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Many things figure into our health. But two of the most important factors are
heredity and environment. Heredity is when you conceive, each parent
passed along a set of genes to you. Genes are complex substances that carry
traits, or special systems and features. Some of the traits are eye color, hair
color, height and intelligence. Heredity is passing of certain traits from
parents to their children.

Environmental and our residence also figure into a parsion health. The
environment or resident is the area in which you live or work. Air, water,
noise and people are all part of your daily environment. A person who live
or work in a smoke-filled environment day after day is more likely to get
lung disease.

The ministry of health is responsible for the general health policy. It provide
the funds to carryout the various project including building programmes
provision of medical personal equipment and drugs. It is the duty of public
health authority and its agencies in towns and villages to execute health
schemes; the employ their own labour apart from the trained personnel such
as sanitary inspectors who advises and their environment health.

The authority is responsible to perform a number of functions so as to ensure

the general sanitation and public health of the environment in so many ways,
such as sending the sanitary inspectors to house to see that the houses are in
good sanitary condition for example they make sure that mosquitoes do not
bread near houses to provide and approved plant of houses in good sanitary
before they are built and inspect to see that builders comply with the
specifications. The authority should also gives mass vaccinations or
inculcations against smallpox, measles, poliomyelitis, mumps and yellow
fever, send sanitary labourers to clean up the streets, drain, market parts and
take the west materials to special dust bins and such dust to Authority
provides vehindes for conveying refuse to incinerators, where the refuse is
Furthermore, the public health authority shall prevent such tendencies that
make our daily consumed water unhealthy for human consumption. The
main duty is to see that the banks of the water source are clean and if there
are water sails people are advice are advice to avoid them because of

In this modern era, general sanitation and public health of the citizens are in
danger when the government do not intervene in such responsibilities. All
the various methods of prevention and control of environmental disease can
only be executed if there are proper and adequate government departments
to deal with cases of diseases, curb epidemics and give immunization at the
right time. That is why our research project shall try more best to enlighten
the general public about the essence of general sanitation of Hajj camp
residence of Fagge Local Government area of Kano State as our case study,
as it serves as an area in metropolitan of Kano City where the environmental
issue is so critical as we shall specify in the next chapter.


Hajj camp residence is the area owned and established by the Federal and
State partnership project in 1970 so as to provide a temporary
accommodation to those who should travel to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage in
the City of Mecca and Madina so as to participate special rites that occur
during the month of Dhulhijjah and other traders and business people who
exercise commercial activities during the period of Hajj exercise. The selling
was made to accommodate pilgrims and tourist before and coming back
from the holy land.

National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) is a body of Federal

Government charge with responsible to ensure the establishment and
management of Hajj camps and related facilities, equipments and such other
necessary materials. He 30 residence that makes hajj camp quarters was
given by the NAHCON for use by persons interested in with little amount o
charges as a rent. This reason attracted people to the area from different
walls and accommodated the area to formed a hytorgenious society which
comprises people of different nation-state ethnic and religion and the place
continuous to attract traders and homeless people who comes from different
place to reside in the area.

Hajj camp residential area is a agglomeration of different Federal

Government residence such as a Nigerian Air force Barrack from the north,
custom barrack from the South, Kwakwaci district of Sabongari from the
east and other governmental institutions such as INEC, EFCC, Digital
Bridge Institute (Former Nitel) and many other government offices and
hotels surrounded Hajj camp western side. At its far back there is army
barrack and Malam Aminu Kano International Airport respectively.

The area comprises lower, middle and upper class social interaction of
people. As a result multi-ethnic diversity of the people, the area is one of the
shine environments in the city of Kano. It is surrounded by untreated rivers
and streams, refuse dumping sides, bushes and marsh that makes it more
polluted with both winter and air pollution. On the other hand social
interaction is so ghetto.

The residence that makes hajj camp community has a population of about
4,000 under leadership of traditional ruler the district head ‘Mai Unguwa,
the political ward is Fagge D2 ward of Fagge Local Government area of
Kano State.


This project is assigned to carry on general sanitation and health of Hajj

camp resident of Fagge Local government area of Kano State. Hence general
environmental sanitation and health issues is a global phenomena and it is in
existence in any human society and institution no any environment or
community is free from environmental problems.

Many countries lagging behind in the field of environmental sanitation, most

cities and towns are characterizes by over crowding, congestion, inadequate
water supply and inadequate facilities of disposal of human excreta, waste
water and solid wastes. Most of these problems are due to defective
environment, which in turn rob people of their health distray their

livelihoods and undermine their over all development potential. Sanitation is
still and ignores issue in Nigerian urban centres.

To raise the overall of standard of living the issue of essential to take some
sticker steps to raises the current stat of environmental sanitation in
Nigerian, this exercise will try to tackle the incidents of communicable
diseases environmental illness and injuries which may be attributed to
sanitation issues within the local community of our ease study.


a) To highlight the important of general sanitation in preserving good health

for easier achievement of the global safety and free-diseases

b) To contribute in the academic discipline as a reference for future research

in the field of environmental health and other health issues.

c) To explore some negative actions of our people on their surrounding

environment that rendered themselves diseases due to environmental

d) To be of great significance to the members of the community on how to

retain effective health.

e) To examine why slum is upgrading is important and what factors are

necessary needed for slum upgrading to be successful.


The research have been conducted from (2012 – 2015) and its area of
jurisdiction is within the school of Hygiene Kano as part of the requirement
for the award of Diploma in environmental health. This reason narrowed the
project research to be expedite due to the lack of deep knowledge to hear
challenges from the academics, less time, lack of financial support to finance
the burden of the research and so many other reasons that rendered this
research in capable to expatiate the research to the general public. That is
why we have it the only limited to school of Hygiene Kano.
1.5 Research methodology

In the process of conducting this research, we use the data from the both
Primary and secondary sources. The data obtained from primary sources is
through personal interview, observation and questionnaire. While a part
from secondary source of our data we used the collection of different books
of reference i.e. text books and internet. But the research is mainly from
Library studies, while some events we use our natural experience on the
environmental issues that we are familiar with in our daily living.

1.6 Definition of terms

The key terms to define under this study are general sanitation, health
residence and the word “Camp”

a) Sanitation:- Cambridge International dictionary of English (2002)

defined word “Sanitation” as the systems of far taking dirty water and
other waste products away from buildings in order to protect peoples
health. When it referred to general sanitation it covers arrangements for
drainage of rain water and effluents, collection and disposal of garbage
and removal of human excrata.

According to the world health organization (WHO) defines general

sanitation as the “Control of all those factors in man’s physical
environment, which exercise a deleterious effect on his physical
environment health and survival.

b) Health:- Cambridge International dictionary of English (2005) defined

word “Health” as the condition of the body and the degree to which it is
free from illness or the state of being well.

According to the World health Organisation defined health in its broder

sense in 1946 as “a state of complete physically mental and social well-
being and not merely the absence disease or infirmity.

c) Residents:- According to Cambridge dictionary of English (2005).

Residents (place) a person who lives or has their homes in a place in orde

to makes the definition more accurate let define the synonyms word of
resident “dwelling which we popularly use in the project.

A dwelling or residence is an important legal concept which defines a

self-contained unit of accommodation used by one or more households as
a home, such as a house apartment, mobile home, house boat or other
substantial structure.

d) Camp:- Cambridge International Dictionary of English (2005) defined

“Camp” is a where people stay in tents or other temporarily for a
particular reason. We may define hajj camp from the above definition as
a temporarily residents occupied by the tents for particular period of time.


(1) Ensuring environmental sustainability (2007), United Nations Millennium

Development goals by Millennium Goals.

(2) Maryani P. (2013). Basic environmental Health Risk of skin dwellers. Copy
right by department of Architecture, college of engineering and Technology
Bhubaneswar India

(3) Nalth K.T (2013). Analysis for Indian environmental sanitation, sanitary
habits and personal hygiene.

(4) Ostergren P.O (2008). “Recreational value of the natural environment in

relation to neighborhood satisfaction physical activity, obesity and well-
being journal of epidemiology and community Health.

(5) Parks P.k (2007). Textbook of preventive and social medicine environment
and health. Bhanot publication press.

(6) Wilson C.E (1920). The until tided field of public health. Public health 2.0
conference referenced 2011by the world health organization.

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