Our Critique About Fad Diets

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Fad diets are unhealthy diet plans for people to lose weight. It does make an effect of losing weight
but it does not last long-term. Commercial field people advertise these fad diets via magazine and
TV advertisements with stars as spokesperson to make it attractive for people who are looking for a
way of losing weight fast. It mostly gives a promise of dramatic weight results after a certain period
of time like weeks or a month. Indeed, this unhealthy weight losing method do successfully seek
people to process this route as people are trying to do anything to lose weight. However, the whole
process does not result a long effect typically. Fad diets are diets to get you into a change of eating
habits or restriction in certain kinds of food during the weight losing period and this does not hit
the long term goal for it is only based on losing fluids but not fat.

Take an example for a kind called South Beach Diet, a diet created by a cardiologist Dr. Arthur
Agaston on controlling eating habit basically in carbohydrates. Also this healthy diet mentioned by
Dr. Agaston also healthy to the heart and that it promises to lose up to 13 pounds in 2 weeks. The
process of South Beach Diet is divided in to 3 phases which Phase 1 is a restrictive food resulting
rapid weight loss, phase 2 of ongoing weight loss by reintroducing healthy carbs, and phase 3 of
maintaining weight.

According to Dr. Agaston’s work on the South Beach Diet, food that are restricted for rapid weight
loss are lots of protein stuffs like poultry, beef, and eggs; some fats such as canola oil, extra-virgin
olive oil, and avocado; carbs and vegetables in low glycemic index like tomatoes. In phase 2, some
of the prohibited items can be consumed in small amount, such as whole grain bread and pasta,
fruits, and sweet potato. In phase 2, dieters are expected to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. Once you
achieve your target weight, you advance to phase three. In this stage, although the phase-2
guidelines should be the basis for your lifestyle, occasional treats are allowed and no foods are
truly off limits. However, if you overindulge and start putting on weight, Dr. Agatston recommends
returning to phase 1 for one to two weeks before returning to phase three.

However, it remains unclear whether it will help to manage cardiovascular risk. Some studies have
found that low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol rose when a person followed a low-carb diet,
but others have found only small changes.


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