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ISSN 0017-8748

Headache doi: 10.1111/head.12725

C 2015 American Headache Society
V Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Review Articles
Migraine Triggers and Oxidative Stress: A Narrative Review
and Synthesis
Jonathan M. Borkum, PhD

Background.—Blau theorized that migraine triggers are exposures that in higher amounts would damage the brain.
The recent discovery that the TRPA1 ion channel transduces oxidative stress and triggers neurogenic inflammation sug-
gests that oxidative stress may be the common denominator underlying migraine triggers.
Objective.—The aim of this review is to present and discuss the available literature on the capacity of common
migraine triggers to generate oxidative stress in the brain.
Methods.—A Medline search was conducted crossing the terms “oxidative stress” and “brain” with “alcohol,”
“dehydration,” “water deprivation,” “monosodium glutamate,” “aspartame,” “tyramine,” “phenylethylamine,” “dietary
nitrates,” “nitrosamines,” “noise,” “weather,” “air pollutants,” “hypoglycemia,” “hypoxia,” “infection,” “estrogen,” “cir-
cadian,” “sleep deprivation,” “information processing,” “psychosocial stress,” or “nitroglycerin and tolerance.” “Fla-
vonoids” was crossed with “prooxidant.” The reference lists of the resulting articles were examined for further relevant
studies. The focus was on empirical studies, in vitro and of animals, of individual triggers, indicating whether and/or by
what mechanism they can generate oxidative stress.
Results.—In all cases except pericranial pain, common migraine triggers are capable of generating oxidative stress.
Depending on the trigger, mechanisms include a high rate of energy production by the mitochondria, toxicity or altered
membrane properties of the mitochondria, calcium overload and excitotoxicity, neuroinflammation and activation of micro-
glia, and activation of neuronal nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase. For some triggers, oxi-
dants also arise as a byproduct of monoamine oxidase or cytochrome P450 processing, or from uncoupling of nitric oxide
Conclusions.—Oxidative stress is a plausible unifying principle behind the types of migraine triggers encountered in clini-
cal practice. The possible implications for prevention and for understanding the nature of the migraine attack are discussed.

Key words: TRPA1, migraine, triggers, oxidative stress, antioxidants

(Headache 2016;56:12-35)

In clinical experience and patient report, acute odors), dietary (eg, alcohol, nitrates), and pharma-
migraine attacks are precipitated by a wide range cological (especially nitroglycerin). On a practical
of factors1,2 – behavioral (eg, stress, mental over- level, identifying trigger factors may help in treat-
work, irregular sleep), environmental (eg, noise, ment3 by preventing some migraine attacks, impart-
ing a sense of control to the patient, and providing
advanced warning that allows for early use of acute
From the Department of Psychology, University of Maine,
Orono, ME, USA and Health Psych Maine, Waterville, ME,
USA. On a theoretical level, triggers raise intriguing
questions about the nature of migraines. Clinically,
Address all correspondence to J.M. Borkum, Department of
Psychology, University of Maine, 301 Little Hall, Orono,
ME 04469-5782, USA.
Conflicts of Interest: None.

Accepted for publication September 3, 2015. Sources of Financial Support: None.

Headache 13

triggers seem to summate, with a migraine resulting of the TRPA1 channel raises the possibility that
when a threshold is breached.7,8 In the laboratory, migraine triggers might have in common that they
isolated triggers tend to have less effect than expo- induce oxidative stress in the brain, as suggested by
sure to several triggers in succession.9 This implies Benemei et al.18
that triggers are converging on a common pathway, Despite this conceptual advance, there has not
but the mechanism by which, for example, mental yet been a comprehensive consideration of the
effort, hot dogs, diesel fumes, psychosocial stress, types of migraine triggers found in clinical practice
and aged cheese interact calls for explanation. in relation to oxidative stress. In what follows, we
One approach to the theory of triggers arises will briefly review the main sources of oxidative
from the pathophysiology of migraine. Triggers are stress in the brain and then consider how these
understood by their capacity to constrict or dilate sources are affected by the various migraine trig-
blood vessels, directly irritate peripheral nocicep- gers, drawing on in vitro and animal data.
tors, or activate a hyperexcitable cortex, either Oxidative Stress.—By losing an electron or a
directly, or by interacting with modulatory seroto- hydrogen atom, a molecule is oxidized and becomes
nergic and noradrenergic brainstem nuclei.10–15 capable of oxidizing the molecules it encounters.
A second approach, more teleological, was Examples of oxidants are free radicals such as per-
given by Blau,16 who noted that migraine triggers oxynitrite (ONOO•), the peroxyl radical (ROO•),
tend to be exposures that in higher amounts would the hydroxyl radical (OH•), and the superoxide
damage the brain – hypoxia, hypoglycemia, alcohol, anion (•O2 2 ). There are also nonradical oxidants,
and environmental extremes (eg, of heat or cold) those that do not have charges, such as hydrogen
being prime examples. This is consistent with peroxide (H2O2) and hypochlorous acid (HOCl;
Loder’s observation that the high prevalence of bleach).
migraines implies that they, or the genes that Certain oxidants (eg, H2O2), in controlled
underlie them, confer an evolutionary advantage.17 amounts, are physiologic and have important signal-
How this would extend to noise or mental effort, ing functions within the cell.24,25 However, when
however, is less clear. Moreover, the physiological oxidants are produced in excess or when the antiox-
pathways by which potential harm generates a idant defenses that regulate them are compromised,
migraine require explication. the result is oxidative stress, a condition in which
As noted by others,18 the recent discovery of biomolecules such as DNA, membrane lipids,
the TRPA1 ion channel in nociceptors suggests one enzymes, and structural proteins can be damaged
possible explanation. In animals, calcitonin gene- through oxidation to an extent that exceeds repair
related peptide (CGRP) can be released from dural capacity.26 Oxidative stress is thought to contribute
afferents, promoting neurogenic inflammation, pain to a wide range of diseases.25
sensitivity, and behavioral evidence of a migraine, Sources of Oxidants.—There are three broad
by agonists of the TRPA1 channel.18 Thus, Dussor endogenous sources of oxidants in the brain: (1)
et al note that a number of irritants well known to Mitochondria. Based on animal data, between 0.1%
be migraine triggers (eg, formaldehyde19) are in and 4% of electrons ordinarily leak from mitochon-
fact activators of the TRPA1 channel.20 drial complexes I, III, and possibly II, generating
Particularly important for our purposes is that superoxide anions.27–29 Impediments to the smooth
the TRPA1 channel is specifically activated by oxi- flow of electrons through the respiratory chain can
dative and nitrosative stress.21 A mechanism for increase their leakage and reaction with oxygen to
sensing such conditions would surely have adaptive form superoxide. Thus, damage to the structure of
significance, as the brain is uniquely susceptible to mitochondria, accumulated mutations of mitochon-
oxidative damage.22 Long-term exposure to oxida- drial DNA, and mitochondrial toxins such as rote-
tive stress has been suspected of playing a causal none and cyanide, lead to increased formation of
role in a range of brain pathologies.23 The function superoxide.30,31 (2) NADPH oxidase. Oxidative
14 January 2016

stress plays a key role in host defense, particularly rocytes41 and platelets42 in migraine, as has a lower
the bactericidal function of white blood cells.32 The activity of glutathione peroxidase in erythrocytes,41
superoxide radical is produced by the NADPH oxi- and lower total antioxidant capacity and nonoxi-
dase (NOX) enzymes and converted into hydrogen dized thiol concentration in serum.43
peroxide in macrophages and hypochlorous acid in Migraine Triggers.—Thus, oxidants arise endoge-
neutrophils.32 In the brain, one form of NOX nously in the brain from a number of sources. In
enzyme, NOX2, is found on neurons, astrocytes, excess amounts, they are potentially harmful. We
and microglia,33 where it is activated by bacteria, have seen that the brain has ion channels that can
toxins, and other threats.32 (3) Other enzymes. For detect oxidative stress, triggering neurogenic infl-
certain enzymes, oxidants are a byproduct of the ammation. It is plausible that migraine triggers
reactions they catalyze. A key example in the brain have in common a capacity to increase oxidative
is monoamine oxidase (MAO), whose role is to stress. In what follows, we will consider this possi-
metabolize monoamines such as dopamine, norepi- bility for a range of migraine triggers.
nephrine, and serotonin, but which produces hydro- Here, we will use the term “trigger” to mean an
gen peroxide in the course of the reaction.34 external or internal exposure that increases the prob-
Certain cytochrome P450 enzyme systems that ability of a subsequent migraine attack. Because the
metabolize xenobiotics and drugs also produce oxi- association is probabilistic and additive, “potentiating
dants as a byproduct.35 factor” is a more accurate description. However, we
Antioxidant Defenses.—Oxidants are deactivated, will retain the term “trigger” due to its simplicity
that is, reduced, by certain enzymes and by nonen- and nearly universal use in the migraine literature.
zymatic antioxidants. Major examples of antioxi-
dant enzymes are superoxide dismutase, catalase, METHODS
glutathione peroxidase, and peroxyredoxins. Exam- A Medline search was conducted by the author
ples of nonenzymatic antioxidants are glutathione crossing the terms “oxidative stress” and “brain”
and ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10), both of them with “alcohol,” “dehydration,” “water deprivation,”
endogenously generated and, solely from the diet, “monosodium glutamate,” “aspartame,” “tyramine,”
ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, and beta caro- “phenylethylamine,” “dietary nitrates,” “noise,” “wea-
tene.36 In particular, glutathione is the main nonen- ther,” “hypoglycemia,” “hypoxia,” “infection,”
zymatic antioxidant found in cells.22,37 It is easily “estrogen,” “circadian,” “information processing,”
oxidized, protecting protein thiol (R-SH) groups “psychosocial stress,” or “nitroglycerin and tolerance.”
from oxidation. It is regenerated in cells by the glu- The reference lists of the resulting articles were exam-
tathione reductase enzyme. For oxidative damage ined for further relevant studies. The search was
that has already occurred, the body has a number restricted to English language articles published
of compensatory and repair processes. For example, between 1990 and 2014. Studies were included in the
an enzyme, apurinic endonuclease (Ape1), activates review if they examined the exposure as a single inter-
the base excision repair pathway, correcting com- vention and reported empirical data on whether and/or
mon types of oxidative damage to DNA.38 by what mechanisms the exposure induced oxidative
Migraines and Oxidative Stress.—Migraine may stress. In vivo studies were selected when available.
be associated with increased vulnerability to oxida- Studies were preferred if they reported on exposures
tive stress. Some migraineurs, particularly those plausible for daily life (eg, studies of acoustic trauma
with white matter hyperintensities on MRI and/or from blast injuries were excluded for “noise”). In seven
who have a family history of migraine, show cases, no relevant articles were found and the searches
decreased activity of catalase in the serum, meas- were modified as follows: “tyramine and oxidative and
ured interictally,39,40 and thus may have difficulty brain,” “information processing and oxidative stress,”
detoxifying hydrogen peroxide. Lower activity of “nitroglycerin and tolerance and oxidative stress,”
superoxide dismutase has been found in the eryth- “monosodium glutamate and neurotoxicity,” “sleep
Headache 15

deprivation and oxidative stress and brain,” “air pol- Alcohol is metabolized in the body in part by
lutants and oxidative stress and brain,” and cytochrome P450-2E1 (CYP2E1) and in part by
“nitrosamines and oxidative stress and brain.” For fla- alcohol dehydrogenase. Superoxide and hydrogen
vonoids, the search “flavonoids and prooxidant” was peroxide are byproducts of CYP2E1 function-
used to exclude the very large number of studies ing.35,49 Some of this enzyme is located within the
examining the antioxidant effects of flavonoids. mitochondria, where oxidative damage could pro-
Because noninvasive measures of oxidative stress in a mote further oxidant production through the leak-
living brain are not yet available, the studies were age of electrons from complexes I and III.50
generally of in vitro or animal data. Moreover, CYP2E1 is inducible – exposure to a
substrate such as ethanol prevents its proteosomal
RESULTS degradation, causing an increase in the amount of
The number of search results vs retained stud- the enzyme within the cell.35,50
ies were: dehydration (4/1), water deprivation (5/1), For both CYP2E1 and alcohol dehydrogenase,
aspartame (7/4), phenylethylamine (7/2), nitros- a metabolite of alcohol is acetaldehyde, a toxin that
amines (7/1), noise (44/1), hypoglycemia (52/2), psy- activates inducible nitric oxide synthase, xanthine
chosocial stress (12/1) and, for the modified oxidase, and neuronal NADPH, causing further
searches, tyramine (27/5), monosodium glutamate production of oxidants.49 In addition, high doses of
(49/1), air pollutants (42/2), sleep deprivation (42/2), alcohol activate microglia, markedly increasing the
and information processing (38/1). For hypoxia (897 production of reactive oxygen species.51
results), alcohol (296), infection (244), estrogen The fluidity of mitochondrial membranes is
(135), flavonoids (112), and nitroglycerin (72), affected acutely by ethanol, leading to altered
numerous studies were available reporting the same enzyme function, leakage of electrons, and increased
mechanisms. For these triggers, between 1 and 4 oxidant production.52 This in turn is thought to oxi-
illustrative papers were retained. dize the membranes further, causing increased oxi-
dant production in a vicious cycle.53
Dietary Triggers Moreover, as a diuretic, alcohol induces a com-
In 1674, Thomas Willis cited “errata in victu,” pensatory release of arginine vasopressin.54,55 As
errors in diet, as eliciting factors in cephalalgia (Willis, will be discussed further when we consider water
1674, cited in Living, 1873).44 In modern times, nutri- deprivation, vasopressin increases superoxide re-
tional factors consistently turn up in migraineurs’ lease by the vasculature.56
reports, although the proportion of patients with prom- Alcohol is often cited by patients as among the
inent alimentary triggers may be small.1,4,45 Several most prominent dietary triggers.45,57 It is plausible
dietary components in particular have been suspected: that this reflects the numerous ways in which alco-
Alcohol.—Long-term exposure to high doses of hol generates potentially toxic levels of oxidative
alcohol, as seen in chronic alcoholics, leads to loss stress in the brain.
of frontal lobe volume, diffuse white matter atro- Water Deprivation.—Water deprivation is sup-
phy, and mild dementia.46 Even adolescents and ported as a migraine trigger by retrospective report58
young adults with alcohol use disorders show im- and case studies.59,60 In mice, dehydration increases
pairments in executive functioning that resemble the concentration of arginine vasopressin in the
premature aging, and neuroimaging studies suggest plasma, through increased production by the hypo-
loss of volume of prefrontal cortex and the hippo- thalamus and because plasma volume is lower.56
campus.47 In animal studies, a single day of alcohol Vasopressin, in turn, releases endothelin which, acting
consumption, analogous to a binge, is sufficient to through the endothelin A receptor, raises the produc-
cause neural degeneration and reactive gliosis.48 tion of superoxide anion by the vasculature. The
The brain damage in alcohol is thought to be medi- resulting oxidative stress is marked enough to impair
ated by oxidative stress from several sources. cerebrovascular reactivity and autoregulation.56
16 January 2016

Monosodium Glutamate.—Some support for a sweeter than sucrose, amounts too small to contrib-
general monosodium glutamate (MSG) syndrome, ute calories can be used to sweeten foods and bev-
including headache, muscle tightness, numbness, erages.67 Some68,69 but not all70 double-blind,
weakness, and flushing, is found in two double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have found depression and
placebo-controlled trials.61,62 Both trials used high subtle cognitive impairments with high intake over
doses (up to 5 g) on an empty stomach in people 1–2 weeks, implying an effect on the brain.
self-identified as sensitive to MSG. In both cases, One avenue by which aspartame might have
the presence of symptoms was dose-related but the neural effects is through the methyl ester linkage,
reproducibility of individual symptoms was low.63 which is metabolized by the body into methanol.
MSG that reaches general circulation appears The methanol, in turn, is metabolized by the alco-
to raise brain levels of glutamate.64 There, it stimu- hol dehydrogenase system into formaldehyde and
lates ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate recep- then to formate.67 Methanol, formaldehyde, and
tors on neurons, causing calcium influx. This formate are all neurotoxins, as is well known from
increases the neurons’ rates of oxidative phospho- the blindness (from retinal and optic nerve damage)
rylation to provide the energy for restoring ion in people consuming methanol during Prohibition.71
homeostasis, which in turn raises oxidant produc- Formate inhibits mitochondrial complex III, causing
tion. There can also be uptake of calcium by the release of superoxide, peroxyl, and hydroxyl radi-
mitochondria, causing transient opening of perme- cals.72 Methanol freely passes through the blood-
ability transition pores and consequent further brain barrier.
release of superoxide anion.64 Further, a portion of the methanol is metabo-
When glutamatergic stimulation is at normal lized through an alternative, microsomal oxidizing
physiological concentrations, the resulting oxidative pathway that creates as a byproduct, free radicals.72
reactions likely play a role in synaptic plasticity, Moreover, in the liver and presumably the brain,
learning, and memory, and the collateral DNA enzymatic detoxification of methanol consumes glu-
damage is readily repaired.65 At supraphysiologic tathione, directly impairing antioxidant defenses.72,73
concentrations, however, such as when the gluta- Thus, in rats fed high doses of aspartame there are
mate comes from an exogenous source, the exces- signs of oxidative stress and a compensatory increase
sive signaling and calcium influx leads to in antioxidant enzymes in the cortex and other brain
excitotoxicity: damage, necrosis, and/or apoptosis regions.22,74
from oxidative stress.64 Another source of neural effects may be excito-
In most cases, it seems doubtful that MSG toxicity: Aspartame is metabolized into phenylala-
added to food significantly raises the levels in gen- nine (50%) and aspartic acid (40%), as well as
eral circulation. In Western diets, approximately methanol (10%).75 Brain levels of aspartic acid
10 g of glutamate is consumed daily as a normal increase acutely after aspartame ingestion.67 Aspar-
constituent of protein and added MSG (0.6 – 2.3 g/ tic acid is a precursor of glutamate and also a direct
day) is within the range of dietary variation. More- agonist at NMDA receptors.67 This presumably
over, of ingested glutamate, 95% is used by the causes enhanced glutamatergic signaling and excito-
enterocytes lining the intestines as a source of toxicity.67 A third mechanism, seen over a 2-week
energy and for synthesis of glutathione.63 However, period, is activation of microglia with resulting pro-
normal dietary levels might not be benign to sensi- duction of nitric oxide and other inflammatory
tive individuals. Foods naturally high in free gluta- mediators.76 The nitric oxide, in turn, would lead to
mate, such as citrus and processed meats, figure high oxidative stress via the peroxynitrite radical.
in the list of reported migraine triggers.66 Consistent with this evidence of oxidative stress
Aspartame.—Aspartame consists of two amino and impact on the brain, some77,78 but not all79
acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid, bound double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have sug-
together as a methyl ester. Because it is 180 times gested a migraine triggering effect of aspartame.
Headache 17

Tyramine.—Tyramine is found in red wine and trigger foods as chocolate, wine, and some
aged cheese. It first came under suspicion as a cheeses.98 Also, phenylethylamine is a minor
migraine trigger from the headaches reported by metabolite of phenylalanine, of which aspartame is
people who ingested these foods while taking a significant source.22 Phenylethylamine functions
MAO inhibitors, and from evidence that male as an excitatory neuromodulator, and with acute
migraineurs may have constitutively lower platelet administration it potentiates dopamine release and
MAO activity.80 Migraine without aura is associ- increases motor behavior.98 It is also a norepineph-
ated with higher plasma levels of octopamine and rine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor.99
synephrine – metabolites of tyramine – suggesting With long-term administration or at high doses,
that baseline levels of tyramine may be elevated.81 however, it inhibits complex 1 of the mitochondria
Tyramine has been supported as a migraine trigger in the dopamine-containing cells of the substantia
in several double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, nigra, leading to release of hydroxyl radicals, oxida-
nearly all from Hanington’s laboratories,82,83 but tive stress-mediated damage, and Parkinsonian
there have been negative results as well.84 Only symptoms in laboratory animals.98,100 In fact, at
about 5% of migraineurs are thought to be sensi- high doses, b-phenylethylamine behaves similarly to
tive to tyramine.85 rotenone and MPTP, used as neurotoxic models of
In the brain, tyramine is endogenously pro- Parkinson disease.98
duced, has receptors (trace amine-associated recep- Nonetheless, b-phenylethylamine has not been
tors),86 and seems to function by modulating the established with certainty as a migraine trigger.
effects of dopamine.87 In particular, tyramine is Other constituents, particularly the flavonoids in
indirectly sympathomimetic and both facilitates chocolate and wine may be the true culprit.101,102
dopamine release and interferes with its reuptake.88 And the flavonoid content of chocolate and wine is
Tyramine is degraded by MAO, types A and B, generally considered anti-inflammatory. However,
found on the outside surface of the outer mem- there are circumstances in which flavonoids may
brane of mitochondria. A byproduct of this reaction also generate oxidative stress, as discussed in the
is hydrogen peroxide87,89 in amounts far exceeding next section.
the background production by mitochondrial respi- Flavonoids.—The case for flavonoids as a
ration.90 Although MAO metabolizes other mono- migraine trigger is circumstantial: They are found
amines as well, such as dopamine and serotonin, at in fairly high quantity in the likely trigger foods red
least in vitro the amount of hydrogen peroxide gen- wine and citrus, they inhibit an enzyme (phenolsul-
erated from tyramine is far greater than from dopa- photransferase) that degrades catecholamines, and
mine or serotonin.91 Tyramine, in fact, seems to be one class in particular, isoflavones, has weak estro-
a source of oxidative damage to mitochondrial genic properties.4
DNA.92 Although pure flavonoids, without a glucose
A caveat is that under normal circumstances, moiety, are clearly antioxidants in vitro, the func-
tyramine does not cross the blood-brain barrier.87 tioning of flavonoids in the body, where they are
Thus, if tyramine sensitivity is centrally mediated, it subject to extensive metabolic processing, is not
would require a disruption of the blood-brain bar- known with certainty.103 Indeed, it may be through
rier, such as from an inflammatory process, in die- pro-oxidant properties that flavonoids are able to
tary migraineurs. In fact, there is some indication induce cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis in cancer
that the blood-brain barrier is compromised interic- cells.104,105 Their antioxidant effects in vivo may be
tally in migraine93–95 although the evidence is indirect, by inciting increased expression of antioxi-
inconsistent and of uncertain interpretation.96,97 dant and detoxifying enzymes.24
Phenylethylamine.—b-phenylethylamine, a bio- What does seem clear is that flavonoids func-
genic amine derived from phenylalanine, is a sus- tion as pro-oxidants under three circumstances:
pected active ingredient in such possible migraine high concentration,103 oxidation by intracellular
18 January 2016

enzymes such as myeloperoxidase,106 and when in ing increased levels of oxidative DNA damage and
contact with transition metals such as iron and cop- 4-hydroxynonenal).121 Because nitrosamines seem
per.107 Ordinarily, iron and copper are bound to to cross the blood-brain barrier122 it is possible this
proteins (eg, hemoglobin, ferritin for iron, cerulo- same effect occurs in vivo.
plasmin for copper) that prevent this effect but free
iron or copper may exist in the body after injury or Environmental
in disease states.103 Noise.—Exposure to noise seems to increase the
In fact, increased nonheme iron has been found probability of a migraine the following day.123 It is
in the periaqueductal gray,108 red nucleus, putamen, cited by patients as a trigger in retrospective sur-
and globus pallidus109,110 in migraine. In theory, oxi- veys45 and has been supported as a headache trig-
dative damage from repeated activation, hyperoxia, ger in a controlled laboratory study.124
and perhaps nociceptive input itself may cause the In young mice, moderate levels of noise (80 dB
buildup of iron and underlie the transition from epi- SPL, 2 hours per day for 6 weeks) leads to deficits
sodic to chronic migraine.111 In the event that some in spatial learning and avoidance conditioning. The
of this increased iron is free, that is, not sequestered extent of these deficits is correlated with increased
in ferritin or by microglia, then it could catalyze fla- oxidative stress in the hippocampus, auditory cor-
vonoids locally into pro-oxidant derivatives. tex, and inferior colliculus.125 How moderate levels
Nitrates.—Dietary nitrites, found in cured and of noise exposure produce such downstream effects
processed meats, first emerged as a migraine trigger is not clear, although presumably excitotoxicity is a
in a 1972 single-blind case study,112 later confirmed reasonable hypothesis.
in a small double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.113 Weather and Pollution.—Certain broad weather
There has been only occasional confirmation since patterns may increase or decrease the probability
then, for example,114 perhaps because the level of of a migraine.123 Among specific meteorological
nitrate added to meats has declined markedly since variables, a wind speed greater than 38 km/hour
1972.115 (24 miles/hour) has received particular support.126
The mitochondria, and certain enzymes (eg, The explanation has not been fully worked out but
xanthine oxidase) and proteins (eg, myoglobin, an wind speed may be a proxy for the amount of dust
oxygen-binding molecule in the muscles) are all the air has picked up (particulate matter with diam-
capable of transforming nitrite into nitric oxide. eter >2.5 lm).127 Air pollution, and particulate
These pathways function mostly when oxygen levels matter specifically, increases the probability of hos-
are low, and serve to dilate blood vessels, slow pitalization for headache.128,129
metabolism, and prevent injury by free radicals.116 Epidemiological evidence links air pollution to
Thus, dietary and endogenous nitrite plays a key neurotoxicity. For example, in Valcamonica, Italy,
physiological role and may function as an antioxi- where there is a high level of ferromanganese pol-
dant. However, under certain conditions xanthine lution from local industry, ostensibly healthy ado-
oxidase produces superoxide,117 which transforms lescents show tremors and subtle deficits in motor
nitric oxide into the peroxynitrite radical, a source dexterity and coordination, whose intensity is corre-
of oxidative stress.118 lated with the degree of manganese exposure.130 In
Alternatively, nitrates – which are abundant highly polluted areas of Mexico City, auditory
also in vegetables and thus the Mediterranean diet brainstem nuclei in children show aggregated alpha
– might be innocent. Some other component of synuclein (the amyloid involved in Parkinson’s dis-
processed meats might be to blame, such as nitros- ease and dementia with Lewy bodies) and markers
amines, a reaction product of nitrates with protein, of oxidative damage to proteins and DNA.131
which have been linked to brain cancer in animal The mechanism linking exposure to pollutants
and some119 but not all120 epidemiological studies. with neurotoxicity is not certain. However, the
In vitro, nitrosamines cause oxidative stress, includ- olfactory nerve consists of axonal projections from
Headache 19

the nasal epithelium to the olfactory bulb. Particu- thine oxidoreductase enzyme, which ordinarily
lates can be transported along the axons, bypassing helps dispose of purines, is cleaved to form xan-
the blood-brain barrier, and cross the synaptic cleft thine oxidase.117 Xanthine oxidase may help
into the brain parenchyma.132 Based on in vitro evi- increase blood flow to ischemic tissue by producing
dence, the pollutants may activate microglial via nitric oxide through the reduction of nitrites and
toll-like receptor signaling, inducing an inflamma- nitrates. However, depending on the microenviron-
tory response and oxidative stress.133 Thus, the neu- ment, xanthine oxidase also produces superoxide.117
rotoxicity of inhaled particulate matter (collected Nitric oxide, of course, is usually produced by
from a public park in Tuxedo, NY, and concen- the nitric oxide synthases, using L-arginine and
trated) is exacerbated in apolipoprotein E null rats, molecular oxygen as substrates and NADPH and
which are systemically prone to oxidative stress.134 tetrahydrobiopterin as cofactors. When the supply
of oxygen is insufficient, however, the nitric oxide
Physiological synthases become “uncoupled,” producing superox-
Hypoglycemia.—Hypoglycemia is regarded as a ide instead of nitric oxide.147
migraine trigger based on case reports, for exam- Infection.—A sick day not due to headache may
ple,135 an experimental study,136 the ability of fast- increase the duration of a subsequent headache,123
ing to produce a headache,137–139 and triggering of suggesting a common pathway. In mice, systemic
migraines by glucose tolerance testing.140 Migraine exposure to an inflammatory stimulus, bacterial cell
may occur only after blood glucose levels are renor- wall lipopolysaccharides, can cause induction of
malized.135 In the glucose tolerance test, migraines NADPH oxidase lasting for 10 months or longer.148
typically occur 1 to 4 hours after glucose ingestion. Estrogen.—The relationship between estrogen
Extreme hypoglycemia leads to coma and and migraines is complex. That women have an
death, while repeated severe episodes in type I dia- approximately threefold greater risk of migraines,
betic patients are associated with atrophy of the beginning at menarche, suggests that female sex hor-
cortex, especially the occipital and parietal lobes, mones contribute to migraines.149,150 In an animal
hippocampus, and basal ganglia.141,142 Animal stud- model of induced neurogenic inflammation, estradiol
ies suggest that very severe hypoglycemia in the intensifies vasodilation, CGRP expression, and
brain is, initially, an excitotoxic state due to exces- migraine-like behavior.151 However, for immediate
sive glutamate release, leading to mitochondrial triggering, the case is strongest for estrogen with-
dysfunction and oxidative stress.143 Far higher lev- drawal, that is, the declining estrogen level seen
els of oxidative stress follow the reintroduction of perimenstrually and at the time of ovulation.150
glucose, which activates nitric oxide synthase and The phenolic structure of 17b-estradiol confers
neuronal NADPH oxidase and causes free radical- to it antioxidant properties in vitro, particularly for
mediated death of neurons.144 NADPH oxidase scavenging hydrogen peroxide152 but it is not clear
requires a steady supply of NADPH, which cannot that this is relevant in vivo.153 Markers of oxidative
be regenerated until glucose is restored.144 stress in the plasma tend to peak during the late
Hypoxia.—Hypoxia is a suspected migraine trig- follicular and early luteal phases of the menstrual
ger based on the similarity of migraine to acute cycle,154,155 perhaps because of the rapid prolifera-
mountain sickness, increased risk of migraine from tion of follicular or endometrial tissue,154 and to
living at high altitudes, and a tendency found in a fall during menstruation.
controlled trial.145 In the central nervous system, however, estro-
In animal models, intermittent hypoxia causes gen facilitates a number of protective processes. It
oxidative stress via mitochondrial dysfunction (the limits oxidative damage by increasing the expres-
mitochondria cannot function efficiently without an sion of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase,156 and helps
adequate supply of substrates) and via NADPH reverse extant damage by upregulating repair en-
oxidase.146 In addition, in hypoxic cells, the xan- zymes thioredoxin157 and Ape1.38 Estradiol also
20 January 2016

inhibits apoptosis by increasing the expression of Sleep deprivation is associated with a depletion
Bcl-238,158 and reduces neuroinflammation.159 The of reduced glutathione in the brain.172 As we have
reduced activation of microglia, in turn, should seen, glutathione is the body’s main nonenzymatic
lower brain oxidative stress. antioxidant and is utilized by the antioxidant enzyme
In vitro, estradiol prevents glutamate toxicity glutathione peroxidase, which detoxifies the hydroxyl
by downregulating the expression of AMPA- and radical. In rats, cognitive deficits from sleep depriva-
NMDA-type glutamate receptors.160 In animals, tion are prevented by antioxidants,173 further tying
estradiol reduces infarct size following middle cere- the harm of sleep deprivation to oxidative stress.
bral artery occlusion.161 Mental Overwork.—Living174 noted that among
On the whole, then, estrogen appears to be neu- migraine triggers, “and perhaps more certainly
roprotective, with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, influential than any of them” were “mental emotion
antiexcitotoxic, and antiapoptotic actions in vivo. It and excessive brain-work.”
is not known, however, whether the short-term phys- Whether triggering by excessive mental work
iological withdrawal of estrogen during the men- can be explained by oxidative stress is not clear
strual cycle is enough to reduce this protection and because little is known about whether information
render cells vulnerable to oxidative stress. processing influences redox state. However, the
neuron-like structures of the retina can be damaged
by high intensity light exposure (phototoxicity)175,176
as can the cochlea and upstream cortical structures
Sleep Cycle.—John R. Graham included “sleeping
by excessive noise (acoustic trauma);125,177 this dam-
late” among his “errors of living for migraineurs to
age is specifically through oxidative mechanisms.
heed,”162 and “sleeping late,” “oversleeping,” “sleep
Similarly, painful stimulation of the limbs in rats
disturbance,” and “change in sleeping habits or
increases lipid peroxidation in sensorimotor cortex
sleep” figure prominently among the triggers nomi-
for days afterwards.178 Excessive release of gluta-
nated by patients.1,2,45 Of course, the maintenance of
mate (excitotoxicity) and the catabolism of dopa-
stable biological rhythms is helpful for managing
mine179 are sources of oxidative stress.
other conditions that involve the brain, such as bipo-
Moreover, information processing by the cortex
lar disorder and dementia.163,164 is associated with augmented power and with syn-
Disruptions in the circadian rhythm by exposing chronization across cortical regions in the high fre-
animals to shifts in the light-dark cycle interfere quency bands of the electroencephalogram (EEG),
with learning and with the retention and retrieval of particularly the high gamma range (60–200 Hz).180
memories.165 Hippocampal functions are most read- Lower gamma band activity (30–60 Hz, especially
ily affected but with increasing circadian disruption, around 40 Hz) is thought to reflect perceptual bind-
cognition that depends on the prefrontal cortex or ing – the integration of stimulus features into a coher-
dorsal striatum is affected as well.166 Anatomically, ent percept or gestalt, integration across different
there is evidence for reduced neurogenesis.167,168 sensory modalities, and the maintenance of items in
Corticosterone levels may be directly elevated or the working memory.181 Higher gamma band activity is
circadian disruption may potentiate the corticoster- thought to reflect such higher functions as selective
one response to laboratory stresses.169 attention and motor planning,181 and perhaps infor-
Approximately, 10% of all gene transcription mation processing in general.180 Gamma band activ-
in the mouse shows circadian oscillation, suggesting ity may be more intense, with stronger amplitude and
regulation by clock genes.170 In particular, the tran- decreased inhibition, in migraineurs, at least in
scription of major antioxidant enzymes, including response to visual stimulation.182
superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxi- Physically, the correlates of power augmenta-
dase, peroxiredoxins, and sestrins, appears to be tion at higher EEG frequencies are higher neuronal
controlled by circadian clock genes.171 firing rates and greater utilization of glucose and
Headache 21

oxygen.180,183 In particular, gamma oscillations seem ies in which primates must repeatedly establish,
to reflect the very rapid, synchronized firing of a cer- challenge, or defend their place in the status hierar-
tain class of GABAergic, inhibitory interneurons, chy. This type of stress is not benign but associated
parvalbumin-expressing basket cells. Because this fir- with impairments in neurogenesis and dendritic
ing is extremely rapid, it entails enormous energy branching and growth in the CA3 region of the hip-
demands by ion pumps to restore the neuron to the pocampus.193,194 These types of changes are gener-
resting state.184 The basket cells are replete with ally associated with oxidative stress.33
mitochondria that appear to be functioning at full Daily hassles are supported as a migraine trig-
capacity during gamma oscillations.184 ger in prospective diary195 and single-subject196
A very high metabolic rate may cause oxidative studies. Both the amount and temporal patterning
stress. We have seen that ordinarily, between 0.1% of stress may be key.197
and 4% of electrons leak from mitochondrial com-
plexes I and III, generating superoxide anions.29 Pharmacological
Thus, the amount of superoxide produced appears Nitroglycerin.—Nitroglycerin, a nitric oxide
to be a linear function of metabolic rate. Moreover, releaser, is known to cause an immediate headache
with high firing rates, there is potential for transient in susceptible individuals and, in migraineurs, a
overload of calcium ions in the neuron, increasing migraine after about 5 hours.198 Nitric oxide is prob-
oxidant production further.185 Thus, fast-spiking ably an antioxidant in vivo.199 Nitroglycerin, how-
interneurons may be key sources of oxidative stress, ever, also causes the production of superoxide by the
contributing to aging and brain pathology.185 aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme and by vascular
Stress.—In patient reports, stress is generally NADPH oxidase.200,201 Moreover, nitric oxide reacts
among the most important migraine triggers.45,186 with superoxide approximately three times faster
Even this may be an underestimate, as stress may than does the detoxifying enzyme superoxide dismu-
have a 3- or 4-day delayed effect,187 making its trig- tase (reaction rate 6.7 3 109 M21s21 vs 2 3 109
gering less observable. It has been confirmed as a M21s21),33,118 forming the highly reactive peroxyni-
trigger in laboratory studies.188 Although there are trite radical.202
a large number of major life stresses, a common The main findings in the Results section are
unifying characteristic is social loss. summarized in the Table.
In rats, being raised in isolation leads to cognitive
(impaired sensorimotor gating) and behavioral defi- DISCUSSION
cits, as well as a depletion of glutathione in the stria- Thus, migraine triggers encountered in clinical
tum and cortex.189 Psychosocial stress seems to practice are capable of generating oxidative stress.
activate the same cellular defense processes as infec- Mechanisms include a high rate of energy production
tion or toxins, perhaps because stress is a warning of by the mitochondria, toxicity or altered membrane
impending injury. In prefrontal cortex and the properties of the mitochondria, calcium overload and
nucleus accumbens, psychosocial stress in rats causes excitotoxicity, neuroinflammation and activation of
a tremendous increase in NOX2 expression and microglia, and activation of neuronal NADPH oxi-
markers of oxidative stress.33,190 Of note, this effect dase. For some triggers, oxidants also arise as a
appears to trigger the signaling pathway for hypoxia, byproduct of MAO or cytochrome P450 processing,
that is, by hypoxia inducible factor-1.191 Thus, the or from uncoupling of nitric oxide synthase. In turn,
idea that social stresses are encoded, not by novel oxidative stress, transduced by the TRPA1 ion chan-
structures but by novel ways of activating evolutio- nel on C fibers, can initiate CGRP release and the
narily preexisting structures192 appears true on a neurogenic inflammation of migraine.
molecular as well as a neural systems level. As a response to oxidative stress, migraines
Daily Hassles.—An analog to the minor but could confer a survival advantage, as suggested by
repeated stresses of daily life are perhaps the stud- Loder.17 The brain is uniquely vulnerable to
22 January 2016

oxidative damage because of its high metabolic rate, A second weakness is that triggers have multi-
the polyunsaturated (easily oxidized) nature of neu- ple effects, of which only one, oxidative stress, has
ronal cell membranes, and the presence of iron and been discussed. Thus, for example, hypoglycemia
copper ions, which can catalyze the formation of free increases plasma free fatty acids, changes neuronal
radicals. Antioxidant resources and cellular repair ion homeostasis, and alters levels of dopamine and
capacity, requiring energy, are limited in the brain.22 serotonin, all of which could play a role in
Further, apoptosis as a defense mechanism – simply migraine.135 Many triggers can activate the sympa-
deleting through programed death cells that have thetic nervous system which, in large amounts,
become too badly damaged203 – is not a good option would threaten homeostasis.211 Yet the capacity of
in the brain, as neurons generally cannot be replaced. oxidants to elicit neurogenic inflammation through
We have seen that migraineurs may be particularly the TRPA1 ion channel, and the relevance of oxi-
susceptible to oxidative stress because of lower antioxi- dative stress to neuronal functioning and survival,
dant defenses. Moreover, oxidative stress may help make this a tempting unifying principle.
account for the relationship between cortical spreading The broad parsimony of the theory is also a
depression (CSD) and the subsequent attack in key weakness: In common with other theories of
migraine with aura. Pro-oxidants potentiate and migraine triggers, it does not allow us to deduce
antioxidants prevent CSD,204 suggesting a common vul- why a particular combination of exposures would
nerability. Moreover, CSD itself causes oxidative lead to a migraine in a particular person at a partic-
stress205 and in theory might thereby trigger a migraine. ular time. The gap between theory and moment-to-
Consistent with this, CSD also rapidly induces certain moment experience is large. A strength of the
antioxidant defenses – glutathione-S-transferase 5, apo- theory is that it indicates the types of variables that
lipoprotein E, and major prion protein precursor.206 would need to be measured to bridge this gap: the
Further, in animal studies, by inhibiting the level and sources of brain oxidative stress in
enzyme glutamine synthase and the glutamate response to trigger exposure.
transporter on astrocytes, reactive oxygen species Some triggers do not seem well explained by
may increase the concentration of glutamate, con- this model – in particular the triggering by pericra-
tributing to an excitable brain.207 nial pain such as from eye strain or myofascial
Nonetheless, the approach taken here is not problems at the upper neck.123 It is possible that
without weakness. Nearly all of the migraine triggers neck pain is actually a premonitory symptom and
we have discussed are from traditional case studies not a trigger.212 Alternatively, however, there is in
and retrospective reports by migraineurs, subject to vitro evidence that capsaicin and H2O2 applied to
misattribution, illusory correlation, and recall dorsal root ganglion neurons, have a multiplicative
bias.123,208 The determination of causality is notori- effect in causing CGRP release.205 Thus, we might
ously difficult in naturalistic, uncontrolled observa- speculate that TRPV1 channels, sensitive to inflam-
tion.209 It is possible that some putative migraine matory pain, and TRPA1 channels, sensitive to oxi-
triggers are in fact nothing more than bystanders. dative stress, interact.213 In that event, pericranial
Yet we have seen that physiologically, these putative pain might function to lower the threshold of oxida-
triggers are far from innocent; all conform to Blau’s tive stress needed to trigger a migraine.
dictum that in higher amounts they would damage A further weakness in the theory is that oxida-
the brain. Moreover, if the true proximal trigger is tive stress in the brain increases with age214 while
oxidative stress then individual triggers may be diffi- the prevalence of migraines declines.215,216 Presum-
cult to validate in the laboratory as the dose, combi- ably, one would need to posit that the ability to
nation with other triggers, state of antioxidant detect oxidative stress, like perceptual acuity,
defenses, and state of pain thresholds (which may be declines with age, or that the mechanisms that
raised by the novelty of being in a study) would all transduce oxidative stress become desensitized as
moderate the result.210 basal levels rise. There is evidence, for example,
Headache 23

that parthenolide, a component of feverfew and a The suggestion here is that this is a class
partial agonist of TRPA1, desensitizes the ion chan- effect,43,205 and that other antioxidants will similarly
nel over time.217 be effective.
Alternatively, the migraine response itself Consistent with this, regular moderate aerobic
might become impaired. The vasodilatory compo- exercise, which seems to increase antioxidant
nent may be curtailed by endothelial dysfunction reserves in the brain,234 may also attenuate the
and atherosclerosis.216 Brainstem dopaminergic cir- intensity or frequency of migraines.235
cuits, and the substantia nigra in particular, have Similarly, frontalis muscle tension biofeedback,
been implicated in migraine,218 and perhaps the empirically supported for the prevention of
decline of neurotransmission in these circuits migraines,236 has been shown to reduce serum per-
accounts for the improvement in migraines.219 In a oxides and raise levels of nitric oxide and superoxide
case-control study, 64% of migraineurs recalled an dismutase in chronic migraine.237 The mechanism is
improvement or resolution of migraines following not clear, but as a relaxation technique, it might
onset of Parkinson disease.220 lower stress-related activity of NADPH oxidase.
Moreover, because trigger escape and avoid- (For migraine preventive medications, the case
ance can never be perfect, we must ask why migrai- is less clear: Flunarizine,238,239 propranolol,240 and
neurs do not show progressive brain damage over topiramate241 appear to be antioxidants, either
time. But perhaps they do. Chong et al report that directly or by raising levels of antioxidant enzymes,
age-related cortical thinning is accelerated in while valproate242 and amitriptyline243 appear to be
migraineurs.221 That this may not be an effect of pro-oxidants.)
the attacks themselves is suggested by the inde- On a practical level, the idea that triggers func-
pendence of the decline from disease duration and tion via oxidative stress raises the possibility that
migraine frequency. However, the physiological antioxidants, taken at the time of trigger exposure,
basis of cortical thinning is poorly understood. A could function as “acute preventives” or “preemptive
second possibility is that migraines are neuroprotec- therapy.”232,244 There is some preliminary evidence
tive, effectively countering oxidative stress, as dis- for this for ginkgo245 and the combination of ginger
cussed briefly below. and feverfew.246 Indeed sumatriptan, in some
Conversely, viewing migraine triggers from the respects a late-stage preemptive, scavenges superox-
perspective of oxidative stress has a number of ide and hydroxyl radicals in vitro247 and may reduce
advantages. It is physiologically plausible via the levels of peroxynitrite in vivo.248 However, such a
TRPA1 ion channel. It brings unity to a wide vari- role for antioxidants has not been established and
ety of behavioral, environmental, dietary, physio- requires further research.
logical, and pharmacological exposures. It provides Conceptually, triggers as sources of oxidative
an explanation for how triggers can summate. stress adds to the view of migraines as a defensive
Moreover, this perspective on triggers links to response designed to limit further exposure to the
the further simplification that a number of agents that triggers. The acute environmental intolerances of
reduce oxidative stress seem to function as migraine photophobia, phonophobia, and osmophobia, the
preventives, including vitamin E,222 ginkgo,223 melato- aversion to exertion and movement, and the tempo-
nin,224 butterbur,225 feverfew,226,227 coenzyme Q10,228 rary decline in mental status all fit with an adaptive
and possibly alpha lipoic acid,229 and vitamin C purpose of migraines.249
with230 or without231 pine bark extract. The efficacy Further afield, it raises the possibility that
of riboflavin, too, might be indirectly due to reduced migraines might actively counter oxidative stress on a
oxidative stress:232 Riboflavin is a coenzyme for gluta- physiological level. A number of candidate processes
thione reductase, an antioxidant enzyme, and in its can be adduced. In various tissues of the body,
reduced form can directly scavenge oxygen CGRP reduces the expression of NADPH oxidase,250
radicals.233 increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes,251
24 January 2016

Table.—Type and Strength of Evidence Linking Migraine Triggers to Oxidative Stress

Strength of
Trigger Sources of Oxidative Stress Type of Evidence Evidence

Alcohol NOX2, microglial activation, In vitro, animal 111
CYP2E1, mitochondrial tox- human (indirect)
icity, vasculature
Water deprivation Vasculature Animal 11
Monosodium glutamate Excitotoxicity Animal 11
Aspartame Excitotoxicity, microglial acti- In vitro, animal 111
vation, mitochondrial toxic-
ity, microsomes, depletion of
Tyramine MAO In vitro 1
b-Phenylethylamine Mitochondrial toxicity In vitro, animal 1
Flavonoids Direct pro-oxidants under In vitro 1
some circumstances
Nitrates Xanthine oxidase In vitro 1
Noise Unknown (? excitotoxicity) Animal 11
Weather and pollution Microglial activation In vitro, animal 11
Hypoglycemia NOX2, excitotoxicity Animal 1
Hypoxia NOX2, mitochondrial dysfunc- Animal 11
tion, xanthine oxidase, nitric
oxide synthase
Infection NOX2 Animal 111
Estrogen withdrawal Loss of antioxidant and antiex- In vitro, animal 1
citotoxic properties
Sleep cycle Decrease in antioxidant Animal 11
enzymes, depletion of
Mental overwork Mitochondria (oxidative Animal 1
Stress NOX2 Animal 111
Daily hassles Unknown Animal 11
Nitroglycerin Indirect pro-oxidant under Animal 11
some circumstances

“Strength of Evidence” is based on the number of pathways by which a trigger generates oxidative stress and their likelihood
of being relevant in daily life: (111) 5 Multiple well-established mechanisms demonstrated in vivo at plausible levels of expo-
sure; (11) 5 A single strong source of oxidative stress demonstrated in vivo, but with uncertain mechanism and/or a level of
exposure higher than would be encountered in daily life; (1) 5 In vitro or limited in vivo data.
CYP2E1 5 cytochrome P450-2E1; MAO 5 monoamine oxidase; NOX2 5 NADPH oxidase-2.

decreases oxidative stress,251 and prevents apoptosis trophic.254 Further, serotonin, released into the blood
under oxidizing conditions by stimulating growth- by platelets255 and perhaps throughout the cortex by
oriented intracellular signaling pathways.252 It is the dorsal raphe nucleus during a migraine,256 may
tempting to suspect a similarly protective role for have neurotrophic properties,257,258 and cause the
CGRP in the brain. Similarly albumin, released into release of other neural growth factors.259 Platelet acti-
the dura by protein extravasation in migraines, is the vation, which takes place in migraine260 as it does in
main antioxidant in plasma.253 In the brain, albumin tissue injury, is neuroprotective and neurorestorative
causes astrocytes to release oleic acid, which is neuro- in an in vivo model of cerebral ischemia.261
Headache 25

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