Pra Un Sma Bahasa Inggris

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Soal A B C D E

Listening Section

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how
well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this
section, with special directions for each part.
Part I
Questions 1 to 4
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues spoken in
English. The dialogue will be spoken twice. They will not be
displayed on the screen or printed in your test book, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the five
possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer
to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Man : I heard you passed the TOEFL.
Woman: Thank you, Andi. My score is 600
Man : Wow! What a great score. You did it very
Woman: Thank you for the compliment. I have practiced a
lot for the preparation.
Man : You deserve it
You will also hear:
Narrator : What is the topic of the conversation?

You will read on the screen or in your test book:

A. TOEFL test.
B. TOEFL score.
C. Congratulating.
D. Complimenting.
E. Doing the test well.

The best answer to the question “What is the topic of the

conversation?” is choice (D). “Complimenting” Therefore, you
should answer choice (A)
1. (Listening) She is She is She is She drawing She is
painting her finishing a completing her home appointing
house project. a picture. town. a

2. (Listening) Jack and Self- Meeting a Calling a Empty seat.

Tina’s introduction friend. friend.
friend. .
3. (Listening) Watch a Buy some Pick up his Go to the Go to
film. food. wife. cinema. Tina’s

4. (Listening) The sky is It is likely to The weather Many Nobody

not so dark. rain today. looks nicer. people go to will come
the seminar to the
Part II
Questions: 5 to 7
In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues
spoken in English, followed by four responses also spoken in
English. The dialogues and responses will be spoken twice. They
will not be displayed on the screen or printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are
saying. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
You will hear:

Man : Where are you going to move this cabinet to?

Woman : To that corner. I want to make this room more
Man : Shall I help you move it?
Woman :…

Narrator: What is the woman likely to respond?

A. Oh, yes, please, Mike. Thanks.
B. Oh, come on, Mike. It seems very heavy.
C. Yes, please. I can manage it.
D. Give me a hand Mike.

Narrator: The best response to the question “What is the woman

likely to respond?” is ” Oh, yes, please, Mike. Thanks.”
Therefore, you should answer Choice “A”.
5. (Listening) Mark your Mark your Mark your Mark your Mark your
answer answer answer answer answer
6. (Listening) Mark your Mark your Mark your Mark your Mark your
answer answer answer answer answer
7. (Listening) Mark your Mark your Mark your Mark your Mark your
answer answer answer answer answer
Part III
Questions 8 to 11
In this part of the test, you will hear some monologues spoken
in English. The monologues will be spoken twice. They will not
be displayed on the screen or printed in your test book, so you
must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you listen to the monologue, look at the five pictures
provided in your test book, and decide which one would be the
most suitable with the monologue you have heard.
8. (Listening)

9. (Listening)

10. (Listening)
11. (Listening)

Part IV
Questions 12 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each
monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be displayed on
the screen or printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you
hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five
possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer
to the question you have heard.
12. (Listening) To reserve To To boost To To
ecosystem collabora the follow up populari
te with tourism on the ze the
UNESC industry committe instituti
O in e’s on that
Banyuwa recomme certify
ngi ndations the

13. (Listening) It enhanced It supported It encouraged It improved It would be

the city the regency the regency the regency’s more
residents to to optimize to improve income. appreciated.
love nature- nature-based tourism
based tourism. facilities.

14. (Listening) A tragic car The life of a A teenager An interview Twain’s

accident poor family with her with ABC effort to
siblings News help her

15. (Listening) To live for To continue To pay her To support To hold and
herself her contract parent’s her siblings’ look after
funeral family her siblings

16 This text is for questions 16 and 17. The shortage Preparation The activities The absence The change
of practice for school during school of marching of marching
ANNOUNCEMENT hours final test holidays band practice band
To : All members of marching band in this school

Due to the preparation for the final test, there is no practice today.
Practice absence also applies during the final test and school holidays.
Practice will start again on January 11th , 2019 (Practice hours remain
the same).

What is the message made by the writer?

17 The school is Students are Every one There is no It is not
Why is the practice of marching band not scheduled today? closed. taking the arranges for room for the allowed to
final test. the final test. practice. do the

18 This text is for questions 18 and 19. To show his To show his To recall the To have a To plan to
sympathy on beautiful moment with chat with meet Grace.
895 Don Mills Road, Unit 2735 Grace’s moment with Grace. Grace.
Toronto, ON sorrow. Frank.
M3C 1T5
January 19, 2018

Dear Grace,

Please let me express my deepest sympathies to you and the

children. I was shocked and traumatized when I heard about Frank's
horrific accident. I can't even imagine what you have been going
through for the past ten days.
As you know, Frank and I have been colleagues and friends for the
past eight years. His tragic loss leaves a terrible emptiness in our office.
He was so well-liked and respected by everyone who came into contact
with him, both colleagues and clients alike. He had tremendous people
skills, and as such, was a role model in our company and the industry at
Grace, please feel free to contact me if I can help in any way while
you go through this very difficult period. I will support you in any way
that you can reach out to me.
Also, please tell the children how terribly devastated all of us are
here at the company due to their father's tragic passing.

Sincere sympathy,

John Smith

What is the writer’s intent to write the letter?

19 What happened to Frank? He made his He passed his He moved to He passed the He got a
colleagues difficult time. another exams. fatal
feel amazed. office. accident.

20 This text is for questions 20 and 21. To apply for To persuade To help her To invite her To assist her
a visa the consul friend to get friend to friend to
a visa come to US meet the
consul consul
April 3rd, 2018
United States Consulate General
Jl. Merdeka Selatan 4-5
Jakarta 10110

Dear Honorable Consul,

Ranti Endinawati – B9105169– Born on February 18th,1990

My name is Grace Kelly, residing at 5 Gilbert St.Houston, 77001 and I

am a United States citizen.

I am requesting that you issue a tourist (B-2) visa to Ranti Endinawati

who resides at Peninggaran Raya No.1 Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta
Selatan. This is to allow her to visit me in the United States. We have
known and been friends for the past 3 years and I would like her to visit
me this summer.

Ranti Endinawati will be visiting me from June 5th, 2018 to June 15th
2018. This will be a great time because we will both be off work at this
time. During his / her stay in the United States, she will stay with me at
my home at the address stated above.

I will be responsible for her accommodation expenses while she is in

the United States. Upon the termination of her visit, she will return to

Ranti Endinawati will be presenting this letter to you, together with

other evidence to establish her close ties with Indonesia, and to assure
you that she will return prior to the expiration of her stay in the
United States.
Your kind consideration of this request will be highly appreciated.

Yours Truly,

Grace Kelly
5 Gilbert St.Houston, 77001
(713) 9586673

What is the writer’s purpose to write the invitation?

21 What is the closest meaning of the underlined word? Plan End Delay Expire Schedule

22 Basel Rome Chelsea Liverpool El

This text is for questions 22 to 24. Mokawloon
Mohamed Salah Ghaly born on 15 June 1992 is an Egyptian
professional footballer who plays as a forward for Premier
League club Liverpool and the Egypt national team.
Salah started his senior career with hometown club El Mokawloon in
the Egyptian Premier League in 2010, departing shortly thereafter to
join Basel for an undisclosed fee. In Switzerland, he starred as he won
the league title in his debut season, winning the SAFP Golden Player
Award in the process. Salah's performances then attracted Premier
League side Chelsea, and he joined the club in 2014.
Following consistent match-winning performances in Rome to lead
them to second-placed finish and a record points-tally in 2017, Salah
relocated back to the Premier League to sign for Liverpool. During his
second spell in England, Salah adapted his game from a natural winger
to a complete forward and quickly became the focal point of the team.
He would go on to break the club's scoring record for a debut season,
receiving the Premier League Golden Boot after registering a record 32
goals in 36 league games. He also became the first player to win
three Premier League Player of the Month awards in the same season.
His record-breaking performances led him to receive a number of other
accolades at the end of the season, Salah also came third in the award
for the 2018 Best FIFA Men's Player.

What soccer club did Salah play as his debut in senior career?

23 He will play He will be He will be He will get He will

What might happen to Salah if he consistently shows his outstanding for sent back to chosen by the 2018 top receive the
performances? Liverpool. his country famous three of FIFA Best Men’s
soccer clubs Men's Player Player
awarded by

24 Us Its They Them Theirs

Serving for Premier League club Liverpool and the Egypt national
team, Salah plays as a forward for ….

25 This text is for questions 25 to 27. Establishing Tips to Techniques The Ways to be
a retail trade become a how to earn implementati a successful
Most people dream of becoming a big and successful businessman. But, producer money on of entrepreneur
only a small percentage of people really can reach it. The reason is economy
simple, pioneering and managing your own business is not as easy as
imagined. In addition to having to be firm, there are other important
things that must be prepared carefully.

1. Convince yourself
Start to strengthen your heart before deciding your choice. If you are
still half-hearted when you start building a business, you will be more
easily dropped by circumstances. Instead of success, the business you
build actually stops in the middle of the road.
2. Thinking "Out of the Box"
There is no successful businessman without thinking creatively. The
online transportation business, for example, sees opportunities for how
this business will become a solution for urban society. Well, so make it
a habit to hone thinking skills to be more creative.
3. Focus on one business first
Don't rush to double your profits by starting a second business. Make
sure the business that you manage is now truly stable, both in terms of
capital, human resources, and other needs.
4. Run a business that you master
Talking about business certainly speaks of profit. There are times when
things you like are less profitable, it's a good idea to put aside the things
you like and focus on what you are good at. Understand your potential,
then apply it to the focus of your business.

What benefit can we get after reading the text?

26 Thinking Mastering the Strengthenin Possessing Emphasizin

According to the text, what is the first thing to do when running a differently product g network strong desire g on one
business? product

27 . It This That Them Those

Thinking “out of the box” and focusing on one business are
…relate to one’s intellectual capacity when managing a business.

The correct word to complete the sentence above is ….

28 This text is for questions 28 to 30. They will They will They will be They will be They will be
know the appreciate aware that aroused to motivated to
The founding of Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta was closely related to problems the Dutch the make such a know the
the birth of Yogyakarta sultanate. Giyanti Agreement on February 1775 faced by government Yogyakarta fortress. Indonesian
signed the dispute between Pakubuwono III and Prince Mangkubumi people during for building Sultanate historical
(later the latter was crowned as Sultan Hamengku Buwono) . This the Dutch the fortress. proposed to struggle in
agreement was the result of Dutch interference in the affairs among rule. found the Yogyakarta
Javanese kingdoms. fortress.
The speedy development of Yogyakarta kingdom ruled by Sultan
Hamengku Buwono I worried the Dutch government. The Dutch
proposed to build a fortress near the palace to control the kingdom.
Under articulately logical reason, the proposal was agreed by the
Sultan. As a result, the Dutch built a fortress and it was named
Rustenburg (Rest Fortress). Later the name was changed into
Vredeburg (Peace Fortress) indicating the peace between Yogyakarta
Sultanate and the Ducth government.
The fortress has experienced different rulers: Dutch, British,
Japanese and Indonesia. As a fortress, it functioned as security and
defense. Once it was also used as a jail for political convicts.
In 1992 the fortress was officially issued as Specific Museum for
National Struggle. It is named Museum Benteng Yogyakarta. Its roles
are for collection, maintenance, conservation, research, publishing
research findings and offering cultural and education guidance
connected to artifacts of Indonesian historical struggle in Yogyakarta.

What advantage do the readers obtain after reading the text?

29 The reason The Dutch’s The Dutch’s The rapid The

What does the second paragraph mainly tell about? why the proposal for attempt to development harmony
fortress was building a rule Javanese of between the
constructed. fortress Kingdoms Yogyakarta Yogyakarta
Sultanate Sultanate
and the

30 Has been Had signed Has signed Would sign Is signing

The Dutch built a fortress as the government agreement with signing
the Yogyakarta Sultanate.

31 This text is for questions 31 to 33. To inform To inform the To tell what To describe To report
Tokopedia’s wholesale products are Tokopedia’s retail trade
Leading technology company PT Tokopedia announced on Wednesday success in trade in sold by management in Indonesia
business Indonesia Tokopedia
that it had secured US$1.1 billion in its latest financing round.

Tokopedia said in a press statement that it planned to use the funds to

build technology and infrastructure that empowers millions of local
businesses to grow to drive financial inclusion in Indonesia.

Tokopedia CEO and cofounder William Tanuwijaya said in its first

nine years, Tokopedia focused on building Indonesia’s largest
marketplace for physical and digital goods.

“Leading into our 10th year, Tokopedia is evolving our ecosystem to

infrastructure-as-a-service where our logistics, fulfillment, payments
and financial services technologies will empower commerce, both
online and offline,” William said in the statement.

“This will broaden Tokopedia’s scale and reach while improving

operational efficiencies for the millions of businesses and partners in
our ecosystem.”

Tokopedia claims it serves nearly all districts across Indonesia and

provides same-day delivery to 25 percent of its customers.

Why is the text published?

32 What might be expected to happen after the text has been read? Tokopedia Indonesia More people Tokopedia The same-
management will have will buy CEO will day delivery
will focus more products recruit more will reach to
more offline entrepreneurs through young 25 percent
commerce . Tokopedia employees of its
33 Customers from most districts across Indonesia …by Tokopedia. Serve Is served Are served Was served Has been

34 This text is for questions 34 to 37. Cursed lovers Overflowing A cracked A sad An angry
sea big stone woman’s traditional
In the northern Halmahera, precisely in Lisawa , in the midst of the tears elder
tranquility of life, abundant of water was suddenly emerged and formed
a lake.
The bluish water was clear. This incident confused the residents.
They wondered where the water came from.
News about the formation of a lake was spread quickly. A
traditional ceremony was held to uncover the mystery of the emergence
of the lake.
Kentongan was sounded as a sign that all residents of Lisawa
village had to gather. They rushed to come and listen to the findings to
be delivered by the customary elder.
The traditional elder dignifiedly asked "Who among you there are
family members who are not present but also not at home?". The
residents began to look at each other. Then two families said that they
had lost their members. Because they were reluctant to name the two
children, they only mentioned the general call of the Galela people,
Majojaru(female) and Magohiduuru ( male).
Majojaru and Magohiduuru were lovers. When Magohiduuru said
goodbye to sail, both of them had promised to keep their love.
Six months after Magohiduuru's departure, Majojaru remained
loyal waiting. However, the storm apparently sank Magohiduuru.
News about Magohiduuru was finally heard in Lisawa village. It
made Majojaru shocked. In a very unhappy state Majojaru tried to find
shelter while calming his heart. Unstoppable tears were released. The
water continued to flow the sharp rocks beneath the banyan tree.
Majojaru finally sank into his own tears.
A small lake was formed. The water was as clear as tears and the
color was blue. Residents of Lisawa village also mourned. They
promised to guard and maintain the lake. They named it Telaga Biru.
What caused a small lake to happen?

35 “It made Majojaru shocked.” (Paragraph 8) Storm in the Magohiduuru News about Condition of News about
What does the underlined word refer to? sea 's departure Magohiduuru Lisawa the
village formation of
a lake

36 How can we compare the first and the second paragraphs? Both Both Both First First
paragraphs paragraph tell paragraphs paragraph paragraph
tell about the the setting of tell the cause tells about tells the
emerging the emerging of the Halmahera; emergence
lake. island. emerging second of a lake;
water paragraph second
tells about paragraph
the water. elaborates
the incident.

37 What can we learn from the story? We should be We should be We should be We should be We should
kind. devoted tolerable generous be

38 This text is for questions 38 to 41 The various The Those who The social The
types of correlation succeedin media used importance
People are using social media to engage with brands more than ever. social media between using social by customers of
With over three billion people using social media around the world, used in social media media in and implementin
if you’re not taking advantage of it, you’re missing out on a fast, business and business business businessmen g social
inexpensive, and effective way to reach almost half the world’s media for
population. business
Firstly, people buy from people they like and relate to. Social
media gives a voice to who your brand is. Before purchasing from
an unknown entity, people are scouring that company's social media
profiles to see if people are happy with it.
Secondly, social media send people to your website. There’s
only so much people can learn from social media posts and ads -
your website is where you house more fully fleshed-out information,
and you can utilize social media channels to drive people there.
Thirdly, social media enhance customer service. This might be one
of the top reasons for your business to be active on social media -
these days, people simply expect brands to be available on social
media, and they're increasingly going to brands social profiles first
for customer service queries. The faster you can respond, and the
better you are able to help, the more likely it is that those people will
become customers, and recommend your business to others.
Fourthly, social media enable you to learn about your
customers. People share a lot on social media, which means there's a
lot of data you can find on your target customers. You can then use
that information to make more informed decisions in relation to your
business, what your consumers are looking for and how best to reach
So, using the insights available, you can tailor your strategies to
best speak to your target market/s.

39 Social media Entrepreneur Government Social media Customers

What effect might occur after people read the text? will be s will use will socialize will be will prefer
available. social media. social media. exposed to to use social
society. media.

40 Social media Customers Brands are Youths often Customers

In terms of customers’ satisfaction, how can social media play on it? help rapidly often use popularized utilize social actively
to respond different through media. employ
what kinds of social media. social
customers’ social media. media.

41 Getting Buying Offering Selecting Searching

“Before pur chasi ng from an unknown entity, people are
scouring that company's social media profiles to see if people
are happy with it.” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word is synonymous with ….

42 This text is for questions 42 to 44. To describe To tell the To report the To inform the To expose
how consideration importance number of the
Despite occupying a relatively small area, rainforests have a colossal rainforests of rainforests of rainforests rainforests in economical
role to play in maintaining the world as we know it. Tropical rainforests exist the earth. benefits of
are home to a rich, colorful variety of medicinal plants, food, birds and rainforests.
animals. Can you believe that a single bush in the Amazon may have
more species of ants than the whole of Britain! 480 varieties of trees
may be found in just one hectare of rainforest. These forests sustain
around 50% of all the species on Earth, and offer a way of life to many
people living in and around the forest.
Rainforests are the lungs of the planet – storing vast quantities of
carbon dioxide and producing a significant amount of the world’s
oxygen. Rainforests have their own perfect system for ensuring their
own survival; the tall trees make a canopy of branches and leaves which
protect not only themselves, but also smaller plants, and the forest
animals from heavy rain, intense dry heat from the sun and strong
They are not called rainforests for nothing! Rainforests can generate
75% of their own rain. At least 80 inches of rain a year is normal – and
in some areas there may be as much as 430 inches of rain annually.
Worryingly, a number of rainforests around the world are
disappearing at an alarming rate, due to deforestation, river pollution,
and soil erosion as land is being claimed for agriculture and trees are
cut down for wood. A few thousand years ago, tropical rainforests
covered as much as 12% of the land surface on Earth, but today this has
fallen to less than 5.3%.

What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?

43 How do we compare the third and the fourth paragraphs? The third Both Both The third The third
paragraph paragraphs paragraphs paragraph paragraph
tells the are about the emphasize tells the tells the role
significance elaboration the benefit of of rainforest
of of the disappearanc rainforests; in producing
rainforests; importance e of the fourth rain; the
the fourth is of rainforests. rainforests deals with fourth
about the ecological paragraph
decreasing advantage tells the
number of effect of
them. rain

44 They will They will be They will They will They will be
What is expected to happen when people have read the text? make use of excited to see discuss store aware to
rainforests. rainforests rainforests raindrops for conserve
frequently future uses. rainforests.

45 Battles and Military Government Famine and Dispute with

This text is for questions 45 ti 47, famine policy and policy and dispute with other
famine famine other countries
countries and military
Vietnamese boat people or named as boat people, were refugees who
fled Vietnam by boat and ship following the end of the Vietnam War in
1975. This migration was at its highest in 1978 and 1979, but continued
through the early 1990s. The term is also often used generically to refer
to all the Vietnamese (about 2 million) who left their country by any
means between 1975 and 1995. This article uses boat people to apply
only to those who fled Vietnam by boat.
The number of boat people leaving Vietnam and arriving safely in
another country totaled almost 800,000 between 1975 and 1995. Many
of the refugees failed to survive the passage, facing danger from pirates,
over-crowded boats, and storms. The boat people's first destinations
were the Southeast Asian countries of British Hong
Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.
External tensions stemming from Vietnam's dispute with Cambodia and
China in 1978 and 1979 caused an exodus of the majority of the Hoa
people, of whom more than 170,000 fled overland into the province of
Guangxi, China, from the North; the remainder fled by boat from the
South. This new influx brought the number of refugees in China to
around 200,000. In addition, the Vietnamese military also began
expelling ethnic Hoa from Vietnam-occupied Kampuchea, leading to
over 43,000 refugees of mostly Hoa descent fleeing overland to
Thailand. By 1980, the refugee population in China reached 260,000.

What problems made Vietnamese people flee from their country?

46 They had to They would They did not They had to They had to
What effect might happen to the designated countries as the result of give a lot of involve in have any move their provide
Vietnamese exodus? boats. disputes. food for them own citizens. accommodat

47 …they searched for security, thousands of Vietname people had left Since While Although Otherwise Furthermore
their countries

48 This text is for questions 48 to 50. To expose To report the To present To tell the To tell why
the danger of benefits of different US’s policy people
With over 11 million immigrants in the United States illegally, the issue illegal illegal insights on on illegal perform
of illegal immigration continues to divide Americans. immigration immigration illegal immigration illegal
immigration immigration
Some people say that illegal immigration benefits the US economy
through additional tax revenue, expansion of the low-cost labor pool,
and increased money in circulation. They contend that immigrants bring
good values, have motivations consistent with the American dream,
perform jobs that Americans won’t take, and that opposition to
immigration stems from racism.

Opponents of illegal immigration say that people who break the law by
crossing the US border without proper documentation or by overstaying
their visas should be deported and not rewarded with a path to
citizenship and access to social services. They argue that people in the
country illegally are criminals and social and economic burdens to law-
abiding, tax-paying Americans.

As a country relying on law supremacy, any people are allowed to

immigrate to this country. However, these people must perform in
accordance with the laws that we have agreed upon.

What is the writer’s intent to write the text?

49 How can we compare the second and the third paragraphs? Both Both Different Unlike the Both
paragraphs paragraphs from the third second paragraphs
tell the tell the paragraph, paragraph, notify how
favorable opponents of the second the third illegal
perspective illegal paragraph paragraph immigration
on illegal immigration informs the shows the occurs
immigration. unfavorable negative
. insight on view on
illegal illegal
immigration immigration.

50 It leads to It provokes US Any acts It

We can conclude that the writer objects to illegal immigration because unfairness. jealousy. population is must be done contradicts
…. too high. legally. to US

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