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Tarmo3 Print Guide

This is a quick guide to show you how to print the parts needed to make Tarmo3.

This doc is a work in progress and is not complete

Relevant links:




Bill Of Materials: google doc

Section 1

Chassis can be printed with 0.26mm or .3mm layer height, high temperatures ensue good layer
adhesion. Also, remember that parts this large like to warp. Print with a raft, heated beds help
but they are not required.

Front chassis:
Raft and support needed.

Rear chassis:
Raft needed, support not needed

Middle chassis:
Optional, support not needed (I added pads that help stick the corners to the bed, so with these
your printer may not need raft)

Section 2

Drivetrain parts should be printed with .26 or lower layer height. Temps again should be high,
but not so high as to cause artifacts. Perimeters should be set to 5 or more.

Wheel adaptor:
This is the smallest part, it should be printed with care. Small leyer heights, but it's easy to print,
make sure your retraction settings are good.
Needed: 4 (one per wheel)

CV Axle Joints.
There are three types of these. They all need to be printed face down. With or without raft. NO
SUPPORT. --Needs good retractions.
From left to right:
Needed per locked diff: 2
Needed per open diff: 2
Needed: 4 (1 per wheel)

Not complete………………………………...

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