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Most significant event in your childhood

- Though i cant really remember my childhood and I cant specify it but my most significant
event in my childhood was my birthday party. I consider this as significant since,
celebrations like this isn’t really relevant now and comparing before, my parents would
always prepare a special party for me and my cousins are always complete.
Remembering childhood feels really nostalgic and if I will be given a chance to go back
for a short time, I would really do it.

2. A very influential person in my life

- I can say that the very influential person in my life is my father. As a breadwinner of his
family, it already shows how selfless and hardworking person he is and that’s what I
admire about him. Knowing how he surpassed all his challenges makes me feel grateful
of the life that he has provided me. I can’t imagine how he handled everything and
looking at him now that he achieved all his goals in life. His story always inspire me that
even when you are at the peak of giving up, God always find a way to lead you to the
right one.

3. My dream
- My dream in life is simply to be successful in life. To be successful in a way that I am
able to give back all the sacrifices that my parents gave to me just so I will reach to
where I am. Though I am still in the process of achieving it but I am still hoping that
despite all the challenges, I will never drag myself down and feel that I can’t make it. But
i know God will be there to guide me and lead me to success.

4. The most painful event in my life

- The most painful event that I can remember is when my dad had COVID in the peak of
the pandemic. How I saw my father struggling to breathe and really weak was hard to
watch. It was also very hard especially that he is in Saudi Arabia and we are only
contacting him through video call. But by the help of the healthcare team and especially
God, he was able to survive it.

5.What I fear most at present

- What I fear most at present is failure. Lately I’ve been struggling in keeping in mind all
the lessons and skills that my course is giving me. It makes me doubt and test my
abilities because even though I try so hard, I only receive below average and I mostly
feel down. However, I still believe that I am made for this and God will always guide me. I
believe He purposely put me to this path and what I’ll do is follow his will and trust the

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