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UNIT 18: Reactions and Health

N0 Vocabulary- collocation- Pronunciation English definition Example Vietnamese

idiom database meaning

1 Acknowlegde (v) /əkˈnɒl. ɪdʒ/ to accept, admit, or She is usually Thừa nhận
recognize something, acknowledged to be
or the truth or one of our best
existence of artists.

2 Agonise (v) /ˈæɡ.ə. naɪz/ to spend a lot of time He agonized for Chịu đau
trying to decide several days before đớn
agreeing to move to
another city.

3 Apathy (n) /ˈæp.ə.θi/ behaviour that shows There is a growing Hờ hững,

no interest or energy sense of apathy thờ ơ
among teens.

4 Avoid (v) /əˈvɔɪd/ to stay away from The report Tránh xa

someone or studiously avoided
something any mention of the
controversial plan.

5 Behaviour (n) /bɪˈheɪ. vjər/ the way that someone He was notorious Cách cư xử
behaves for his violent and

6 Chuckle (v, n) /ˈtʃʌk. əl/ to laugh quietly She was chuckling Cười thầm
as she read the

7 Comfort (v, n) /ˈkʌm. fət/ a pleasant feeling of The girl's mother Sự an

being relaxed and was at home today, ủi/động
free from pain/to being comforted by viên
make someone feel relatives.
better when they are
8 Conduct (v, n) /kənˈdʌkt/ to organize and We are conducting Tiến
perform a particular a survey to find out hành/cách
activity what our customers cư xử
think of their local
bus service.
9 Consequence (n) /ˈkɒn.sɪ. kwəns/ a result of a particular Scientists think it is Hậu quả
action or situation, unlikely that any
often one that is bad species will become
or not convenient extinct as a
consequence of the
oil spill.
10 Contentment (n) /kənˈtent.mənt/ happiness and His face wore a Sự mãn
satisfaction look of pure nguyện
11 Cross (adj) /krɒs/ annoyed or angry My Dad gets cross Tức giận
if I leave the
kitchen in a mess.
12 Dignity (n) /ˈdɪɡ.nə.ti/ the quality of a Laws of privacy are Phẩm giá
person that makes designed to protect
him or her deserving the dignity of
of respect individuals.
13 Digust (v, n) /dɪsˈɡʌst/ feeling of disapproval She walked out in Làm ghê
and dislike at disgust. tởm
14 Disillusioned (adj) /ˌdɪs. ɪˈluː.ʒənd/ disappointed and All the other Vỡ mộng
unhappy because of teachers are
discovering the truth thoroughly
disillusioned with
their colleague.
15 Fed up (adj) /ˌfed ˈʌp/ bored, annoyed, or He got fed up with Chán ngấy
disappointed, all the travelling he
especially by had to do.
something that you
have experienced for
too long
16 Giggle (v, n) /ˈɡɪɡ. əl/ to laugh repeatedly in There were a few Cười rúc
a quiet but nervous giggles rích
uncontrolled way from people in the
17 Glance (v, n) /ɡlɑːns/ to give a quick short He glanced up from Liếc nhìn
look his book as I
18 Glimpse (v, n) /ɡlɪmps/ to see something or We glimpsed the Nhìn lướt
someone for a very ruined abbey from qua
short time or only the windows of the
partly train.
19 Gloat (v) /ɡləʊt/ to feel or express She is continually Hả hê
great pleasure or gloating over her
satisfaction because new job.
of your own success
or good luck, or
someone else's failure
or bad luck
20 Glum (adj) /ɡlʌm/ disappointed or He is very glum Buồn
unhappy about the
21 Grimace (v, n) /ˈɡrɪm. əs/ to make an He tried to stand Nhăn nhó
expression of pain, and grimaced with
strong dislike pain.
22 Grin (v, n) /ɡrɪn/ a wide smile He had a big grin Cười toe
on his face. toét
23 Handle (v) /ˈhæn. dəl/ to deal with, have I thought he Giả quyết
responsibility for handled the
situation very well.
24 Impatient (adj) /ɪmˈpeɪ. ʃənt/ easily annoyed by He is a good Thiếu kiên
someone's mistakes teacher, but nhẫn
or because you must inclined to be a bit
wait impatient with slow
25 Inertia (n) /ɪˈnɜː. ʃə/ lack of interest, The organization is Trì trệ
unwilling to make an stifled by
effort to do anything bureaucratic inertia.
26 Manners (n) /ˈmæn·ərz/ ways of behaving He had the bad Tác phong
toward people manners to keep
whoever was
27 Manoeuvre (v, n) /məˈnuː. vər/ a movement or set of Reversing round a Làm việc
movements needing corner is one of the cần kĩ
skill and care manoeuvres you are năng và sự
required to perform thận trọng
in a driving test.
28 Moan (v, n) /məʊn/ to make a long, low He moaned with Than vãn
sound of pain, pain before losing
suffering, or another consciousness.
strong emotion
29 Mock (v) /mɒk/ to laugh at someone They were mocking Chế giễu
him because he
kept falling off his
30 Neglect (v, n) /nɪˈɡlekt/ to not give enough She's been Sao nhãng
care or attention to neglecting her
people or things that studies this
are your semester.
31 Peep (v, n) /piːp/ to secretly look at I saw her peeping Nhìn trộm
something through the
32 Peer (v) /pɪər/ to look carefully or The driver was Soi
with difficulty peering into the
distance trying to
read the road sign.
33 Prevent (v) /prɪˈvent/ to stop something Label your Ngăn ngừa
from happening or suitcases to prevent
someone from doing confusion.
34 Rejoice (v) /rɪˈdʒɔɪs/ to feel/show Everyone rejoiced Vui mừng
happiness at the news of his
safe return.
35 Resent (v) /rɪˈzent/ to feel angry because She bitterly Phẫn nộ
you have been forced resented her father's
to accept someone or new wife.
something that you
do not like
36 Resolute (adj) /ˈrez.ə. luːt/ determined in She is utterly Cương
character, action, or resolute in her quyết
ideas refusal to
37 Smirk (v, n) /smɜːk/ a smile that expresses I do not like the Cười tự
satisfaction or way he winks and mãn
pleasure smirks at me
whenever he sees
38 Snap (v) /snæp/ suddenly lose control His lawyer said he Cáu
of their behavior just snapped.
when they experience
very strong emotions
39 Tactic (n) /ˈtæk. tɪk/ a planned way of These bomb attacks Chiến
doing something represent a change thuật
of tactics by the
40 Terror (n) /ˈter. ər/ extreme fear They fled from the Sự khiếp
city in terror. sợ
41 Administer (v) /ədˈmɪn.ɪ. stər/ to cause someone to Tests will be Cung cấp
receive something administered to cho
schoolchildren at
seven and twelve
42 Admit (v) /ədˈmɪt/ to agree that He admitted his Nhận vào
something is true guilt.
43 Agony (n) /ˈæɡ.ə.ni/ extreme physical or She lay there Nỗi đau
mental pain or screaming in đớn
suffering agony.
44 Antidote (n) /ˈæn.ti. dəʊt/ a chemical, especially Sales of nerve gas Thuốc giả
a drug, that limits the antidotes increased độc
effects of a poison dramatically before
the war.
45 Consultant (n) /kənˈsʌl. tənt/ someone who advises The former general Bác sĩ
people on a particular now serves as a tham vấn
subject consultant to the
46 Diagnosis (n) /ˌdaɪ.əɡˈnəʊ.sɪs/ a judgment about Diagnosis of the Sự chẩn
what a particular disease is difficult đoán
illness or problem is in the early stages.
47 Inoculate (v) /ɪˈnɒk.jə. leɪt/ to give a weak form My children have Tiêm
of a disease to a been inoculated chủng
person or animal
48 Irritation (n) /ˌɪr. ɪˈteɪ. ʃən/ a painful or sore The strap had Sự kích
feeling in a part of rubbed against his thích
the body skin and caused
49 Numb (adj) /nʌm/ if a part of your body I was lying in a Tê
is numb, you are weird position and
unable to feel it, my leg went numb.
usually for a short
50 Nursing home (n) /ˈnɜː. sɪŋ ˌhəʊm/ a place where very A nursing home Viện
old people who are ill may be known as a dưỡng lão
live and receive convalescent home.
medical treatment
and care
51 Paralysis (n) /pəˈræl.ə. sɪs/ a condition in which Some nervous Tê liệt
you are unable to disorders can
move all or part of produce paralysis.
your body
52 Plaster (n) /ˈplɑː. stər/ a small piece of Put a plaster on it Băng dán
sticky cloth or plastic so that it does not
that you use to cover get infected.
and protect a cut in
the skin
53 Prescribe (v) /prɪˈskraɪb/ (of a doctor) to say I have been Kê dơn
what medical prescribed
treatment someone painkillers.
should have
54 Preventative medicine (n) /prɪˈventətɪv the branch of medical Preventative Thuốc
ˈmed.ɪ.sən/ science that deals medicine is phòng
with prevention of required in the ngừa
disease pandemic.
55 Prognosis (n) /prɒɡˈnəʊ. sɪs/ a doctor's judgment The prognosis after Dự đoán về
of the likely or the operation was tiến triển
expected for a full recovery. bệnh
development of a
56 Sick leave (n) /ˈsɪk ˌliːv/ time away from work He broke his leg Thời gian
because of illness yesterday, so he has nghỉ ốm
taken sick leave.
57 Black out /blæk/ suddenly become I blacked out right Đột nhiên
unconscious; make a after the accident. mất ý thức
place dark by turning
off all the lights,
blackout (n)
58 Come out in /kʌm/ be covered in spots This heat has made Xuất hiện
me come out in an các đốm
itchy red rash. (trên da)
59 Come round /kʌm/ become conscious She has not come Có lại ý
again after being round from the thức sau
unconscious anaesthetic yet. khi ngất
60 Cotton on /ˈkɒt. ən/ begin to realize or I had only just Nhận ra
understand something cottoned on to the điều gì
fact that they were
having a
61 Crease up /kriːs/ laugh a lot or make The look on his Cười/làm
somebody laugh face just creased người khác
me up. cười
62 Follow up /ˈfɒl. əʊ/ check the health of She still needs to Kiểm tra
someone who has follow it up. sức khỏe
received medical của người
treatment đã được
điều trị y tế
63 Get down /get/ make somebody feel The chaos in his Làm ai
sad or lose hope house was starting buồn
to get him down.
64 Get over /get/ start to feel happy or It took him years to Vượt qua
well again after get over the shock
something bad has of his wife dying.
happened; deal with a
65 Go down (well/badly) /ɡoʊ/ produce a particular The joke did not go Tạo ra một
reaction down very well. phản ứng
cụ thể
66 Lash out /læʃ/ try to hit or attack I was only teasing Tấn công
someone suddenly him and suddenly
and violently; speak he lashed out and
angrily to or against hit me in the face.
67 Pass away/on /pæs/ die She is terribly upset Chết
because her father
passed away last
68 Play up /pleɪ/ cause difficulty/pain His knee has been Gây khó
playing him up khắn
69 Pull through /pʊl/ manage to stay alive They said the Vượt qua
after you have been operation had been
very; succeed in a successful and they
very difficult expected his wife to
situation, or help pull through.
someone do this
70 Shrivel up /ˈʃrɪv. əl/ become smaller and The lack of rain has Trở nên
thinner and not look shrivelled up the nhỏ hơn
fresh and healthy crops.
71 Summon up ˈsʌm. ən/ manage to produce a It took me six Tạo ra một
quality or a reaction months to summon chất lượng
that helps you deal up the courage to hoặc một
with a difficult ask him out for a phản ứng
situation drink.
giúp đối
phó với
tình huống
khó khăn
72 Ward off /wɔːd/ do something to He used his Làm điều
prevent someone or umbrella to ward gì đó để
something from off the fierce sun. ngăn chặn
harming you ai đó hoặc
cái gì đó
làm hại
73 Act in good/ bad faith if something is done She was acting in Làm điều
in good/bad faith, it is good faith for her gì với ý
done client. tốt/xấu

74 Act out of desperation/ do an action as a last Alex reached for Bất đắc dĩ
necessity resort or last viable his phone out of mới phải
option thus the desperation as the làm gì
person is desperate killer inched closer
because it is their last to his location.
possible chance to
succeed in the action
that they are
75 Act the part/ role of to look suitable or My mother acts a Đóng vai
behave in a suitable vital role in shaping trò gì
way and developing my

76 Act on one’s advice/ do something because The board of Làm gì vì

orders/ behalf you have been directors will act on bạn đã
advised the orders in the được giới
report. thiệu/bảo
đảm từ
77 Put on an act to pretend She is just puting Giả bộ, làm
on an act when she bộ làm tịch
said that she was
not scared stiff in
this situation.
78 Get your act together to start to organize yo She is Bắt đầu làm
urself so that you do so disorganized, việc một
things in I wish she would cách hiệu
an effective way get her act together quả

79 In the act of (doing sth) in the process of When they arrived, Đang trong
I was just in the quá trình
act of starting to làm gì
make dinner.
80 Pattern of behaviour =  a recurrent way of As Cách ứng
behaviour pattern acting by an our climate changes xử đối với
individual or group and oceans get war một cá nhân
toward a given object mer, animals cụ thể
or in each situation. will modify their us
ual routes and
behavior patterns.
81 On your best behaviour to behave extremely  I'd Cư xử lịch
well and be just met his parents  sự trong
very polite on for the first time so một sự kiện
a particular occasion I was on cụ thể nào
my best behavior. đó

82 Aggressive/ antisocial/ behaving Don’t show such an Cư xử một

violent/ bad/ good/ aggressively/ aggressive cách háo
exemplary behaviour antisocially/ behaviour towards thắng/ phản
violently/ badly/ well/ your great aunt xã hội/ bạo
worth imitating lực/ tồi tệ/
tốt/ đáng để
noi theo
83 Serious/ disastrous/ dire severe or extremely Such action may Hậu quả
consequence severe consequences have dire nghiêm
consequences. trọng/ trầm
kỳ trầm
84 In consequences as a result of She lost a lot of Là một hậu
(something money in quả của cái
specified)  consequence of gì
some risky
85 Of no/ little consequences they are not As an overseer, he Không quan
important or valuable suddenly found trọng/ có giá
himself a person of trị
Where he is from is
of no consequence
to me. 
86 Cry with pain/ happiness/ crying because of the In this status quo, Khóc vì
relief pain/happiness/relief man have the right đau/ hạnh
you are feeling. to be vulnerable phúc
because of it. and cry with pain
like women
87 A cry for help a way of saying that Most suicide attem Khóc như
you need help pts are really một tín hiệu
a cry for help. cầu cứu

88 Cry yourself to sleap to cry for a long time Although I Khóc đến
until you start to survived, there mức ngủ
sleep were many nights thiếp đi
when I cried myself
to sleep.
89 Cry/ sob your eyes/ heart to cry a lot about She cried her eyes o Khóc nhiều
out a problem or situation ut when he left her về một vấn
for another girl. đề/ tình
huống nào
90 Cry on one’s shoulder to tell one's troubles t Do not cry on my Nói về vấn
o someone shoulder—this đề của mình
in seeking comfort or  mess is your own với ai để tìm
sympathy fault kiếm sự an
91 Have a (good) cry when you have a lot You will feel better Khóc thật to
of emotions inside when you have had để điều tiết
and need to get them a good cry. lại cảm xúc
out by crying.
92 Go dead to stop working The phones went Hết điện
especially because of dead during the nên không
not having electricity. storm. hoạt động
93 A far cry from a very different from All this luxury was Rất khác cái
something a far cry from the gì
poverty of his
93 Drop dead - a rude way - Oh, - cút đi!
of telling someone just drop dead! - chết bất
that you - The next day, thình lình
are annoyed with she dropped dead w - nhấn
them and want them ithout warning. mạnh sự
to go away or - He is drop- hấp dẫn của
be quiet dead gorgeous! ai
- to die unexpectedly
- emphasize that
someone or
is attractive
94 Be (dead) set against to be determined not Why are you so set Quyết tâm
(doing) to do something against going làm gì
to college?

95 Be in dead trouble/ meat be in a lot of trouble He'll Đang vướng

be dead meat if vào nhiều
his girlfriend finds  rắc rối
96 Dead and buried this is used to I thought the whole Một tình
emphasize that business was dead huống/sự
you think that it is and buried.  khó khăn
completely finished nào đã qua
and cannot happen or và sẽ không
exist again in the xuất hiện
future lần nữa
97 Dead centre in the exact centre Kansas is the dead Đúng trong
center of the USA vị trí trung
98 Dead and gone if you say that Often a genius is Nhấn mạnh
someone is dead and recognized only ai đã chết,
gone, you after he is dead and và suy nghĩ
are emphasizing that gone. về những gì
they are dead, and sẽ xảy ra
thinking about what sau cái chết
happened or will của người
happen after their đó
99 Dead tired completely exhausted I’m dead tired now, Cực kì mệt
i don’t want to be mỏi
100 Dead ahead  right in front  just ahead. The Ngay phía
island is dead ahead trước
of us.
101 Come into effect become operative; Similar legislation Bắt đầu có
start to apply. came into effect in hiệu lực
Wales on the same
102 Put/ bring sth into effect to start to use I hope the governm Quyết định
a plan or idea so that ent will put sử dụng cái
it becomes real and the this into effect. gì
has practical results
103 Adverse/ beneficial effect good/bad impacts Lack of money will Tác dụng
have an adverse xấu/ tốt
effect on our

104 For effect said or done to get He sounds mean, Làm một

a particular reaction but he's not – he điều gì đó
just says those gây chú ý để
things for effect. thu hút
người khác
105 In effect in operation That law is no - Có hiệu
in truth or longer in effect. lực
in practical terms In effect, our opinio - Trong
ns differed very thực tế

106 With effect from used for saying when Sanctions have - Được sử

something will start been imposed with  dụng để mô
effect from April. tả một thay
I am resigning from đổi xảy ra
the party with imm ngay lập tức
ediate effect. hoặc từ một
ngày cụ thể
107 Get/ have a feel for get the hang of sth I practiced for a Hiểu ra về
few hours before I cái gì
really got a feel for
the best way to do
108 Feel free if someone tells you Feel free to help yo Làm bất cứ
to feel free to do urself to coffee. gì bạn muốn
they mean that you
can do it if
you want to

109 Feel as if/ though my feeling is as I feel as if I had just Có hoặc

good/bad as they won the lottery. đem lại cảm
would be in a giác rằng
hypothetical situation
110 Feel strongly about to have firm opinions  These are the films Cảm thấy
that most people rất chắc
feel strongly about. chắn
111 Feel the benefits/ effects to experience the The local economy Trải nghiệm
of good or bad results of is beginning to feel kết quả tốt/
something  the effects of the xấu của cái
recession. gì
112 Feel your way - find one's way by - She plunged into - Tìm đường
touch rather than the darkness of the bằng cách
sight. tunnel, feeling her mò mẫm
- act cautiously, way along the - Hành động
especially in an area walls. cẩn thận vì
with which one is - She was new in môi trường
unfamiliar the job, still feeling không quen
her way. thuộc/ lạ
113 Ill health illness or a health He retired at 58 Căn bệnh/
condition that affects because of ill tình trạng
you for a long time health.  sức khỏe
xấu ảnh
hưởng bạn
trong thời
gian dài
114 Health and safety the laws Tonight's performa Những điều
and principles that nce has to luật được
are keep people safe f be cancelled for hea đặt ra để
rom injury or disease  lth and safety reaso bảo vệ an
at work and ns. toàn cho
in public places người dân
khỏi bị
dịch bệnh
khi đi làm/
ở nơi công
115 Health hazard/ risk if you say that The place is Những hóa
someone is dead and structurally unsafe. chất/ yếu tố
gone, you It is dirty - a health trong môi
are emphasizing that hazard. trường ảnh
they are dead, and hưởng xấu
thinking about what đến sức
happened or will khỏe của
happen after their bạn
116 Health centre completely exhausted It is different to Một trụ sở
delegation activity của các bác
in a hospital sĩ mà mọi
or health centre sett người
ing where thường đến
supervision and
communication is
117 Health club a usually commercial More people are Một câu lạc
establishment having joining health clubs bộ sức khỏe
members who pay a and spas.
fee to use its health
and fitness facilities
and equipment
118 Health food food that is good for Sources of Đồ ăn tốt
you because it does information cho sức
not contain artificial c mentioned were khỏe của
hemicals or family planning bạn
much sugar or fat clinics
and health food.
119 Health service a service that provide Social problems in Những dịch
s medical treatment the country include  vụ về sức
poor access to drug khỏe
s and affordable he
alth services.
120 Fall/ be taken ill with suddenly become ill She fell ill with Tự nhiên
measles.  ốm

121 Critically/ seriously/ the disease is life- - a hospice for the Căn bệnh
terminally ill threatening and terminally ill nguy hiểm
potentially -  be seriously đến tính
dangerous, incurable, ill/injured/wounded mạng và
and kills people little /hurt tiềm tàng
by little - He is critically nguy cơ/ trở
ill in intensive care. nặng/ hiểm
nghèo, nan
y không thể
chữa và giết
chết con
người từng
chút một
122 Kind of sb to do used to say that It is so kind of you Ai đó thật
someone’s action to put in a good tốt khi làm
shows a particular word for me. gì
123 Respond in kind in the same way; with If he responded Trả lời y
something similar positively, they như vậy
would respond in

124 Kind(s) of used when you It Khi bạn cố

are trying to explain/  was kind of strange  giải thích/
describe something, to see him again. miêu tả cái
but you cannot gì nhưng
be exact không chính
xác lắm
125 Best regards is a common, friendly Trân trọng
closing for emails nhất
and written letters.
When you see “best
regards” near the end
of a message, it
simply means the
writer wishes you
126 Kind regards "Kind regards" is a
more formal variation
of "Best
regards." You might
reserve it for
outreach, or
exploratory emails. It
still communicates
respect but intuits
less of an established
relationship. In
"Kind regards" is a
professional and
appropriate way to
end an email
127 Of a kind used The school had Miêu tả cái
to describe something a swimming pool of gì có thật
that exists but is not a kind, but it was trên đời
very good too small for nhưng sử
most classes to use. dụng không
tốt lắm
128 Of the kind like or similar to what "You said I Giống cái gì
has been said was fat." "I didn't đã được đề
say anything of cập trước
the kind!"
129 Have/get the last laugh to succeed when the She was fired from Thành công
others thought you the company last ye khi mọi
would not ar, but she had the người nghĩ
last laugh when she bạn không
was hired by their  thể
main rival at twice t
he salary.
130 Don’t make me laugh said to someone to You will pay? Được sử
show that you cannot Don't make dụng để cho
take their suggestion  me laugh! thấy rằng
seriously bạn nghĩ
những gì ai
đó vừa
nói là không
thể hoặc
ngu ngốc
131 For a laugh do it for enjoyment Just for a laugh, Làm cái gì
I pretended that vì bạn thích
I'd forgotten it was
his birthday.
132 A laugh a minute very funny, I can tell you Cực kỳ hài
or enjoyable. This ex this guy is going to hước, sử
pression is usually us be dụng khi
ed in a humorous way a laugh a minute. bạn nói với
to show that nghĩa ngược
you really think some lại
one or something is
not enjoyable
133 Bring sth to life to make something ex This is Mang lại
citing or interesting a book that brings t sức sống,
he subject to life. hồi tỉnh
134 Come to life - to become more The match finally Nghĩa là
interesting, exciting came to life in the được tiếp
or full of activity second half. thêm năng
- to start to act or In my dream all my lượng, được
move as if alive toys came to life. sống lại sau
một thời
gian dài
không hoạt
động hoặc
bị hôn mê.
135 Not on your life said as a way "So, you're going Một cách để
of strongly refusing s to bring Kev, are phản đối
omeone's suggestion  you?" "Not cực lực gợi
or request on your life!" ý/ yêu cầu
của ai
136 Can’t do sth to save emphasizing that they Winston could not Nhấn mạnh
one’s life do it very badly read the road signs rằng ai làm
to save his life. việc gì rất
tồi tệ
137 Take your own life kill yourself Carol tried to take Tự giết chết
deliberately her own life. chính mình,
tự vẫn
138 That’s life  used when you are It is a shame I Cuộc sống
disappointed about cannot go on the mà!
something but know trip, but that’s life.
that you must accept
139 This is the life said to mean that you Ah!!!!!!! This is the Đây mới là
are very life! sống chứ!
much enjoying the sit
uation you are in
140 Quality of life the level of comfort a  Our quality of Chất lượng
person or group enjoy life improved treme cuộc sống
s ndously once we fi
nished paying for o
ur kid’s college edu

141 Live a life of crime/ living a At the age of Sống một

luxury sinful/luxurious life twelve, cuộc sống
he entered into a tội lỗi/ đầy
life of crime. xa hoa
142 Can live with used for saying that It’s a little less than Vẫn chịu
you I asked for, but I được
can accept something can live with that.
143 You live and learn said when I had no idea they Bạn nghe
you hear or discover s were related. Oh thấy/ khám
omething that well, phá ra điều
is surprising you live and learn. gì rất đáng
ngạc nhiên
144 Live beyond/within your  spending or debt I learned new skills Chi tiêu
means beyond your ability and I did not take hoặc nợ
to earn or pay vacations, go vượt quá
shopping or live khả năng
beyond my means,” kiếm được
she says. hay chi trả

145 Live in hope be or remain We live in hope Sống trong

optimistic about that his mission hi vọng
something will succeed.

146 Live a lie to live in a way that She Sống một

is dishonest because doesn't know you're  cuộc đời đầy
you are pretending to married? You have dối trá
be something that to stop living a lie a
you are not, to nd tell her.
yourself or to
other people
147 Live to tell the tale successfully deal wit We had Còn sống để
h a horrific journey, mà kể lại
or continue to live de but (sau khi
spite a difficult situati we lived to tell the t may mắn
on or experience ale. thoát chết).  

148 Alternative/ a range of treatments Preparations used Thuốc thay

complementary/ herbal for medical in herbal medicine thế/ bổ
medicine conditions that people include poultices, sung/ thảo
use instead of/in tinctures, oils, dược
addition to/ with balms, and teas.
western medicine/the
use of plants to treat
medical conditions
149 Medicine cabinet a small cabinet, The medicines are Tủ đựng
usually with a mirror put in more handy thuốc
on the front, that is places than
attached to the wall the medicine cabine
150 Just/ only being polite saying something not Did you really like Nói cái gì
because it is true but her book, or were không phải
in order not to offend you just being vì nó đúng
someone. polite? sự thật mà
để không
xúc phạm ai
151 Polite conversation conversation that is You should have a Cuộc trò
made with someone polite conversation chuyện xã
because they are with with all of your giao
you and not because colleagues.
you really want to
talk to them.
152 Polite company in formal It is not something Trong
settings with people, you should talk những công
you do not know well about in polite ty trạng
company. trọng
153 Polite society people who consider Such language is Tầng lớp
themselves to be unacceptable in thượng lưu
socially superior and polite society.
to set standards
of behaviour for
everyone else
as polite society or
polite company
154 React by doing to act in a particular The market reacted Phản ứng
way as a direct result by falling a further bằng cách
of something else two points.
155 React respond suitably The software Phản ứng
accordingly/appropriatel enables the một cách
y computer to hợp lý
interpret messages
and react
156 React with to act in a manner as  Her family reacted Phản ứng
a direct result of with horror when với
something else she told them.
157 React against to show dislike or He reacted strongly Bày tỏ sự
opposition in against the artistic phản đối để
response to conventions of his đáp trả lại
something, especially time. điều mà đối
by deliberately doing phương
the opposite of what muốn bạn
somebody wants you làm
to do
158 Cause/ produce/ provoke/ cause something, You should detect Gây ra điều
trigger a reaction (to) usually something the one who gì tồi tệ
bad, means to make it triggered this strong
happen reaction .
159 Adverse/ gut/ immediate - side effects/adverse If you are not sure, - tác dụng
reaction reactions gut reaction. phụ/ phản
- instant response ứng có hại
- unconscious - phản ứng
reflexes, instinctive tức thời
reflexes - phản xạ vô
thức, phản
xạ bản năng
160 Chain reaction a set The war risked setti Chuỗi phản
of related events in ng off ứng
which a perilous chain rea
each event causes the ction that
next one would endanger the
whole world.

161 Response time the amount of time a  The ambulance serv Thời gian

person or system take ice is trying to redu mà một
s to react or ce response time. người hoặc
to deal with hệ thống
something cần để phản
ứng hoặc để
đối phó với
một cái gì
162 Call in sick to phone someone at He called in sick an Gọi để xin
the place where d phép nghỉ
you work to tell them went shopping with ốm
you are too ill his wife.
to work
163 Feel sick feel ill/ feel like I feel sick looking Cảm thấy
vomitting at that picture. buồn nôn/
164 Make sb sick they make you feel The British press Làm bạn
angry or disgusted. makes me sick. cảm thấy
ghê tởm
165 Sick as a parrot very disappointed He was sick as Cực kì thất
a parrot when vọng
his team lost the ma
166 Worried sick emphasizing that you He was worried Nhấn mạnh
are extremely worried sick about what our bạn đang
mothers would say. rất lo lắng
167 Sick and tired of annoyed about or I am sick and tired Khó chịu vì
bored with (someone of all the criticism. phải chịu
or something) and đựng ai quá
unwilling to put up lâu
with them any longer
168 Sick with fear/ worry/etc very frightened/ She is sick with Rất sợ hãi/
nervous/worried worry waiting her lo lắng
child to come
169 Sick at heart very unhappy David was sick at Không vui tí
heart about having nào
to leave his family
behind. Feeling sad
and unhappy.
170 Sick bag a bag provided on an If you need to Túi ốm là
aircraft or ship as a vomit on the plane, một túi nhỏ
receptacle for vomit you can always use thường
a sick bag. được cung
cấp cho
hành khách
trên tàu bay
và tàu
thuyền để
thu gom và
chứa chất
nôn trong
trường hợp
say tàu xe. 
171 Treat cruelly/ badly/ to act badly towards a You must treat each Đối xử với
fairly/ unjustly person people fairly. ai một cách
độc ác/ tồi
tệ/ công
bằng/ không
công bằng
172 Treat sb with to response with a I treat remarks like Trả lời với
particular manner that with the conte (thái độ như
mpt that nào)
they deserve.
173 Treat sb for cure sb of He is being Chữa ai
treated for a rare ski khỏi bệnh gì
n disease.
174 Treat sb to to buy or pay for I'm going to treat Tự thưởng
something for myself to (= buy for ai/ bản thân
another person myself) a cái gì
new pair of sandals.
175 Treat a/ an / disease/ to Western medicine t Chữa khỏi
illness/ patient/etc use drugs, exercises, ends to một căn
… to cure a person of treat the symptoms  bệnh/ bệnh
a disease or heal an in and not the cause. nhân
176 In for a treat used for saying that The public is in for Chắc chắn
you know someone is a treat when this nhận được
going to enjoy new show opens. hay trải
something nghiệm
điều gì đó
vui thích mà
không ngờ
177 Cry over spilt milk /kraɪ əʊ. və spɪlt waste time feeling It is a waste of time Tiếc con gà
mɪlk/ upset about crying over spilt quạ tha ( ý
something bad that milk, he says; you chê người
has happened and just have to move tiếc cái
cannot be changed on with your life. không đáng
178 Fly off the handle /flaɪ ɒf ðə hæn. suddenly become You have to be Bỗng dưng
dəl/ extremely angry very careful nổi nóng,
without a good because he flies off nổi cơn tam
reason the handle very bành, nổi
easily. trận lôi đình
179 Give sb a taste/dose of /ɡɪv eɪ teɪst ɒf ðeə treat someone in the This team likes to Gậy ông
their own medicine əʊn med.ɪ. sən/ same bad way that play tough defense, đập lưng
they treat other so let's give them a ông/Gieo
people dose of their own nhân nào
medicine and not gặp quả
give them any nấy/Gieo gió
space to score. gặp bão
180 Give sth a miss /ɡɪv eɪ mɪs/ decide not to do Unfortunately, I
something that you had to give the Bỏ lỡ điều gì
usually do party a miss
because I had a
migraine last night.
181 Grin and bear it /ɡrɪn ænd beə ɪt/ accept a difficult Well, a delayed Ngậm đắng
situation without flight is not an ideal nuốt
complaining or situation, but we'll cay( chịu
showing how you just have to grin đựng tình
feel and bear it. huống khó
khăn mà
không than
182 Keep a straight face /kiːp eɪ streɪt feɪs/ remain serious and She tried to keep a Kiềm chế,
not laugh straight face but, giữ bình
unable to contain tĩnh
herself, burst into
183 Keep your hair on /kiːp jɔː heə ɒn/ used for telling Keep your hair on! Khuyên ai
someone not to get Your car is not đó bĩnh
angry or upset badly damaged! tĩnh, đừng
vội nổi nóng
184 Kick yourself /kɪk jɔːˈself/ be very annoyed When I realized Tự trách
because you have what I had done I bản
made a mistake, could have kicked thân(thể
missed an myself. hiện tình
opportunity, etc huống bạn
cảm thấy
bực mình,
ân hận vì
mình đã làm
điều gì đó
ngu ngốc,
hoặc phạm
phải sai lầm
nào đó)
185 Let off steam /let ɒf stiːm/ shout or do She jogs after work Xả stress, xả
something that allows to let off steam. cơn giận
you to get rid of
186 Let sleeping dogs lie /let sliː. pɪŋ dɒɡz leave a person or Oh, do not mention Không được
laɪ/ situation alone if they that fight they had làm phiền
might cause you months ago—let hoặc can
trouble sleeping dogs lie! thiệp vào
một tình
huống nào
đó, vì bạn có
thể sẽ gây ra
rắc rối.
187 Never/don’t look a gift /nev. ə lʊk eɪ ɡɪft if you are given Never look a gift Đừng chê
horse in the mouth hɔːs ɪn ðə maʊθ/ something good, you horse in the mouth, bai, soi xét
should not complain OK? You are so món quà
about it or try to find lucky to get a car bạn được
things that are wrong for free!" tặng, hãy
with it biết ơn/cảm
188 Up in arms about /ʌp ɪn ɑːmz ə angry and The whole town is Nổi giận,
ˈbaʊt/ complaining about up in arms about nổi loạn về
something the addition of a vấn đề gì đó
new shopping
189 Act /ækt/ to behave in the He acted as if he Thực hiện
stated way/to do had never met me điều gì bằng
something for a before. hành
particular purpose or động,cử chỉ,
to solve a problem cách cư xử,

190 Enact /ɪˈnækt/ to put something into A package of Ban hành,
action, especially to economic sanctions diễn, đóng,..
make something is to be enacted
law/to perform a against the country.
story or play
191 React /riˈækt/ to act in a particular She slapped him Phản ứng
way as a direct result and called him lại
of something else names, but he did
not react.
192 Counteract /ˌkaʊn. tərˈækt/ to reduce or remove Drinking a lot of Làm mất
the effect of water counteracts tác dụng,
something unwanted the dehydrating chống lại,cự
by producing an effects of hot lại,..
opposite effect weather.
193 Interact /ˌɪn. təˈrækt/ to communicate with It is interesting at Tương tác,
or react to parties to see how giao tiếp
people interact
194 Transact /trænˈzækt/ to do and complete a Already, then, we Giao
business activity can see that the dịch,mua
social marking of bán
age has constrained
the nature of the
business that
remains to be
195 Overact /ˌəʊ. vəˈrækt/ to make your voice Just like good Vượt quá
and movements actors in the một giới
express emotions too theatre, good hạn(về mặt
strongly when acting politicians should âm thanh,..)
in a play, etc. not overact at times
of turbulence.
196 Overreact /ˌəʊ. və.riˈækt/ to react in an Try not to overreact Phản ứng
extreme, especially to criticism. thái quá
an angry or
frightened, way
197 (De/re)activate /ˌdiˈæk.tɪ. veɪt/ + to cause something + All chemical + Vô hiệu
/riˈæk.tɪ. veɪt/ to be no longer active weapons facilities hóa
or effective will be deactivated
+ Kích hoạt
+ to bring or come +The virus can
back into action or reactivate at any
use time.

198 Acting /ˈæk. tɪŋ/ the job of performing He wants to get into Ngành diễn
in films or plays acting. xuất, ngành
199 Actor/actress /ˈæk. tər/ a person who plays She is the highest- Diễn viên
/ˈæk. trəs/ the part of a character paid actress in nam/diễn
in a movie or play Hollywood. viên nữ
200 Action /ˈæk. ʃən/ the process of doing This problem calls Sự hành
something, especially for swift/prompt động/Hành
when dealing with a action from the động/Việc
problem or difficulty government. làm/Sự
201 Inactivity /ˌɪn. ækˈtɪv.ə. ti/ the state of doing Inactivity Sự lười vận
nothing contributes to động
weakness, fatigue,
and sleeplessness.
202 Radioactivity /ˌreɪ. di. əʊˈæk. the emission of Due to nuclear Phóng xạ,
tɪviti/ ionizing radiation or instability, an năng lực
particles caused by atom’s nucleus phóng xạ
the spontaneous exhibits the
disintegration of phenomenon of
atomic nuclear Radioactivity
203 Activist /ˈæk.tɪ. vɪst/ a person who He has been a trade Nhà hoạt
believes strongly in union/party activist động (xã
political or social for many years. hội, môi
change and takes part trường,chín
in activities such as h trị,kinh
public protests to try tế,..)
to make this happen
204 Activism /ˈæk.tɪ.vɪ. zəm/ the use of direct and The levels of Hoạt động
noticeable action to political activism in xã hội
achieve a result, this country have
usually a political or greatly declined.
social one
205 Transaction /trænˈzæk. ʃən/ an occasion when Each transaction at Sự giải
someone buys or sells the foreign quyết, sự
something, or when exchange counter thỏa thuận
money is exchanged seems to take (mua bán)
or the activity of forever.
buying or selling
206 Overacting /ˌəʊ. vəˈræktɪŋ/ make your voice and There was a certain Hành động
movements express amount of thái quá
emotions too strongly overacting.
when acting in a play,
207 Reactionary /riˈæk. ʃən.ər. i/ opposed to political They have made a Phản động
or social change or career out of this về mặt
new ideas reactionary, chính trị
208 Reactor /riˈæk. tər/ a large machine in Medium drained Lò phản
which atoms are from the reactor to ứng hạt
either divided or a waste reservoir. nhân
joined in order to
produce power
209 Hyperactive /ˌhaɪ. pərˈæk. tɪv/ someone who is Hyperactive Tăng động
hyperactive has more children often have
energy than is poor concentration
normal, gets excited and require very
easily, and cannot little sleep.
stay still or think
about work
210 Radioactive /ˌreɪ. di. əʊˈæk. having or producing Uranium is a Có tính
tɪv/ powerful and radioactive phóng xạ
dangerous energy that material.
comes from the
breaking up of atoms
211 Approve /əˈpruːv/ to have a positive She does not Đồng tình,
opinion of someone approve of my ủng hộ
or something friends.
212 Disapprove /ˌdɪs. əˈpruːv/ to feel that something I strongly Phản đối
or someone is bad, disapprove of
wrong, etc. underage drinking.
213 (Dis)approval /əˈpruː. vəl/ the feeling of having He showed his Sự ủng hộ
/ˌdɪs. əˈpruː. vəl/ a positive opinion of approval by smiling
someone or broadly.
the feeling of having Although they said
a negative opinion of nothing, she could
someone or sense their Sự phản đối
something disapproval of her
214 Approvingly /əˈpruː. vɪŋ.li/ in an approving way She smiled at him Một cách
(= showing that you approvingly. ủng hộ
have a positive
opinion of something
or someone)
215 Avoid /əˈvɔɪd/ to stay away from I am anxious to Tránh, né,
someone or avoid the motorway phòng tránh
something at rush hour.
216 Avoidance /əˈvɔɪ. dəns/ the act of avoiding The avoidance of Sự tránh né,
something or injury is critical to a tránh khỏi
someone professional athlete. điều gì
217 Unavoidable /ˌʌn. əˈvɔɪ.də. bəl/ impossible to avoid War is now Không thể
unavoidable. tránh khỏi
218 Content /kənˈtent/ pleased with your They are content to Thỏa mãn,
situation and not socialize with a hài lòng
hoping for change or very small circle of
improvement people.
219 Discontent /dɪs. kənˈtent/ a feeling of wanting Discontent among Sự bất mãn
better treatment or an junior ranks was
improved situation rapidly spreading.
220 Discontented /ˌdɪs. kənˈten. feeling unhappy He had to cope with Bất mãn
tɪd/ because you want large numbers of
better treatment or an discontented
improved situation passengers.
221 Depend /dɪˈpend/ to be decided by or to Whether or not we Tùy thuộc
change according to go to Mexico for vào, phụ
the stated thing our holiday thuộc vào
depends on the
222 Dependant /dɪˈpen. dənt/ someone who My pension will Người phụ
depends on you for provide for my thuộc vào
financial support, dependants. người khác
such as a child or
family member who
does not work
223 Dependable /dɪˈpen.də. bəl/ If someone or I need someone Có thể tin
something is dependable to take tưởng được,
dependable, you can care of the children có thể dựa
have confidence in while I'm at work. vào
him, her, or it
224 Independently /ˌɪn. dɪˈpen. without being The two scientists Một cách
də influenced or both made the same độc lập
controlled in any way discovery
by other people, independently, at
events, or things roughly the same
225 Derive /dɪˈraɪv/ to get something The institute Lấy thứ gì
from something else derives all its đó từ thứ
money from foreign khác
226 Derivation /ˌder. ɪˈveɪ. ʃən/ the origin of Does anyone know Sự xuất
something, such as a the derivation of phát điểm,
word, from which the word “OK”? sự khởi đầu,
another form has nguồn gốc
developed, or the new
form itself
227 Derivative /dɪˈrɪv.ə. tɪv/ if something is His painting/style is Không mới,
derivative, it is not very derivative. được phát
the result of new triển/lấy
ideas, but has been cảm hứng
developed from or từ thứ đã có
copies something else sẵn
228 Effect /ɪˈfekt/ the result of a The radiation leak Tác dụng,
particular influence has had a disastrous ảnh hưởng
effect on/upon the
229 Effective /ɪˈfek. tɪv/ successful or the lighting for the Có tác
achieving the results production made a dụng, hiệu
that you want very effective use quả
of shadow.
230 Ineffectiveness /ˌinəˈfektivnəs/ the quality of not The report Sự thiếu
producing any highlighted the hiệu quả, sự
significant or desired ineffectiveness of không có tác
effect sanctions. dụng
231 Effectual /ɪˈfek. tʃu. əl/ effective and They wish to Có hiệu quả
successful promote a real and tốt, thành
effectual công
between the two
232 Ineffectual /ˌɪn. ɪˈfek. tʃu. əl/ not skilled at The teachers were Không có
achieving, or not able ineffectual at hiệu quả,
to produce, good maintaining thất bại
results discipline.
233 Enfold /ɪnˈfəʊld/ to closely hold or He enfolded her in Bao bọc,
completely cover his arms. nắm chặt
someone or
234 Folder /ˈfəʊl. dər/ a piece of plastic or She handed me a Thư mục,
cardboard folded folder containing tập tin, tập
down the middle and the schedule of giấy được
used for keeping talks. kẹp sẵn
loose papers in
235 Unfolding /ʌnˈfəʊld/ to open or spread out He watched her Mở ra, giở
something that has expression as she ra
been folded unfolded the letter.
236 Foldaway /ˈfəʊld.ə. weɪ/ able to be folded The storage area Gấp lại
away out of sight also contains a được, xếp
foldaway seat cover lại được.
and a courtesy
237 Fruitfulness /ˈfruːt. fəl. nəs/ the fact that Neither hypothesis Sự hiệu quả,
something produces is better in terms of sự có lợi, sự
good results simplicity, đơm hoa kết
conservativism, trái
fruitfulness, scope,
or testability.
238 Fruition /fruːˈɪʃ. ən/ an occasion when a None of his grand Sự khai hoa
plan or an idea begins plans for a TV kết trái, sự
to happen, exist, or be series ever came to mở đầu,sự
successful fruition. thực hiện
239 Fruitful /ˈfruːt. fəl/ producing good It was a most Có kết quả
results fruitful discussion, tốt
with both sides
agreeing to adopt a
common policy.
240 Fruitless /ˈfruːt. ləs/ if an action or attempt All diplomatic Thất bại,
to do something is attempts at a kết quả
fruitless, it is peaceful solution to không như
unsuccessful or the crisis have been mong đợi
produces nothing of fruitless.
241 Handle /ˈhæn. dəl/ to deal with, have I thought he Gỉai quyết,
responsibility for, or handled the xử lí
be in charge of situation very well.
242 Handler /ˈhænd. lər/ a person who trains Four of the eight Người quản
and is in charge of handlers spend lí, người
animals, especially money on chịu trách
dogs advertising their nhiệm,ngườ
own kiwifruit. i huấn
243 Handout /ˈhænd. aʊt/ a document given to On page two of Tài liệu
students or reporters your handout, you phát tay, tờ
that contains will find a list of phô tô, tờ
information about a the books that I rơi
particular subject have referred to
during the lecture.
244 Handover /ˈhænd.əʊ. vər/ the giving of control The United Nations Sự nhượng
of or responsibility is to supervise the quyền
for something to handover of the
someone else prisoners of war.
245 Handful /ˈhænd. fʊl/ an amount of He pulled out a Đầy một
something that can be handful of coins bàn tay
held in one hand from his pocket.
246 Handmade /ˌhændˈmeɪd/ made using the hands Handmade products Tự làm
rather than a machine are becoming
247 Underhand /ˌʌn. dəˈhænd/ done secretly, and What really Bí mật, gian
sometimes angered her was the dối, xảo
dishonestly, in order dirty, underhand quyệt,xấu
to achieve an way they had xa
advantage tricked he.
248 Handy /ˈhæn. di/ useful or convenient First-time visitors Hữu ích, có
to France will find lợi
this guide
particularly handy.
249 Illusion /ɪˈluː. ʒən/ an idea or belief that He had no illusions ảo tưởng
is not true about his talents as
a singer.
250 Disillusion /ˌdɪs. ɪˈluː. ʒən/ to disappoint I hate to/I am sorry Nói sự thật
someone by telling to disillusion you, mất lòng
them the unpleasant but pregnancy is
truth about something not always
or someone that they wonderful - I was
had a good opinion of sick every day for
or respected six months.
251 Disillusionment /ˌdɪs. ɪˈluː. ʒən. a feeling of being There is increasing Sự thật phũ
mənt/ disappointed and disillusionment phàng
unhappy because of with the
discovering the truth government.
about something or
someone that you
liked or respected
252 Disillusioned /ˌdɪs. ɪˈluː. ʒənd/ disappointed and He has become a Làm cho vỡ
unhappy because of disillusioned man. mộng
discovering the truth
about something or
someone that you
liked or respected
253 Acknowledge /əkˈnɒl. ɪdʒ/ to accept, admit, or She acknowledged Nhận thức
recognize something, having been at được cái gì
or the truth or fault. tồn tại
existence of
254 Knowledgeable /ˈnɒl.ɪ. dʒə. bəl/ knowing a lot He is very Hiểu biết
knowledgeable sâu rộng, tri
about German thức, uyên
literature. bác
255 Unknown /ʌnˈnəʊn/ not known or familiar The exact number Vô danh,
of people carrying không biết
the virus is rõ
256 Knowing /ˈnəʊ. ɪŋ/ showing that you My mother gave Thể hiện là
know about me a knowing bạn đã biết
something, even smile. điều gì hay
when it has not been một bí mật
talked about nào đó
257 Neglect /nɪˈɡlekt/ to not give enough She has been Thờ ơ, lơ
care or attention to neglecting her đễnh,không
people or things that studies this chú trọng
are your semester. việc gì
258 Negligence /ˈneɡ.lɪ. dʒəns/ the fact of not giving The company was Sự thờ ơ
enough care or sued for gross
attention to someone negligence after the
or something death of the two
259 Negligible /ˈneɡ.lɪ. dʒə. bəl/ too slight or small in The difference Quá nhỏ,
amount to be of between the two không đáng
importance products is chú ý
260 Negligent /ˈneɡ.lɪ. dʒənt/ not being careful or The judge said that Không cẩn
giving enough the teacher had thận, thiếu
attention to people or been negligent in cẩn trọng
things that are your allowing the
responsibility children to swim in
dangerous water.
261 Neglectful /nɪˈɡlekt. fəl/ not giving enough I'm sure my boss Không đủ
care and attention to thinks I've been quan tâm
something or neglectful of my
someone duties recently.
262 Patient /ˈpeɪ. ʃənt/ a person who is Be patient with her Kiên
receiving medical - she is very young. nhẫn/bệnh
care, or who is cared nhân
for by a particular
doctor or dentist
when necessary/
having patience
263 Patience /ˈpeɪ. ʃəns/ the ability to wait, or You must have a lot Sự kiên
to continue doing of patience when nhẫn, nhẫn
something despite you are dealing nại
difficulties, or to with kids.
suffer without
complaining or
becoming annoyed
264 Impatient /ɪmˈpeɪ. ʃənt/ easily annoyed by He is a good Thiếu kiên
someone's mistakes teacher, but nhẫn, nóng
or because you must inclined to be a bit vội
wait impatient with slow
265 Regrettable /rɪˈɡret.ə. bəl/ making you feel sad The omission of a Đáng buồn,
and sorry about sponsor’s name on đáng tiếc
something the program was a
regrettable error.
266 Resolve /rɪˈzɒlv/ to solve or end a Have you resolved Gỉai quyết,
problem or difficulty the problem of kết thúc một
transport yet? vấn đề,đưa
ra quyết
267 Resolution /ˌrez. əˈluː. ʃən/ an official decision The United Nations Một quyết
that is made after a passed a resolution định quan
group or organization to increase aid to trọng/sự
has voted developing nations. quyết
tâm/lời hứa
268 Resolute /ˈrez.ə. luːt/ determined in Their resolute Kiên quyết,
character, action, or opposition to new quyêt tâm
ideas working methods
was difficult to
269 Unresolved /ˌʌn. rɪˈzɒlvd/ if a problem or The question of Chưa được
difficulty is contracts remains giải quyết,
unresolved, it is not unresolved. còn tồn
solved or ended đọng
270 Irresolute /ɪˈrez.əl. uːt/ not able or willing to Not only are the Không kiên
take decisions or political parties quyết, thiếu
actions irresolute, but also chủ động
economic sectors.
271 Respond /rɪˈspɒnd/ to say or do To every question, Phản ứng,
something as a he responded "I trả lời
reaction to something don't know."
that has been said or
272 Respondent /rɪˈspɒn. dənt/ someone who Most respondents Người được
responds to a in the survey hỏi, Người
question or offer voiced an trả lời
unfavorable attitude
toward the policy.
273 Responsive /rɪˈspɒn. sɪv/ saying or doing She was not Đáp ứng
something as a responsive to
reaction to something questioning.
or someone,
especially in a quick
or positive way
274 Resultant /rɪˈzʌl. tənt/ caused by the event The redundant Thuộc về
or situation that you actuators do not kết quả của
have just mentioned make any một sự việc
contribution to đã diễn ra
increase the trước
resultant moment.
275 Resulting /rɪˈzʌl. tɪŋ/ caused by the event The tape was left Thuộc về
or situation that you near a magnetic kết quả của
have just mentioned source, and the một sự việc
resulting damage đã diễn ra
was considerable. trước
276 Sense /sens/ an ability to With her excellent Gíac quan
understand, sense of smell, she
recognize, value, or could tell if you
react to something, were a smoker from
especially any of the the other side of the
five physical abilities room.
to see, hear, smell,
taste, and feel
277 Sesensitize /ˌdiːˈsen.sɪ. taɪz/ to cause someone to Seeing too much Làm cho vô
experience violence on cảm
something, usually an television can
emotion or a pain, desensitize people
less strongly than to it.
278 Sensation /senˈseɪ. ʃən/ the ability to feel The disease causes Cảm giác
something physically, a loss of sensation
especially by in the fingers.
touching, or a
physical feeling that
results from this
279 Sensitivity /ˌsen. sɪˈtɪv.ə. ti/ an ability to The police showed Sự nhạy
understand what commendable cảm, sự
other people need, sensitivity in their thấu hiểu
and be helpful and handling of the
kind to them case.
280 Hypersensitivity /ˌhaɪ.pə. sens. ə a condition in which Acute Sự đa cảm,
ˈtɪv.ə. ti/ the immune system hypersensitivity, quá nhạy
reacts in an extreme resulting in cảm, dị ứng
way to a substance in vomiting or mạnh với
the body diarrhoea, can be a snả phẩm
reaction to allergies nào đó
to foods such as
nuts or shellfish.
281 Oversensitive /ˌəʊ. vəˈsen.sɪ.tɪv/ too easily upset I think you are Qúa nhạy
being a little cảm, dễ xúc
oversensitive - she động
didn't mean it as a
282 Sensuality /ˌsen. sjuˈæl.ə. ti/ the expression or She found his Sự hấp dẫn,
suggestion of intense sensuality sự gợi cảm
physical, especially irresistible.
sexual, pleasure or
283 Sensuousness /ˈsen. sju.əs. nəs/ the quality of There is a lovely Sự gợi cảm
affecting or relating dense sensuousness về mặt tình
to the physical to her poetry. dục
senses, rather than
pleasing the mind or
the intelligence
284 Sensor /ˈsen. sər/ a device that is used The security device Thiết bị cảm
to record that has a heat sensor biến
something is present which detects the
or that there are presence of people
changes in something and animals.
285 Sensory /ˈsen. sər. i/ connected with the First, the Thuộc cảm
physical senses of representations we giác, giác
touch, smell, taste, create are limited quan, nhận
hearing, and sight by sensory cảm
286 Insensitive /ɪnˈsen.sɪ. tɪv/ not feeling or The police have Vô cảm, thờ
showing sympathy been criticized for ơ, thiếu
for other people's being insensitive to quan tâm
feelings, or refusing complaints from the
to give importance to public.
287 Unsensational /ən-sen-ˈsā-shnəl/ not of such character He approached the Không gây
as to arouse intense story in such an xúc động
interest, curiosity, or unsensational way mạnh,
emotional reaction that everyone was không giật
barely eyebrow- gân, không
raising. làm náo
288 Irresolute /kraɪ əʊ. və spɪlt waste time feeling It is a waste of time Tiếc con gà
mɪlk/ upset about crying over spilt quạ tha ( ý
something bad that milk, he says; you chê người
has happened and just have to move tiếc cái
cannot be changed on with your life. không đáng
289 Respond /flaɪ ɒf ðə hæn. suddenly become You have to be Bỗng dưng
dəl/ extremely angry very careful nổi nóng,
without a good because he flies off nổi cơn tam
reason the handle very bành, nổi
easily. trận lôi đình
290 Respondent /ɡɪv eɪ teɪst ɒf ðeə treat someone in the This team likes to Gậy ông
əʊn med.ɪ. sən/ same bad way that play tough defense, đập lưng
they treat other so let's give them a ông/Gieo
people dose of their own nhân nào
medicine and not gặp quả
give them any nấy/Gieo gió
space to score. gặp bão
291 Responsive /ɡɪv eɪ mɪs/ decide not to do Unfortunately, I
something that you had to give the Bỏ lỡ điều gì
usually do party a miss
because I had a
migraine last night.
292 Resultant /ɡrɪn ænd beə ɪt/ accept a difficult Well, a delayed Ngậm đắng
situation without flight is not an ideal nuốt
complaining or situation, but we'll cay( chịu
showing how you just have to grin đựng tình
feel and bear it. huống khó
khăn mà
không than
293 Resulting /kiːp eɪ streɪt feɪs/ remain serious and She tried to keep a Kiềm chế,
not laugh straight face but, giữ bình
unable to contain tĩnh
herself, burst into
294 Sense /kiːp jɔː heə ɒn/ used for telling Keep your hair on! Khuyên ai
someone not to get Your car is not đó bĩnh
angry or upset badly damaged! tĩnh, đừng
vội nổi nóng
295 Desensitize /kɪk jɔːˈself/ be very annoyed When I realized Tự trách
because you have what I had done I bản
made a mistake, could have kicked thân(thể
missed an myself. hiện tình
opportunity, etc huống bạn
cảm thấy
bực mình,
ân hận vì
mình đã làm
điều gì đó
ngu ngốc,
hoặc phạm
phải sai lầm
nào đó)
296 Sensation /let ɒf stiːm/ shout or do She jogs after work Xả stress, xả
something that allows to let off steam. cơn giận
you to get rid of
297 Sensitivity /let sliː. pɪŋ dɒɡz leave a person or Oh, do not mention Không được
laɪ/ situation alone if they that fight they had làm phiền
might cause you months ago—let hoặc can
trouble sleeping dogs lie! thiệp vào
một tình
huống nào
đó, vì bạn có
thể sẽ gây ra
rắc rối
298 Hypersensitivity /nev. ə lʊk eɪ ɡɪft if you are given Never look a gift Đừng chê
hɔːs ɪn ðə maʊθ/ something good, you horse in the mouth, bai, soi xét
should not complain OK? You are so món quà
about it or try to find lucky to get a car bạn được
things that are wrong for free!" tặng, hãy
with it biết ơn/cảm
299 Oversensitive /ʌp ɪn ɑːmz ə angry and The whole town is Nổi giận,
ˈbaʊt/ complaining about up in arms about nổi loạn về
something the addition of a vấn đề gì đó
new shopping
300 Sensuality /ækt/ to behave in the He acted as if he Thực hiện
stated way/to do had never met me điều gì bằng
something for a before. hành
particular purpose or động,cử chỉ,
to solve a problem. cách cư xử,

301 Sensuousness /ɪˈnækt/ to put something into A package of Ban hành,
action, especially to economic sanctions diễn, đóng,..
make something is to be enacted
law/to perform a against the country.
story or play
302 Sensor /riˈækt/ to act in a particular She slapped him Phản ứng
way as a direct result and called him lại
of something else names, but he did
not react.
303 Sensory /ˌkaʊn. tərˈækt/ to reduce or remove Drinking a lot of Làm mất
the effect of water counteracts tác dụng,
something unwanted the dehydrating chống lại,cự
by producing an effects of hot lại,..
opposite effect weather.
304 Insensitive /ˌɪn. təˈrækt/ to communicate with It is interesting at Tương tác,
or react to parties to see how giao tiếp
people interact
305 Unsensational /trænˈzækt/ to do and complete a Already, then, we Giao
business activity can see that the dịch,mua
social marking of bán
age has constrained
the nature of the
business that
remains to be

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