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a co of Contin Sey Pra CHAPTER SIX Signs, Signals and Barricades = Code of Consrutons Sey Pactoo Introduction: Hazards exist in every construction workplaces, which require adequate identification and explana tion to warn employees against risks aising from such hazards. Distinctive guldng colors and sls ae the bet aan obo used 19 war ad ifom employees Cfetferonfazaes ond ony specalprecaton that may b eqres,Distnclve colors Wray i ‘Gent hazard ypes, us hb employee to recogiza dogs of ak and consequent riniming poten injures. Sings, signals and baricades conform to untied intemational system. When other warning sion systems rather than tnove speotied In this manual ae used, they shall be approved by he Depar- ‘ment concerned in Dubai Municipal. 6.1. Definitions: 6.1.1. Signs [he the warnings of hazard, temporal or permanent afixod or placed, at locations where hazaré 6.1.2 Signals: ‘Are moving hand signs or waning flashing devices moved as required provided to workers, such flagmen to war of possibie or existing hazars. 641.3. Tags: ‘Ave iemporary signs, usualy atached to pleoe of equipment or pat of structure, to wam of exist ing or immediate hazards. 6.1.4. Barricade: It'means 2 temporary obstruction made of wooden boards, motal plates or any other approprat Imateral equipped with rtro-reflsction banners. The banners shal be in white and red or yellow and black colors inined by @ 45 degree fom the horizontal inthe direction of travel. (8g. #1) yo? aw CLOSED — a A Fig. 6.2. General Requirements: 14. Every contractor or subcontractor shal provide appropiate signs, signals and barricade wam the employees of hazards to prevent accidens in each work sit. 2. Signs, signals and baricades required in the worksite shall bo visible at altimes when work is boing performed. The colors and symbols used shall conform ta international standards, 3. Wording (text) on the warning signs shall be in Arabic, English and ether language known tommajonty of persons inthe workpace. 4. Guiding and warning signs shall include a symbolpctoral panel in addition tothe text. 5. ll employees shal be informed as to the meaning ofthe various signs, gs, and barricades used in the workplace and what special precautions are required, 6.Al signe, signals and barricades shall be fea from sharp edges end shall be furnished with rounded comers to prevent injuries to employees. 7.Exi signs affine to emergency exis shall be ofa type which store energy, and shall ‘mit light (stored anergy) when the power shuts of and when itis invisible to provide ‘some light fo assist employees to find the location of emergency ext curing emergency £8. Exit signs shall be lettred in legible red letters not les than 15 om (6 inches) high. 9, Signs shall be posted in visible locations and the worting on any sign should be concise ‘and easy to read fr inlonded viewing distance. The size of ettering must be as large as possible for intanded viewing distance and shall nt be less than the limits spectied below tn tabe (1) Safety offcer onsite shal determina the appropriate locations of signs and bericades, Table (1) ‘The relationship between sign viewing distance and letter size Viewing Distance (meter) Minimum letter size (em) 425 om (5 inchos) tS em (aBinches) +d 38-4 mater Cd "10 em (4 inches) 8.0m (5 inches) 7.8m (3 inches) | 16.35 em (2S inches) 2 7 18-28 meter iB moter 5-9 meter = 12 meter [4.8 6m (0.75 neh) ‘om (2 Inches) 3.8m (1.5 inches) 25 em (1 inch) 425 em (O5inch) 0635 em(025inch) | Code of Consors Ste Pract (ose of Consens Ste Pract | 6.3. Warning Signs (Fig. # 2): 6.4.3. Tho signs are classified according to their purposes 2 olons: 6-3-1 Colors shall be used to Incicale the purpose of tha warning sings as follows: Prohibition Signs: ‘These signs shall indicate imminently hazardous situation, The symbol on the sign shall indicate prohibition of any work such as "No Smoking" "No Use of Near Open Flame» «No Admitance» and tater similar signs as shown in igure 4 “ 8 ve me | SZ resireww, | wusroo a Noperale NoAdmitlance No Smoking De Nat Operate Fig 63.2 Ro color shalncte he tern fefghing equipment such 8 ee exthguishers ts ters 03). ; 64.3.2. Warning/Caution Signs: QW Fire | ype Fe Tse sine sal be usd fo wa erloees agin portal hazards and unsafe races. They SN AS Aarne eng hac cho ohn, choad or ea S alarm | Steet Figs 6.4. Safety signs: {6-4-1 The sign types, colors, and shapes surrounding the symbol shal be as shown in table (2) bp LB np 6-4-2. Safety signs shall bo in rectangular shape. They shall have an upper panel Indicating Intent symbol surounded with acircie, wisn or rectanguler and the lower panel fr symbol wording in Arabic, English and other language known to major of persons in Radiaon Hazard Flammable Mate! Beware Electicty the workplace Figs DANGER _) Table (2) 543.3. Safe Condition Signs: ‘These signs shall be used to communicate necessary information to all persons concomed fe heir — | Sv during ther presence inthe workplace (igure 6). Colors and Shapes Used in Safety Signs pe ecigret cour] yaa cael] aromas shape Poh Tis Sik foaeroe ‘Waning / Caution Yellow Black |___ Black Triangle Informational Green White Rectangular (THE SAFE Way, | isotanesas | s approved byte auroriyconcomes [tate] 'As approved by the authoriy concerned Emergency Eyewash Emergency Shower _ Assembly Point Figs a a a a ‘These signe shall be used fo guide employees to locations of fefighting equipment inthe work place. 2.Directional arrow signs (Fig #10): Directional arow signs shal bo used to indicate the dection to accesses or exits of a locaton, fre ts, frefighing equipment or fis-aid locations. ONE WAY Fig? Mandatory Signs (Figure 8): Mandatory signe shall be used in worksites which require paricular precautions such as weling painting, scaffolding, confined spaces and similar locations. Persons in such worksites shall be ‘bled to use any ofthe personal protective equipment specified in Chapter 4 ofthis manual. Whe fever these signs are posted or exist shall be mandatory igure 8), CKO) Figs Fig.10 65. Signals: 85:1. Vehicle traffic control 1. Aflagman or other appropiate trafic contro shal be provided for trate controls within ‘and outside the workst (figures 118 12) 6.4.36. Miscellaneous: Any type of signs which are not previously mentioned such as 4. Traffie signs (figure 9} Construction areas shal be posted with legible raf signs at points of hazards. Thoy sha > te standards sot by the authorities concemed, Fig. 11 Fig.t2 al de of Constucons Salety Prac = cnn tc ~ a a agnen stl se fags tls than 00 rm 200 oar stale wh 2g fot han (250 mitimeer) and in pis of Sakness, rd gh shall Frag eing germans worn aight sal be of sabe retertngratealo jogo, Warn ssraps (igure 13), eines eke gute 6.6. Accident Prevention tags: Hand signal system shit Jgive this signals ta the crane operat, except for emergency stop signals place of or as a substitute for accident prevention method. 2, Colors used in acedent prevention tags shall conform to those used in waming signs. Dimensions of accident prevetion tags shall conform fo he local or intemational, Crane Signals specifteatons approved bythe authory concermed (14 cm X 7 em) (gure 15) 80h gla / \ / \ our oF ey Poogtis estan be gen BY any Pe Ne chetelaals | ea gAUD! Satake Preevrer) cod of Consetons Set Practice code Cos construction, building material ntrfring with the pedastian and vehicular movement SN] KeywordiPhrase | Keyword) | Background | Tag Color in public streetshighways or public areas shall be provided by the contactor before the Phrase Print Color Color slart of work as advised by the Specialized Department in Dubai Municpaty. fim s0o NoTopcRarea]| ea anne 4 The conbatr shall arange or peretrencngheting fo protcthepbli rom 2 DANGER" White in red oval Black White 5. Feshing amb ght shal be used to war at night. 3_|_“CAUTION Yellow Block Yotow 6. Piastc or concrete tafe baricades may also be used. = "OUTOF ORDER] aie c= 5 7. The conracor shal obiain approval forall works in the road cordor rom the authores 'DO NOT USE | concomed. : a Fowe is | 6.8. Some warning signs of chemical hazards (figure 22) 6.7. Barricades (figures 16 ): ene = Mate 7 EXPLOSIVE | TOXCMATERIAL IRRITANT Saks fenade tsyetile ie ENVIRONMEN: —— OXIDIZ- cor. TAL HAZARD ING MA ROSIVE TERIAL MATERIAL Fig. 17 6.9. Low Flying warning lights {Al bicings, toner cranes, hosts, high installations, structures shall be provided wth warning hts {erlow tying in accordance with the regulations of Dubai Cl Aviation Authority In Duda Figs 1. Barricades in the frm of rang for protection of employees against any fll into ifferent levels, opening or warning against any dangers nearby. 2. Barricades for protection of employees and public relating to sieet and highway trafic diversions, excavation trenches and pts 8. Barricades fr protection of public against material fling rom building under

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