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coda of Conststons Stet Practice fd CHAPTER ONE PRELIMINARY ‘The current Construction Safety Code is set out to regulate the working conditions in construction Projects for all employees wo wark with contactors or sub-contractors pomeanien Each employer shall protect his employees by complying with the following: 1. Provision of Local Oder no. 61/1991 on Environmental Protection Systems inthe Emirate of Dubay, 2. Provision of Local Onder no, (3) 1999 on Construction Activities Regulations inthe Emirate of Dubai 3. Provision of Local Ordarno, (1) of 2008 on Public Heath and community Safty in the Emirate of Dubai, 4. Administrative Decision no. (125) of 2001 on Endorsement of Construction Regulations, Conditions and Spacications, '5. Administrative Order no. (211) of 1981 on Issuance ofthe Executive Regulations of {he Local Order no, (61) of 1991 conceming Environmental Protection Systems in the Emirate of Dubai 6. Explanatory Note ofthe Local Orda no (61) of 1991 on Environmental Protection Systems in the Emirate of Dubai 1.1. Application: This code includes a set of rules which regulate construction projects catied out inthe Emirate of Dubai. Technical guidelines appended tharto are part and pares of thie sacs ‘Allrules and appended technical guidelines stipulated herein shal be appied to all bulging opers- tions and engineering constructon projects undertaken by way of rade or fr the purpose of ex dental, comercial or industrial by or on behalf of the private othe public sector which inciodes he ‘goverment er any other public authority 4. Construction works include erection, alteration, repak, dismantling, demoliton, stuctual ‘maintenance, painting, land cleaning, earth moving, grading, excavation, Wench. {tgaina, boring, ling, tunaling blasting, oF concreting or any work or undertaking in relation toa construction project. 2, Project means any public or private construction project and includes the folowing 2.1.The construction ofa building, bridge, structure, industrial establishment mining Plant, shaft calsson tunnel, excavation, highway, stret. runway parking lot. ‘coffedam, channel, condult, sewer, storm water drainage, water main, service connection, tlecommunication ar electrical cable, or pipeline ec 2.2. Development of mines. quarries, cushing and screening, 23, Any work, project, land, or appurinances used in connection with ‘constuction works, 1 Definitions: Uniess the context otherwise requires, the folowing meanings and terms shall be deemed fo mean the defintions hereby assigned te them, Municipality: Director General ‘Competent Department Department Concerned Concerned Authority Contractor: Inspector: Location Occupant: Bulding: Temporary building: ‘The United Arab Emirates ‘The Emirate of Dubai (ED) Dubai Municip (OM) Director General of Dubai Municipality Builing Department in Dubai Municipality ‘The Department which, based on a roquest by the ‘Competent Departmen, provides technical consultations on certain matiers ‘Means any Ministry, Division, thoy of Local or Fedral Governmental Insttuton inthe Emirate in connection withthe application of this code ‘Means a natural or jurcal pubic 0° private person ‘Means @ natural or juridical public or private person whose land or building is registered under his name whether in his Ccompstency as an owner, possessor or leaser Means 2 natural or uriccal person delegated to imploment do sions or supervise construction works or oth, Hels the Person who is authorized to perform engineering Consultations inthe Emgate in accordance with the val legislations. ‘Means a natural or juridical person assigned to implement the ‘constuction Works and wa is authorized fo perform construction contracting activites in te Emirate in ‘ccardance withthe val legislations Means an engineer or supervisor appointed by the Competent Department Means the land Means any piece or ize of land determined by length of its marging, ts spectied number ane location, and designated to building hereby planning or dstrbuton project or any ather way legally approved 1o be used or constricted oF bling on it as one unt. Means a person who exercises full operational contol over ‘he place (land, building, oF any part of) whether an away, lessee, possessor or any other ently that permits him to 0c ‘cuny the place Means any construction building that established or bult on @ ‘xe lection on ground whether tis establishment i rom stone, coment, on, wood, cay or any ther material used in establishing bulkngs.Itincludes the foundation, wal, calings, projections, fences, ete. ‘Means any buiing which shall be removed from is place ator the end of a limite time of the activity oF usage ‘which it wa built or. code of Const Seley Pracon Construction works: Approved: ‘Sub-contractor: Regulations: WorkplacelWorksite: Hoist: Litting Appliance: Lifting Goar Scaffolds and False Work: False Work Slopping Roof: Working platforms: Slung Scaffold: ‘Suspended scaffold: ‘Trestle Scaffold: (Occupational Disease: Means works with construction of buildings demolition alterations, repair, addons, or maintenance and it may include the dgging and demotion operations. Means approved by the Depariment Concemed in Dubai Municipality ‘Means a natural or Juridcal person assigned to perform sub~ ‘onetructon or temporary works and who fs authorized to per form those works in accordance with tne enforced legislations in the Emirato Means the Occupational Health and Safely Regulations speci fied in the Local Oder no. 61/1991, Means any place where constuction operations or works of tengineering construction works or both ar being carried out ‘on and any temporary storage or workshop area associated ‘ath the works. Means the Iiting machine whether operated by power or not witha carriage, platform, or cage. Means a grab, winch, pulley block, gn wheel used for raising or lowering and ahoist, crane, excavator, cragine. Means a chain sing, ope sing, or sinlar gear and a rin, link, hook, shackle, swivel or eye bot. Means any temporarily provided structure on or from which sons perform work in connection wit operations or works fownich nese rules apoly, and any temporary provided struc {ure which enables persons to obiain access to oF which en ‘abies materials tobe taken to anyplace at which such work Is performed ‘Ths includes any working platform, gangway, run, ladder or stop ladder together with quardraltoe-boar, or ther safe ‘quards and al xing. Means any temporary structure used to support a permanent structure during its construction and untlt becomes self supporting Means @ rof witha pitch more than 10 degrees. Includes a working stage [Means a ecafold suspended by means of iting gear, rope, ‘chain or rigid members and at provided with moans of ‘ising or lowering by a iting appliance or similar deven. Means a scaffold (not being @ slung scaffold) inctudes a sky hoist suspended by means of ropes or chains and capable of being raised or lowered reste scaffold includes a scaffold in which the supports for the platform are any ofthe folowing which are self-supporting that so sa, split Reads, folng stepadders, tfpods or mov able contivances similar to any ofthe foregoing ‘The clsease which results from exposure o any physical cherie, biological or radiant material i the workpsace to an ‘extent tha affets the operation of the body organs anc health of employeas and itincludes the industial disease. Supervisor: ‘Occupational Health and Safety Representative: Health Hazar: ‘Accident: Code of Consus Stay Practco the porson who is responsible forthe workplace and has the authorty of supervision and diracton of tha werk team ‘Means a professional qualified technical person who is able to anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control hazards in connection to work. He is selecod to supervise the application of te Occupational Heath and Safety Regulations in worksite. ‘Means any activity or oporation which adversely alocts public heath and the safety of humans and environment. Nis defined as unexpected, unplanned and undesired event which results in injuries, deaths, damages. ‘of equipment or machine and propery loses

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