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It is generally argued by some that the benefits brought by the fact that SV are not to be refuted (bác
bỏ); meanwhile, others dispel (xua tan) this notion, believing that there are still relevant defects in
association with it. I am of the opinion that there exist both ad and dis.

On the one hand, it is a fact beyond dispute that there is a rationale for the first viewpoint. Perhaps the
most credible explanation for this would be that SV. In other words, SV. What is more, the fact that SV is
of no less significance. A recently conducted study has shown that SV.

On the other hand, adhering to the second view, others believe that the issue also engenders several
downsides. To start with, SV. To put it differently, SV. Another key reason for defending this position is
that SV. Contemporary studies have shown that SV.

To conclude then, whilst there exist contrasting stances on the matter, it is taxing work to determine
which may be more positive. Howbeit, in line with the previous discussion, I am convinced to assert that
there are two sides to the matter under discussion.


It is a generally accepted fact that SV. This essay will consider this state of affairs and outline possible
solutions to it.

To begin with, it is a fact beyond dispute that the issue in question may beget several detriments.
Perhaps the most severe problem would be that SV. What is more, SV is of no less significance.

In order to address discussed affair, what is to be implemented is that SV. In other words, SV. Thanks to
this cure, SV. Additionally, SV.

Concurrently, another measure which could be devised is that SV. What is meant by this is that SV. By the
application of such remedy, SV. Furthermore, SV.

To conclude then, as mentioned above, there exist numerous solutions which could be proposed to
attack the issue. Personally, I am of the opinion that the sooner these were put into action, the more
rapidly this state of affairs would be resolved.

It is a generally accepted fact that SV. This essay will consider the origins and repercussions of this state
of affairs in greater detail/This essay will consider the origins of this state of affairs and outline possible
solutions to it.

On the one hand, it is a fact beyond dispute that there could be a combination of factors contributing to
the discussed affair. Perhaps the most crucial cause would be that SV. In other words, SV. What is more,
SV is of no less significance. To illustrate, SV.

On the other hand, there is no gainsaying that the issue in question would exert a profusion of
influences. / On the other hand, in order to address the issue in question, the following measures are to
be implemented. One of them would be that SV. Statistics have revealed that SV. Additionally, SV. What is
meant by this is that SV.

To conclude then, as mentioned above, there are numerous causes and effects of the issue. What is of
greatest importance is humankind’s ability to ensure that measures are taken to prevent it from
deteriorating. / To conclude then, as mentioned above, there are numerous causes of the issue.
Personally, I am of the opinion that the sooner these discussed proposals were put into action, the more
rapidly this state of affairs would be resolved.

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