DISS 2nd Quarter Test

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Lower Tiparak, Tambulig Zamboanga del Sur

Second Quarter Examination
January 26/27,2023
Direction: Blaken the circle that corresponds with the correct answer.
OOOO1Karl Marx believed social structures evolve through _____________
A. supply and demand. C. enlightenment. B. conflict. D. cooperation
OOOO 2. Which is not one of functionalism’s four main purposes of government?
A. Maintaining law and order B. Meeting social needs
C. Equally distributing resources D. Planning and directing society
OOOO 3. Sociologist G. William Domhoff asserts that wealth is often necessary to exert the most
influence over social and political systems. This is a ____ perspective.
A. conflict theory C. symbolic interactionist
B. functionalist D. feminist
OOOO 4. Which of the following paradigms would consider movements undesirable and unnecessarily
forcing social change?
A. Symbolic interactionism C. Functionalism
B. Feminism D. Conflict theory
OOOO 5. Which concept corresponds best to functionalism?
A. Happiness C. Interdependence
B. Revolution D. Symbolism

Use the following story to answer questions 6-7;

Tom and Sally have been dating for two years. Sally breaks up with Tom because he cheated on her with Betty.
Sally tells her friend Kelly about Tom, but she tells her without showing any emotion. Tom continues to call
Sally and treat her as he did when they were going out. Betty, who did not know about Sally, tells Tom that she
is glad that he feels guilty for hurting Sally. She also tells him that it will take a long time to get over the guilt.
OOOO 6. Tom is using ___________ as a defense mechanism.
A. repression B. denial C. projection D. isolation
OOOO 7. Betty is using ___________ as a defense mechanism.
A. repression B. denial C. projection D. isolation
OOOO 8. George is driving from his house to his girlfriends house, which is across town. He drives
there at least 3 times a week and knows that it takes a half-hour to get there. He leaves at 4:30, expecting
to arrive at 5. When he next looks at the clock, it is 4:55. He notices that he is only a black from her house
but he doesn’t even remember driving there. George is exhibiting what kind of unconscious behavior?
A. creative behavior C. mindless action
B. subliminal perception D. b and c
OOOO 9. According to Freud, which stage of development pertains to the fact that anything involving
the mouth is a sexual activity?
A. anal B. oral C. latency D. phallic
OOOO 10Who among the following Psychologists is the proponent of Rational Choice Theory?
A. Adam Smith C. Sigmund Freud
B. Carl Jung D. Karl Marx

OOOO 11. Which type of feminism argues that the biggest causes of female oppression are men and
institutional patriarchy?
A. Liberal Feminism C. Radical Feminism
B. Ecofeminist D. Capitalistic Feminism
OOOO 12. A feminist therapy is likely to become an advocate for change
in the social structure by arguing for:
A.the right to self-determination. B.the freedom to pursue a career outside the home.
C.the right to an education. D.All of the above.
OOOO 13. Of the following, which is one of the major contributions that feminists have made to the
field of counseling?
A. a focus on dealing with family dynamics
B. a focus on exploring the unconscious factors contributing to current problems
C. paving the way for gender-sensitive practice
D. placing the therapeutic relationship at the core of the therapy process
OOOO 14. All of the following are goals of feminist therapy except for
A. striving for gender equality.
B. confronting forms of institutional oppression.
C. resolving intrapsychic conflicts from early childhood.
D. helping clients embrace their personal power
OOOO 15. Which among the following serve as the role of Institutional theory in which companies
operate and gain their legitimacy?
A. Social B. Economic C. Political D. All of these
OOOO 16. Which of the following portrays environmental change as a cause of human action?
A. Water precipitates from the atmosphere
B. Peeling off sedimentary rocks.
C. Releasing of heavy metals into the riverbanks.
D. Movement of the tectonic plates in the inner core
OOOO 17. Which of the following describes Human- Environment Systems approach to Social Science?
A. The conscious mind is considered the tip above the surface
B. Uses reflexivity as the process of involving conscious and reflective ways in different methods of
C. Acknowledges the fact that humans are users, actors and managers that serve as integral
elements of the system
D. All of the above
OOOO 18Which of the following best explains the process of Human-Environment Systems?
A. Scientific and institutional C. Dynamic and Static
B. Emotional and Stable D. Rational and Progressive
OOOO 19. Human- environment system approach is also known as
A. Commission on Human & Environment System
B. Commission on Human & Natural System
C. Coupled human-environment system
D. Coupled human and natural system
OOOO 20. What was the advent of the scope and intensity of human-
environment interactions?
A. Dark Ages C. Industrial Revolution
B. Modern Period D. Classical Period
OOOO 21. Culture necessarily changes, and is changed by
A. interactions. C. media.
B. Technology. D. All of these

OOOO 22. What type of Social Science Ideas focused on in cultural and intercultural communication
research due to its usefulness is studying the lived experiences of diverse cultural group member from
their standpoints?
A. Institutionalism C. Psychoanalysis
B. Rational Choice D. Phenomenology
OOOO 23. The French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) included a fundamental dimension in
his work, which was the role of ______and its importance in human entry into a culture.
A. experience C. feelings
B. language D. ethics
OOOO 24. The phenomenological approach to research emerges as a response to the radicalism of what
A. subjective. C. objectifiable.
B. tentative. D. static.
OOOO 25. Which of the following serve as the key aspect of the environment that facilitates the
construction of rationality?
A. Complex culture C. Simple culture
B. Dynamic culture D. Rational culture
OOOO 26. Which of the following event enables the great social reformists during the 1990 to develop
programs, plans, and social devices?
A. World War C. French Revolution
B. Industrial Revolution D. Great Depression
OOOO 27. Which of the following can promote environmental abuses?
A. Governmental structure
B. International political economy
C. Global division of labor and wealth
D. All of above
OOOO 28.How does phenomenologists view the impact of technology-society relationships?
A. valid but inadequate C. valid & adequate
B. invalid & inadequate D. invalid but adequate
OOOO 29. Which of the following describes Human- Environment Systems approach to Social Science?
A. The conscious mind is considered the tip above the surface
B. Uses reflexivity as the process of involving conscious and reflective ways in different methods of
C. Acknowledges the fact that humans are users, actors and managers that serve as integral
elements of the system
D. All of the above
OOOO 30Which of the following best explains the process of Human-Environment Systems?
A. Scientific and institutional C. Dynamic and Static
B. Emotional and Stable D. Rational and Progressive
OOOO 31Which of the following is NOT a social philosophy of Apolinario Mabini?
A. True liberty is only for what is good and never for what is evil
B. Society is an organization instituted for mutual help so that each could enjoythe highest
possible well-being.
C. National salvation lies first in asserting the nationalistic ideals of our heroes in their fight for
D. Economic condition of a nation is determined by those who control the country’s purse.
OOOO 32. Which of the following is not a level of interrelatedness in Filipino language?
A. Pakikipag-usap C. Pakikibagay
B. Pakikilahok D. Pakikiisa

OOOO 33. According to Zeus Salazar, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of ladino class?
A. They helped Spaniards introduce their culture into the Filipino lives by indigenizing and translating
Spanish works into Tagalog language.
B. They are instrumental to the Hispanization of the Filipino
culture because they promoted Spanish learning and education
C. They have low status during the Spanish regime
D. They were prosperous and rich during the Spanish regime
OOOO 34Which is an important philosophy of Rizal?
A. Filipinos made significant advancement in agriculture and industry during the precolonial times.
B. Rizal examined the cruelties perpetrated by the American colonizers.
C. Rizal criticized & exposed the hypocriesies of the Spanish colonial government and the Catholic
D. Rizal expounded the irrationalities of the Church’s discourse on colonial topics.
OOOO 35. Which is an important social idea of Claro M. Recto?
A. Nationalism
B. Filipinization of industries
C. Link of industrialization and nationalism
D. Westernization of Filipino industries
OOOO 36. Who among the following Filipino thinkers is a historian, anthropologist, and philosopher of
history that pioneered the Pantayong Pananaw (for-us-from-us) perspective?”
A.Isabelo de los Reyes C. Zeus Salazar
B.Dr. Jose P. Rizal D. Virgilio Enriquez
OOOO 37. Which of the following were the titles given to “Isabelo delos Reyes” being a prominent
politician, writer, and labor activist in the 19th and 20th centuries and the founder of Iglesia Filipina
A. “Father of Philippine Folklore, Father of Philippine Labor Movement and Father of Filipinos
B. “Father of New Philippine Historiography”
C. Father of Filipino Psychology”
D. Father of Pilipinolohiya at Filipino Philosophy”
OOOO 38. The following Filipino values such as “bahala na, lakas ng loob at pakikibaka” belong to
what kind of values?
A. Confrontative surface values C. Accommodative surface value
B. Societal values D. Pivotal interpersonal value
OOOO 39. Which of the following values belongs to societal values?
A.Bahala na, lakas ng loob at pakikibaka
B.Karangalan,(Puri, Dangal), Katarungan at Kalayaan
C.Hiya, utang na loob, pakikisama at pakikipagkapwa
D.Pakiramdam at kagandahang loob
OOOO 40. Which of the following statement about methods/approaches in Filipino Psychology best
describes “Panunuluyan?”
A. The researcher stays in the home of his kalahok or participant while he researches with consent
by the host family whose head serves as the tulay to an umpukan.
B. The researcher occasionally visits the house of his host or tulay as
opposed to staying in the house.
C. The researcher undergoes a kind of opportunity session with his
kalahok or participants.
D. The researcher uses entirely his/her feelings or emotion to justify
if his participants or kalahok are ready to be or part of his research or not.

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