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A. Fire Evacuation Strategy

*If you see a smoke of fire immediately pull the alarm.

*Do not hesitate to call nor seek for help.

*Inform the security personnel/OIC/the DRRM Coordinator.

*Follow the fire emergency evacuation plan (FEEP) of the school.

*Call the bureau of fire protection provided by the complete address

*Notify the official of the barangay as well.

*Allowed anyone to open the emergency exits.

*Prioritize those PWD’s (Person with Disabilities)

B. Action on hearing the fire alarm

*Stop working and start evacuating.

*Do not think that the fire alarm is false.

*The one who discovered the fire must call the fire brigade.

*Call all the workmates and find wet fabric and immediately find the fire exists.

*Do not block the fire doors.

C. Calling the fire brigade

*The one who discovered the fire must call the fire department.
*Called the bureau of fire protection.

D. Power/Process isolation
*Shut down the machinery and equipment.

*Contact BFP to request assistance as appropriate.

F. Fire wardens/marshals
.Drrm Coordinator

.Teacher in charge

.Security personnel

G. Places of assembly and roll call

*School ground

*Basketball ground

*Elementary ground

*Checked all the attendance in each grade level if all the students are out of
the building.

H. Firefighting equipment available



*Fire extinguisher

*Water hose


*Wet fabric

I. Training required
*Fire awareness training

*Fire drill

*Specific training in the use of evacuation chairs and stairs climbing device etc.

J. Personal emergency evacuation services

*Have their own personal safety kit and hygiene kit

*Having an emergency hotline numbers.

*All students should participate in training fire drill.

K. Liaison with emergency services

>Drrm coordinator

>Responsible officer

>Liaison officer

>Public relation officer

>Operation section chief

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