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Along the mountain hills, in a small town, poured the deepest red rain that had ever been

witnessed. Little by little, small ponds of red liquid began forming and the gleeful children ran outside to
jump and splash. The parents had little concern, at least their children were having fun and not indulging
in what they deemed “Violent homosexual activities”. The laughter of the children was heartwarming,
then it became tedious and so the parents abandoned their children and like any responsible human
beings, they began to pray and thank their god who had blessed them with the crimson tears. A voice
echoed through the ears of all the adult parents and the other servants of the commune, “the children
have been blessed with the truest nectar, the one that will give them the image of my lawful servants”.
All adult members rejoiced, they new their children had been gifted. They began indulging in copious
amounts of debauchery in celebration of the miracle happenings. What interrupted their taboos was not
the men the sweat profusely and want to continue or the women that beg the orgies to come to a halt,
it’s the screaming of children. The adults begin to head outside and begin to see how horrible creatures
have began to kill the children and some of the adults. Everyone is in hysteria…

Bearing witness to a suffocating child, a commune member attempts to save his life while in
return, throwing his away. The child was purple with bloodshot eyes, an appendage burst through the
little one’s chest, mangling the body. The sheep laid in fear, for an angel had been born and began
embracing the believer. It became tighter and tighter; the follower knew that his fate would be
enlightment and gave his body up. The angel began ripping him to shreds as others watched from the
safety of their hiding spots…

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