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Spanish verbs that require the

There are many verbs in Spanish that require the subjunctive. It’s best to start by learning the
verbs that are also often used in English. In this way, you will become familiar with the correct
usage of the subjunctive and be able to apply this knowledge to other verbs later.

Verbs of Speech and Thought in Negative Form

no +  verb + que + subjuntivo

No creo que sea  una persona arrogante.
Spanish English Spanish English
admitir accept, admit jurar swear, vow
advertir note, point out juzgar judge
asegurar ensure, secure opinar opine (say, think)
afirmar affirm pensar think
confesar confess, admit presumir presume, boast
creer believe reconocer recognise
decir say saber know (a fact)
estimar estimate sospechar suspect

Verbs of Wishing/Willing/Commanding
verb + que + subjuntivo

Nos han pedido que nos fuéramos a casa.
Spanish English Spanish English
aceptar accept merecer deserve, merit
aconsejar advise (s.o.) necesitar need
advertir warn (s.o.) obligar force, obligate
buscar search for ordenar arrange, order
causar cause pedir request
conceder concede, grant perdonar forgive, pardon
conseguir get, achieve permitir permit, allow
convenir agree persuadir persuade, convince
criticar criticise preferir prefer
decir say pretender claim, aim
dejar let, leave procurar attempt
descartar dismiss, discard prohibir prohibit, forbid
desear wish, desire promover promote, sponsor
desmentir deny proponer propose, suggest
esperar wait for, hope for querer want
establecer establish reclamar claim, complain
evitar avoid recomendar recommend
exigir demand reprochar reproach, blame
hacer make, do rogar pray, entreat
impedir impede, prevent solicitar request, solicit
implantar implant, found sugerir suggest
indicar indicate suplicar supplicate, appeal
lograr tolerar tolerate
mandar order, command

Verbs of Doubt/Uncertainty
verb + que + subjuntivo

Me extraña que Rosana no haya llamado.
Spanish English
dudar to doubt/to wonder
extrañarse to be surprised/to wonder

Verbs of Feeling/Mood
verb + que + subjuntivo

Lamenté que no hubieras venido.
Spanish English Spanish English
admirar admire extrañarse de surprise, find strange
alegrarse (de) cheer up, be happy (about) lamentar regret, be sorry about
arrepentirse repent, regret perdonar forgive, waive
celebrar celebrate quejarse de complain (about)
be content with reconfortar comfort
disfrutar enjoy sentir feel
doler hurt, ache temer fear
dudar doubt, wonder about

Pronominal Verbs of Feeling/Mood

verb + que + subjuntivo

Me encanta que vengas a visitarme.
Spanish English Spanish English
(me) abate it brings (me) down it delights (me)
(me) aburre it bores (me) it shocks/scandalises (me)
(me) agrada it pleases/gratifies (me) (me) fascina it fascinates (me)
Spanish English Spanish English
it anguishes/distresses
(me) angustia (me) gusta (I) like/it pleases (me)
(me) apena it distresses (me) (me) halaga it flatters (me)
it astonishes/amazes it horrifies (me)/creeps (me)
(me) asombra (me) horripila
(me) out
(me) atormenta it torments/tortures (me) (me) horroriza it horrifies/appals (me)
(me) it shames/embarrasses
(me) importa it is important (to me)
avergüenza (me)
it captivates/beguiles (me)
(me) cautiva it impresses (me)
(me) impresiona
it makes (me)
(me) complace it pleases (me) (me) indigna
indignant/disgusts (me)
it confounds/confuses
(me) confunde (me) interesa it interests (me)
it disconcerts (me) (me) irrita it irritates/exasperates (me)
(me) desespera it discourages (me) (me) molesta it disturbs/bothers (me)
(me) disgusta it disgusts/offends (me) (me) motiva it motivates (me)
(me) divierte it amuses/diverts (me) (me) pesa (I) regret
(me) encanta (I) like, love (me) preocupa it worries (me)
(me) enfurece it enrages (me) (me) satisface it satisfies (me)/it suffices
(me) enoja it angers/annoys (me) (me) seduce it tempts (me)
(me) (me)
it makes (me) proud it surprises (me)
enorgullece sorprende
(me) entristece it makes (me) sad

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