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YEAR 2022/2023

Thank God I pray the presence of Allah SWT, for His grace and
His grace I can finish this short paper on time. The title of this
short paper is "Realize waste management education".
On this occasion, I would like to thank the English teacher who
has guided me to complete this short paper. In addition, I
would also like to thank those who have helped me in
completing this short paper.
I realize that in writing this short paper is still far from perfect.
Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions are expected
to make this short paper better and useful for writers and

A. Background……………………………….……….................4-5
B. Problem Formulation………………………………………................6
C. Purpose…………………………………………….............................7
A. Piles of garbage in the mangrove park.....................................8-
B. Piles of garbage in Indonesia....................
C. Waste management education..................
A. Conclusion…………………………………………….....................10
B. Suggestion……………………………………………..............................10

The level of public awareness in maintaining cleanliness is still
relatively low. Even though they have succeeded in maintaining
cleanliness starting from themselves and their family environment,
not a few people ignore cleanliness in the community environment.
As a small example, people throw candy plastic all over the place.
Then, that small action will trigger similar actions that other people
will take. Imagine if in a street or park, there are ten or twenty
people throwing plastic candy carelessly, as a result the place will
become dirty.
The low level of public awareness in maintaining cleanliness in the
community environment, can be seen from the way they dispose of
garbage. Do people throw garbage in its place, on the banks of
rivers, or even on the roadside.
The existence of a janitor is only as an assistant in maintaining
cleanliness. While the main factor that is very influential so that the
community's environment looks clean is the awareness of the
community itself. Serious Impact of Lack of Public Awareness of
Maintaining Cleanline
The serious impact of the lack of public awareness in maintaining
cleanliness will be felt. Physically, an environment that has a low
level of awareness will look dirty and uncomfortable to live in. As
previously mentioned, a dirty environment can cause various
diseases, such as dengue fever.
Lack of public awareness in maintaining cleanliness can also
cause a bigger disaster. As we know, floods are not only caused by
heavy rains. But, because people litter in the river. As a result, the
flow of the river is not smooth, so that the volume of water
overflows into residential areas.
Therefore, it is very important for every community to raise
awareness in maintaining cleanliness. Not only personal and family
hygiene, but it is very important to maintain cleanliness in the

Based on the background of the problem entitled "Realize waste
management education", the research formulates the problem to be
discussed as follows.
1. Why do we need to protect the environment, especially in
managing waste?
2. How do we create a healthy and clean environment?
3. What are the impacts of not disposing of waste in its place?
4. What should we do so that people are aware of the importance of
disposing of waste in its place?


✓ Make people aware to dispose of waste in its place

• Making Indonesian people who care about the environment
✓ The problem of the reasons for many floods in Indonesia
• As a means to develop critical, logical and analytical thinking.

Piles of plastic waste and household waste can be seen filling the
Bontang Beach Mangrove Park, East Kalimantan (East Kalimantan).
This pile of garbage causes a bad smell.
Contacted separately, Berbas Pantai Village Head, Rendhy Maulia,
confirmed this condition. In the near future the urban village and a
number of other agencies will be busy cleaning up the mangrove
Rendy explained that the waste comes from the sea which is carried
by waves during high tide. The remnants of this waste then settle
and persist in the roots to the bottom of the coast.
“Moreover, a few months ago the mangroves were closed during
the lockdown period and there were no visitors. Even if it comes
from visitors, the accumulation of garbage will not be that much,” he
He said that so far the Berbas Pantai Urban Village routinely
organizes cleaning, but focuses on residential points. While in tourist
sites it is only occasionally carried out.


The issue of waste management is still a thorny problem for
Indonesia. This is because most of the waste generated by
households still ends up in the Final Disposal Site (TPA).
Meanwhile, the capacity of landfills, especially in big cities, is getting
full. In fact, it is not easy to find land to open another TPA to
accommodate the waste collected from the community. In the
Waste4Change Appreciation Day webinar that was held on Thursday
(17/12/2020) a number of experts highlighted the importance of
collaboration and communication in realizing sustainable waste
management in Indonesia.
Data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in
February 2019 released that currently Indonesia produces at least 64
million tons of waste heaps every year. Based on these data, around
60 percent of waste is transported and stockpiled to TPA, 10 percent
is recycled, while the other 30 percent is not managed and pollutes
the environment. "In 2025, can we realize what the president has
set for that year, our waste management can be managed 100
percent. It is still in a state of minimal consideration, with 30 percent
reduction and 70 percent handling (waste)," explained KLKH Director
of Waste Management Novrizal Tahar, ST, MSi.
To achieve the target of 100 percent waste management capacity
by 2025, Novrizal said there are several things that must be pursued,
including the following. Reducing plastic waste into the sea by up to
70 percent. Reducing the index of ignorance of waste problems.
Increase public awareness of sorting waste up to 50 percent.
Currently the figure is still 11 percent. Recycling rate needs to be
increased to 50 percent. Management of waste into electrical
energy (PSEL) must also be increased. Currently, various efforts have
also begun to be made to increase awareness of all levels of society
in managing waste.
There are efforts to encourage eco living and a minimal waste
lifestyle, which many millennials have started to do," said Novrizal.
In addition, his party has also seen an increase in the response from
producers to reduce waste, both products and from packaging.
Director of Sanitation, Directorate General of Human Settlement,
Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ir. Prasetyo,
M.Eng added that waste management in terms of facilities and
infrastructure has become an important focus for this ministry. "We
are working with Waste4Change to assist in the management of TPS
using the reduce, reuse, recycle system or what is known as TPS3R,"
said Prasetyo. With this waste management system, Prasetyo said
that the community has managed household waste as a whole, so as
to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in the TPA. According to
data from the 2019 Waste4Change Waste Management Awareness
Survey, currently only 49 percent of households sort waste and there
are still 50 percent of households that do not sort waste. In fact,
92.8 percent of residents from a Waste4Change survey of 429
respondents in DKI Jakarta and its surroundings said they hoped for a
better waste management system in Indonesia.


Waste management is the collection, transportation, processing,
recycling or disposal of waste materials. This sentence usually refers
to waste material that results from human activities, and is usually
managed to reduce its impact on health, the environment, or
Waste management is also carried out to restore natural resources.
Waste management can involve liquid, solid or gaseous substances.
According to data published by the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry (KLHK), the average waste production in Indonesia reaches
175,000 tons per day or the equivalent of 64 million tons per year. If
based on these data, the waste generated per person per day is 0.7
kilograms (kg). In fact, according to a study conducted by McKinsey,
Indonesia is the second largest producer of plastic waste in the world
after China. This is still common in Indonesia due to the lack of
public awareness about protecting the environment which also
affects human life.
This lack of awareness is also due to a lack of education about
waste. Because many don't know what waste is, what is waste
management, what causes waste to accumulate and what are the
consequences. Garbage itself is of many kinds and types. Starting
from the shape, and how to decompose it.
For example, the type of waste is divided into two. First, solid
(inorganic) waste consists of inorganic materials such as metal,
plastic, glass, rubber and cans. Why is it called inorganic waste,
because this type of waste is difficult to be decomposed by
microorganisms in the soil. Basal (organic) waste is waste consisting
of organic materials, such as vegetables, fruits, food scraps, leaves
and others. Why is it called organic waste, because this waste is easy
to decompose, doesn't last long or decomposes quickly. This is the
initial stage of waste management. There are still many of us who
may already know about the types of waste but do not understand
how to manage it in a responsible way. So that education must be
raised and pushed first in the minds and thoughts of humans so that
after they understand and understand, they will automatically be
aware of the mistakes they have made and intend to change habits
that have an impact on waste management.
The information provided is not just understanding, impact and
others, but a way of managing waste that is easy and can be done by
individuals. This education should be implemented or carried out in
schools, offices and other public facilities. Done with the number of
participants that are not too crowded so that it is effective in
conveying information to the target participants.
This education is very important and must continue so that it can
prevent the big impacts that occur when many of us do not know
and do responsible waste management. The impact that occurs if
waste management continues to occur on human survival is that
there are more and more sources of disease. Garbage that is not
managed properly will attract germs and pests such as rats,
cockroaches, ants, flies which can carry disease germs to
settlements. In addition, landslides were caused by piles of garbage
originating from too much landfilling in open land.
Environmental pollution also often occurs as a result of poor waste
management. Air pollution caused by indiscriminate burning and
causing smoke in the air. Water pollution caused by garbage or
waste that is directly discharged into waterways without being
reprocessed. And land pollution caused by garbage piled up and left
without any further action. When the environmental conditions are
not good and not supportive, daily human activities are also
hampered. If waste management education runs smoothly, it can
provide benefits by turning waste into materials that have economic
value or turning waste into materials or goods that are not harmful
to the environment. For example, this is called the “waste
prevention” method. This method is like reusing used goods,
repairing damaged goods, designing products so that they can be
refilled or reused. Such as cotton shopping bags replacing plastic
bags, replacing buying packaged drinks by bringing your own drink
There are 3 easy stages in waste management. First, the separation
of types of waste between organic and inorganic. Second, collect it
and give it to a recycling center because hazardous waste such as
used electronics can harm the environment. And the third is a diet
of plastic waste or disposable items. Education that runs smoothly
can invite the public or consumers to avoid using disposable items,
for example paper, tissue and others. Adequate education about
waste management can also make people aware of the current state
of the environment and want to help change it. The more people are
aware of environmental conditions, the more effective they are in
improving the current environmental conditions and can assist in
maintaining environmental conditions in the future.


Don’t throw garbage anywhere because it can cause flooding, invite
germs, viruses, bacteria and flies, as well as bring bad smell because
the garbage smells until it piles up later, so get used to disposing of
garbage in its place both the environment is healthy and the people
are safe and peaceful
Realizing that the writer is far from perfect, in the future the writer
will be more focused and detailed in explaining this paper with more
sources which of course can be accounted for. Therefore, criticism
and suggestions are really needed by the author.

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