Assign Men 3

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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

Department of Computer Science

Fall 2022 – Assignment No. 3

Course Title: Machine Learning Course Code: CSC 354

Course Instructor/s: Dr. Allah Bux Sargana Program Name: BSCS
Topic Clustering Max. marks: 20
Out Date: 30-12-2022 Due Date: 5-1-2023
Student’s Name: Reg. No.
Important Instructions: 
1. Zero tolerance for plagiarism: Plagiarism from any sources, including internet sources and
your fellow students (except allowed sources by the instructor), will result in ZERO marks. 
2. Submission requirements: 
a. Word file: This sheet, code, and screenshots
b. Code files (.py files)
c. Place a and b in a single zip folder (the name of the folder must be the same as your
registration number) and upload on MS Team
d.  Late submission policy: deduction @ of 20% of total marks per day

CLO: <3>; Bloom Taxonomy Level: <Applying>

Question No. 1
Consider the following datasets for banknote authentication. The dataset consists of genuine and
forged banknotes in the form of features extracted from these banknotes. Each row represents a
feature vector extracted from a banknote and ends with “0” or “1”, where zero and one represent
forged and genuine banknotes, respectively.
Your task is to apply K-means and agglomerative clustering algorithms to divide banknotes into
two clusters and plot the results.
Datasets information:

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