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ye eee eee eek kee CEO T TT IT Sa, ALS PROJECT PORTFOLIO CLASS XII ENGLISH CORE - 301 RETRACING THE PAST (A survey-based project) AUM AMRITESWARYAI NAMAH AMRITA VIDYALAYAM VENOLI ROAD KOTTEKKAD (P.O) PALAKKAD 678732 CONTACT NUMBER: 04912520639 WEBSITE: EMAIL: Ror rm a eK TANTS CERTIFICATE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ENGLISH PROJECT ENTITLED ‘RETRACING THE PAST? Is A BONAFIDE RECORD OF THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT WORK DONE BY MEMBERS OF GROUP V OF CLASS XII-A. PRINCIPAL, TEACHER IN CHARGE Acknowledgment “IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO PREPARE A PROJECT WITHOUT THE ASSISTANCE AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF OTHER PEOPLE. THIS ONE IS CERTAINLY NO EXCEPTION" At the very outset of this project, we would like to extend our sincere thanks and heartfelt regards to all the personages who have helped us in this endeavour. ‘We thank the almighty God and divine Satgura Mata Amritanandamayi Devi who gave us the strength and brain to complete this project. We are ineffably indebted to our principal Brah, SUNITHA Ma for her conscientious guidance and encouragement to accomplish this assignment We extend our obeisance and most sincere gratitude to our English teacher Mrs. PRATHIBA P Ma for her valuable guidance, wonderful teaching skills, and support throughout this project. We also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence our gratitude towards our parents and members of our family who have supported us morally as well as economically. Last, but not least, our sincere gratitude goes to all our friends and others who indirectly helped in the successful completion of this Any omission in this brief acknowledgment THANK YOU AMRITA VIDYALAYAM ALS PROJECT PORTFOLIO CLASS XII ENGLISH CORE - 301 RETRACING THE PAST [A survey-based project] A PROJECT DONE B GROUI RETRACING THE PAST | ee eee SS A group project done by : S.No. NAME REGISTRATION NUMBER 1 ARJUNSNAIR 24631335 2. | SAI CHERANJEEVE S 24631349 | 3. | MANU KRISHNAN P A 24631343 ; | 4. SREELAKSHMIK 24631365 | 5. HARINANDAN JOTHI 24631337 | INTRODUCTION .. OBJECTIVE... ACTION PLAN .. MATERIAL EVIDENCE ** QUESTIONNAIRE .. “+ SCRIPT OF PLAY “> SURVEY... REPORT... CONCLUSION STUDENT/GROUP REFLECTIO! “ WHAT HAPPENED?. * SO, WHAT? .. “ NOW, WHAT?. PHOTOGRAPHS OF POSITIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCE STUDENT CONTRIBUTION BIBLIOGRAPHY. Il D. I In today's world, people run after money, happiness, and luxuries ~ a life of unrest. In this world full of extremities, people crave for simple and minimalistic life. In the era of advancements in technology and living conditions, people feel suffocated and overwhelmed by the easy availability of everything they need. They try to adopt different ways from the past and incorporate them into their present lifestyle thus not completely disregarding the benefits of advancements in life and technology in the present. A growing number of people in urban cities question themselves whether they need as much as they have: clothes, accessories, gadgets, and everything that fills our homes: but doesn’t necessarily serve us better or make us happy. Thus, they develop the art of living with less, thereby returning to our rustic roots and retracing the path they had earlier walked on. People are in the search for happiness and peace in simple things in life. Materialism clutters your emotional state. Escaping from its clutches enables a man to feel comfortable or secure, No matter whether it’s in the field of farming, medicine, industry, or lifestyle, people are retracing the past in their present life. Such a symbiotic relationship where some aspects of the past help the problems in the present caused by rush, greed, and technologies is becoming popular among the current generation. The current covid situation in our country helped to encourage all the people who were so busy with their lives to take a moment for themselves and flip back the pages of their lives and remember how simple things in the past made them feel happy, calm and at peace. A simple walk through the park in the morning, feeling: the cold breeze flowing through the strands of your hair, having a safe meal using the veggies you cultivated in your backyard, a simple meditation wl j stressed — these simple yet non-materialistic things and actions at ease more than any luxuries you may have in the present. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and to let go of our roots and let’s use them to make 01 and more meaningful. OBJECTIVE The project aims to understand and analyze how different people in modern time try to incorporate useful aspects from the past into their present materialistic life to make it a meaningful and peaceful one by conducting a survey based on the same topic. The project also aims to improve and develop especially listening, speaking and writing skills and it also intends to enhance the proficiency in English language. It also aims at improving our communication and social skills and as well as improving our data analyzing skills with the help of the data obtained from the survey. ACTION PLAN The entire project has been completed following different steps with continuous hard work of the team members, consultations with teacher & peers, with help of online survey forms, and with reference to print and visual media. The project aims to analyze how different sections of the population are or are trying to incorporate useful aspects of the past in their present lifestyle. ACTION PLAN: Conduct a focus group with the team members, to determine the topic of the survey which holds importance in the present — ‘Retracing the past’ and to determine the overall reasons. as to how and why people are trying to incorporate different aspects of the past in the present lifestyle. Utilizing the thoughts and ideas deduced, prepare a questionnaire to conduct the survey. Because of the present COVID 19 situation, an in-person interview or surveying is not possible on a wide scale. An online survey form must be prepared containing questions that easily help to study and analyze the topic chosen using the google forms feature. The prepared survey form is circulated to a wide range of people via social media platforms and messaging applications. An in-person survey should be conducted by the team members on the people close to them. The survey can also be conducted through phone calls as well. The survey is to be conducted till a minimum of 50 responses are received. After obtaining the survey results, proceed to prepare the report. A thorough content analysis must be done on each question and as a whole using the data obtained, a report should be prepared. Conclude the report based on the data obtained. Present the data and conclusion obtained in the form of a play on MATERIAL EVIDENCE QUESTIONNAIRE Hg Which age group do you belong to? * ‘Mark only one oval. © 2220 © 220 31-40 40 above 2. which sex group do you belong to? * Mark only one oval. > Male ©) Female ©) others 3. Which field do you belong to? * Mark only one oval. ) Student ©) working Homemaker Retired 4, What do you prefer? * Mark only one oval. ©) Modern tifestyle ©) Traditional ifestyle (intermediate Do you think that incorporating useful aspects of the past in the present lifestyle help people lead a better and more peaceful lifestyle? * Mark only ‘one oval. CO © ves CO wo © mayre Which type of lifestyle do you prefer? * Mark only one oval. Simple Luxurious Neutral " Development in the present for the future should be done keeping in mind the lessons, experiences, and methodologies of the past " * Mark only one oval agree Disagree ) Neutral 8. Which mode of transport do you prefer for short distances? * Mark only one oval. Cycling / Walking Public transport Private vehicles 9. Do you experience any stress? If yes how often? * Almost Never Very Often 10. Whats the cause of your stress? * L) Meditations Yoga/ Walking ] Social Media Medicines/ Drugs Music Sleep Other Tick oll that apply. (F) Meditation/ Yoga/ Walking “Social Media Medicines/ Drug Music sleep other 12, _ Ifyou were a farmer, what would you prefer? * Mark only one oval. Modern cultivation methods - inorganic pesticide - High yield Traditional cultivation methods - organic pesticides - low yield () Modern cuttivation methods - organic pesticides - High yield 13. Which among the following would you prefer? * ‘Mark only one oval. ©) synthetic/ Modern clothes. Natural/ Traditional clothes. Combination of both /14. What do you prefer? * a 15. 16. Allopathy refers to the treatment of disease by conventional means, .e. wth drugs having effects opposite to the symptoms. A naturopathy isa form of healthcare that combines moder treatment with traditional methods. t includes alternative, natural therapies to modern medicine. Naturopathy focuses on the body's capacity to heal itself. preventing health problems. ey ©) allopathy ) Naturopathy Do you believe that ‘allopathy’ has many downsides compared to ‘naturopathy’? * Mark only one oval. Yes No Maybe Do you believe that people will switch from ‘allopathy’ to ‘naturopathy’ if they come to realize about naturopathy? * Mark only one oval. Yes No Maybe SCRIPT OF PLAY CHARACTERS 1. Roy 2. Sharan 3. Rohan 4, Rahul 5. Aarathi Four students standing in a classroom in the morning and talking to each other. Roy enters the room sweating. Sharan: Hey Roy! Are you alright? why are you sweating so much? do you need some water? Roy: No need! I’m going to be just fine. It's just that I came to school cycling. Aarathi: What's the reason for this sudden change? If I'm right you used to take the school bus to school, isn’t it? Roy: Yes! I used to. But my doctor told me that I need some physical exercise to keep my body healthy. So, I decided to go cycling. Sharan: Actually, it's not a bad thing if you think. I have also started practicing yoga nowadays. Rahul: Lagree with you! Aarathi: Hey Rohan, how are you feeling right now? I heard that you were admitted to the hospital last weekend. What happened? Rohan: I'm fine now. It was just a case of food poisoning. The doctor said that it may be because of the vegetables we brought from the market. He said it was my body's allergic reaction to the pesticide present in it. Aarathi: Oh, Isee! Rahul: If remember correctly, I was also admitted to the hospital last year for the very same reason. From then onwards we started growing vegetables in the garden. They're really healthy. Rohan: Oh, I see! I will tell my parents to do the same. ee eee Sharan: By the way, I heard the pain may be unbearable in some cases. How did you initially manage it? Rohan: My grandma prepared a tonic using the herbs in the garden. It was really helpful in numbing the pain and discomfort. Sharan: oook... you're fine now, right! Now that’s all that matters. Aarathi: The class is going to start soon. The teacher will come anytime. Let's head back to our seats. Let's meet during the break. See you later! Sharan: ok then. see you later. Rahul: bye. The school bell rings and everyone heads back to their respective seats. SURVEY https://docs. FAIpQLSe9JV3nb2NebK SkfL8P_Sg7Uue XR3Y86q8196kSjaUD00Gung/viewform?usp=sf_link REPORT ‘The survey was conducted in order to interact with people to get first-hand information about their responses on the topic ‘Retracing the Past’. A total of 51 responses were received from people who were engaged in different professions from students to professionals. All of them interacted wholeheartedly and shared their experiences, Which age group do you belong to? 1 responses @ 405 Out of the 51 responses received, 32 responses were from people belonging to the age group 12-20 (62.7%), 7 responses were made by people belonging to the age group 21-30 (13.7%), 5 responses were from those who belonged to the age group 31-40 (9.8%) and 5 responses were made by people belonging to the age group 40 and above (13.7%) which sex group do you belong to? ‘Among these 51 responses, about 27 responses (52.9%) were from males, and 24 responses were from females (47.1%), Which field do you belong to? 51 responses @ studont @ Working @ Homemaker @ Roted The survey result showed that the responses were made by people belonging to different fields - 33 responses were from students (64.7%), 16 responses were from working people (31.4%), | response from a homemaker, and 1 response from a retired person. What do you prefer? S1 responses Based on the survey results it could be deduced that among these 51 responses received, about 36 people liked to lead an intermediate lifestyle (70.6%), 12 people would like to lead a modem lifestyle (23.5%) and only 3 people preferred to lead a traditional lifestyle. It was also clear from this survey that among the people who preferred modem lifestyle about 10 responses were from students and only 2 responses were from the working field. Among the people who preferred the traditional lifestyle, 2 of them belonged to the working sector and 1 was a student. The rest of the respondents of the survey preferred an intermediate lifestyle even though they belonged to different fields. From this, it is evident that most people prefer to lead an intermediate lifestyle where the rich old tradition and cultural methods, and the new modem technologies coexist together. os Do you think tht incorporating useful aspects ofthe past n present lifestyle help people lead a better and peaceful ifestyle? sr esponses People’s opinion on the statement that incorporating useful aspects of the past in present lifestyle help people lead a better and peaceful life were different from person to person. About 27 out of 51 people surveyed agreed to this statement (52.9%), 21 people partially agreed to it (41.2%) and 3 people totally disagreed with this opinion. A thorough analysis of the data obtained from the survey showed that about 15 students, 10 working people, the homemaker, and the retired person totally agreed with this opinion. Also, 15 students and 6 people from the working field partially agreed to this opinion whereas 3 students totally disagreed with this opinion. This shows that most people are at least trying or are thinking about incorporating useful aspects of the past in their present lifestyle. Which type of lifestyle do you prefer? When the question aroses about the lifestyle that people preferred, 18 people preferred a simple lifestyle (35.3%), 10 people preferred a luxurious lifestyle (19.6%) and about 23 people gave a neutral response (45.1%). Among these responses, 14 students, 7 working people, the homemaker, and the retired person preferred a neutral lifestyle. Further analysis showed that out of the total responses received 11 students and 7 working people loved to lead a simple lifestyle, and only 8 students and 2 working people preferred to lead a luxurious 3 lifestyle. It is happy to know from this survey that not everyone in this world is after luxuries and some people still believe that one can lead a happy, prosperous and peaceful life even if all luxuries are not available. Development in the present for the future should be done keeping in mind the lessons, experiences and methodologies of the past * Stresponses ‘The majority of people believe that developments for the future should be done, keeping in mind the lessons and methodologies of the past. A huge share of 88.2% (40 out of 51) firmly believes that one should respect and study from the past while making developments for the present and the future. A small percentage of people (9.8%) are neutral about this argument. They neither agree nor disagree with the statement. Only 2% of the people surveyed believe that the past should not be studied or the lessons, experiences, and methodologies from the past need not be kept in mind while shaping the future. Thus, from this data collected it is clear that a large number of people solidly believe in retracing the past while developing the present and the future Which mode of transport do you prefer for short distances? 51 responses Out of the 51 responses received, more than 55% of the people preferred cycling/walking for short-distance transportation. 25.5% of people preferred private vehicles and 17.6% people preferred public transport for short distances. 14 It is a matter of great pleasure that a large percentage of people prefer the mode of transport that does not cause any consequences for the environment. Both walking and cycling are excellent exercises for maintaining a healthy body. People are slowly realizing that the old modes of transport are useful for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, many people still prefer private vehicles more than public transport. This is not a good sign as the amount of pollution caused by individual private vehicles will be high. People should prefer public transport as it helps to decrease pollution Do you experience any stress? Ifyes how often? Among the 51 responses received, everyone experienced stress in one form or the other. 3 out of 51 (5.9%), experienced stress of intensity 1 on a scale of 5, 8 out of SI (15.7%) experienced stress of intensity 2, 21 out of 51 experienced stress of intensity 3 on the scale. The people with stress intensity 3 made a huge share of 41.2%. 12 out of 51 (23.5%) experienced stress of intensity 4 and 7 out of 51 surveyed (13.7%) experienced stress of intensity 5 on the scale of 5. From this data, it is clear that most people experienced intermedial stress. What is the cause of your stress? st responses| Set generated este change Hesin 9,i76%) a5 Most people experience stress because of one reason or the other. 35 out of 51 surveyed (68.6%) experience stress due to work/studies. 25.5%( 13 out of 51) of the people surveyed experienced stress due to relationships and another 25.5% 13 out of 51) believes that the cause of their stress is self-generated or due to lifestyle changes. 9 out of 51 (17.6%) experience stress due to money-related matters and another 17.6%(9 out of 1) experience stress due to health-related issues. Finally, 25.5%( 13 out of 51) experiences stress due to other issues. Work/studies are the main cause of stress among today’s generation, as everyone in this world is in a race to become first. Which method do you prefer to relax? 51 responses: Motaton’ Yoga’ Waxing 71378) ‘Social edia 5 (20.4%) Medicines! Drugs Muse 35 68.6%) In order to relax, 35 of 51 people surveyed (68.6%) preferred listening to music, 56.9%(29 out of 51) preferred sleeping, and 29.4% (15 out of 51) preferred to rely on social media. A small percentage of people surveyed (13.7%) practiced yoga/meditation or went for a walk to reduce stress and to relax. 5.9% (3 out of 51) of people surveyed used drugs and 19.6%(10 out of 51) used other methods to relax. Practicing meditation, yoga and other ancient methods have been proven scientifically to reduce stress. If you were a farmer, what would you prefer? ue 16 A very small percentage ie., less than 6%(3 out of 51) of the people surveyed responded that if they were farmers, they would follow Modern agriculture methods using inorganic pesticides that would ensure them high yields. 15.7%(8 out of 51) of the people surveyed answered that they would stick to Traditional cultivation methods of cultivation using organic manure and other old systems even though that would provide them low yield. And a huge share of 78.4%(40 out of 51) responded that they would employ a combination of moder and traditional agricultural practices using organic pesticides and other non-harmful fertilizers that not only ensure them high yields but also do not cause any harm to the environment and body. This is the key to the future of farming. In the Future, modem cultivation practices should be used along with traditional methods that would ensure high yields, non-toxic vegetables, and other products, and will also not cause severe damage to the environment. Which among the following would you prefer? St responses Coming to the type of clothing preferred by people, out of the 51 responses received, 5 of them(9.8%) preferred modem way of clothing which also included clothes made from synthetic polymers. This includes 4 students and an employee. 9 out of 51 (17.6%) preferred a traditional way or style of clothing which includes clothes made from natural fibres. Among them, 4 were students, 4 were employed and last was a retired person. Whereas, the majority of the responses received. ie., 37 out of 51 preferred a combination of the moder and traditional way of clothing. This includes a modem way of dressing using clothes that are friendly to nature and body, thus suiting the various occasions of life. Thus, many are still willing to live their life in such a way that neither their traditions nor nature are neglected. Usage of natural clothes also helps to promote the handloom and other traditional cloth-making businesses in the country which in tum develop the enn: He What do you prefer? 81 responses ve9ahy © Natsopary People’s preference on choosing between allopathy and naturopathy as a way of treating their bodies is different, Based on the survey results obtained, it can be inferred that among the 51 responses received, 32 of them would prefer naturopathy(62.4%), and the rest 19 out of 51(37.8%) would prefer allopathy over naturopathy. It is also clear that among the people who preferred allopathy, about 16 responses were from students and only 3 responses were from those belonging to the working sector. From this, it is evident that most people would prefer naturopathic treatment over allopathic treatment, where it focuses on the body's natural ability to self-recover rather than using drugs to stimulate healing. Do you believe that ‘allopathy’ has many downsides compared to ‘naturopathy’? 51 responses There are various opinions of people on the question of whether 'allopathy' has many downsides compared to ‘naturopathy’. 14 out of 51 people surveyed(27.5%) agreed to this statement whereas 7 out of 51 totally disagreed with this opinion. The rest 30 out of 51(58.8%) partially agreed to it. It shows that they are not completely abandoning allopathic treatment for naturopathic treatment. Each method of treatment has its own pros and cons. In some cases, especially among the older generations where the body’s ability to heal itself deteriorates with time, lopathic treatment has the upper hand over naturopathy. However, for a lot of liseases, naturopathic treatment proves to be the best, where there is a blend of 18 traditional medicine with conventional healthcare that works with the body on a natural level. Those who still doubt the statement or have partially agreed to it include 21 students, 8 employed people, and a retired person. Do you believe that people will switch from ‘allopathy’ to ‘naturopathy if they come to realize about naturopathy? 51 responses: oye @% @ Maye Naturopathy is a method of treatment that is still not popular among people. One of the main reasons is that people are not aware of the existence of such a method of treatment. About 14 out of 51 respondents agree with the statement that people are ready to switch from ‘allopathy’ to ‘naturopathy’ if they come to know about it even though 6 people (11.8%) totally disagree with it. However, the majority, 31 out of 51(60.8%) partially agree with this statement showing that there is still a chance that people may shift from naturopathy to allopathy if they get to know about it. This includes 23 students, 6 working people, a retired person, and a homemaker. Thus, many people still believe that people are willing to adopt the naturopathic method of treatment where traditional medicine combines with modem conventional healthcare for better treatment of the body. Thus, even though the world is advancing at a future pace on the path of development, people are still or are trying to retrace the useful aspects of our past and tradition on their path to development. y Ofthe 16 questions & opinions raised in the survey, it can be concluded that the majority of respondents were or are willing to incorporate useful aspects of the past into their present lifestyle. The findings suggest that even though the past is in the past, certain aspects of it help people lead a healthy and peaceful lifestyle. The survey provided a lot of information regarding the changing lifestyles of the people. The study revealed the urge of people to look back once again, to the convergence of the known past and the answerable present in the hopes to face the unknown future. Initiatives should be taken by people as well as other NGOs and organizations to motivate people to not forget their rich old tradition and way of life in the pursuit of luxuries. The stress and problems associated with the advancements in the modern world can only be balanced by some aspects of the past lifestyle that people carry with them in life. Even though the modern era is mainly witnessed only 20 years ago, this short-term edification has resulted in drastic changes in various aspects of life such as food, cloth, medicine, lifestyle, etc. If sustained in long term, these changes may have significant impacts on the health of the population. The survey showed the mental state of people across various age groups regardless of the field they are in possession. With the new changes in various aspects of lives, from morning to night, from the moment people wake up in bed, this pattern of life has greatly impacted the lives of children to adults from physical to mental levels ve 20 STUDENT/GROUP REFLECTION WHAT HAPPENED? For the project, both online surveys and interviews were conducted asking people about their opinion on retracing the past in their present lifestyle and how they manage to do it. A total of 51 responses were received, All of them shared their ideas and opinions and then analysis was done based on the responses recorded and the report was prepared for the same. SO, WHAT? Conducting and analysing the survey helped the team members to get to know more about the lifestyles of people and their preferences on various aspects of life. It has also helped to acquire good proficiency in general & communicative English and improve the social skills. It also helped to improve the language ability of group members who were involved in translation between vernacular and English language and transcribing the responses obtained while conducting the survey. It has also improved the listening and understanding capabilities of group members who were involved in analyzing, and listening to various survey reports and interviews for the better completion of the survey-based project. This also helped the group members understand the different lifestyles of people. This type of exposure enriches listening and speaking abilities. NOW, WHAT? A detailed survey of the project ‘RETRACING THE PAST’ was conducted and a comprehensive report was prepared on the same. Now the group members are ready for viva. 2 PHOTOGRAPHS OF POSITIVE LEARNING EXPERIENCE UDENT CONTRIBUTION ARJUN S NAIR ———— i | MANU KRISHNAN P A | SAI CHERENJEEVE S Report work, Surveying, Interviewing, Presentation Report work, Presentation, Surveying Report work, Presentation, Editing 1 HARINANDAN JOTHI SREELAKSHMI K Ve q Report work, Presentation, Typing Report work, Presentation, Surveying 24

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