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Spartan Psyche


23 Tweets • 2022-09-02 13:31:19 UTC •  See on Twitter 


Mind-blowing results from research on students

and cookies will teach you :


without feeling like you just fought a war ;

Brother, To the outside world you may be a model
citizen, a good father, a decent employee, a great
boss, a loving husband.. That's not the side of you I
write for. I write for the recesses of your mind that
are hidden from the world. The part of you, you
wish you could change..

Every man wants to do good. There is no doubt

about it. He wants to do right by his family, his duty
to his craft, shoulder the will of the gods and lead a
life that he is proud of. However, its not that
simple. Life always have variables that throw a
wrench into the grand plan..

You may be one of these men. Along the way, for a

multitude of reasons, you hit a snag. You fell for
temptation. A vice, a habit. At the moment it felt
harmless, a little escape from the singular
dimension of life, an innocent piece of pleasure to
relax.. but is that all?
Over time like all vice, the seed you sow has taken
root. It spreads its infestation into every corner of
your life, feeding on your vitality. You are barely
holding on, desperately keeping it from spilling
over and destroying everything you hold dear.. and
at the root of it all,

Craving. Everytime you try to beat this habit,

cravings pull you back. Just one more time, one
small hit, one more video, one tiny sip, one puff of
smoke. Your brain spitting words of encouragement
to indulge in what is slowly ruining you. Why? have
you no willpower to say NO?
I will tell you what happens with a story.

See in the year 1998, renowned psychologists

Baumeister and Tice made a little science

They put 67 kids through what can be described

only as torture for kids

(its not evil, read on)

Innocent blessings from god, children were put in a

room with freshly baked, hot, chocolate covered

Imagine, the aroma, the sight, hungry drooling kids

hoping for one little bite of a tasty cookie.. but no,
instead they were only allowed to eat from a box of
The distracted kids were taken to another room and
given puzzles to solve and then left unsupervised in
the room with cookies.

Overtime, they observed the kids could no longer

fight off the temptation and picked a cookie over a
radish in spite of the restriction



The human willpower is not infinite. When you use

too much of it, it fatigues. Ego depletion it is called.

The puzzles ran through the kids mental energy and

they no longer had the will to resist.

Brother, this is exactly what happens to you.

Life in itself is stressful, there are daily challenges.

You as a regular human being DO NOT have the

fortitude of mind to say no to the brain rush from

This is why you relapse to craving.

Your willpower is just depleted.


What do you do then?

What is an alternate solution to breaking out of this

habit / addiction dopamine loop?


Every client I have ever worked with have used

simple systems to beat weed, porn, alcohol,
smoking, sex and all sorts of addictions


If you're a working professional looking to

< Break any habit

< Heal your brain chemistry
< Beat procrastination & 10X productivity
< Completely transform your life

12 weeks coaching with me @ is all you need

Guaranteed results or you dont pay
The reason saying no to cravings takes so much out
of you is because you rely on willpower.

Doing so is a constant battle where you always play

with a disadvantage

Willpower constantly weakens and cravings


First, you need awareness,

Let me explain..

When you are an addict or in the throws of a

compulsive habit, your neo cortex in the brain is
disoriented, grey matter is thinning and you are
trapped in the NOW appeal.

You lose executive decision control and reaching

out for that cigarette / drink becomes automatic

So what?
So you need awareness. You need to train your
brain to be mindful to identify when you are
triggered and going to engage in your old patterns
of behavior

Next, you need systems

Systems to handle every step of the addiction cycle

All addictions are an escape from emotional duress.

Find out the root cause of what makes you indulge.
What are you escaping from? It can be as severe as
trauma or as simple as boredom. Every individual
has a different emotional trigger. Find yours.
Here's one simple system you can use to fight

Progressive muscle relaxation.

This exercise is a combination of redirection /

mindfulness activity to distract you from your
dopamine cravings

Here's how to do it..

Start by taking in several deep breaths. You’ll move

top-to-bottom and practice contracting one muscle
group for 5-10 seconds. Then, aim to release all the
tension in that specific group. Move down the body
accordingly. Use audio to stay focused and present.
Cravings create a lot of tension and stress in your
body and a lot of time, you indulge in your habit
just to get rid of this stress.

If you had an alternate to de - stress and relax, your

chances of giving in to your desired drug drastically

Bottom line is, you are fighting cravings the wrong

way. This is why you always relapse and fail to stick
to your plan to be sober. This is unnecessary
suffering. You can win, you just need better tools
and understanding. That's what I'm here for.

Work with me for 12 weeks and I will transform

your life. My coaching program is @

Guaranteed results or you dont pay

You can apply here
In the next thread, I will tell you in detail how
Substance addiction as well as behavioral addiction
like gambling, porn, binge eating, drug or alcohol
addiction change the brain..

and steps you can take to fix this

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