Sales Process Mastery - Scipt - Flow

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Process Script
- Flow
Pre-Call Prep
Make sure you are logged into your
Zoom or Go-To-Meeting session
with a few minutes to spare (use
headphones if possible)
Pull up your tabs that you will re-
view during the meeting (Clients
website, ranking report, example
client sites / reports)
Have your iPad with the script &
pen or a pen and notepad in front
of you
Make sure that the meeting record-
ing is enabled

54 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

The Ideal Sales Process
Rapport Agenda Decision

Goals Current Situation Tried in the past

Review Website (Good / Bad / Im- Review Rankings (Good / Bad / Improve- Review On Page (Good / Bad / Im-
provement) ment) provement)

Show Example Program Overview / Presentation / Pric- Ask for Business


(3 Question Loop) (3 Question Loop) (3 Question Loop)

53 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Hey Tom, how is your week going?

What part of the country are you join-

ing me from to day?

OK, we can dive right in if that OK

with you?

(Get the early yes & momentum


55 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Lead the meeting & set the agenda
I have a loose framework I use for meetings like these to make sure we cover all
of our bases. I’ll start by asking some questions about you, your agency, & your

The main things I want to cover are:

1. Your goals / targets

2. What your currently doing / have tried
3. Share our findings and where we think we can help

Then if it sounds like I can help and if it sounds like we’re a good fit I’ll explain
what we have to offer and how that works.  Then at the end you can make a deci-
sion whether you want to be a part of it or not.

Is that OK?

(Wait for the “ok” or “sounds great” or “awesome” then move forward).

56 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Before we get started, I’m curious,
what caused you to take the time out
for todays meeting & why did you
choose us?

And why is this important for you

right now?

If you get the gold awesome, If not move for-


57 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

- What is your current annual rev-
- How much are you currently in-
vesting in online marketing?
- What does your current marketing
mix look like?

What else do you think I should

know about your current situation?

You must get a specific dollar figure per month

before moving forward.  This is essential to
making the sale close and the prospect associ-
ating you and your service to their revenue

58 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Goal / Current Reality
- What is your goal for the next 12 - 24 months?
You must get an answer to this question, hear
them out and then get a specific dollar figure per
month before moving forward.  

- OK What is motivating you to get to $X?

- What will be different in your life / business
once you get there?
- Will getting to $X impact other areas of your

Connect the emotion & why it’s important to them.

59 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Why they need help
- OK John, so you’re currently doing $1.3M per
year and you want to get to $$4M per year. Tell
me what’s stopping you from achieving this with
your current strategy? Why not just keep the sta-
tus quo?

Listen for “cause it’s not working”, “These guys

are not getting the results we need”, etc

59 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Get buy-in & commitment
- OK John, so you’re currently doing $1.3M per
year why not just say where you are?

- IS not having that affecting other areas in your

- How soon are you looking to fix this?
- Ok and I know you want to fix this now, but
how committed are you to making this happen
(on a scale from 1-10)

Get buy-in on “now”, can’t stay like it is, they

are completely committed to make it happen &
some emotional triggers.

59 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Get permission to share
- OK John, based on what you are telling me,
we can definitely help you with that.

Would you like me to tell you about what we


Get their YES to move forward

59 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

My team & I did a full review of your
website, online rankings & overall
Internet Marketing Strategy

- Let's start by looking at your Web-

- Here’s what is good & what
could be improved to generate bet-
ter results:
- Real images?
- Phone number in header?
- Showing online reviews?
- Etc

(Show example of client site)

60 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

We put together a list of the most im-
portant keywords in your area & ran
a ranking report to see where you are
ranking currently.

You can see you rank well for these

terms but all of these others are not
showing up on the 1st page. Looks
like there is a lot of room for im-
provement in these areas…

(Show example of client site ranking

well for lots of terms)

61 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

On Page
If we look at your website from an SEO
perspective…this is why it’s not ranking for
those keywords:

- Title Tag / H1 / Content

- Pages for each service / City
- Unique content on city pages
But on page is only a small part of ranking.
The real issue is:

- Not enough links

- Not enough / consistent citations
(Show example of client ranking)

62 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Check-in For Value & Feedback
• Is everything I’ve shared make sense?

• Are you comfortable with everything

we’ve covered so far?
• Where do you think we should go from

Let them tell you what they need to hear to move

forward. Only move to price when / if they ask.

63 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Show Client Example
I’d love to show you an example of a client
that we are currently working with.

When they started with us, their website did

not convert, they were not ranking, and they
weren’t generating very many leads.

• Here is their site

• Here are a few keywords they rank for (run
Google searches)
• This is the reporting (show # of calls / leads,
projected ROI if possible)
(Ask 3 Question Loop)

64 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Present Solution / Program Overview
So based on what I’m seeing, I think we can
really help you generate better results online.
Is it OK if I walk through our proposed solu-
tion with you?

- I really think that we need to update your

website so it is built to convert. We will roll
out a new website for you that is mobile-op-
timized and built to convert
- From there, we need to work on your Or-
ganic SEO so we will create pages / content
for all of your services, the top 10 cities that
you operate in & optimize them for search.

65 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Present Solution / Program Overview (cont.)
- Once we have those pages setup & optimized correctly, we
will need to start to build your authority. We do that by build-
ing links, citations, reviews & content. Our team will put a
proactive effort in place to build your rankings using all of the
- One of the biggest drivers of your online results is your re-
views / reputation. What are you doing currently to get online
reviews? We’ll put a proactive process in place to help you re-
quest a review via email / SMS after every service call & mon-
itor your reviews across the web to help ensure all negative re-
views are dealt with & positive reviews are accentuated.
- To help drive consistent & scaleable lead flow, we really need
to tap into the power of Paid Search & Google AdWords,

66 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Present Solution / Program Overview (cont.)
- We will setup, launch, & manage a conversion-focused Ad-
Words Campaign with well, thought out AdGroups, Text Ads
& Landing pages to ensure you get a manageable cost per lead
while maintaining top positioning in the AdWords auction

(Are you comfortable with everything we’ve covered so far? Any

questions? Shall I keep going?)

- The last piece of the puzzle is tracking. We have to make sure

we put a solid process in place to track your leads / conversion
& ROI. To help you track and measure, we will put 4 key
tracking mechanisms in place:
(See next page)

67 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Present Solution / Program Overview (cont.)
1. Google Analytics - We will install Analytics so you can see
how many people are getting to the site, how long they stayed
& where they came from. If we are doing our job, that number
should be climbing on a consistent basis.
2. Keyword Tracking - We will run a monthly ranking report to
determine how you are ranking for the most important key-
words in your area and how things are progressing.
3. Call tracking - We will put call tracking in place so we can see
how many calls came in, listen to the recordings & determine
which leads are converting.
4. Dashboard - We will provide you with a centralized dashboard
that houses all this information so you can quickly see how
much you spent, how many leads were generated and what
your ROI is on a monthly basis.

68 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Present Solution / Program Overview (cont.)
(Are you comfortable with everything we’ve covered so far? Do Notes:
you have any questions? Where do you think we should go from
Ok. Let’s discuss price.

For everything we covered here:

- The updated website / content
- SEO Strategy with ongoing blogging & link building
- Review / Reputation management system
- Paid Search Management
- Tracking
The investment is just $2,490 per month.
How does that sound? Are you comfortable with everything
we’ve covered? Where do you think we should go from here?

69 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Ask For The Business
You seem like you’d be a great fit & the type of Notes:
company we would love to work with.

Would you like to move forward?

What type of credit card would you like to use?

(I can take your card over the phone and send you
an agreement to sign & send back)

70 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

If They Want To Review An Agreement
Ok great. I’d be glad to send over an email with all Notes:
the details that we covered on today’s call.

• Assuming everything matches up with what we

discussed, will you be prepared to move forward?
• What other information will you need in order to
make a decision?
• Are there any other details I can provide you (ref-
erences, case studies, etc)?

I know that you are busy & so am I, so let’s sched-

ule a follow up meeting now to discuss next steps.
What day / time would be good for you next week?

71 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

Call Completion Action Steps
Make a note of how the call went on
CRM Software
Update the opportunity on CRM
Won (They bought)
Lost (They did not buy)
Hot Lead Follow Up
(They committed to decide in a prede-
fined period of time)
(They were not a right fit for the program
or could NEVER afford it)
Update the Strategy Session Tracking
Sheet on Google Sheets
Mark “completed” with 1 if qualified
“X” if not qualified.
Log your meeting notes there as well
Paste in link to meeting recording

54 Land Clients | Deliver Results | Retain Long Term | Scale

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