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1. What is the relevance of ICT in your chosen course?

* ICT is in almost everywhere, in my chosen course learning a bit from ICT is important because in the near future
whatever kind of industry we choose if it is related to our course I’m sure we will going to use what we have learned
from ICT. For example in my job as a sales promoter in telco we are using social media to spread our brand and to
promote our product, in terms of reporting we also using excel to input how many sales we have produced for the

2. Name at least 4 uses of ICT in our daily lives and explain.

* E-mail, Market shopping to on-line shopping, Classroom learning to e-learning, Makes communication faster.

ICT makes our daily lives easy because it helps to find the study materials very easily, make our shopping easy cause
even if we don't go outside we can buy things through on-line shopping, we can learn too even if we're just in the house
we can use the social networking education, and we can all communicate by just using internet and it makes the
communication faster, and by using the E-mail we can have an on-line job or other by just using the E-mail.

3. Give 5 positive impacts and 5 negative impacts of ICT in the society.


* Easy to access information

* Easy to communicate with relatives

* Help students to their study

* Can search everything

* ICT also help students and teachers to communicate in this kind of pandemic.


* Reduced personal interaction

* Not everything on the internet are true

* Some people are using it to manipulate the weak

* Some people are using it to spread some fake news

* Not knowing what is happening in the real world

4. Write your realizations about the videos you have watched about the ICT

* I realized that ICT are made to make our daily life be easier, but not really that super easy because you know if you
don’t do anything nothing will happen in your life. And also ICT is not just the thing that we know, that we see in our
daily lives but it has a lot in it and I want to learn

Lesson 2 Activity

Create a timeline table how the computer evolved with the following information such as Inventor, Year Invented, Name
of Inventions, Place and Functions or Purposes why it was invested.
Inventor Name of Year Place and
inventions invented function
Blaise Pascaline 1642 addition and
Pascal subtraction
Gottfried Step 1673 could add
Wilhelm Reckoner and subtract,
von Leibniz like Pascal’s
machine, but
it could also
multiply and
Charles Automatic 1822 mathematical
Babbage Difference tables for
Engine navigation

Lesson 3 Activity

1. What are the four examples of Web 2.0

 hosted services (Google Maps),Web applications ( Google Docs, Flickr), Video sharing sites (YouTube),
wikis (MediaWiki)
2. Who are the inventor/father of the internet and www?
 The inventor of internet are Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn. The inventor of world wide web or www are Tim-
Berners Lee and Robert Cailliau
3. Give at least 6 uses of the internet.
 Research
 Downloading file
 Communicate
 Interactive games
 Discussion group
 Education and self improvement
4. Define web, web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0
 Web 1.0 - The original iteration of the Internet, known as Web 1.0, was developed by the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency and was the first global network to reflect the future of digital
 Web 2.0 - the second stage of the World Wide Web's evolution, highlighted particularly by the shift from
static to dynamic or user-generated content and the emergence of social media.
 Web 3.0 - third-generation web technologies, in the history of the internet. The World Wide Web,
commonly referred to as the web, serves as the basic building block of the internet by offering website
and application services.
5. What are the different types of servers?
 Web server
 Database server
 Email server
 Web proxy server
 DNS server or Domain Name System server
 FTP server or File Transfer Protocol server
 File server
 DHCP server or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server
6. Give 5 types of website and its features.
 Ecommerce website - Users are able to browse and buy goods and services on e-commerce websites.
Ecommerce websites like Amazon, Bookshop, and others that sell goods online are excellent examples.
 Personal website - Personal websites are for people who wish to have a digital footprint to express
themselves, improve their employment prospects, or build their own personal brand.
 Portfolio website - This kind of website, however comparable to a personal one, is all about promoting
your professional work in an effort to attract clients.
 Small Business website - A small business website gives a company an online presence where customers
may discover more about it, its personnel, its goods and services, and its culture.
 Blog website - A blog website is frequently updated with pertinent posts, videos, and images that are
intended to inform, amuse, and educate your audience.
7. What are the top-level domains?
 After the final dot, on the right side of a domain name, is a top-level domain. TLDs, sometimes referred
to as domain extensions, are used to identify specific aspects of a website, such as its owner, purpose, or
8. What are the two types of ISP?
 Digital subscriber line
 Broadband cable
9. DNS stands for? And give some examples.
 Domain name system. The Domain Name System converts domain names that can be read by humans
(like into IP addresses that can be read by computers (for example, 192.0. 2.44).
10. Give examples of browsers.
 Firefox, Safari, Internet explorer, Chrome and opera mini.

Lesson 4 Activity

Activity # 4.1

Define the Following crimes in your own words the way you understand.

Online Impersonation – The criminals will use other identification to manipulate or scam other innocent people.

Social Network Fraud – Criminals are providing a fake information to take advantage of their victim

Cyberbullying – This is typically happen everywhere cyberbullying is that when bullied are using the internet to bully the
innocent one.

Trafficking Passwords – Criminals are selling some hack account. The most victim of this crime are the gamers.

Cyber Extortion – The criminals will send you a treat using internet and they are asking for money for your safety.

Creating or Possessing Child Pornography – Child pornography is when you use a minor to do some pornography for

Identity Theft – It is relater to social network fraud, it is when the criminals use your identity to manipulate innocent

Unauthorized System Access – it is when a person is not authorized to connect or to used the forbidden app or website.

Activity # 4.2

Choose of Three (2) Cases which are relevant to the Cybercrimes commonly happened here in our country. Give
Solutions to those cases you have chosen. Use this format for your study.
Title of case study – Security Hacker

Introduction - when detection is least likely to occur, strike. like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or any other national holiday.
Let's examine a real-world illustration of this to see how a holiday might benefit a hacker. Here is a company's narrative.

Solutions – Solution for this kind of cases are avoid sharing some information to social media and don’t put everything
about your identity.

Activity # 4.3

Search the 10 Commandments of Computer Ethics

Record your voice reciting the 10 commandments of Computer Ethics

Create a poster design using powerpoint for the 10 Commandments of Computer Ethics.

Save your Work in our google drive.

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