P264 Subpump Exercise

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P264 SubPump Exercise

Learning Objectives:

•Use SubPump 7.5

•Understand basic ESP Design Methodology

©2005 Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. 1

SubPump is a good tool to help you work with a vendor. However,

specifying equipment to work together is where the vendor can help.
Please don’t use SubPump to specify equipment without the manufacturer’s

200 psi, 100 F
Field Units

3/5”, 12.8#,

7900’ 7”, 17# to



Reservoir Pressure
3000 psi
Vertical well
©2005 Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. 190 F 2

Appendix 1: Well/Field Data

Formation Sandstone Comments
Inflow performance 5 b/d/psi
Perforated depth 8000 ft
Reservoir pressure 3000 psi
Reservoir temperature 190 °F

Oil gravity 34 API

Gas gravity 0.85 (air = 1)
Bubble point pressure 2200 psi
GOR 580 scf/bbl
BSW 50 %
Water density 1.15 sg
H2S 0 mol %
CO2 2 mol %

Casing 7 inch
Required FTHP 200 psi
Power available 20kV, 50 Hz
Required tubing intake 2950 psi Prosper
pressure (4000 b/d and 200
psi FTHP)

Design Flow rate 4000 b/d

©2005 Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. 3

After downloading and installing SubPump as described in TeleTOP, go to

Start, Programs, SubPump 7.0

Go to New case with Easy Interface

Allways use Rigorous Calculation

©2005 Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. 4

©2005 Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. 5

You can input data by double clicking on each component of the easy
interface – or through the pull down menu ‘Input’

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©2005 Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. 7

Vertical well, click on calculate to display the well trajectory

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No data required here. We will input a fixed backpressure of 200 psi in the
Pressure/Rates screen later

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It is not required to enter data for Lab data and viscosity calibration

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Click on calculate to display the inflow performance

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Solve for ‘Pump Intake Conditions’ This is the suggested option if pump
depth and production rate have been determined.

Note: this is the screen where Flowing Tubing Head Pressure is input

Click on calculate to calculate the Total Dynamic Head (TDH) required – in

this case 2114 ft.

Once done click on ’Gas Separation’

©2005 Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. 13

Natural Separation is in this case using a reverse-flow (static) separator. Use

50% efficiency.

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Click on ‘Change Pump’ to select pump

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Once done, click on Motor

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Select Reda 540-I , then click on calculate to show actual motor performance

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Equipment Selection screen now shows this.

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Go to ‘Options’ and ‘Calculate’ – the system will display the charts that you
selected earlier. You should be able to see this graph.

Here we can see that the pump selected operates in the middle of the
recommended range.

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Go to ‘View’ and ‘Report Selections’, then select ‘Show Reports’

Base case:
1) At this point, use File Save As to save your
SubPump file as SubPump1. You will need to
submit this to me, so keep it safe and do not
overwrite it with changes later.
2) Print and save a copy (e.g. inWord) of the
summary report.
3) Are there major differences with the results from
the manual design procedure? Explain the main
differences where required.
4) What happens if BSW increases from 50% to
80%? Identify and explain the key effects

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©2005 Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. 25

Next Problem:
2) Size a pump system that will give the highest
production rate at this time (Pres 3000 psi)
Save this case as SubPump2
Submit both the Subpump1 and Subpump2 files
to me.

©2005 Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. 26


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