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Email Etiquette

I. The structure of the message:

1. Opening:

• Friendly opening

• Reason/purpose of the mail

• Replying to any previous background

2. Body- more information

• Mentioning about attachments

• Requests & inquiries/ Clarification/ Information/ Details/ Approval/ Scheduling/ Sad news

3. Closing

• Help/ feedback/ Deadline/ Further questions/ Queries

• Professional Bye


1. Opening

A. Friendly opening
 Hope you had a nice break.
 I hope you are well.
 I hope you had a good weekend.
 It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday.
 I hope this email finds you well.

B. Reason/Purpose of the email

 I am writing to you with regards to/regarding/concerning/in connection with…
 I am writing to you about our last meeting/your presentation yesterday/our next event…
 This is in reference with the trailing mail…
 This is to inform you…
 As we discussed, I’m writing in reference to/ in regards to…

C. Replying
 I just got your request for…
 Thank you for your email about…
 Thank you for your feedback on/your invitation/your suggestion…
 Thank you for sending/asking about/attending
2. Body
 Main subject can be continued from the opening or can start from next paragraph.
 Supporting sentences

A. Attachments
 Could you please sign the attached form and send it back to us by [date]?
 Here’s the document we discussed.
 I'm enclosing attached file.
 Please find the attached file.
 I’ve attached the file for your review.
 The attached file contains...
 Please take a look at the attached file.

B. Requests & Inquiries

 Could you please...?
 It would be very helpful if you could send us/me...
 If possible, I'd like to know (more) about…
 It would be very helpful if you could send us/me..
 Please find my two main questions below.

C. Asking for clarification

 Could you please clarify [something]?
 When exactly are you expecting to have this feature?
 If you could please shed some light on this topic, I would really appreciate it.

D. Asking or Offering Details

 Could you please provide the details on the following…
 Please notify me if the following details are available…
 Here are the details on...
 Given below are the details about the product/service/documents that has been

E. Receiving and Offering approval

 Please let me know if this is fine with you.
 It has been approved, so you can go ahead with the project.
 We have the approval for the task, therefore we can start by [date].

F. Scheduling
 I'd like to schedule a meeting on [day] at [time], please confirm if the timings are
 We would like to inform you that the interview/meeting scheduled for [day] will has
been rescheduled.
 (Due to...) I'm afraid we need to reschedule/delay/postpone/put back/cancel/call
off/move/rearrange our meeting.
G. Sharing sad news
 Unfortunately, we cannot/we are unable to …
 We regret to inform you that...
 I'm afraid I won't be able to...
 We regret to inform you that…
 Due to [reason], it won't be possible to...
 Despite my best efforts, ...

3. Closing lines

A. Further Queries, Deadline or Feedback

 Any feedback you can give me on this would be greatly/highly/much appreciated
 If you could have it ready by tomorrow/the end of next week, I would really
appreciate it
 I would appreciate your help in this matter.
 Please let me know if this works/if you are available/if that sounds good/if you can/if
you can help/if you need to reschedule

B. Offering help or information

 I hope you find this helpful
 If you have any (more) questions (about) please feel free to contact me/to get in
 If you need more information/more info/further information
 I hope that answers all your questions.
 For further details please do not hesitate to contact me.

C. Professional Bye
 Yours sincerely
 With regards
 Best wishes
 Thank you
 Make sure subject is essential and should be meaningful.
 Account for a positive tone.
 Be brief and polite.
 Avoid chat-room abbreviations and acronyms
 Use * * to highlight text if you must.
 Check spelling and grammar before sending.
 Edit and proofread before hitting send.

 Use emoticons in formal e-mails.
 Use too many exclamation points.
 Use overly long emails.
 Be too casual.
 “Flame" people by sending them aggressive email messages.
 Send large attachments without checking with the recipient first.

Font & Other Factors

 Ideal Font Style- Arial, Cambria, Calibri, Verdana, Courier New, and Times New
Roman work well
 Ideal Font Size-  10- or 12-point font size
 Heading Font Size- 14- or 16- (slightly larger)
 Also avoid underlining, bolding, and italicizing; these can make text difficult to read
 Use (*) to highlight any point

Email Assignment Topic- Write an email to your client asking for some details/data
(relevant to your work field). Please send this assignment on by 23.01.2023.

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