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Anti-Drug Abuse Advocacy Community Volunteer

Join us in the anti-drug cause and influence youths to lead drug-free life. You'll get
to organize your own anti-drug initiatives, and have the opportunity to be involved
at international forums, to promote a drug-free world.

You will be trained on Iloilo’s anti-drug policies. Through your advocacy, you will
generate greater community awareness and involvement to support Iloilo’s zero-
tolerance approach to drugs.

As an adult advocate, you could contribute to the cause by disseminating anti-drug

abuse messages within your circle of influence. Adult advocates may also serve as
docents for anti-drug abuse events.

Commitment to working as an advocate has no minimum hours needed, no fixed

duty timings, and the only skill and interest we want you to have to be as an adult
advocate or as a youth advocate are to have public education.

Everyone is eligible to join our anti-drug abuse advocacy community volunteer.

And what you will be doing as an adult or youth campaign. You will conceptualize
and execute anti-drug projects, such as roadshows and media campaigns. You may
also get the chance to gain exposure by attending international anti-drug forums as
a youth representative.

The Anti-Drug Abuse Advocacy Community volunteer is jointly administered by CADCA.

CADCA has been working on establishing anti-drug community coalitions in the Republic of the
Philippines since 2012. CADCA’s training in the Philippines has led to the building and
strengthening of the capacity of local communities.
The result has been a highly active response from key community stakeholders to work
comprehensively toward addressing illicit drug problems. To date, a total of 27 anti-drug
community coalitions have been organized and are in existence throughout the Philippines, one
of the anti-drug community coalitions is the Community Anti-Drug Coalition of Iloilo City.  
As a result of this effort, an umbrella organization composed of CADCA-trained coordinators
from all 27 community coalitions has formed the Association of Anti-Drug Abuse Coalitions of
the Philippines Incorporated or AADAC PHIL Inc.
AADAC PHIL Inc. or Association of Anti-Drug Abuse Coalition of the Philippines Incorporated
is a non-government organization.  It serves as a governing body that ensures all members of the

Submitted by: Gian Pauline T. Lazaro

Submitted to: Sir Juvyl Molato Torres
Anti-Drug Abuse Coalitions are functioning by the mandate of the organization; aids the
government and other private organizations in their drug abuse prevention efforts through an
efficient strategic measure, and acts as the prime mover to spread the creation of new anti-Drug
Abuse Coalitions in the country.
Our vision:
A world of safe, healthy, and drug-free communities.
Our mission:
To strengthen community coalitions' capacity to create and maintain safe, healthy, and drug-free
communities globally.
Coalitions bring together community sectors to develop and carry out data-based strategies to
achieve population-level reductions in substance use/misuse rates. A coalition is a formal
[voluntary] agreement and collaboration between groups or sectors of a community (neighbors,
organizations, and public and private institutions) in which each group retains its identity but all
agree to work together through a community-building process toward a common goal of building
a safer and healthier community.
CADCA’s community change model is 12 key community sectors, the youths, parents, business,
media, schools, youth-serving organizations, law enforcement, civic/volunteer organizations,
religious fraternal organizations, health care professionals, local government, and substance
abuse organizations.
Community Change Model:
Strategic Planning Process
• Assess prevention needs
• Build prevention capacity
• Develop a strategic plan
• Implement effective community
 prevention programs, policies,
 and practices
• Evaluate efforts for outcomes

Submitted by: Gian Pauline T. Lazaro

Submitted to: Sir Juvyl Molato Torres

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