students failing twice in the same shall be re-tested Failure in re-tested will
mean termination from School.
d) Parents & Teachers meeting shall be held after terminal exams for overseeing
the progress of students.

Medium of Instruction and Assessment

Medium of instruction and assessment will be English & Urdu for Metric.

Leave Rules

Will be English & Urdu for

1. A student finding him unable to attend his classes on account of illness or

some other reasonable concern must his leave sanctioned by the head of the
discretionary power of the head of the institution.
2. In case of illness the student will provide Medical certificate issued by a Govt.
Registered Medical fractioned & countersigned by Medical Superintendent of
District Head quarter Hospital.

Important Note

A student without attendance 80% of total number of lectures delivered to the class in
all papers shall not be allowed to take the School Class.


1. To get a book issued from the library a student must shown his / her indent Id
card for the identification.
2. A student is expected to take care of book he has got issued. He will have to
pay fine or replace the book. Torn or damaged in any way.

3. Only one book at a time is issued to a student. He can retain it for fifteen days
from the date of issue.
4. Teachers can retain five books at a time for a period of a month.

5. Reference books, Dictionaries and highly precious books are not issued.
However they can be studied in the library.
6. In case of a limited number of books on a particular subject, Firs & cone, first
served, policy will be adopted.
7. In case a book is lost or misplaced by a student, he will have to replace the
books or pay the double or triple or the original price of the book at the time
8. Only one book at a time is issued to a student. He can retain it for fifteen days
from the date of issue.
9. Teachers can retain five books at a time for a period of a month.
10. Reference books, Dictionaries and highly precious books are not issued.
However they can be studied in the library.
11. In case of a limited number of books on a particular subject, Firs & cone, first
served, policy will be adopted.
12. In case a book is lost or misplaced by a student, he will have to replace the
books or pay the double or triple or the original price of the book at the time
its purchase.
13. After the close of an education session with in a period of twelve month,
Library security can be refunded.

Computer Laboratory

The School has established a computer laboratory with modern equipment in which
capable & efficient teachers are appointed to teach latest technology to the students.

School Student Card

After getting admission, all the students will be issued school Student card by the
principal of the school. In case of losing the student will get Duplicate of the same,
after paying prescribed fee, but it can only be issued twice in the year and no students
will return the card to the school at the end of academic year.

School Canteen

A canteen also exists in the school for the students to provide the better entertainment
i.e., Breakfast and lunch. If a student feels any deficiency in the services or finds
substandard foods or drinks. He can complain to principal against the contractor of the

Curriculum Activities

• Sports Gala
• Speech Competition
• Physical Activities

Annual Functions

• Parents Teachers Meeting

• Independence Day
• Eid Milad Ul Nabi (s.a)

Rules & Regulations

Discipline is an unavoidable factor in any civilized society institution or organization.

Founder of Pakistan, Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah laid emphasis on
discipline. Govt. Higher Secondary School "discipline carries more sense that what
just the word means. It will be like an energy uniting all the students into one great
body behaving with a sense of honor and responsibility.

A few guidelines are however placed below for strict compliance.

1. Punctual its must, in all cases be observed, Students must be within gates of
the college 5 minutes before the opening bell. The parents of untidy,
ungrounded and ill disciplined students shall be informed to pay attention to
them, in serious cases, they must call upon the principal when required.
2. Wearing of school uniform is compulsory during the school routine. On
Fridays however, they shall wear color dresses. 4J Students absent without
approved of leave will be disciplined accord kingly.
3. A continuous uniform absence from college will result d is missal from the
school.Re-admission will have complications.
4. Stealing, cheating, telling i.e disrespecting the elders shall be treated as punish
able offences.
5. The Students are d is allowed to wear valuable articles in the school.

6. The principal is authorized to impose fine on any students committing


What is an internship?

An internship is an opportunity offered by employers, both in the non-profit and for-

profit sectors, to students interested in the industry. An intern works at the company
for a fixed period of time, usually two months. Some students will have a part-time
internship, where they work at the office for just a few days or hours a week. Others
.will have full-time internships, 'meaning they work the same hours as the company's
full-time employees. Internships can be any time of the year, including over the
summer and during the regular semester.
Experience is becoming a crucial factor for employers when deciding who gets their
foot in the door. It's strongly advised that students and graduates take the opportunity
to complete a period of work experience to ensure they have a competitive advantage
over their peers; and that's where an internship can make all the difference. So, what
actually is an internship?

An internship is a period of w.ork experience offered by an employer to give students

and graduates exposure to the working environment, often within a specific industry,
which relates to their field of study. Internships can be as short" as a week or as long
as 12 months. They can be paid or voluntary; however, before you start an internship
it's important to know your rights with regards to getting paid.

Internships can be done in a range of sectors, including sales, marketing, engineering,

graphic design, management, I.T. and many, many more. Throughout an internship
you will develop a variety of soft skills, including communication skills, personal
effectiveness, presentation skills, creative problem solving and influencing skills.

'On-the-job'-experience can be as valuable as anything learned in your studies. .After

all,, you cannot really understand what a job is all about until you have worked in that
environment. Internships are great opportunities to speak directly to people who have
experience in the role you aspire to; and their knowledge of the job and working
environment will give you a greater understanding of what it's all about and what you
need to do to progress. Your career aspirations may change when you're faced with
the true realities of a role. Internships can therefore be used as a 'try before you buy'

Option, before you embark on a career and confirm if this is what you want to do in
the long term. An internship can give you a real insight into the world of work,
allowing you to build on the theory you learned at university and helping you. To gain
practical skills that will help strengthen your CV and make you more employable.
Internships offer you the chance to test your skills in real-life situations, explore your
career options and gain an insight into an organization or career path

What are the long-term benefits of doing an internship?

Following a successful internship it is not unusual for employers to make a full-time

job offer to their intern. Many employers use internships as a trial period and will
already have plans to recruit on a permanent basis. Therefore, it's vital that you make
a good impression; turn up on time, be enthusiastic and show your flexibility,
adaptability and commitment.

Results from a recent survey conducted by Graduate Advantage prove that internships
do create jobs for graduates. It showed that 81% of interns are now employed and
74% of those are either in permanent employment or are on a long term contract. Of
these, 68% believe their internship helped them to gain their current position and an
impressive 33% are still working with their internship organization.

Michael Ell ender of Birmingham Forward said of his internship: "I am a very
proactive person and was keen to only take a role where I could use my graduate
skills. In my experience, if you are willing to show initiative. Enthusiasm and work
hard, you will be given further opportunities to develop. I was pleased to stay on after
the placement and have now been promoted to a higher level role that I enjoy."

Benefits of an Internship Program

Find Future Employees

An internship program is a year-round recruiting tool. Fall internships, summer

internships, semester internships, and quarterly internships, implementing an
internship program means you have an ongoing pipeline of future fulltime employees.

For many, the process of recruiting and hiring is a drain on company resources. One
solution: Appeal to tomorrow's staff members when they're looking for internships,
and all you have to do is choose the best of the bunch when it comes time to hire.

Moreover, campuses are viral societies. This means if your organization impresses
one class of interns, word will quickly spread. Soon you'll find the most sought-after
student talent is interested in working with you.

Test-Drive the Talent

It's a human resources reality: A new employee makes a solid impression in the
interview, but then just doesn't gel with your current team or your company's way of
doing things.

Because of this, hiring someone as an intern is the most effective way to evaluate their
potential as a fulltime employee. When you "try out" candidates via a semester or
summer internship, you make fewer mistakes when it comes to fulltime staffing; you
avoid the pitfall of training a new hire, only to find out they're not a fit for your
organization...or that the entry-level employee doesn't like the field. Starting an
internship program lets you benefit from added manpower, while more accurately
assessing candidates.

Increase Productivity

Speaking of additional manpower, setting up an internship program allows you to take

advantage of short-term support. The extra sets of hands help your employees be more
productive, prevent them from becoming overburdened by side projects, as well as
free them up to accomplish more creative tasks or those where higher-level, strategic
thinking or expertise is required. .

Increase Employee- Retention Rate

The proof for the test-driving theory is in the positive employee-retention figures:
According to NACE's 2009 Experiential Education Survey, almost 40% of employers
reported a higher five-year retention rate among employees they'd hired via their
internship programs.

Enhance Perspective

It's not just the extra sets of hands that make interns advantageous. Especially in an
organization of only"12 or 15 employees, new people bring with them novel
perspectives, fresh ideas, and specialized strengths and skill sets. These augment the
abilities of your professional workforce.

Take advantage of low-cost labor

Interns are an inexpensive resource. Their salaries are significantly lower than staff
employees, on you aren't obligated to pay unemployment or a severance package
should you not hire them on fulltime. Moreover, while their wage requirements are
modest, they're among the most highly motivated members of the workforce.

Find Free Of Charge allows you to post your employer profile completely free of charge.
This means you get extensive exposure to the top colleges and candidates without
putting a dent in your recruiting budget.

Give Back To the Community

As a small business, you likely rely on community support. Creating, an internship

program is an excellent way to give back. Hiring interns not only helps students in
your community get started; it enhances the local workforce as a whole.

Support Students

Internships provide students numerous perks: They gain experience, develop skills,
make connections, strengthen their resumes, learn about a field, and assess their
interest and abilities.

Offering a paid internship is particularly beneficial, because it enables economically

disadvantaged youth to participate. Students who have to help fund their own
schooling will need a job, regardless. Providing an internship allows that job to
facilitate a positive future.

Benefit Your Small Business

When looking for fulltime work, the top talent often go for big-name businesses. But
when seeking internships, learning is the leading draw. Many candidates feel they'll
get more hands-on training, real experience, and mentoring opportunities with smaller

Types of Internships

There are many different types of internships available for you to choose from
depending on your area of study or personal interests.

Internships for credit

Universities and colleges work collaboratively with companies to offer students

internships for academic credits. These credits provide you with hands-on experience
while fulfilling your academic requirements. Internships for credits are a great way to
accomplish two goals at once.

Academic internships can be arranged through your academic adviser and may last 1-
2 semesters in duration. To receive credit, students may be asked to keep a journal,
write an essay, or make a presentation about the experience.

Summer Internships

Summer internship programs are normally shorter in duration and can last from a few
weeks to an entire summer. These internships provide academic credits or experience
in your field.

Most commonly, summer internships are arranged with your school, but independent
internship opportunities can be found in fields such as tourism internships or
hospitality internships.

There are many types of summer internships offered to students. You may choose
from paid summer internship programs, high school summer internships, or
internships based on location. Learn more about the specifics of an internship.

Non-Profit Internships

Non-profit internships are normally for organizations such as charities, schools,

government agencies, religious organizations, or hospitals. The aim of nonprofit
internships is to provide a public service for the community. Internships at non-profit
organizations are typically unpaid but look impressive on a resume or on a CV.

Service Learning

With this unique type of internship, you work for an organized community
organization such as a library, a shelter, or a community center. Service learning
programs are structured in three-step processes

Which require participants to :

1. Define the objectives and goals of the project

2. Perform the service work

3. Present their experiences in a presentation or a paper Examples of service learning

projects could be taking part in a reading assistance program at a library, working with
veterinarians at an animal shelter, or designing a playground at a community center.
Through service learning, you receive transferable skills while benefiting the

Job Shadowing

Job shadowing is also known as an "externship" and is similar to an internship but

shorter, lasting from a few days to several weeks. Job shadowing is used as an activity
for high school or university students to explore different career options. Students
taking part in job shadowing will spend time observing their mentor while working
together with other professionals. Job shadowing is a great way to gain insight and
experience while helping you decide the direction of your career. Whichever type of
internship you choose; you'll have the chance to transfer your academic knowledge to
real life experience. Read all about the application process for internships here.

What is teaching?

Teaching is a challenging but very rewarding profession, with teachers playing an

essential part in helping children and young people to acquire and develop the
knowledge and skills they will need in later life.

Duties performed during the Internship

During my internship I taught an English Class 10th at Govt. Higher Secondary School
Qasba Gujrat Muzaffargarh. Over the course of this experience, I learned the many
ways of teaching. One of the insights that I gained during this was an understanding
on how to enable students to learn while they enjoy the importance of teaching. I also
gained an understanding of how to accommodate a divest student’s body that has
multiple learning style and cultures. This includes enabling struggling students to
succeed and enabling gifted students to continue excelling academically throughout
the course of class. Lastly I also developed techniques that allow me to assess
student’s progress effectively in order to carry out my goals as an educator.
In the classroom, I used a variety of methods to ensure that my students are actively listening
and taking notes during class. I posed my questions to the students and allow them to derive
their answers from what they have previously learned in the class. I also used that language in
which students feel their self comfortable and the reception and perception process takes place
with ease and effectively. I also encouraged all students by helping them to understand
English as they showed a remarkable progress in the next tests. As I mostly used Grammar
Translation Method and direct method so it is easier for students to understand and interpret what the
topic is all about as I also used Question Answer Method so I can conclude about my lecture. In this
way, I allowed the students to be actively participating in their learning while analyzing whatthey
Nine Weeks Activities

• Teaching English first Lesson of 10th Class “Hazart Muhammad(s.a)”
an embodiment of justice
• Maintain Attendance Sheet
• Round In Classes
2nd Week
• Exam Duty
• Teaching 2nd Lesson of 10th Class “Chinese new year”
• Result Arrangement

3rd Week • Teaching 3rd Poem “Try Again” with Exercise

• Paper checking
• Round in Class
4th Week
• Teaching 4th lesson of 10th “first aid” with exercise
• Teaching grammar include active voice and passive voice
5th Week
• Teaching poem of “The Rain”
• 6th lesson “Television vs. News Paper”
• Management of Magic Show in school

6th Week • Teaching 10th class English poem “Little by Little one walks far!
• Parts of speech
• Monthly Test

7th Week
• eaching the grammar
• eaching the way of writing letter and application
• Maintained attendance sheet

8th Week • Work on oral communication skills

• Group discussion

• Expression to explain one,s point of view

• File Management

9th Week • Oral Communication skills :Conducting interview

• Writing skills : Essay writing

Problems during Internship

• Your hours are longer than originally advertised

• Adjusting with the employees
• Responding to work Load

Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan –I
Class: 10th
Subject: English
Topic: Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) an embodiment of justice
Period Duration 40 min
General Objectives
After the completion of lecture the student will able to:
i. Develop good reading, speaking, writing and listening skills.
ii. Improve the set of vocabulary of the students.
iii. Communication their ideas, feeling & expressions in English language.
iv. Develop an understanding and competence in spoken English.
v. Gain the skills necessary to write appropriate and effective English
Specific Objectives
After the competition of course students will able to understand

i. Know about personality of Holy Prophet (S.A.W)

ii. Identify a topic sentence in a paragraph
iii. Demonstrate use of common and proper noun

Teaching Aids
White Board and duster, charts, pictures and Pointer etc.
Teaching Method
Lecture method
Teacher will tell the brief introduction of the topic “Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) an
embodiment of justice”

Announcement of the topic
Dear students today we are going to study about “Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) an embodiment
of justice”
Teacher will resent the topic in brief and try to give background of the lesson. Teacher
will use different techniques to make the lesson very easy and interesting for the
Partial recapitulation
In the middle of the lesson teacher ask some short question that students are learning
the lesson.
Final Recapitulation
At the end of the lesson teacher will assess the knowledge gained by students during
the lecture. And will ask some question and through different drills to know that the
students have learnt their lesson well.
Home task
Prepare the topic and implementation these rules in different sentences and them
prepare the assignment which contain at four pages

Lesson Plan –II
Class: 10th
Subject: English
Topic: Chinese New Year
Period Duration 40 min
General Objectives
After the completion of lecture the student will able to:
iv. Develop good reading, speaking, writing and listening skills.
v. Improve the set of vocabulary of the students.
vi. Communication their ideas, feeling & expressions in English language.
Specific Objectives
After the competition of course students will able to understand
vi. Students are able to read to write about events at Chinese New Year.
vii. Students are able to do a survey of the favorite festivals in class.
viii. Students are able to search for other festivals on the internet.
ix. Students are able to design and write about a new festivals.

Teaching Aids
White Board and duster, charts, pictures and Pointer etc.
Teaching Method
Lecture method
Teacher will tell the brief introduction of the topic “Chinese new year”.

Announcement of the topic
Dear students today we are going to study about “Chinese new year”.
Teacher will resent the topic in brief and try to give background of the lesson. Teacher
will use different techniques to make the lesson very easy and interesting for the
Partial recapitulation
In the middle of the lesson teacher ask some short question that students are learning
the lesson.
Final Recapitulation
At the end of the lesson teacher will assess the knowledge gained by students during
the lecture. And will ask some question and through different drills to know that the
students have learnt their lesson well.
Home task
Prepare the topic and implementation these rules in different sentences and them
prepare the assignment which contain at four pages

Lesson Plan –III
Class: 10th
Subject: English
Topic: Poem “Try Again”
Period Duration 40 min
General Objectives
After the completion of lecture the student will able to:
x. Define memos and understand their use and importance in professional society
xi. Improve the set of vocabulary of the students.
xii. Communication their ideas, feeling & expressions in English language.
Specific Objectives
After the competition of course students will able to understand
xi. Be able to communicate more details information in smaller and clearer forms.
xii. The understanding of when not to give up.
xiii. Learn new vocabulary along with its Urdu translation.

Teaching Aids
White Board and duster, charts, pictures and Pointer etc.
Teaching Method
Lecture method
Teacher will tell the brief introduction of the topic “Try Again”.

Announcement of the topic
Dear students today we are going to study about “Try Again”.
Teacher will resent the topic in brief and try to give background of the lesson. Teacher
will use different techniques to make the lesson very easy and interesting for the
Partial recapitulation
In the middle of the lesson teacher ask some short question that students are learning
the lesson.
Final Recapitulation
At the end of the lesson teacher will assess the knowledge gained by students during
the lecture. And will ask some question and through different drills to know that the
students have learnt their lesson well.
Home task
Prepare the topic and implementation these rules in different sentences and them
prepare the assignment which contain at four pages


“Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and threats (SWOT) analysis is a situational which

includes strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats that effect organizational
performance.” The overall evaluation of a company strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats is called strength, weakens, Opportunity and Threats
(SWOT) analysis.” The goal is to then develop good strategies and exploit
opportunities and strengths neutralize threats and avoid weakness.

• The school management is very keen to provide basic facilities to students.
• School staff is very hard working and the most appreciable thing is that they
are too sincere with this institution.
• The programs which are currently being done very important.
• The location of school is very beautiful and attractive.
• The management of school is high qualified.
• All the teachers are very qualified and hard working.
• The institute is giving excellent results.
• The test system of school is very effective.


• Infrastructures not according to the need of time.

• Some of the teachers are very harsh to students. They should change their
attitude so that students may feel easy while interacting with them.
• Untrained coordination Staff.
• Lectures times were not follow according to Maintained time Table

• English Medium Classes will be Started in Future

• Language Courses will be started.

• Poor monitoring & evaluation

• Political or absent teacher in regular classes

To conclude the whole discussion I can without any hesitation that it was good
experienced of my life. It was a golden chance for me to improve professional career. I
got experience in teaching which increased my confidence in education even it was my
first experience; it not only improved my knowledge but my personality. My dealing with
students, colleagues and my management was as fine as a professional should have. This
whole change is because of my professional life. While doing administrative work I
learned different strategies, approaches and schemes to maintain my time and my time
table. I also learned that how to present my perspectives, ideas, views and abstract
thoughts in front of my mentor and other faculty members. I also got know-how about
Urdu typing while doing E-library work. While I was a student I was free to do anything
but during my internship period as a teacher I know my dos and don‟ts, my limits and my
attitude towards life changed. As I conducted examinations and got to know that how to
have a check on students during examination.

I want to give some suggestions for the betterment of the G.C.E.T:
➢ There should be check and balance system between students and administration.
➢ Principal should play active role in the progress of school.
➢ There should be a meeting with teachers to promote teaching methods.
➢ There also should be a proper contact with the guardians of students.
➢ Recommendation should also be taken from students.
➢ After each month a test report should be sent to parents.
➢ Talented students should be encouraged by awards.




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