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I422Class Actiom Sui

Class Aclion Sui(CAs)

grmu paple
Yepresanting common interest
may approach the Trieunal t sue br lbe sued.
gverned under 245 and 24t Companies Act,2013.

Rationale bekind CAS

prolct interest o Yeduce the number makes adjudication

e0gapkically outigations bearing poseilble.
dia persed members Sama cause a action

Tpes oCAS

lEmployede claA actuons Concumer Class Acim Secuiu'es clas Action

Sectiom 37

Action aken by ang ahcd by any mialeading stalimena

Or the inclusiom o pMISSIDD_ oan
any ADeialuon petsons matter in the pospeelus

Application filed by member us 24S has ta befiledin foim NcLT-9

Kule 85 o NCLT Rules, 201.

Grounds pr admissibili oapplicalm

oiing thern guestüno law defenses of veptgsentative epvesenative pavaea

TDld Le
0Ya Commn paovties are ypical heoiR adegualely
the clas lame poter he intzvest.

For seperale ac on, Tibunal would check the nisk of

Tnconsistnt would be disposiive would cubctartialy mpair

o the inlrest o OY impede the abiug o
other memben 6 pnlet
adudicatans the _other members
their inlevesa.

Kule 8o oNCLT Rules, 261t

Rule o opt- Out

form No. NCLT-1. member receiving notuca not prevenlkd fonpursuing

deemedtb lbe a nember an individual elaim agoinst
o a clo, unles ept -oul the company under othor law

Rule 87 NCLT Rules 201

Kulblicaton oNotce

Form NCLI13 ullicnob'ce publc notie

wihin 1days in on websilz o
newspape the compa

Subsen loer
he agrees n withg
memorandum and mouneernte ed Beneticial ouwmes
|n_ regisle& of menbs.

Agane ahom cAs Aled

Compan a directös audilr ExPert o advisor o consulAnt,.

Secton 2u5_vead with nde 8413) o NCLT Rles,20tc

Members Depasils

Companyhaving toa
Share capita
not havg deposi l
chare captal
oTola s
loomembers| usted Uisted 100deposilo a
member o meber deposils
s1.tola membes members
members holding not hetding ndt
esA Hhan
21.o inued|S 4ued
|Share capitol
share capital

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