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COVID-19 Research and Innovation

Powering the world’s pandemic response – now and in the future

February 2022


Contents Introduction and

Introduction and acknowledgements 3
Acronyms and abbreviations 4
In modern times science has played a critical and frontline role in
1.  R&D achievements summary 6 combatting epidemics and pandemics.
2. Detailed reports from each research area 12
The development of effective COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and
- SARS-CoV-2 at the human-animal interface 14 public health interventions alone has provided humanity with some
hope for the future.
- Virus natural history, transmission and diagnostics –
and novel diagnostics to inform better strategies for prediction,
This updated report once again brings We again wholeheartedly thank the
prevention, detection, and control of pandemic diseases 20
a spotlight to the immense and tireless patients, volunteers and their families who
- Epidemiology of COVID-19 focusing on past and current trends, global research effort to control have participated in each and every study.
drivers of transmission and severity, and epidemiological research gaps 24 COVID-19.
Every single participant makes a
- Outbreaks should be detected and prevented at an early stage: The global coordination and support difference to this incredible global effort.
A hub for pandemic and epidemic intelligence 30 for the world’s leading scientists and And we applaud all the funders and
experts does not always grab the partners across the world - as without
- Public Health and Social Measures (PHSMs) 34 media headlines. But it has been key in their support none of this work would be
underpinning the important initiatives and possible.
- Infodemiology: Progressing on the public health research agenda for managing infodemics 40 breakthroughs detailed in this report.
Finally, we remember the millions of
- Vaccines: research and development priorities 48 The following pages detail not only the people who have lost their lives to
successes but also the priority research this devastating disease, along with
- Advancing the COVID-19 clinical care pathway: tasks and lessons learned that are critical their loved ones and every community
outbreak research response centered around the patient 58 in the next phase of the pandemic - as the affected.
world strives to move to ‘endemic’ status.
- Research and development for treatments of hospitalized patients 66
Crucially the report also focuses on how
- Critical needs for outpatients and for the design of outpatient therapeutic trials 70
global research actions and platforms
- Moving from rhetoric to reality: placing communities at the that are bolstering our response to
centre of health emergency readiness and response 74 COVID-19 right now, can also be deployed
in the future to help the world rapidly
- IPC research during the pandemic: Pointing to an opportunity for saving lives and money 80 combat new threats from viruses and
other pathogens.
- Ethics and research 88

- Regulatory science and convergence between national regulatory authorities 92

- WHO International Units: a common language in evaluation of the immune response to vaccines 98

3. Pandemic preparedness is a constant, long-term investment 104

4. Publications and further resources 124

Disclaimer: This document was prepared to support the deliberations at the WHO Global Research and
Innovation Forum (February 2022). All reasonable precautions have been taken by WHO to verify the
information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without
warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. The responsibility for interpretation and use of the
material lies with the reader. In no event shall the WHO be liable for damages arising from its use. A
revised version for dissemination will be prepared including information gathered during the above-
mentioned Forum. It does not constitute a formal publication of WHO.
Front cover credit -

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Acronyms and abbreviations

ACT-A ACT-Accelerator MIS-C Multisystem inflammatory syndrome
in children
AFRO WHO Africa Region
mRNA messenger RNA
BSI hospital-acquired bloodstream infection
NRA national regulatory authority
CC WHO Collaborating Centre
NISBC National Institute for Biological
CEM cohort event monitoring Standards and Control

COMET Core Outcome Measures in OECD Organisation for Economic Co-

Effectiveness Trials operation and Development
The global coordination
CoP correlate of protection OIE World Organization for Animal Health

COS Common Outcome Set PAHO Pan-American Health Organization

and support of the
COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019 PHSM public health and social measure world’s leading scientists
C-TAP COVID-19 Technology Access Pool PPE personal protective equipment

EURO WHO Europe Region RCCE Risk Communication and Community

and experts does not
always grab the media
EMRO WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
R&D Research and Development
EUL WHO Emergency Use Listing
REACT WHO Rapid Evidence Appraisal for headlines. But it has been
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization COVID-19 Therapies

GMP good manufacturing practice RNA Ribonucleic Acid key in underpinning the
GOARN Global Outbreak Alert and
Response Network
SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2
important initiatives and
GPP Good Participatory Practice SEARO WHO South-East Asia Region
breakthroughs detailed in
HAI health care-associated infection STAG-IH Strategic and Technical Advisory

HCF high case fatality

Group for Infectious Hazards this report.
STV Solidarity Trial Vaccines
HCW health care worker
STT Solidarity Trial Therapeutics
HH hand hygiene
TPP Target Product Profile
IFR infection fatality rate
UHC universal health coverage
IOA Integrated Outbreak Analytics
UN United Nations
IPC infection, prevention and control
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
IS International Standard
VOC variant of concern
IU International Unit
VOI variant of interest
LMIC low- and middle-income country
WHO World Health Organization
MENA UNICEF Middle East and North Africa
region WPRO WHO Western Pacific Region

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1. R&D achievements SARS-CoV-2 at the

human-animal interface
Epidemiology of COVID-19
focusing on past and current
summary • Evaluations were carried out on the
susceptibility of multiple animal species
trends, drivers of transmis-
sion and severity, and epide-
to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Studies were miological research gaps
conducted in controlled conditions,
At the request of its 194 Member The UN Research Roadmap for
both in vivo and in vitro, to inform on • Rapid knowledge-sharing through
States in May 2015, the World Health the COVID-19 Recovery provides a
the susceptibility, pathogenicity and various activities including (1)
Organization (WHO) convened a framework for leveraging the power
transmission in candidate species. generic ready-to-use epidemiological
broad network of experts to develop of science in support of a better
Additional investigations were conducted investigation protocols available for
an R&D Blueprint for Action to Prevent socio-economic recovery and a more
around naturally infected cases of country use under the WHO Unity
Epidemics. A global strategy and equitable, resilient and sustainable
multiple species, including in zoos. Studies initiative; (2) a dashboard that
preparedness plan was developed to future.
systematically monitors and synthesizes
allow for the rapid activation of research • The investigation of the COVID-19 findings of serosurveys around the
before and during epidemics. Furthermore, the World Health outbreak in minks informed risk world, in partnership with SeroTracker;
Assembly agreed on December assessment at the global level and (3) the Solidarity II knowledge share
Its aim is to fast-track the availability 2021 to launch negotiations for an supported the development of biosafety programme on sero-epidemiological
of effective tests, vaccines, medicines agreement to fight pandemics. The 194 guidance. studies, with over 55 meetings and
and social science that can be used to Member States of the World Health
workshops attended by an average
save lives and avert large- scale crisis, Organization reached a consensus • Thanks to the networks of experts
of 90-100 participants per meeting
enhancing traditional epidemiology and to kickstart the process to draft and in molecular analysis of animal
across the world; (4) the Unity monthly
public health responses with knowledge negotiate a convention, agreement or coronavirus, immediate knowledge
scientific seminar for all countries in two
and skills from a number of areas. other international instrument under sharing enabled informed decision-
major regions (AFRO and EURO) since
the Constitution of the World Health making during significant events such
mid-2020; and (5) over 50 meetings
WHO has defined as a priority to Organization to strengthen pandemic as the emergence of Omicron (and the
with key modelling partners to better
harness the power of science, research prevention, preparedness and response. hypothesis of its animal origin), or the
understand and share knowledge about
innovation, data and digital technologies recent outbreak associated with Syrian
transmission dynamics.
as critical enablers of the other priorities Follows is a summary of the latest hamsters sold as pets.
– for health promotion and disease research achievements in COVID-19
• Capacity-building: countries in all
prevention, for early diagnosis and case across all the thematic areas. • Studies have been carried out to explore
regions have received technical support
management, and for the prevention, the risk of transmission along the food
to build epidemiological capacity,
early detection, and rapid response to chain, including in traditional markets, in
enhance protocol development and
epidemics and pandemics. a variety of global settings.
statistical analysis. Scientific writing
workshops have also been organized in
• Other achievements include the
different regions.
development of methods to quantify
infectious particles of SARS-CoV-2;
• To facilitate studies, some low-
evaluation of virus persistence and
income countries have been provided
infectivity during food processing;
with serological assays, laboratory
quantification in water and food
equipment, serology reference panels
matrices, on various products and under
and WHO International Standards (ISs)
variable environmental conditions.
• Based on the experiences from
• Equipment for whole-genome
countries, recommendations were
sequencing has also been introduced
developed to inform decisions on
into countries that previously lacked the
possible improvements to the resilience
capacity for such analyses.
and readiness of food control and
management systems during COVID, • Development of study protocols:
as well as guidance for competent through Unity Studies, ten generic
authorities for the development epidemiological investigations protocols
of communication and awareness were available for country use under the
campaigns in at risk areas, including WHO Unity Studies initiative, covering a
traditional markets. range of research questions that needed

© iStock/valentinrussanov

6 7

to be answered, and allowing for those • Initiation of a global database for Vaccines: Research and • Safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines
to be approached in a comparable primary studies measuring the impact have been developed at unprecedented
manner globally. and effectiveness of PHSMs. development priorities speed, with the first vaccinations taking
place less than a year after SARS-
• All protocols were adapted regularly • Initiation of an umbrella review of the • The working group on vaccine CoV-2 was identified. This was possible
to incorporate new findings. Through effectiveness and impact of PHSMs prioritization established criteria for the thanks to an extensive collaboration
Solidarity II, serological testing during COVID-19. selection of vaccines for clinical trials and cooperation between multiple
standardization was made possible, and for the prioritization of the most stakeholders.
with the developing study protocols • Initiation of case studies to analyse promising candidates for inclusion in
such as the HARMONY study for the the implementation challenges and the Solidarity Trial Vaccines.
enablers during COVID-19 .
Advancing the clinical care
implementation of WHO antibody ISs.
• The Target Product Profile for COVID-19 pathway: Outbreak research
vaccines was reviewed and updated.
• Analytical approaches have been Infodemiology: response centred around
developed to examine epidemiological,
genomic sequencing, and contextual Progressing on the public • Significant progress has been achieved the patient
data to better characterize trends, health research agenda for towards a better understanding of
transmission characteristics and disease transmission, virulence, identification of • Development and publication of core
managing infodemics immune markers that predict protection outcome measures for COVID-19 clinical
severity, and short-term projections.
for many vaccines, vaccine regimens, trials with input from researchers from
• Publication of public health research and seroepidemiology needs among 25 countries around the world, with
Outbreaks should be agenda for managing infodemics. other topics. a minimal Common Outcome Set
detected and prevented (COS) for COVID-19 trials, to capture
• Joint call for papers on infodemiology. • Research groups have shared
at an early stage: clinical and virologic data that could
their experiences and data on the be reported in a common manner to
A hub for pandemic and • Establishment of five working areas of development of immune assays, facilitate pooling data across multiple
collaboration towards measurement of
epidemicintelligence burden of infodemic.
materials and reagents for the sources.
evaluation of immunity to SARS-CoV-2
• To better address pandemic and virus or SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and there • Contribution to a separate COMET
• 5th WHO infodemic management
epidemic risks and to share knowledge were general trends observed across initiative to create a core outcome
conference on burden of infodemic
with all countries, the WHO Hub for many studies. measure set for studies of COVID-19.
Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence
• Animal model research played a • A model of a prospective meta-analysis
has been established to strengthen • Trained 750+ infodemic managers
chief role in the characterization of to pool grouped data from recently
intelligence specifically for pandemics from 132 countries in infodemiology
the pathogenesis, transmission and completed and ongoing clinical trials of
and epidemics by striving for better and evidence-based approaches to
immunology of SARS-CoV-2 variants of potential treatments for COVID-19 was
data, better analytics, and better infodemic management.
concern. developed and the process published.
decisions. Embedded in WHO’s Health
Emergencies Programme and building • Development of methods and tools
• An important effort has been directed • A working group with leadership
on consultations with hundreds of for automated social listening of
to engineer animal models that would from LMICs is undertaking a study to
experts from different disciplines, conversations in social media and
mimic these important disease drivers. determine the best respiratory support
sectors, and regions, it will leverage other digital public data sources: (in
approaches to optimize the use of
WHO’s unique convening power across development) Field infodemiology • Guidance and lessons learned regarding oxygen in LMICs.
nearly 200 countries to foster global guide for field responders. volunteer challenge studies with SARS-
solutions that benefit all. CoV-2 were updated. • The COVID-19 Platform was established
• Joint call for papers on infodemiology
as an online data repository of
and Field infodemiology guide for field
Research on public health • A large, international, randomized anonymized, individual level clinical
responders. clinical trial platform, the Solidarity
and social measures and data of hospitalized COVID-19 cases
Vaccines Trial, was launched in to improve the global understanding
their impact • Evidence mapping and gap analysis
September 2021 in Colombia, Mali of the presentation, risk factors,
reviewing implementation of the public
and the Philippines with more than 30 treatments, and outcomes of patients
health research agenda, infodemic
Key achievements research sites. hospitalized with COVID-19 and those
management frameworks and
• Launch of the new WHO initiative to after acute illness with mid- and long-
measure the effectiveness and impact term consequences. The platform
of PHSMs during health emergencies. includes clinical data from over 550,000
• Development of evidence-based
scalable social inoculation interventions. hospitalized cases from 39 countries
• Development of a draft logic model on around the world.
PHSMs to guide research and decision-
8 9

• A WHO coordinated study of severe Critical needs for • Advanced research for inclusive, person- Regulatory science and
COVID-19 in children. centred response actions and structural
outpatients and for the mechanisms for wider engagement convergence between
• A prospective cohort study design of outpatient such as tools for rapid assessment of national regulatory
investigating maternal, pregnancy and contextual vulnerability, community
neonatal outcomes for women and
therapeutic trials authorities
mapping, engagement of civil society
neonates infected with SARS-CoV-2 organizations.
• Facilitation of large-scale collaborations • In 2021, WHO assessed and
• Safely introducing new therapeutics and information sharing, leading to • Development of research protocols, recommended nine additional
into clinical practice critical decisions, in particular regarding tools, mechanisms and research COVID-19 vaccines for Emergency
dose selection as well as selection infrastructure for standardized, Use Listing (EUL) with approval of 25
• Classification matrix for COVID-19 of study arms and evaluation of systematic collection of data. drug substance and 41 drug product
Severity therapeutic agents as combinations. manufacturing sites and evaluation of
• Training and capacity development, over 200 post-EUL changes.
• Framework for pooled data analysis
Research and development based on common measures
together with network development
• Assisted 40 self-benchmarking and
and formalization to collect and share
for treatments of across studies and information data including. completed five formal benchmarking
hospitalized patients about comparable endpoints under (GBT) of regulatory systems, with follow-
development. up of 11 NRAs on the implementation
IPC research during the status of institutional development plans
• In the first six months, the Solidarity
Therapeutics Trial generated conclusive
• Major issues pertinent to the design of pandemic: Pointing to an and provided technical support to over
outpatient trials and the interpretation 15 NRAs Issued four global medical
evidence on the effectiveness of
and external validity of study outcomes
opportunity for saving lives
repurposed drugs for the treatment of products alerts.
have emerged from discussion sessions. and money
• Thus, sharing of WHO EUL dossiers and
• In August 2021, WHO launched Moving from rhetoric • Estimating the cost-effectiveness of reports with NRAs under confidentiality
IPC interventions: a global modelling agreement and implementing reliance
Solidarity PLUS, the new and to reality: placing study conducted by the Organization concept facilitated timely regulatory
current stage of the trial, which is an
unprecedented global collaboration communities at the centre for Economic Co-operation and decision-making without compromising
Development (OECD) and WHO the independent evaluation of quality,
for COVID-19 R&D with thousands of of health emergency
researchers in 52 active countries. assessed the effectiveness and cost- safety and efficacy of COVID-19
readiness and response effectiveness of IPC interventions aimed vaccines has been essential.
• Based on available data, three new at reducing transmission of SARS-CoV-2
drugs - artesunate, imatinib, infliximab • Advanced primary evidence generation among HCWs. WHO International Units:
– were selected by the WHO Advisory related to social and behavioral
dynamics including, for example, on • Improving PPE effectiveness and A common language in
Group on Therapeutics Prioritization for
COVID-19, an expert group set up with PHSMs, vaccine uptake, COVID-19 home addressing shortages. evaluation of the immune
care, psychosocial impacts, policy
the aim of establishing an independent
responses, evidence-informed policy, • Identifying the role of the environment response to vaccines
process to advise WHO on the selection
health workers, infection prevention and in tTransmission.
of therapeutics for COVID-19. • 1st WHO International Standard and
control, sexual and reproductive health
Reference Panel for the anti-SARS-
• Active enrolment in the trial is ongoing and ethics of scare resource allocation. Ethics and research CoV-2 antibody were established by the
and co-sponsorship with participating
• Informed WHO guidance through WHO Expert Committee on Biological
Member States has been strengthened, • Developing and contributing to WHO
integration of evidence from social Standardization (ECBS).
by robust collaboration between guidance documents and policy briefs
multiple hospitals in countries around sciences. on COVID-19. • 1st WHO International Standard for
the world: national coordinators and SARS-CoV-2 RNA was established by
• Global consultation on community • Specifying principles for research in
principal investigators in each country the WHO ECBS.
centred approaches to health public health emergencies.
supporting participating hospitals
nationwide, in the preparation and
conduct of the trial (from ethical and • Hosting the WHO Pandemic Ethics &
• Global and local level analyses and Policy Summit (6 Dec 2021).
regulatory approvals, to the supply of
advocacy on the broader impacts of
study drugs, to scientific advice as well
COVID-19. • Dissemination and outreach activities.
as to trial monitoring).

10 11

2. Detailed reports from

each research area


12 13

The key aim of animal and environmental research thematic area is to better
understand SARS-CoV-2 in animals and the environment, including the potential
transmission routes between animal and humans; the role of animals in the
persistence and evolution of the virus; and reducing the risk of transmission at the
human-animal interface.

Objective Susceptibility of animals, Reverse transmission from animal to
humans has been observed during the
risks of creations 2020 outbreak in mink farms (cf R&D
of reservoirs and of reverse Blueprint report, April 2021).
spillover to humans More recently, another case of reverse
transmission involving Syrian hamsters
Key achievements traded as pets was described in Hong
Evaluations were carried out on the Kong and discussed with the expert
susceptibility of multiple animal species group of the World Organisation for
to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Studies were Animal Health (OIE) and the UN Food
conducted in controlled conditions, and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
both in vivo and in vitro, to inform on
the susceptibility, pathogenicity and Contribution to our understanding of
transmission in candidate species. SARS-CoV-2 transmission
The COVID-19 pandemic is driven by
These studies allowed the human-to-human transmission of SARS-
characterization of the efficiency of cell

CoV-2, but the virus is also known to
receptors of different animal species to infect multiple animal species, including
bind SARS-CoV-2, as well as the analysis domestic animals, free-ranging, captive

SARS-CoV-2 at of genotype and phenotype variations

(expression pattern of host proteins) in
the course of infection.
or farmed wild animals.

the human-animal
To date, all reported cases in animals
have been associated with a likely
Additional investigations were conducted transmission from humans.

around naturally infected cases of
multiple species, including in zoos. This With the wide spread of SARS-CoV-2
was associated with the validation of among humans, there is increased
diagnostic tools for animal samples risk of infections in naive and possibly
Overall summary (incl. serological tests); development of susceptible animal populations, including
guidance material for safe sampling and novel human variants that have mostly
WHO continues to work closely with partners in the animal health sector to advance the testing; transfer of technology in multiple not been tested in animals.
understanding on the origins of the virus, monitor the circulation of the virus in animal populations and countries hosting potentially susceptible
develop strategies to prevent transmission between animals and humans including future spillover. animals.

Research projects resulted in critical advances in our knowledge on the susceptibility of animals, Recent data suggest the transmission The COVID-19 pandemic is driven
survival capacities of the virus on food associated surfaces and water matrices, contamination in and persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in wild
the food chain or behaviour risk factors for spillover and transmission in specific communities or by human-to-human transmission
population of Cervids in North America.
occupational groups more at risk. of SARS-CoV-2, but the virus is also
Analysis conducted confirmed the known to infect multiple animal
This knowledge is of critical importance to assess risks associated with contaminated surfaces, sustained transmission of various
establishment of animal reservoirs in wildlife and other animals at the vicinity of humans, as well as species, including domestic animals,
variants, including Omicron, in wild white-
the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in animal hosts and emergence of variants. tailed deer populations, resulting from free-ranging, captive or farmed wild
multiple human-to-deer infections. animals.
Despite the ongoing efforts, there are still substantial knowledge gaps related to these risks, and
the coordination of this area is more important than ever.


14 15

In particular, cats have been shown to

excrete the virus and while transmission There is an urgent need to intensify
to humans has never been demonstrated, research on animal susceptibility
the scarce testing, sequencing and
epidemiologic investigations related to and pathology, as well as
pets make reverse spill overs hard to surveillance and molecular analysis
detect. including genetic sequencing in
Although current evidence indicates that animal populations.
wildlife does not play a significant role
in the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in
humans, allowing its uncontrolled spread
and maintenance in animal populations
also amplifies the risk of endemicity in
animals and viral evolution, potentially
resulting in the emergence of new

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Objective Evolution of the virus in Contribution to our understanding Objective Risks linked to traditional Contribution to our understanding
of SARS-CoV-2 transmission of SARS-CoV-2 transmission
animal populations and the The control of possible animal reservoirs markets and food There is no evidence that SARS-CoV-2
possible emergence of new reduces selection pressure associated of animal origin has any direct impact on food safety,
with spillover and genomic variations of nor that it is transmitted to a significant
the circulating viruses. Key achievements extent through food or food packaging
Studies have been carried out to explore materials.
Key achievements It has been seen during the outbreak in the risk of transmission along the food
The large outbreak of COVID-19 in minks mink farms, when new variants emerged However, some consequences of the
chain, including in traditional markets, in
allowed, among others, the analysis which were transmitted to humans, but disruptions caused by COVID-19 and of
a variety of global settings.
of the diversity of viral evolution in fortunately have gradually faded out. the efforts to minimize the spread of the
novel animal hosts, the follow-up of the illness may have had or may have indirect
Other achievements include the
circulation of mink variants in human New and sometimes rare or unique influences on the ability of governments,
development of methods to quantify
populations and their public health mutations have also been observed in businesses and consumers to control
infectious particles of SARS-CoV-2;
impact, the description of associated recently characterized viruses in different and manage food safety risks. Sharing of
evaluation of virus persistence and
mutations and possible increased naturally or experimentally infected experience was found very useful in this
infectivity during food processing;
affinity for human cell receptors, the animal species. context.
quantification in water and food matrices,
investigation of contamination of the
on various products and under variable
environment of infected farms and It is critical to develop sequencing Activities conducted other activities
environmental conditions.
possible transmission routes. capacities for animal samples in order conducted contributed to contributed
to monitor the genetic evolution and Based on the experiences from to reinforce country’s risk-based food
The investigation of the outbreak identify mutations known to have inspection activities, to assess critical
countries, recommendations were
informed risk assessment at the global particular consequences for the points and behaviours increasing risks of
developed to inform decisions on
level and supported the development of epidemiology and pathogenicity of the transmission in food markets, to develop
possible improvements to the resilience
biosafety guidance. virus. risk communication and awareness-
and readiness of food control and
management systems during COVID, raising adapted to different audiences,
Thanks to the networks of experts in The recording of mutations observed in as well as guidance for competent with a special focus on traditional
molecular analysis of animal coronavirus, virus isolated from the various animal authorities for the development markets where live animals are sold.
immediate knowledge-sharing enabled species helps to explore the origin of new
informed decision making during of communication and awareness
variants. campaigns in at risk areas, including
significant events such as the emergence
of Omicron (and the hypothesis of its traditional markets.
animal origin), or the recent outbreak
associated with Syrian hamsters sold
as pets.

16 17

Key benefits
The research results as well as the regular were explored in controlled conditions
exchanges with WHO’s counterparts but during outbreaks in animals (e.g.
in the animal health sector, mainly FAO the outbreak in mink farms in North
and OIE and their ad hoc groups of Europe and elsewhere). During detected
experts, contributed to assess risks jointly outbreaks in domestic and wild animals,
conducted during the period, especially new variants emerging as a result of the
on the role of wild and domestic animal spillover and the genetic diversity of
in the transmission of COVID-19. circulating strains were characterized.

The investigations in animal populations More fundamental research on the

explored the infection with SARS-CoV-2 expression pattern and function of
or related coronaviruses in multiple host proteins involved in SARS-CoV-2
animal species and in several countries, infection in animals and their impact on
also helping to establish local capacities susceptibility of animal species was also
to test animal samples. part of this work.

Susceptibility of some animal species and

genotype and phenotype variations of
SARS-CoV-2 virus when infecting animals

Key outputs
– Initial assessment of the susceptibility of – Description of the first reverse
multiple animal species, including free- transmission events and associated
ranging, captive or farmed wild animals, evolution of the virus through
main livestock animals and pets identification of associated novel
mutations and genetic signatures
– Molecular mechanisms linked to
susceptibility have been described – Guidance, training and implementation
(mainly binding capacities of the virus of risk communication campaigns as
with host cell receptors) for several well as awareness raising on traditional
species. markets in different context over the
Certain species of particular concern
have been identified and have – Definition of key pillars to limit the
(occasionally) been investigated. impact of COVID-19 on food safety in
traditional markets and improve good
However, many species of possible hygiene practices through regulations,
interest remain to be investigated,
inspection, training, community
especially wildlife and animals in the
awareness and communication on risks
global south, and other species in the
vicinity of humans (including pets such
as dogs and cats) would need to be
analysed, also considering currently
prevailing SARS-CoV-2 variants.

18 19

A key aim of the virology R&D thematic dynamics and diagnostics to increase
area of the global roadmap has been access to rapid near-patient testing and
to improve understanding of the SARS- to support national and global decision-
CoV-2 natural history, transmission making on COVID-19 control.

Objective The development of products to improve clinical
processes, support containment measures, and improve
clinical management
Key achievements Continued monitoring of the accuracy
Dissemination and use of reliable of antigen-detection tests and PCR
antigen rapid tests assays with emergence of VOCs

Rapid antigen tests continue to be a Diagnostics drift threat is minimized by

valuable tool for the early detection recommending PCR assays targeting
of cases for earlier clinical care and multiple genes and conserved regions

prevention of onward transmission which are relatively stable (e.g. ORF1ab).
as well as monitoring of disease

Virus natural history, trends in populations. Some evidence

suggests they may be better proxies for
Improvements in diagnostic capacities
continues at national and subnational

transmission and infectiousness than highly sensitive PCR,

which can remain positive for weeks after

diagnostics – and novel virus can no longer be cultured from

respiratory tract samples.
This has happened with expanded use
of PCR-based testing and AgRDTs.

diagnostics to inform Timely diagnosis facilitates earlier

access into the clinical care pathway

better strategies for prediction, prevention, With continued virus evolution, leading to more opportunities to
provide patients with recommended
it is critical to have robust data to
detection, and control of pandemic diseases inform whether accuracy of existing
COVID-19-specific therapeutics.

diagnostic tools are maintained.

Overall summary
Key work has been carried out to facilitate the understanding of SARS-CoV-2 replication kinetics,
cell tropism, and virus evolution. Significant progress has also been made in the development and
introduction of new diagnostics and the monitoring of their accuracy and impact.

Both commercial and non-commercial molecular assays have been widely used to screen for
emerging variants, to inform testing strategies, and provide COVID-19 surveillance.

Antigen-detection rapid diagnostic tests are available from dozens of manufacturers,

including a handful that have passed WHO review and Emergency Use Listing (EUL).

Finally, global sequencing capacity continues to increase, enabling more geographically

representative and rapid information availability. Collectively, this work has contributed to the
monitoring and assessment of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants at a global scale, and informed
national COVID-19 control measures.

© WHO / Blink Media - Juliana Tan © WHO / Blink Media - Gilliane Soupe
20 21

2 5
Objective To understand how the virus spreads, cellular tropism, Objective Disease modelling to supports clinical management and
viral shedding, and the natural history of disease to development of interventions by researching transmission
support clinical management and the development of dynamics and diagnostics
interventions. Continuous assessment of viral parameters Key achievements
for new variants through COVID-19 laboratory reference Development of new disease models For the latest VOCs, disease models (e.g.
network and a dramatic increase in sequencing uptake such as organoids and respiratory tract organoids) have proven very helpful to
models. complement experimental data using
and early sharing of data in publicly available databases animal models, to better understand viral
tropism, replication and disease course.
Key achievements
Testing remains a critical component to More transmissible variants have
the COVID-19 global strategy and as the challenged the global response and
virus evolves, continuous re-evaluation reinforced the need for strong lab Key benefits
of how the virus spreads, shedding, the surveillance, robust research to assess
natural history of disease in support of differences in virus behaviors and Work in this theme has helped to Results from global implementation also
clinical management and development of scientific collaboration to evaluate results generate evidence on the impact of the continue to provide key data to support
interventions is essential. for public health decision-making. continued evolution of the virus on the effective and efficient implementation
trajectory of the pandemic. within national health systems.

COVID-19 laboratory networks provide vital information about the

circulation of SARS-CoV-2 and the emergence of variants, which are
assessed as variants of interest (VOIs) or variants of concern (VOCs) by the Key outputs
WHO Technical Advisory Group for Virus Evolution (formally known as the
Diagnostic access and implementation Mechanisms for understanding impact of
Virus Evolution working group). emerging variants and assess spread
– Five Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Tests
approved by WHO for emergency use: – Formal establishment of TAG-VE:

Objective Develop tools and methods to monitor phenotypic change default/files/documents/220223_EUL_ advisory-group-on-sars-cov-2-virus-
and potential adaptation SARS-CoV-2_product_list.pdf evolution

Key achievements – To secure equitable access to tests, – Establishment of naming scheme for
Early warning system and rapid has been a global collaborative effort the COVID-19 Diagnostics Consortium variants:
multidisciplinary assessment of and has enabled a systematic and rapid including ACT-A partners has procured articles/s41564-021-00932-w
emerging variants; establishment of TAG- way to understand the potential impact over 49 million molecular tests and over
107 million rapid antigen tests for LMICs. – Establishment of TAG-CO-VAC:
VE to advise WHO on circulating VOCs of variants.
and VOIs.
– OpenWHO courses on ‘Implementation advisory-group-on-covid-19-vaccine-
The assessment of emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2 antigen-detection rapid composition-(tag-co-vac)
tests’ and “SARS-CoV-2 antigen rapid
diagnostic testing” launched, through a – Interim statement on COVID-19 vaccines

collaboration between WHO and FIND in the context of the circulation of the
Objective Immunity – To support public health measures, clinical Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant from the
– Update of WHO interim guidance on WHO Technical Advisory Group on
management and development of interventions vital the use of antigen-detection rapid COVID-19 Vaccine Composition (TAG-
for tracing spread of the virus and informing vaccine diagnostic tests: CO-VAC)
development efforts. publications/i/item/antigen-detection-
in-the-diagnosis-of-sars-cov-2infection- – Launch of draft WHO Global Genomic
using-rapid-immunoassays Surveillance Strategy for Pathogens
Key achievements
with Pandemic and Epidemic Potential
Up-to-date estimates of population Routine review and interpretation
– Release of WHO interim guidance on and public consultation meeting
immunity (vaccine + infection-derived) of available data on effectiveness
national SARS-CoV-2 testing strategies
and the establishment of TAG-CO-VAC and impact of VOCs on existing
and diagnostic capacities https://www.
to advise WHO on impact of emerging vaccines is critical to ensure
VOCs on vaccines. continued implementation of effective
22 23

Important and critical research was carried out by WHO to advance our understanding
through strong surveillance, early investigations and targeted high-quality epidemiological
studies across the globe.

All of this has been and continues to be facilitated through the coordination of technical and research
networks. An example of this is the work WHO has coordinated on better understanding of SARS-CoV-2

The WHO Unity Studies, launched in January 2020, is a global sero-epidemiological investigations
standardization initiative which aims to support standardized collection of early key epidemiological
parameters and understand the extent of SARS-CoV-2 infection globally. This initiative has facilitated high-
quality epidemiological and seroprevalence studies across all WHO regions.

As of December 2021, 103 countries have started implementing at least one sero-epidemiological
investigation using WHO Unity Studies generic protocols – AFRO (27), EMRO (15), EURO (36), PAHO (9),
SEARO (6), WPRO (11). Sixty-three percent of these were in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs).

In partnership with SeroTracker, a programme dashboard is publicly available that systematically monitors
and synthesizes findings of serosurveys around the world.

A number of meta-analyses and modelled estimates of the extend of SARS-CoV-2 infections have been
produced, both at global (and regional levels (link) and have been used to inform local, regional and
national responses.

The WHO Solidarity II collaboration, launched in March 2020, is a global collaborative programme
that promotes the implementation of serological research, focusing on research coordination and
standardization of serological testing for SARS-CoV-2.

This programme facilitates collaboration between public health agencies and academic institutions that
has focused on research coordination and standardization of serological testing, complementing the Unity
Epidemiology of COVID-19 Studies initiative, and further helping to better understand the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2.

focusing on past and current trends, Additionally, detailed analyses of epidemiological trends and geographically representative sequence data,
together with coordination with modelling networks, have informed WHO technical and scientific advisory

drivers of transmission and severity,

groups, and the WHO R&D Blueprint. This has been to enhance our understanding of the epidemiological
characteristics of new variants of concern (VOCs), and rapidly inform such groups for decision-making.

and epidemiological research gaps

Together Unity and Solidarity II initiatives have contributed to better understand the true extent
Overall summary of infection and immunity in populations, and have increased capacities significantly in high,
middle- and low-income countries to carry out enhanced surveillance and research for high
At the start of any outbreak, epidemic or pandemic, it is critical to understand the key epidemiologic
threat respiratory pathogens democratizing such capacities into the hands of local public health
parameters of the pathogen.
From the outset of this pandemic, a fundamental focus of WHO’s work has been to understand the
transmission characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 and severity of COVID-19.

As we enter the third year of COVID-19, these questions remain fundamental to inform and optimize
the global, national and subnational responses.

Key questions of transmission, severity and susceptibility remain critical as SARS-CoV-2 evolves and
new variants emerge.

©iStock / gmast3r

24 25

The overall aim of the epidemiological studies thematic area of the coronavirus roadmap has been to
develop, implement and coordinate activities to help better understand the transmission characteristics of
SARS-CoV-2 and severity profile of COVID-19, including new variants.

Objective Understand the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2
This included (1) the consolidation and genomic sequencing data, particularly
implementation of generic protocols for each new emerging variant of
for first few COVID-19 cases and their concern (VOC), to better understand
close contact, population-based sero- their transmission characteristics; (4)
epidemiological investigations, assessing coordinating and convening regular
household transmission, assessing meetings with key modelling partners
risk factors for infection of health to share early findings on transmission
care workers; (2) analyses of available dynamics; and (5) coordination of
seroprevalence data to better understand research to improve standardization of
evolution of seroprevalence over time – serological and performance of assays,
globally and regionally and nationally – as including in the context of new variants,
well as by age, risk groups, occupations to help understand and interpret © WHO / Blink Media - Lisette Poole
and rural/urban locations; (3) ongoing seroprevalence studies.
analyses of epidemiological trends and
Key achievements across all objectives
Rapid knowledge-sharing through
As of December 2021, 103 countries

various activities including (1)
Objective Describe disease severity and mortality generic ready-to-use epidemiological have started implementing at
investigation protocols available for least one sero-epidemiological
This included ongoing comparative country use under the WHO Unity investigation using WHO Unity studies
analyses of available data on severity Studies initiative; (2) a dashboard that
and mortality associated with each of generic protocols, with the majority of
systematically monitors and synthesizes
the VOCs to understand their intrinsic findings of serosurveys around the them (63%) being in LMICs.
virulence, as well as the impact of world, in partnership with SeroTracker;
immunity (from vaccination and/or past (3) the Solidarity II knowledge share
infection) on these outcomes. programme on sero-epidemiological To facilitate studies, some low-income
studies, with over 55 meetings and countries have been provided with
workshops attended by an average of serological assays, laboratory equipment,
90-100 participants per meeting across serology reference panels and WHO

the world; (4) the Unity monthly scientific International Standards (ISs) (antibody).
Objective Evaluate control and mitigation measures seminar for all countries in two major
regions (AFRO and EURO) since mid- Equipment for whole-genome
This included (1) promoting, facilitating (PHSMs), visualizing and analysing those 2020; and (5) over 50 meetings with key sequencing has also been introduced
and supporting studies in countries with data to help better understand the modelling partners to better understand into countries that previously lacked the
limited resources and expertise, and to impact of PHSMs on the epidemiology of and share knowledge about transmission capacity for such analyses.
build capacity in COVID-19 epidemiology; SARS-CoV-2. dynamics.
Development of study protocols:
(2) collating and compiling detailed data
Capacity-building: countries in all regions through Unity Studies, ten generic
on public health and social measures
have received technical support to epidemiological investigations protocols
build epidemiological capacity, enhance were available for country use under the
protocol development and statistical WHO Unity Studies initiative, covering a
analysis. Scientific writing workshops range of research questions that needed
have also been organized in different to be answered, and allowing for those to
regions. be approached in a comparable manner

26 27

All protocols were adapted regularly A collaboration with 14 assay Key outputs
to incorporate new findings. Through manufacturers with the largest market
Solidarity II, serological testing share and technical support of over 40
Continued strengthening of our • SARS-CoV-2 spreads mostly between
standardization was made possible, clinical research teams across the world
understanding of SARS-CoV-2 people in close contact through
with the developing study protocols helped create the foundation for the first
transmission dynamics infected droplets and aerosols and at
such as the HARMONY study for the standardization framework for serological
or around the time an infected person
implementation of WHO antibody ISs. testing for SARS-CoV-2 • With data available as of December develops symptoms. However, people
2021, global SARS-CoV-2 with and without symptoms can
seroprevalence was 45.2% by mid- transmit the virus.
2021. Seroprevalence rose steeply in
Data analysis
the first half of 2021 due to infection • Long-range aerosol/airborne
Large systematic review and
Analytical approaches have been in some regions (e.g. 29.9% to 70.1% in transmission can occur in specific
meta-analyses of seroprevalence Africa) and vaccination and infection settings where aerosol generating
developed to examine epidemiological,
data have been undertaken to in others (e.g. 5.6% to 94.9% in the procedures are conducted and also
genomic sequencing, and contextual
data to better characterize trends, characterize seroprevalence over Americas high-income countries), in indoor settings where there is poor
transmission characteristics and disease time – globally and regionally and but remained low in others (e.g. 2.5% ventilation.
severity, and short-term projections. in the Western Pacific). In 2021 Q2,
nationally – as well as by age, risk median seroprevalence to cumulative
groups, occupations and rural/ incidence ratios were 2.9:1 in HICs and
Superspreading events for
urban locations. 45.3:1 in LMICs. Children 0-9 years and
adults aged 60 years+ were at lower SARS-CoV-2 have been common
risk of seropositivity than adults 20-29. throughout the pandemic and
Key benefits • Despite this, Omicron has spread
tend to occur in settings with poor
ventilation, enclosed spaces with
rapidly across the globe, faster than
Understanding the extent of infection Solidarity II further contributes to close and prolonged interpersonal
any other variant, and in previously
and immunity in the population is critical harmonizing tools used for serological
immunized populations given its contact.
to better grasp the dynamics of SARS- studies, and helps coordinate research
immune escape properties.
CoV-2 transmission and help prepare as the pandemic enters a new phase.
and tailor surveillance and control
moving forward. Those initiatives will help us to Better understanding of severity Understanding effectiveness of public
understand seroprevalence levels in light health and social measures
One of the key challenges to evaluation of new variants, vaccination coverage, • The infection fatality ratio (IFR) has
of the epidemiology at a global level waning immunity, and implications steadily decreased over time, mostly • Timely and early implementation of a
is the variability in data, the limited for transmission and severity moving as a result of more preserved immunity combination of measures is critical to
data from a number of settings, and forward. (from vaccination and/or past limit transmission.
lack of comparability of data owing to infection) against severe disease than
The ongoing collection of detailed data infection, earlier diagnosis and use of • Gathering prospective data on
differences in methodologies used.
on PHSMs helps us build our knowledge available therapeutics by trained health social contact patterns is a useful
of how different approaches have workers. Further, Omicron appears complement to surveillance and PHSM
impacted on transmission dynamics, intrinsically less severe than previous data to know better the impact of
The Unity Studies initiative has variants. interventions.
and further explore the effectiveness of
helped improve standardization these measures such measures.
and comparability of serological • IFR increases by age and is higher for • Data on adherence/coverage and
people with underlying conditions, and acceptability of measures are very
data, with over 100 countries having useful but remain scarce.
With increasing population will be higher among unvaccinated
implemented at least one sero- individuals.
immunity decreasing disease • In a multivariate model using pre-
epidemiological investigation using
severity, finding the right balance vaccination data as part of the meta-
the generic protocols.
between PHSM implementation to analyses of seroprevalence data
limit burden, and what is needed though Unity Studies, stringent public
health and social measures were
to control transmission during new associated with lower seroprevalence.
flare ups, will be critical.

28 29

Better data, better analytics,

better decisions
Key characteristics Background
• The WHO Hub for Pandemic and WHO and the Federal Republic of
Epidemic Intelligence is a global Germany established the new global hub
platform for pandemic and epidemic for pandemic and epidemic intelligence,
intelligence, creating shared and data, surveillance and analytics
networked access to vital multi sectoral innovation in May 2021.
data, driving innovations in data
analytics and building the communities Based in Berlin and working with
of practice needed to predict, prevent, partners around the world, the hub will
detect, prepare for and respond to lead innovations in data analytics across
worldwide health threats. the largest network of global data to
predict, prevent, detect prepare for and
• It is a new global collaboration of respond to pandemic and epidemic risks
countries and partners worldwide, worldwide.
driving innovations to increase
availability and linkage of diverse data; The WHO Hub for Pandemic and
develop tools and predictive models Epidemic Intelligence is part of WHO’s
for risk analysis; and to monitor disease Health Emergencies Programme and will
control measures and infodemics. be a new collaboration of countries and
partners worldwide, driving innovations

to increase availability and linkage of
The WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence diverse data; develop tools and predictive

 utbreaks should be
O is a global platform for pandemic and epidemic
intelligence, creating shared and networked access to
models for risk analysis; and to monitor
disease control measures, community

detected and prevented at

acceptance and infodemics.
vital multi sectoral data, driving innovations in data
Critically, the WHO Hub will support the

an early stage: A hub for

analytics and building the communities of practice work of public health experts and policy-
needed to predict, prevent, detect, prepare for and makers in all countries with insights so

pandemic and epidemic

respond to worldwide health threats. they can take rapid decisions to prevent
and respond to future public health

intelligence • It will enable partners from around the

world to collaborate and co-create the
Working with partners globally, it will
drive a scale-up in innovation for existing
tools and data access that all countries forecasting and early warning capacities
Summary need to prepare, detect and respond to in WHO and Member States.
pandemic and epidemic risks.
A new understanding of pandemic and epidemic risks At the same time, the WHO Hub will
To better address pandemic and epidemic risks and to share knowledge with all countries, the accelerate global collaborations across
WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence has been established to strengthen intelligence public and private sector organizations,
specifically for pandemics and epidemics by striving for better data, better analytics, and better academia, and international partner
decisions. networks.

Embedded in WHO’s Health Emergencies Programme and building on consultations with hundreds It will help them to collaborate and co-
of experts from different disciplines, sectors, and regions, it will leverage WHO’s unique convening create the necessary tools for managing
power across nearly 200 countries to foster global solutions that benefit all. and analysing data for early warning
surveillance. It will also promote greater
access to data and information.
30 31

What is its mission? The WHO Hub will:

• enhance
 access and linkage across
The mission of the WHO Hub is to build multiple data sources necessary to
a system of collaborative intelligence generate signals and insights on disease
enabling better decisions to avert and emergence, risks, evolution, and impact
manage pandemic and epidemic risks
• develop
 state-of-the-art tools to
The WHO Hub will foster collaborations process, analyse and model data for
across the world to use the best prediction, detection, assessment and
technology and data to detect and response
understand risks about future epidemics
• connect
 and catalyse institutions and
and pandemics.
existing networks developing disease
outbreak solutions for the present and
Why now? future; and

The world continuously faces pandemic • provide

 WHO, our Member States, and
and epidemic risks: the faster we can partners with collaborative tools to
detect and the better we can respond underpin better and faster decisions on
to those risks, the safer the world is. The how to address outbreak signals and
WHO Hub will provide needed support events.
as we continue to face COVID-19, and to
prepare for the next health emergencies. All aspects of pandemic and epidemic
intelligence will be developed and ©iStock/CHUYN

adapted continuously through the hub’s

The world cannot manage the next pandemic with tools collaborative intelligence approach, and insights for pandemic and epidemic What types of data will be
tailored to past pandemics. We need a new approach including technical, governance, ethical intelligence to improve policies and
and other dimensions. decision-making for pandemics and assessed in the WHO Hub?
and a new way of working with partners from across
epidemics preparedness..
disciplines to achieve stronger pandemic and epidemic To ensure that demand drives innovation The WHO Hub will work with a wide
intelligence. and leads to tailored decisions that meet range of data sources to better
Who will the WHO Hub understand the context, occurrences and
the context-specific needs of Member
States, the WHO Hub will facilitate the serve locally, nationally and predictors of epidemic and pandemic
How will the WHO Hub convergence of their capacities, boost globally? risks. Data sources will include traditional
work? existing competencies, and develop new disease surveillance data, such as case
ones. data and laboratory data.
By linking local, national and global
The WHO Hub will strengthen pandemic initiatives together, the WHO Hub
These will be complemented with data
and epidemic intelligence through What is collaborative will anchor its work in the needs of
on environmental factors, such as rainfall
better data, better analytics, and better stakeholders everywhere, at all levels. It
intelligence? or vegetation coverage; social factors
decisions across all aspects of public will work for all regions, Member States,
such as health-seeking behaviour, health
health emergencies at national and local institutions, and individuals around the
The world cannot manage the next and risk literacy, and cultural beliefs
levels. world. The WHO Hub will also work
pandemic with tools tailored to past about disease causation and prevention;
closely with national and local authorities
pandemics. We need a new approach economic factors such as travel patterns
As a global collaboration of partners and with WHO Regional and Country
and a new way of working with partners and trade routes; and human and animal
from multiple sectors, the WHO Hub is Offices.
from across disciplines to achieve interactions in agriculture and nature, as
designed to enable innovators to co-
stronger pandemic and epidemic well as consumption, production and sale
create tools and used linked data that all The WHO Hub is part of the WHO
intelligence. of wildlife.
countries need to prepare, detect and Health Emergencies Programme and
respond to pandemic and epidemic risks. will strengthen Member States’ data
Collaborative intelligence is the essence The collaborative intelligence trust
sharing capacities and enable partners
of WHO’s new approach. Collaboration is architecture will enable insights that
It will drive innovations to increase the from around the world to collaborate and
needed to bring clarity to risk information combine both open (publicly available)
availability and linkage of diverse data, co-create the necessary tools to manage
and increase interaction with partners and closed (not publicly available) data
develop tools and predictive models and analyse data for early warning
and stakeholders. It fosters global from both private and public sources.
for risk analysis, improve public health surveillance.
decision-making, and monitor disease trust between countries by promoting
control measures and infodemics. greater exchange of data, information

32 33

PHSMs have significant consequences for individuals and societies, including on health, social and
economic aspects. To ensure the intervention burden of PHSMs does not outweigh the benefits,
decision-makers need to have a thorough understanding of how the measures work in different
contexts, combinations and durations.

In June 2021, WHO launched a new multi-year initiative to measure the effectiveness and social, health
and economic impact of PHSMs during health emergencies. The main outcomes of the PHSM initiative
will be a research framework including a global monitoring system on PHSMs as well as a decision-
making tool facilitating the evidence-based and systematic implementation of measures during health

To date, a WHO internal steering group and an external working group on PHSMs under the Strategic
and Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazards (STAG-IH) have been created to provide technical
guidance and endure alignment across all levels of the organization.

In September 2021, a global technical consultation with over 60 global experts was organized to
review the existing evidence on PHSMs and identify research priorities for the future. A draft version of
a logic model and flexible taxonomy on PHSMs has been developed and will be submitted for further
internal and external review.

A draft research agenda has been developed and discussed at the consultation and will be finalized
through an iterative online consultation process. A global evidence review and the development of a
database for primary studies evaluating the effectiveness and impact of PHSMs are underway. Further,
country case studies to analyse implementation challenges and enablers are being prepared.


 esearch on public health

R Despite widespread application of PHSMs during the
COVID-19 pandemic, there is much to learn about their use,
In June 2021, WHO launched a new
multi-year initiative to measure the
and social measures and implementation and effectiveness.

The PHSM initiative aims to strengthen the global evidence

effectiveness and social, health and
economic impact of PHSMs during
their impact base on PHSMs to inform the development of action-oriented
guidance, mechanisms and tools for decision-makers.
health emergencies.

Overall summary

Objective Strengthen the global evidence base on PHSMs
Public health and social measures (PHSMs) are a key strategy to reduce the transmission of
pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential. Key achievements Global research agenda on PHSMs (draft
Launch of the new WHO initiative to version discussed at global consultation,
PHSMs include non-pharmaceutical interventions that can be taken by individuals, institutions,
measure the effectiveness and impact further consultations planned)
communities, local and national governments and international bodies to slow or stop the spread
of PHSMs during health emergencies
of an infectious disease, such as COVID-19. Individuals can, for example, engage in behaviours such running from June 2021 to April 2024 Development of a logic model on PHSMs
as frequent handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes, wearing a mask and keeping a physical to guide research and decision-making
distance from other people. Authorities and communities can enact measures such as contact Global technical consultation on (draft version, will be submitted for
tracing, isolation of cases and contacts, school measures, business closures, restricting public measuring the effectiveness and impact further review)
gatherings, travel bans and cordon sanitaire. of PHSMs during health emergencies with
over 60 international experts (31 August Initiation of a global database for primary
PHSMs can prevent individuals from being exposed to the virus, decreasing the number of people to 2 September 2021) studies measuring the impact and
who will become sick, require hospitalization or die from the disease. PHSMs reduce the pressure effectiveness of PHSMs
on the health care system and buy time to develop pharmaceutical interventions such as vaccines Call for research on PHSMs in the WHO
and medication. Bulletin

34 ©iStock/ tomazl 35

The main outcomes of the PHSM initiative will be a research framework

including a global monitoring system on PHSMs as well as a decision-making
tool facilitating the evidence-based and systematic implementation of
measures during health emergencies.

Objective Establish a global PHSM monitoring system
Key achievements Initiation of case studies to analyse the
Development of a logic model on PHSMs implementation challenges and enablers
to guide research and decision-making during COVID-19
(draft version, will be submitted for
further review) Initiation of a global database for primary
studies measuring the impact and
Initiation of an umbrella review of the effectiveness of PHSMs
effectiveness and impact of PHSMs
during COVID-19

Objective Support evidence-informed
A better understanding of the
PHSM implementation at effectiveness and impact of
national and subnational single PHSMs facilitates a more
levels tailored and evidence-informed
implementation of interventions,
Key achievements
ensuring a balance between costs
Development of a logic model on PHSMs
to guide research and decision-making and benefits of said measures.
(draft version, will be submitted for
further review)
© WHO / Blink Media - Hannah Reyes Morales

Objective Integrate PHSM assessments into health emergency
preparedness activities

Key achievements
Collaboration with WHO colleagues. This will help decision-makers to choose
to include PHSM elements in existing the most effective interventions in
emergency preparedness tools and a given context, reducing negative
assessments consequences and the need to apply
a layered approach that results in a
Contribution to our understanding of maximum limitation of the public’s
SARS-CoV-2 transmission and control freedom.
across all objectives
A better understanding of the A more nuanced and evidence-informed
effectiveness and impact of single implementation of PHSMs is likely to
PHSMs facilitates a more tailored and increase public trust, uptake of and
evidence-informed implementation adherence to measures and hence
of interventions, ensuring a balance increase their effectiveness.
between costs and benefits of measures.

© iStock/Drazen Zigic

36 37

Key benefits
PHSMs have been a key strategy to This will help decision-makers to choose
curb transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the most effective interventions in
protect health systems from being a given context, reducing negative
overburdened. consequences. A more nuanced and
evidence-informed implementation of
However, the current approach PHSMs is likely to increase public trust,
to implementation using multiple uptake of and adherence to measures
measures at the same time in and hence increase their effectiveness.
the absence of evidence on the
effectiveness of single interventions The PHSM initiative aims to provide the
in specific contexts, combinations necessary research framework to design
and durations has led to prolonged and evaluate the effectiveness and
lockdowns. impact of single PHSM interventions and
different combinations of interventions.
This has posed a significant burden on
the health, social and economic aspects This includes a set of study blueprints,
of individuals and societies. ethical and implementation guidance
harmonizing global research activities
A better understanding of the to ensure methodological robustness,
effectiveness and impact of single replicability, and cross-country
PHSMs facilitates a more tailored and comparability, following the idea of the
evidence-informed implementation WHO Unity studies.
of interventions, ensuring a balance
between costs and benefits of said Data for action hubs will be established
measures. and trained to collect and analyse data
on PHSMs during health emergencies.
Insights derived from these studies
This will help decision-makers to choose the most will directly inform PHSM decision-
effective interventions in a given context, reducing making and hence make a significant
negative consequences. contribution to the control of health

Key outputs
- Global technical consultation on ensure alignment of activities across the
measuring the effectiveness and impact organization and benefit from broader
of PHSMs during health emergencies (31 in-house experience and expertise
August-2 September 2021), attended by
over 60 international experts - Draft version of the logic model to
facilitate systematic thinking on PHSMs,
- Working Group on PHSM established to be submitted for further review
with a subset of STAG-IH members
and external expert advisors to provide - Draft global research agenda on PHSMs,
technical guidance on the PHSM discussed at the global consultation and
initiative to be submitted for further review

- WHO internal steering group with All references and publications/further

representatives of all six regions and resources are available at the end of the
several HQ departments established to report.

38 38 39

Due to the multifaceted impacts of infodemics on health and society, understanding and controlling
infodemics to support uptake of vaccines, public health and social measures, treatments and health
behaviours is now a priority for many health authorities.

Individual actions can cumulatively lead to severe health impacts on communities, and a lack of
interventions and policies can trigger catastrophic outcomes (e.g. overflowing emergency room
admissions, popular opposition to health guidance, attacks on health workers or a collapse of trust in health

It has therefore become imperative to find ways to clearly discern and demonstrate the burden of
infodemics on our individual and collective health outcomes so that interventions may be created to
mitigate its harms.

In April 2020, WHO, in collaboration with partners and stakeholders, developed and published a framework
for responding to the COVID-19 infodemic, which identified the need to apply multidisciplinary research and
evidence to detecting, managing and responding to infodemics. This framework also called for evidence-
based response and metrics to the COVID-19 infodemic.

Before 2020, researchers have explored the use of data produced and consumed on the web to inform
public health officials, agencies and policy – the science behind infodemic management known as

However, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated and amplified an infodemic that has caused harm and

I nfodemiology: Progressing
sewed confusion, a new facet of pandemic response that many countries were not prepared to address
effectively in its entirety.

on the public health research Since the first WHO Infodemiology Conference in June-July 2020, the working definition of infodemiology
has expanded beyond studying the digital information ecosystem to include an integrated understanding

agenda for managing

of the online-offline information exchange and interactions, and how they lead to behaviours and impact
health outcomes.

infodemics Following the conference, several scientific journals partnered with WHO for a joint call for papers on
infodemiology within the frame of the research agenda.

Three special infodemiology issues of these journals have been published to date. In addition, the Journal of
Overall summary
Medical Internet (JMIR) was established; WHO staff serves on the editorial board.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanied by a COVID-19 infodemic: excess information, Numerous other special calls for papers on infodemiology were issued and more research and public health
including false or misleading information, in digital and physical environments that has spread during collaborations on infodemic topics mushroomed across the world.
a health emergency.
Similarly, funding on misinformation research has increased. Examples include US$ 10 million for the
The infodemic is leading to confusion and risk-taking behaviours that can be harmful to health as Mercury Project global research consortium funded by the Social Sciences Research Council, and
well as erode trust in health authorities and public health responses. US$ 10 million for research on mis- and disinformation by the National Science Foundation’s Secure and
Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) programme.
WHO is developing tools to provide an evidence-based response to the infodemic to strengthen
epidemic and pandemic response activities and is fostering the growth of the field of infodemiology. Substreams of the WHO public health research agenda for managing infodemics were discussed in
In the future, all emergencies and pandemics will be accompanied by infodemics that will be better subsequent WHO infodemic management conferences including:
addressed with the tools and insights developed today.
• a whole-of-society response to COVID-19 infodemic (Nov-Dec 2020)
The digital information ecosystem intertwines social dynamics between people and communities
and influences health behaviours – it swirls together health information of different quality, as well as • the current state of research and practice in social listening approaches to generate infodemic
misinformation, disinformation, and once accurate but now outdated information. management insights (May 2021)

People are confused because of information overload and are frustrated by the inability to follow • the measurement of the burden of infodemic (November 2021)
recommended guidance or have access to recommended health services, all while new scientific
evidence is generated and reshapes the emergency response by health authorities.

© Tan
40 41

Aim Objective Connect research to practice through a WHO infodemic
management training programme and evidence-based
Despite widespread recognition of the importance of infodemic management
in COVID-19 pandemic response, there is still much to learn about the use, infodemiologist toolbox
implementation and effectiveness of infodemic management tools, methods and
interventions, and how they are integrated into the emergency preparedness and Key achievements Development of methods and tools
response. Trained 750+ infodemic managers from for automated social listening of
132 countries in infodemiology and conversations in social media and other
Promoting the science of infodemiology aims to strengthen the global evidence base evidence-based approaches to infodemic digital public data sources
on infodemic management to inform the development of action-oriented guidance, management
support options, mechanisms and tools for infodemic managers and emergency (in development) Field infodemiology
programme managers. WHO competence framework to develop guide for field responders
a response workforce to manage
Objectives infodemics, including a competence area
in infodemiology
The specific objectives underpinned include:
OpenWHO course on Infodemic

Management 101, including infodemiology
Objective Establish an infodemiology research agenda methods

Key achievements

Publication of public health research In the future, all emergencies and Objective Promote implementation science, evidence generation
agenda for managing infodemics pandemics will be accompanied and publication in infodemiology-related topics
Joint call for papers on infodemiology by infodemics that will be better
addressed with the tools and Key achievements
Establishment of five working areas of insights developed today. Joint call for papers on infodemiology
collaboration towards measurement of (in development) Field infodemiology
burden of infodemic guide for field responders

Objective Measure the burden of infodemic
Key achievements (in development) Tools and protocol for
Establishment of five working areas of measuring information diet and linking it
collaboration towards measurement of to health outcomes
burden of infodemic

5th WHO infodemic management

conference on burden of infodemic

WHO, in collaboration with partners and stakeholders, developed and

published a framework for responding to the COVID-19 infodemic, which
identified the need to apply multidisciplinary research and evidence
to detecting, managing and responding to infodemics. This framework
also called for evidence-based response and metrics to the COVID-19

© Cavan Images

42 43

Contribution to our understanding of SARS- CoV-2 transmission and control

across all objectives
A better understanding of the form Evidence-based infodemic management
and impact of infodemic harms will interventions support epidemic
facilitate a more tailored and evidence- management and management
informed implementation of infodemic infodemic risk in communities during
management interventions. the pandemic, particularly vulnerable
Defining the factors that contribute to
the infodemic across the information Infodemic management interventions
environment, individual cognition used in the COVID-19 pandemic can
and behaviour, and health system build trust and community resilience
and societal impacts in the changing against misinformation now that will
trajectory of the pandemic, will help pay dividends in preparedness of future
develop a bigger set of evidence-based emergencies.
tools and methods to respond to the

Infodemiology helps us understand the

interplay between individual behaviours
and population health and how trust
impacts adherence to PHSMs, uptake of
diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccine

Key benefits
A key focus area for fostering 5. Promoting the development,
infodemiology is creating stronger adaptation and application of tools for
© WHO / Hery Razafindralambo linkages between the generation of managing infodemics
infodemiology science in academia and

public health practice. Answering research questions within
Objective Develop an evidence map and gap analysis for these workstreams can advance the
frameworks of interventions and infodemiologys The WHO public health research agenda evolution of infodemiology to continue
for responding to infodemics frames this to contribute to moving past COVID-19
Key achievements in five research streams: and inform preparedness and response
Evidence mapping and gap analysis Development of evidence-based scalable 1. Measuring and monitoring the
reviewing implementation of the public social inoculation interventions (in impact of infodemics during health Up until now, many infodemic
health research agenda, infodemic development) emergencies management efforts have been sporadic,
management frameworks and splintered and disproportionately focused
interventions (ongoing) 2. Detecting and understanding the on mis- and disinformation instead of the
spread and impact of infodemics entire information ecosystem.

3. Responding and deploying Meanwhile our growing understanding of

Objective Promote the development of ethical frameworks for interventions that protect against the the complex nature of infodemiology will
infodemic and mitigate its harmful lead to the development of a wider set of
infodemiology applied to social listening and infodemic effects interventions and approaches to measure
management their effectiveness.
4. Evaluating infodemic interventions and
Key achievements strengthening resilience of individuals
Development of an ethical framework and communities to infodemics
for social listening and infodemic
management (forthcoming)

44 45

Key outputs
- An
 ad hoc WHO technical - 5th
 WHO infodemic management
consultation managing the COVID-19 conference on measurement of the
infodemic: call for action, April 2020: burden of infodemics, Nov 2021 (forthcoming, to be published on
item/9789240010314 infodemic health topic website)

 public health research - WHO
 competency framework:
agenda for managing infodemics, Building a response workforce to
January 2021: manage infodemics, March 2021:
- 3rd
 WHO infodemic management
conference: whole-of-society - 1st
 , 2nd, and 3rd WHO infodemic
challenges and approaches to manager trainings (Nov 2020, June
respond to infodemics, Nov-Dec 2020: 2021, Nov 2021)
item/9789240034501 All references and publications/further
resources are available at the end of the
- 4th
 WHO infodemic management report.
conference on advances in social
listening, May 2021 (forthcoming, to
be published on infodemic health
topic website)

46 47

The WHO has convened regular global consultations to discuss critical scientific issues, identify
major knowledge gaps and move the research agenda forward. These meetings have focused on
understanding the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 and the emerging variants, identifying correlates of
protection (CoPs), assessing the impact of VOCs on vaccine efficacy and effectiveness. Conclusions
from these consultations resulted in strengthened evidence-based vaccination recommendations.

Objective Continuously identify COVID-19 vaccine candidates
for clinical evaluation and scan the landscape of
scientific evidence
Key achievements
Discussion on research methods and Target Product Profiles (TPPs)
emerging evidence - Framework to
evaluate new vaccines against COVID-19
In order to contribute to increase WHO has reviewed and updated the
supply of vaccines that meet the
TPP for COVID-19 vaccines
WHO Target Product Profile (TPP)
criteria for effectiveness against
severe disease, WHO is developing a The TPP has guided developers and
framework to evaluate vaccines against researchers to target efforts on the
currently circulating variants or for development of COVID-19 vaccines.
pan-sarbecovirus vaccines. This may
also guide researchers and developers

additional data needed for the Revision of the TPP is in progress to
assessment of new vaccines. update the preferred and minimally

Vaccines: Research and acceptable profiles for human vaccines

in the changing epidemiological

development priorities
The working group on vaccine
prioritization established criteria Research landscape
for the selection of vaccines The COVID-19 living map is an interactive
for clinical trials and for the database that provides instant access
prioritization of the most promising to all registered clinical trials (both
Overall summary randomized and non-randomized) being
candidates for inclusion in the
conducted worldwide on novel COVID-19
Solidarity Trial Vaccines. vaccines.
Important and critical research was carried out by WHO to advance our understanding
and inform the global public health community about safe and effective COVID-19 The COVID-19 candidate vaccine tracker
Vaccine prioritization and landscape provides a comprehensive
vaccines. mapping of all pre-clinical and clinical
Two candidate vaccines were included
in the Solidarity Trial Vaccines. This trial COVID-19 vaccine candidates in
This was achieved by accelerating and coordinating the research, development, and evaluation is a large, international, randomized development worldwide.
of candidate products, including vaccine effectiveness. controlled clinical trial designed to
concurrently evaluate the benefits and In collaboration with scientific groups,
risks of multiple COVID-19 vaccines. In such as the University of Bristol and
Current vaccines are based on wild-type antigens, but we have encountered many variants of
addition, the working Group on vaccine Cochrane, data on the vaccine platform,
concern (VOCs) including alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and now the emergence of omicron. Other
prioritization has reviewed more than 20 schedule of vaccination, route of
variants have been regionally important, such as lambda and mu. Omicron combines reduced
candidate vaccines. administration, developers, trial phase
(though still significant) virulence, greater transmissibility, and significant evasion of previous
and clinical endpoints are gathered
immune responses, both from natural and vaccine-induced infection.
from various sources to monitor the
progress being made in the research

48 WHO/Blink Media - Hannah Reyes Morales 49


and development of COVID-19 The landscape of observational studies Objective Facilitate global discussions on key aspects of vaccine

vaccine candidates. To date, there are includes key features extracted on the development
approximately 339 vaccines being study characteristics in terms of study
monitored, of which 144 are in clinical design, sample size, study population,
Key achievements
phase and 195 in the pre-clinical phase participants’ characteristics (age, gender),
Global coordination Using vaccine immune response
intervention details (developer, strain,
data for public health and regulatory
The landscape of observational study route of administration, schedule), Multiple efforts have been made to
designs on the effectiveness of COVID-19 location of study and key outcomes. enhance coordination of COVID-19
vaccines provides an overview of This information has been used towards vaccine research which facilitates Identifying immune markers that
observational studies which evaluate compiling data for a living systematic unnecessary duplication of efforts, predict protection for many vaccines
the COVID-19 vaccination in real-world review of vaccine effectiveness on standardized approaches comparability is essential for vaccine development.
settings. Approximately 400 studies are VOCs in ‘real-world’ settings, and for of results, data sharing. More than 18 Outside of randomized controlled trials
screened on a weekly basis and studies the critical appraisal and risk of bias of consultations to discuss critical scientific (RCTs), post-deployment confirmation,
that assess vaccine effectiveness, including the observational studies. Study and issues were held last year. including large simple trials, could be
against VOCs, are identified. Data is participant characteristics, risk of bias used to rapidly estimate effectiveness,
collected on various endpoints including data as well as outcome data are made confirm safety, and identify a CoP.
COVID-19 infection, disease, severe publicly available at https://covid-nma. Significant progress has been Additional clinical data collected during
disease, hospitalization and mortality. The com/vaccines/os_vaccines/. deployment could also support the use
achieved towards a better
landscape currently lists 751 observational of correlates across a variety of vaccine
studies on vaccine effectiveness, including In addition, a recent review of data was understanding of transmission, regimens/schedules. The choice of
test-negative (n=78), cohorts (n=491), published (Considerations in boosting virulence, identification of immune immune markers, comparator vaccine,
case-control (n=52). COVID-19 vaccine immune responses, markers that predict protection for and statistical criteria can be made on
Krause et al, 2021) evaluating the many vaccines, vaccine regimens, a case-by-case basis depending on the
The COVID-19 living evidence synthesis effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination characterization of the immune response
of trial results provides a constantly and seroepidemiology needs among
against severe disease and confirmed from the vaccine candidate and the
updated list of vaccine comparisons SARS-CoV-2 infection. Findings from this other topics. availability of comparator vaccines in-
where data are available, as well as the analysis were used to inform public health country.
general characteristics of each trial with decision-making on the use of boosters.
an assessment of risk-of-bias (evidence
synthesis and profile for phase 2-3
trials; risk-of-bias assessment for safety
outcomes only for phase 1-2 studies).

This source of information is used by

multiple stakeholders in both the non-
scientific and scientific domain. Updated
weekly, the landscape tracks the progress
of each candidate vaccine from pre-clinical
through Phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 studies, and
provides links to published reports on the
safety, immunogenicity and efficacy data
The COVID-19 candidate vaccine tracker
and landscape provides an overview of
the rapidly developing field regarding the
diversity of vaccine technologies being
developed which can potentially benefit
specific populations, improve access and
availability, and target specific VOCs.

WHO/Blink Media - Hannah Reyes Morales

50 51

Vaccine research needs to achieve Evidence and implications of omicron

control of pandemic everywhere evading immunity
The Omicron VOC has been detected Despite milder disease, its rapid spread
in many countries, and there needs has the potential to overcome other
to be a continued threat assessment responses and saturate health care
(transmissibility, virulence, and the systems. Therefore, it is important to
capacity for evading immunity in those critically appraise Omicron data and
previously vaccinated or infected). share this information widely across the
The resulting assessment will have global scientific community to create an
implications for vaccine development, integrated response to the pandemic
vaccine evaluation, and vaccine
deployment. It seems evident that variants have
greatest impact on neutralizing
It is critical to consider global antibodies response, also cell-mediated
implications as we adjust the research immune responses are less susceptible
agenda to reflect the changing situation. but also important for protection against
SARS-CoV-2. Many laboratories have
reported reduced Omicron neutralization
Vaccine equity is not just a matter of as compared to the ancestral virus and
fairness but is critical for controlling previous variants. This reduction has
the pandemic everywhere. been observed in convalescent plasma
and with several different vaccines.

If new vaccines are developed against Booster or additional exposure of

omicron or other variants, we need vaccinees via infection increases
to make sure they are available for neutralization, it may also increase the
deployment in the developing world and breadth of neutralizing response. Some © WHO/Booming - Carlos Cesar

they are available for testing of the next studies show the response to boosters
generation of vaccines. Additional data is against Omicron may wane very quickly. Efforts to educate the research Variants of Concern (VOCs) and Variants
needed on omicron-induced COVID--19 community on the use of standards of Interest (VOIs)
in groups with different levels and types In terms of clinical data some studies included a training webinar in November
of immunity. show that vaccine effectiveness against 2021 ( The greatest challenge in the last year
symptomatic illness increase following a health-product-policy-and-standards/ has been the proliferation of VOCs and
Vaccines will likely continue to prove booster dose. standards-and-specifications/vaccine- VOIs. One of the early readouts for each
protective against severe disease caused standardization/coronavirus-disease- new variant has been the assessment of
by new variants. Boosting can increase Assays development achievements (covid-19) ) and a new WHO manual neutralization of convalescent or vaccine
both humoral and cellular responses. Standards for the establishment of national sera. The wild type neutralization assays,
Variant-specific vaccines will need to be and other secondary standards pseudovirus neutralization assays, and
validated. Animal models (possibly also ( surrogate virus neutralization assays that
organoid systems) will provide valuable The first WHO International default-source/biologicals/call-for- were developed in 2020 were all adapted
data on phenotypes of variants. Standard (IS) for anti-SARS-CoV-2 comments/who-manual-secondary- to the new VOCs and VOIs as they
standards-for-antibodiesv30012022. emerged.
immunoglobulin was established
Regulators support immunobridging (to pdf?sfvrsn=8638882c_3).
known effective prototype vaccine) as by the WHO Expert Committee on
an approach to develop variant-specific Biological Standardization on 10 As part of the training, it was
emphasized that the IS can be used
Research groups have shared
vaccines. A full correlate of protection is December 2020.
not necessary to use immune responses for calibration of assays for each VOC their experiences and data on the
in a productive way. Randomization
Since that time, the IS has been shipped
or Variant of Interest (VOI), but that development of immune assays,
(whether individual or small cluster) comparisons or conversions cannot be materials and reagents for the
to laboratories around the world,
during deployment could yield essential made between variants and that units
leading to the depletion of the standard evaluation of immunity to SARS-
information about vaccine effectiveness should be reported per isolate used.
in August 2021. Multiple secondary CoV-2 virus or SARS-CoV-2 vaccines
to meet these needs. Lead time plus
standards calibrated to the IS have been
lack of immediate availability makes In addition, the global research and there were general trends
made available to bridge the gap until
randomized deployment more feasible. community has made a concerted effort observed across many studies.
a new IS can be established (expected
to share reagents and protocols across
October 2022).
approximately 150 labs worldwide.

52 53

In summary, the fold reduction in Early animal data suggest that Omicron- than anti-nucleocapsid, indirect, or despite conserved binding to animal
neutralization compared to ancestral specific vaccines do not generate immunoglobulin assays. Durability has model ACE2, the disease signs are very
strains was relatively modest for alpha broadly cross-neutralizing antibodies been determined in longitudinal cohorts mild in all animal models.
and gamma, slightly more for delta, and against other VOCs when used as a as far our as 15 months post-infection
highest for beta, until the emergence primary series. When used as boosters, and while neutralizing and antibody
of Omicron. There is an extremely high some studies suggest that they do not titres decreased over time, some studies
fold reduction in neutralization titres offer an advantage over current vaccines. have shown that they stabilize after These findings suggest that, as
due to Omicron across all convalescent several months. SARS-Cov-2-specific SARS-CoV-2 adapts to humans, to
and vaccine samples tested, with many memory B and T cells have also shown some extent it loses capacity to
The retention of non-neutralizing
samples not being neutralized at all. persistence out to a year or more.
antibody functions and cellular cause disease in animal models.
Sera from individuals that were infected
immunity following vaccination likely
as well as vaccinated had higher titres Correlates of Protection
continue to confer post-transmission
over primary vaccination series alone. Recent studies in mice, hamsters, and
protection against severe disease and Identifying CoPs, assessing new vaccines
Neutralization titres from infection or NHPs show that animals previously
death against VOCs. is critical to support vaccine pre-clinical
vaccination were seen to wane over time. infected or vaccinated against lineage
and clinical development. A SARS-CoV-2 are protected against
However, additional doses, either challenge with homologous as well as
homologous or heterologous boosters, Several groups have shown that heterologous virus strains including
In evaluating durability of antibody
were able to restore neutralization titres neutralizing or binding antibodies all VOCs. VOCs also tend to show
levels, there are assay-specific technical
to peak levels and in some cases, higher can serve as correlates of protection enhanced transmission in comparison
issues, such as assay format and
than the peak following primary series. based on data reported across with lineage A SARS-CoV-2 in
immunoglobulin target, which influence
Early data for Omicron also indicates vaccine efficacy trials. There is also a competition studies performed in a
the outcomes of these assessments.
that infection of previously infected or proposed population-based threshold number of models, including hamsters,
vaccinated individuals leads to boosting In several studies, anti-spike, direct of protection based on immunoglobulin ferrets, and white-tailed deer. Omicron
of cross neutralizing antibodies, while or total immunoglobulin assays G anti-Spike antibody. Binding and outcompeted other VOCs in competition
infection of naïve individuals leads to demonstrated more stable, or neutralizing antibody levels were studies of transmission in the presence
poor neutralization of other variants. increasing reactivity over time also shown as a correlate for specific of immune pressure.
vaccines. Most of these assessments
were from trial data prior to the Age and co-morbidities
emergence of many of the VOCs,
so additional data are needed in the
context of more recent variants such as In humans, the severity of COVID-19
Omicron. with age and with co-morbidities,
such as diabetes and cardiovascular
disease, has been well established.
In 2021, animal model research played
a chief role in the characterization of In 2021, an important effort has been
the pathogenesis, transmission and directed to engineer animal models
immunology of SARS-CoV-2 variants that would mimic these important
of concern (VOCs). disease drivers.

Animal model achievements

Variants of concern (VOCs) Aged models, including NHPs,
hamsters and mice suggested that
Studies in mice, hamsters, ferrets and viral pneumonia may persist longer in
non-human primates (NHPs), have older animals, and that this persistence
demonstrated that none of the VOCs was associated with reduced humoral
tested (alpha, beta, delta and Omicron), responses to infection and enhanced
show enhanced virulence in these animal inflammation. Similarly, infection of
models, although increased production diabetic animals, resulted in enhanced
of proinflammatory cytokines was inflammation and delayed virus
observed in hamsters infected with the clearance. Further development of co-
alpha VOC. In the case of Omicron, and morbidity models is ongoing.

54 © iStock/Plyushkin 55

Correlates of protection change over time or may include multiple

immune parameters. Ongoing studies
NHP studies have been key to investigate in the NHP model will be important to
(CoPs) exerted by vaccination and define immune thresholds for protection
natural infection. and immunobridging.

These studies have demonstrated for

example the importance of CD8 T cells,
which contribute to protection when
antibody levels are suboptimal, or start
to wane. In general, animal model studies
strongly suggest that correlates for long-
term protection for an individual may

Objective Coordinate and collaborate internationally to implement

clinical trials, for evaluation of the safety and efficacy of
Key achievements
Human challenge studies Solidarity Trial Vaccines (STV) for
vaccine evaluation
The Advisory Group on Closely
Monitored Challenge Models of
Experimental COVID-19 Infection and A large, international, randomized
Illness in Healthy Young Adult Volunteers.
clinical trial platform was launched
in September 2021 in Colombia, Mali
In 2021 the group met to update and the Philippines with more than
guidance and lessons learned 30 research sites.
regarding volunteer challenge
studies with SARS-CoV-2. Over 17,000 participants have been
randomized. Two candidate vaccines
are being evaluated in the trial with four
more expected to enter in the coming
months. The STV will also expand the
implementation activities to two other

Key benefits
Even so, additional vaccines are required
Safe and effective COVID-19 to increase global supply, to provide prod-
vaccines have been developed at ucts with additional desirable properties,
unprecedented speed, with the and potentially to address SARS-CoV-2
first vaccinations taking place less VOCs.
than a year after SARS-CoV-2 was
identified. This was possible thanks Key outputs
to an extensive collaboration and See the list of references at the and of
cooperation between multiple the report.

56 57

The overall aim of the epidemiological studies thematic area of the coronavirus roadmap has been to
develop, implement and coordinate activities to help better understand the transmission characteristics of
SARS-CoV-2 and severity profile of COVID-19, including new variants.

Objective To develop research tools for standardization
Achievements Development of clinical case definitions
Development of core outcome measures Post-COVID-19 condition
for COVID-19 clinical trials
• We used a Delphi process with a
With input from researchers from diverse group of stakeholders to
25 countries around the world, we create a clinical case definition for
developed a minimal Common Outcome post-COVID-19 condition. The initiative
Set (COS) for COVID-19 trials, to capture was described in the WHO Bulletin,
clinical and virologic data that could Towards a universal understanding of
be reported in a common manner to post-COVID-19 condition. Bulletin of the
facilitate pooling data across multiple World Health Organization, 99(12), 901–
sources. 903 and the global definition published,
Soriano JB et al for the WHO Clinical
Many studies and trials around the world Case Definition Working Group on Post-
have utilized this COS in their work. COVID-19 Condition. A clinical case
WHO Working Group on the Clinical definition of post-COVID-19 condition
Characterization and Management of by a Delphi consensus. Lancet Infect
COVID-19 infection: A Minimal Common Dis. 2021 Dec 21:S1473-3099(21)00703-
Outcome Measure Set for COVID-19 9. We are engaging with paediatric
Clinical Research. Lancet Infect Dis 2020 investigators on a similar definition for
Aug;20(8):e192-e197. paediatric post-COVID-19 condition.

• With the Core Outcome Measures in Mother-to-child transmission

Effectiveness Trials (COMET) initiative
we are developing a core outcome • We conducted evidence synthesis and

set for studies of post-COVID-19 convened a WHO expert consultation to
condition (manuscript in review). The define a consensus initial classification
importance of this work is described system for the timing of vertical

Advancing the COVID-19 in the following publication: Studying

the post-COVID-19 condition: research
transmission and this was published in
a WHO scientific brief, ‘Definition and

clinical care pathway:

challenges, strategies, and importance categorization of the timing of mother-
of Core Outcome Set development. to-child transmission of SARS-CoV-2’.
BMC Medicine 2022 Feb; 50.

Outbreak research response • We contributed to a separate COMET


centred around the patient

initiative to create a core outcome • WHO has convened a working
measure set for studies of COVID-19. group for multisystem inflammatory
Tong A et al for the COVID-19-Core syndrome in children (MIS-C). Through
Outcomes Set (COS) Workshop a consensus approach, the MIS-C
Overall summary Investigators: Core Outcomes Set Working Group developed a preliminary
for Trials in People With Coronavirus clinical case definition for MIS-C which
We have brought together a global community of clinicians, clinical researchers, and patients, aiming Disease 2019 Crit Care Med 2020 has been published on the WHO
to expand our understanding of the natural history of SARS-COV-2 infection and improve outcomes Nov;48(11):1622-1635. website. The case definition has been
with clinical management interventions of patients with COVID-19 and its mid- and long-term used widely by national governments
consequences. and researchers.

58 © WHO/Lindsay Mackenzie 59

Objective To coordinate knowledge syntheses efforts for • Treatment: Giesbers S, et al;for services, its causes and mitigation
PregCOV-19 Group. Treatment of strategies during COVID-19: a global
reliable and trustworthy clinical guidance COVID-19 in pregnant women: A review. J Neurooncol. 2021:1–14. https://
systematic review and meta-analysis.
Achievements • Protocol for heparin/anticoagulation: Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.
Prospective meta-analysis of 2021 Dec;267:120-128. [1] https://www. - Misra S, Kolappa K, Prasad M,
Prospective meta-analyses of candidate
randomized trials of anticoagulation Radhakrishnan D, Thakur KT,
therapeutics for COVID-19
therapy for COVID-19, Last updated collaborating-centre/pregcov/index. Solomon T et al. Frequency of
December 2021. aspx neurological manifestations in
We developed the model of a COVID-19: a systematic review
• Heparin PMA: The WHO Rapid Neurology and COVID-19: improving our and meta-analysis of 350 studies
prospective meta-analysis to Evidence Appraisal for COVID-19 understanding (submitted for publication). medRxiv.
pool grouped data from recently Therapies (REACT) working group: 2021:2021.04.20.21255780 https://
completed and ongoing clinical trials A prospective meta-analysis of heparin This has been part of the activities of the
(draft in process). ongoing Neurology and COVID-19 Forum, early/2021/04/23/2021.04.20.21255780.
of potential treatments for COVID-19
a collaborative network of international full.pdf
and published the process. • Under consideration and development: stakeholders that focuses on COVID-19
A PMA on antiplatelet therapies and neurological surveillance, acute clinical - Beghi E, Giussani G, Westenberg E,
SGLT-2 inhibitors. care, follow-up, long-term impact and the Allegri R, Garcia-Azorin D, Guekht A,
We have developed an agreement with
JAMA Network that enables each PMA provision of essential services. Frontera J, Kivipelto M, Mangialasche
Living systematic review on COVID-19 F, Mukaetova-Ladinska EB, Prasad K,
to be accompanied in the journal by and pregnancy It is summarized in a WHO scientific brief, Chowdhary N, Winkler AS. Acute and
relevant contributing trials.
based on the evidence that emerged post-acute neurological manifestations
We have established a living systematic from systematic or rapid reviews and
The prospective meta-analyses are on of COVID-19: present findings, critical
review of emerging evidence on meta-analyses commissioned by WHO
the following topics: appraisal, and future directions. J
COVID-19 during pregnancy. A dedicated (listed below). Neurol. 2021 Oct 21:1–10. doi: 10.1007/
website,[1] hosted by the University of
• Protocol for steroids: Sterne JAC et s00415-021-10848-4. Epub ahead
Birmingham, UK (a WHO Collaborating - Garcia-Azorin D, Seeher KM, Newton
al for the WHO COVID-19 Clinical of print. PMID: 34674005; PMCID:
Centre) was set up to disseminate the CR, Okubadejo NU, Pilotto A, Saylor
Management and Characterization PMC8528941.
findings of the living systematic review D et al. Disruptions of neurological
Working Group: Corticosteroid therapy
and has been regularly updated.
for critically ill patients with COVID-19:
A structured summary of a study The following were reviewed:
protocol for a prospective meta-
analysis of randomized trials. Trials • Clinical presentation, prevalence, risk
2020; Aug 24;21(1):734. factors: Allotey J, et al; for PregCOV-19
Living Systematic Review Consortium.
• Corticosteroid
 PMA: The WHO Rapid Clinical manifestations, risk factors, and
Evidence Appraisal for COVID-19 maternal and perinatal outcomes of
Therapies (REACT) Working Group. coronavirus disease 2019 in pregnancy:
Systemic Corticosteroids for living systematic review and meta-
Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19: analysis. BMJ. 2020 Sep 1;370:m3320.
A Prospective Meta-analysis of Updated results of the living systematic
Randomized Clinical Trials. JAMA 2020 review on clinical presentation,
Oct 6;324(13):1330-1341. prevalence, risk factors were published
in March 2021. The second update has
• Interleukin-6 Receptor Analysis PMA:
been submitted for publication.
WHO Rapid Evidence Appraisal
for COVID-19 Therapies (REACT) • Mother-to-child transmission: Offspring
Working Group: Association between SARS-CoV-2 positivity and timing of
administration of interleukin-6 receptor mother-to-child transmission: A living
antagonists and mortality among systematic review and meta-analysis
hospitalized patients with COVID-19: A (accepted in BMJ).
prospective meta-analysis. JAMA 2021
Aug 10;326(6):499-518.

60 ©iStock/PeopleImages 61

Rehabilitation and COVID-19 PMA) and an electronic publication Objective To improve evidence surrounding supportive care
platform (MAGICapp) to develop
Based on the evidence provided from trustworthy, transparent, rapid interventions for COVID-19 (doing the basics well)
Rapid Living Systematic Reviews on recommendations.
Rehabilitation and COVID-19 from Achievements WHO RCT of respiratory support
Cochrane Rehabilitation and publications The therapeutics guideline is strategies to minimize the need for
Optimizing respiratory support for
provided by the WHO COVID-19 Clinical disseminated in three simultaneous mechanical ventilation. We have
Management network, a Scientific platforms including WHO website, recruited 36 Principal Investigators from
Brief on ‘Rehabilitation needs of MAGICapp electronic publication 24 countries; the study has launched
people recovering from COVID-19’ was platform and British Medical Journal; and A working group with leadership in Lebanon, and is in various stages of
published. translated into easy-to-use, visual tools in from LMICs is undertaking a study onboarding elsewhere. Study protocol:
an infographic and COVID-19 clinical care
to determine the best respiratory
To further inform rehabilitation interim pathway. NCT04918875 |
guidance for post-COVID-19 condition support approaches to optimize the
the following narrative syntheses and • Therapeutics and COVID-19: living use of oxygen in LMICs. • An initial protocol for a platform trial
reviews are under development: Narrative guideline ( to determine optimal approaches to
synthesis of the evidence of rehabilitation respiratory support has been drafted
This programme consists of two
interventions for selected impairments in • A living WHO guideline on drugs for and will be customized based on the
post-COVID-19 Condition; and Systematic covid-19 | The BMJ results of O2CoV2.
scoping review to describe health system, • WHO O2CoV2 is an international
provider and patient characteristics to • MAGICapp -
observational study on oxygen
design rehabilitation care models for requirements and use in patients with
post-COVID-19 condition. • Making GRADE the Irresistible Choice -
COVID-19 in LMICs from all six WHO
• Guidelines and Evidence summaries regions. It will inform an upcoming
Living guidelines for COVID-19:
Therapeutics, clinical management
• Living guidance for clinical
We have established an innovative management of COVID-19 (
process to develop COVID-19 Living
• Therapeutics and COVID-19 (
guidelines using innovative approaches
COVID-19 Clinical Care Pathway (who.
to rapid evidence synthesis (LNMA and

Objective To describe the changing natural clinical history
of COVID-19
Achievements The platform includes clinical data from
over 550,000 hospitalized cases from 39
WHO Global Clinical Platform for
countries around the world. A case report
form to assess clinical manifestation of
The COVID-19 Platform is an online data the post-COVID-19 condition has been
repository of anonymized, individual- developed and disseminated.
level clinical data of hospitalized
Technical products associated with the
COVID-19 cases to improve the global
Global Clinical Platform:
understanding of the presentation, risk
factors, treatments, and outcomes of
• A statistical analysis plan (manuscript in
patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and
those after acute illness with mid- and
long-term consequences. • Global report on clinical features and
outcomes of COVID-19 in people living
with HIV (link; late breaker abstract
at the International AIDS Conference;
manuscript under review by Lancet
HIV) consequences.

© WHO / Blink Media - Mustafa

62 63

• Country reports on clinical A prospective cohort study investigating

manifestations and outcomes of maternal, pregnancy and neonatal
COVID-19 (Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia, outcomes for women and neonates
Ghana, Jordan, Nigeria, Zimbabwe) infected with SARS-CoV-2

• WHO Global Clinical Platform This study evaluates the prevalence,

Dashboard for COVID-19 (link) clinical spectrum and impact of SARS-
CoV-2 on outcomes of pregnant
• Additional analyses addressing severity or recently pregnant women. It will
and mortality associated with the characterize the prevalence of SARS-
Omicron variant, clinical features and CoV-2 RNA in amniotic fluid and breast
outcomes of COVID-19 in children milk, and follow clinical outcomes of
and adolescents, clinical features and women and their newborns up to six
outcomes of COVID-19 in pregnant weeks after childbirth. The impact of
women, antimicrobial resistance and vaccination will be evaluated.
co-infections in patients hospitalized
with COVID-19, and validation of Eleven countries are engaged: Argentina,
mathematical modelling predicting Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Georgia,
disease severity in LMICs are in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan,
development. Philippines and Tunisia. The study
enrolment started in June 2021 (Table).
• For more information see our website: A total of 9,000 women have been
The WHO Global Clinical Platform for screened of whom 5,500 were enrolled
COVID-19 in different stages of pregnancy.
Approximately 2,000 women have
WHO coordinated a severe COVID-19 in received at least one dose of a COVID-19
children study vaccine.
© iStock/FatCamera
This study evaluates the clinical
characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 disease

in neonates, children and adolescents Objective To conduct implementation research relevant to clinical
hospitalized with COVID-19 or MIS-C
in LMICS, using hospital network characterization and management
surveillance systems in four LMICs
(Ethiopia, India, Pakistan, South Africa). Achievements Classification matrix for COVID-19
Safely introducing new therapeutics into
Children have been followed for three clinical practice
months post-hospital discharge. The • An
 ongoing activity seeks to reassess
study protocol is registered on the ANZ and revise the severity classification
• As effective treatments are identified,
clinical trials registry (registration no for COVID-19 to ensure that the system
their uptake is being evaluated. A
ACTRN12621001154897) https://www. is simple, broadly applicable, and
cohort event monitoring (CEM) protocol adequately discriminatory between
has been developed to be used by
aspx. severity states, leveraging data
LMICs to actively monitor the safety
collected through the WHO Global
of molnupiravir. At least six countries
The study ceased enrolment on 31 Dec Clinical Platform.
will be supported to conduct the CEM
2021, with 3,870 children aged 0-19 years study, and findings will be pooled into a
enrolled from April 2020 to Dec 2021. repository at WHO HQ.
Three-month follow-up status is available
to date for 2,741 (71%). Final follow-up, • We have developed collaborations
data cleaning and analysis are ongoing with colleagues in pharmacovigilance,
and will be complete in April 2022. influence, antimicrobial resistance, and
in the laboratory to develop a protocol
to monitor for potential resistance to
SARS-CoV-2 antivirals.

64 65

Four drugs were evaluated and following the enrolment of 14,221 patients, the results showed that
remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir and interferon had little or no effect on hospitalized patients with
COVID-19, as indicated by overall mortality, initiation of ventilation, and duration of hospital stay.

In August 2021, WHO launched Solidarity PLUS, the new and current stage of the trial, which is
an unprecedented global collaboration for COVID-19 R&D with thousands of researchers in 52
active countries.

As of February 2022, over 1,000 patients have been randomized in 23 countries across the six WHO
regions; while remaining countries are preparing to do so. Solidarity PLUS has been enrolling hospitalized
patients to evaluate three new treatment arms, in the clinical management of COVID-19: artesunate,
infliximab and imatinib, in addition to the local standard of care.

These therapies were selected by an independent expert panel for their anti-inflammatory
properties and their potential in reducing the risk of death in hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

“Finding more effective and accessible therapeutics for COVID-19 patients remains a critical
need, and WHO is proud to lead this global effort,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO

“I would like to thank the participating governments, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals,

clinicians and patients, who have come together to do this in true global solidarity.”

The drugs were donated for the trial by their respective manufacturers, through Letters of Agreement
between WHO and the companies. Artesunate, produced by Ipca, is a derivative of artemisinin, an

 Research and antimalarial drug extracted from the herb Artemisia annua. Imatinib, produced by Novartis, is a small
molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor, formulated as an oral chemotherapy drug used to treat certain types

of cancer. Infliximab, produced by Johnson and Johnson, is a TNF alpha inhibitor, a chimeric monoclonal
antibody that recognizes human TNF alpha.

for treatments
of hospitalized
Overall summary
Since the 18 March 2020 launch of the Solidarity Therapeutics trial, a large randomized controlled
trial of treatments for COVID-19 in hospitalized patients, WHO, in close collaboration with
participating Member States and partners around the world, helped evaluate drugs effects on
important outcomes.

In the first six months, Solidarity generated conclusive evidence on the effectiveness of
repurposed drugs for the treatment of COVID-19.

© iStock/Tempura

66 WHO/Blink Media - Hannah Reyes Morales 67


Aim Objective Ensure a strong international coordination and
collaboration to implement clinical trials for evaluation
The aim of Solidarity PLUS is articulated in four objectives below.
of the safety and efficacy of therapeutics

Objective Continuously identify candidates for clinical evaluation Key achievements
Co-sponsorship with participating National co-ordinators and principal
and analyse the landscape of scientific evidence, while Member States strengthened, by robust investigators in each country supporting
allowing for the addition of new treatments and collaboration between multiple hospitals participating hospitals nationwide, in
in countries around the world. the preparation and conduct of the trial:
discontinuation of ineffective treatments throughout
from ethical and regulatory approvals, to
the trial the supply of study drugs, to scientific
advice as well as to trial monitoring.
Key achievements
Four drugs were first evaluated - The panel considered various
remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir antithrombotics, antivirals,
and interferon: the results showed little or immunomodulators and monoclonal
no effect on the mortality of hospitalized antibodies, and chose these drugs as
patients with COVID-19, providing critical they were considered to have the largest Key benefits
evidence to inform clinical decision- potential to reduce mortality.
making and treatment guidelines.
Enrolling patients in one single
The first four treatment arms were
Global platforms like Solidarity randomized trial helps facilitate the rapid
Based on available data, three new drugs discontinued. Three new treatment arms
PLUS help the world prepare for worldwide comparison of unproven
- artesunate, imatinib, infliximab – were added to the trial in addition to the local
treatments and overcome the risk of
selected by the WHO Advisory Group on standard of care. future pandemics in establishing a
multiple small trials not generating the
Therapeutics Prioritization for COVID-19, new global approach to the robust strong evidence needed to determine
an expert group set up with the aim of
evaluation of several therapeutics. the relative effectiveness of potential
establishing an independent process
The innovative approach is based treatments. Through the Solidarity
to advise WHO on the selection of
upon simplicity, scale and access PLUS trial, researchers across the world
therapeutics for COVID-19.
are empowered and provided with
and collaboration. opportunities to contribute their expertise
and resources to the global research

Objective Continue to assess multiple treatments at the same needs for COVID-19.

time using a single protocol

Key achievements Key outputs
Robust results on safety and efficacy (or
lack thereof) were delivered. • Four drugs evaluated and discontinued • Identification and subsequent
negotiations with manufacturers for
• 10+ new potential compounds study drugs donation with regulatory
considered by the WHO Advisory and access conditions carried out with
Group on Therapeutics Prioritization for final agreements reached in July 2021

COVID-19 and its technical panels, and
Objective Recruit thousands of patients to generate robust three submitted for consideration to • Solidarity PLUS launched in August
estimates on the effect a drug may have on mortality the Executive Group of the International 2021 with first randomized patient on 6
Steering Committee of Solidarity PLUS August 2021
- even moderate effects
• Three new drugs selected by the • Manuscript on the final results for
Key achievements Executive Group for inclusion into Solidarity period one completed and
Active enrolment in the trial is ongoing. Solidarity PLUS with subsequently submitted for peer-review publication
addition of three new arms to the

68 69

The aim is to promote synergy and errors, and to ensure the comparability of
efficiency between the different results to answer pertinent questions and
outpatient treatment platform trials better inform outpatient treatment policy,
through coordinated interaction and with the following three objectives:
exchange of information, to avoid
duplication of effort and repetition of

Objective Share trial-specific information and best practices
between trial platforms
Key achievements
Facilitation of large-scale collaborations
and information sharing, leading to critical
decisions, in particular regarding dose

selection as well as selection of study
arms and evaluation of therapeutic agents
as combinations.
Critical needs for
outpatients and

Objective Promote collaboration, standardized approaches,
information sharing on therapeutic agents under
for the design evaluation and data sharing

of outpatient Key achievements

Framework for pooled data analysis

therapeutic trials based on common measures

across studies and information
about comparable endpoints under
Overall summary development.

Several initiatives were rapidly established to conduct large-scale and robust clinical trials, as
flexible and adaptive platforms supporting the clinical evaluation of therapeutic candidates

targeting particular patient groups and disease stages. Progress to date has been dependent on Objective Collaboratively deliberate on the ideal design, outcome
unprecedented levels of collaboration, at national, regional and global levels to ensure consistency
in approaches, facilitating sharing of information, promoting alignment around shared visions, and
measures and endpoints for outpatient treatment clinical
creating opportunities for large-scale trials delivering robust evidence. trials, particularly in light of the disease dynamics
Key achievements
Potentially, greater coordination could be achieved especially in the early stages of
clinical evaluation, to accelerate the development of a global pipeline of COVID-19
Major issues pertinent to the design of outpatient trials and the
therapeutics, through closer alignment between major platforms, to reduce duplication
interpretation and external validity of study outcomes have emerged from
of effort and focus efforts on shared priorities, while recognizing that some overlap is
discussion sessions.
important in demonstrating replication of research results.

The COVID-19 Working Group on Outpatient Therapeutics Protocols was established with the intent
to provide an opportunity to build on these existing initiatives to promote rapid, fluid and efficient
information sharing and promote collaboration.

70 © iStock/Igor Alecsander 71

Key benefits
Rather, data should be collected within
The availability of effective platforms, and endpoints relevance
outpatient treatment of COVID-19 assessed periodically depending on the
external context. This type of innovation
is critical to the control of the
remains a significant challenge. The
pandemic, and outpatient trials working group, comprised of trial platform
whose clinical objectives are to limit experts across different regions of the
progression, limit hospitalization and world, contributes to addressing these
challenges by sharing, and in its sessions,
improve symptoms are essential for
examined the evidence needed to
many communities. inform policy change, discussed country-
specific challenges, reflected on the
Effective outpatient treatment is likely selection of appropriate endpoints in a
to be cost-effective and alleviate the rapidly evolving pandemic with changes
burden on the health system by reducing in the disease course and population
COVID-19-associated hospitalization and susceptibility, commenced discussions
death, thereby freeing up medical facilities of establishing a framework for data
for other essential medical services. In the sharing among trial platforms, discussed
setting of a rapidly evolving COVID-19 the place of economic approaches in
pandemic, the usual scientific process the evaluation of treatment outcomes,
of building one study on another with prepared a landscape of trial outcomes for
progressive endpoints is inefficient. comparability and commenced activities
to address the gaps and challenges

Key outputs
 evelopment of a landscape of all trials. The applicability and the external
endpoints across platform trials, validity of a study findings in an era
recognizing that discussions about of increasing vaccination coverage
pooling endpoints across trial platforms remain important considerations to
have been largely restricted to the be further discussed. Specifying the
primary endpoints, which could limit patient population that would most
the ability to do pooled data analysis. benefit from treatment is essential to
Instead, the focus should shift from document the evidence in this group in
comparing primary endpoints to the trial, refraining from extrapolating
ensuring common measures across widespread use in patients in whom it
studies and pooling information about may not be beneficial
comparable endpoints
• Preliminary insights into study
• Identification of gaps and needs: comparators over time, through an
for adjusting the clinical scales to attempt to anticipate and track the
capture to capture a broader range of changes in trial outcome rates over time
patient conditions to compare study across outpatient treatment trial groups,
outcomes and the development of and possibilities for handling these
statistical analysis methods to leverage changes through pre-specification of
longitudinal ordinal outcomes; for anticipated dynamics
consideration of the cost burden on
the health system in addition to the • Flexibility in the timing of pre-
quantification of clinical benefits specification of thresholds has been
identified as an important determinant
 ecognition that restricting enrolment to address the dynamism of an evolving
to unvaccinated patients limits the outbreak
external validity of outpatient treatment

72 73

Social science in outbreak response is a newer area in health emergency response and
COVID-19 has seen progress in mainstreaming evidence production in this area, particularly
in the use of socio-behavioural data.

Credible, trustworthy data and evidence on the social, behavioural, cultural, political, and economic
aspects of COVID-19 provide critical perspectives to tackle these and other challenges. The social
science in outbreak response group advocates for and advances research to bring these much needed
perspectives to inform policy and response action.

Social science evidence cuts across all pillars of outbreak response and across the health emergency
cycle. This work is delivered across the three levels of WHO and in partnership with multiple academic
groups, networks, and operational partners including the Risk Communication and Community
Engagement (RCCE) Collective Service and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network
(GOARN)’s Integrated Outbreak Analytics (IOA).

The donor community is engaged via the GLoPID-R Social Science Working Group.

Social science in outbreak response is a newer area in health emergency response and COVID-19 has
seen progress in mainstreaming evidence production in this area, particularly in the use of socio-
behavioural data.

Donors have also made significant investments in longer term research related to social dynamics and
impacts of the pandemic to provide an emerging research portfolio that can guide response to current
pandemic and to future events of this kind.

However, we need to move further, faster and with greater ambition to ensure evidence from social
sciences can inform integrated and holistic understandings of pandemic challenges, steer effective and

equitable public health responses, and mitigate pandemic and response impacts.

Moving from rhetoric to reality: Big questions such as how to address global inequities, how to localize response actions, how to
meaningfully engage civil society, and how to build resilience and readiness for future shocks need

placing communities at the

broad, ambitious, and sustained investment to respond to current challenges and to protect against
future events of this kind.

centre of health emergency

readiness and response Aim
There is a need to move further,
Overall summary This thematic area brings technical expertise from a wide range faster and with greater ambition
of social sciences that integrate with biomedical approaches to to ensure evidence from social
The COVID-19 pandemic has reached deep into the lives of people and societies across the world strengthen the COVID-19 pandemic response at international, sciences can inform integrated and
with health, economic, political, educational, and societal consequences disproportionately regional, national, and local levels. The research agenda aligns
holistic understandings of pandemic
impacting marginalized populations and those living in settings with fragility risks, conflict or with the goals of strategic preparedness and response plans
to stop the spread of COVID-19, save lives and livelihoods. It challenges, steer effective and
is a cross-cutting agenda to impact and strengthen inclusive, equitable public health responses,
Two years after the novel SARS-CoV-2 pathogen first emerged, these impacts continue. person and community-centred approaches across all pillars of and mitigate pandemic and
Evolution of the virus, inequitable access to medical countermeasures, increased social mixing, operational response.
response impacts.
inconsistent messaging, politicization of the public health response, erosion of public trust, and
wide circulation of misinformation, are just some of the factors driving the ongoing emergency
phase of the pandemic.

74 © WHO/Ploy Phutpheng 75

Objectives Objective To develop and advance methods, research infrastructure
and research capacity
To date, the social science in outbreak response thematic areas has promoted
evidence generation and uptake with the following objectives: Challenges and opportunities of Key achievements
researching in a pandemic, method- Developed research protocols, tools,

ological innovations, interdisciplinary mechanisms and research infrastructure
Objective To strengthen public health and clinical responses to the approaches, synthesizing large bodies for standardized, systematic collection of
COVID-19 pandemic of knowledge to inform policy, capaci- data.
ty-building, for example, via training and
Research to strengthen public health and Contribution to our understanding of fellowship schemes, and engaging social Training and capacity development,
clinical responses to COVID-19, including SARS- CoV2 transmission and control science research networks. together with network development and
related to the uptake of public health and Evidence from social sciences brings formalization to collect and share data.
social measures (PHSMs) and medical important perspectives related to
countermeasures in the context of a social, behavioural, cultural, political Research conducted under this thematic area has also Contribution to our understanding of
protracted public health emergency. and economic aspects of SARS-CoV2 SARS- CoV2 transmission and control
advanced understanding of the variable socioeconomic
transmissions and control, including Enables faster, more effective approaches
and political contexts of the pandemic, thus enabling to evidence generation and use for
Key achievements those related to unintended impacts of
Advanced primary evidence generation response decisions, to inform holistic and better insights into key issues, for example the impacts COVID-19 and for future events.
related to social and behavioural integrated response actions. of the pandemic and control measures beyond direct
dynamics including, for example, on health effects, the factors leading to reduced public
PHSMs, vaccine uptake, COVID-19 home Evidence to strengthen community-
trust, and the dynamics influencing vaccine confidence.
care, psychosocial impacts, policy centred responses aims to learn lessons
responses, evidence-informed policy, from this pandemic to build resilience
health workers, infection prevention and and readiness for future events.
control, sexual and reproductive health Key benefits Key outputs
and ethics of scare resource allocation.
To date, work captured under the To date, work captured under the social Global consultation on community-
Informed WHO guidance through science pillar has generated valuable centred approaches to health
social science pillar has generated
integration of evidence from social evidence that is crucial for developing emergencies to define evidence gaps
valuable evidence that is crucial for emergency response strategies that are A global consultation brought together
developing emergency response robust and account for complex social, researchers, practitioners, governmental
Global consultation on community- strategies that are robust and economic, and political landscapes. representatives, representatives of
centred approaches to health multilateral agencies and donors to
account for complex social,
emergencies. It has provided frameworks and review progress and specify gaps
economic and political landscapes. methodologies for data collection, and research priorities for advancing
synthesis and analysis that are tailored to community-centred approaches across
community realities to advise evidence- the health emergency cycle.

informed decision-making at local,
Objective To mitigate the uneven impact of COVID-19 on different regional, and global levels. Meeting outcomes highlighted knowledge
social groups gaps and evidence needs that can be
This includes research related to a broad addressed through interdisciplinary or
Understanding the impacts of COVID-19 such as tools for rapid assessment of and inclusive definition of communities, social science research. Subsequently,
and giving attention to the uneven contextual vulnerability, community including, for example, marginalized rapid evidence syntheses have highlighted
impacts of the pandemic and attendant mapping, engagement of civil society groups, contextual vulnerabilities, health key approaches to operationalize key
public health interventions, with a focus organizations. workers, online communities, and policy concepts such as community resilience
on marginalized groups, contextual makers. and community readiness to inform
vulnerabilities, humanitarian and fragile Contribution to our understanding of the work of a new unit in WHO, the
settings. SARS- CoV2 transmission and control Research conducted under this thematic Community Readiness and Resilience
Increases knowledge on needs and area has also advanced understanding Unit.
Key achievements challenges to be addressed for vulnerable of the variable socioeconomic and
Global and local level analyses and populations for more inclusive and political contexts of the pandemic, thus Good Participatory Practices (GPP)
advocacy on the broader impacts of people centred responses. enabling better insights into key issues, resources for a global clinical trial of
COVID-19. for example the impacts of the pandemic COVID-19 vaccines
Fair and efficient allocation of resources and control measures beyond direct For coordinated and standardized
Advanced research for inclusive, person- and more equitable response. health effects, the factors leading to practices related to multi-stakeholder
centred response actions and structural reduced public trust, and the dynamics engagement for the global Solidarity Trial
mechanisms for wider engagement influencing vaccine confidence. Vaccines (STV), a suite of engagement
76 77

and learning materials for standardized • Landscape analysis and mapping of

best practice was developed and community structures at national and
implemented by national teams subnational level, including mapping of
delivering the trial. civil society organizations.

These include a handbook for GPP and • Research on the challenges and
crisis communications and an online constraints of science and policy
learning programme. Additional materials advisers when accessing, interpreting,
include standardized communications applying and communicating scientific
tools (leaflets, FAQs etc), an animated evidence in the context of a public
explainer of the trial; and a FlipBook health emergency to inform responsive
for standardized information exchange solutions.
during recruitment to the trial.
Mechanisms, tools and training for
standardized and systematic data
capture and use of evidence
Subsequently, rapid evidence syntheses have
highlighted key approaches to operationalize key Examples include:
concepts such as community resilience and community
• Research tools for health workers
readiness to inform the work of a new unit in WHO, the surveys to improve infection prevention
Community Readiness and Resilience Unit. and control practices: A customizable
research protocol and online data
collection tool for rapid cross-sectional ©iStock/Jennifer Sophie

Evidence for holistic, inclusive, tailored surveys to evaluate perceptions

and evidence-informed response of health workers’ individual and the impacts of COVID-19 transmission approaches and response decisions
An extensive portfolio of evidence organizational preparedness to follow on communities. A Social Data Tracker at national level. A similar tool for
production continues to be delivered infection and control (IPC) measures in dashboard also tracks key socio- use in Africa was developed and
across multiple partner organizations and their place of work . An implementation behavioural data on COVID-19 from piloted in Nigeria and Zambia and
WHO global regions. guide assists health care administrators multiple research projects conducted key lessons related to implementation
and other decision-makers to easily by partners and academic communities. are also captured. From July 2021, in
Examples include: interpret findings and take action to the Western Pacific Region (WPRO),
improve IPC in health care settings • Behavioural insights tools for four waves of behavioural insights
• Rapid evidence syntheses and briefings at local, regional and/or national systematic collection of data on public data have been collected, with a fifth
that collate best practice approaches levels. A briefing document highlights knowledge, risk perception, behaviours round in progress, together with focus
and key considerations, for example, key considerations for this work in and trust: Capturing feedback from group studies for rich exploration and
related to use of masks, COVID-19 humanitarian settings. Sixteen groups over 27,000 respondents from 23 contextualization of findings.
home care, immunity passports, and working across 12 countries piloted Member States in the WHO Eastern
for working with community health this package, capturing the views of Mediterranean Region (EMRO), UNICEF • Standards for rapid qualitative
workers, youth and faith-based 10,000+ heath workers in different Middle East and North Africa (MENA) methods for public health emergency
organizations. settings. Training is in development region, results of a time-series regional events
through WHO SocialNet. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Rapid evidence production at the start
• Advocacy and mechanisms for Survey (KAP) have enabled WHO of COVID-19 has seen innovation in
integration of social science evidence • Rapid access to large socio-behavioural and UNICEF to support countries methods for social science research.
for example, through the kinds of datasets for COVID-19: Developed by with implementing evidence-based Well-specified and robust methods
research questions to be addressed, the RCCE Collective Service, a database interventions to increase public are critical to address the full range
structures for integration and and linked dashboard presents data adherence to PHSMs, as well as of complex social, health, political,
integration for disease modelling. covering 198 countries, with over build demand and address barriers economic and structural dimensions
250,000 data points from 411 different affecting COVID-19 vaccine uptake. of a pandemic. A rapid evaluation of
• Evidence to strengthen RCCE practices, data sources. This resource makes best Behavioural insights data collected from 138 published and unpublished sources
including among marginalized groups, use of available data, encourages data approximately 120,000 participants highlighted recommendations for best
to promote more standardized sharing, and provides an innovative in 18+ countries and territories in practices in conducting rapid qualitative
approaches to RCCE, approaches framework and methodology for data the region using the WHO Europe assessments used in public health
for measurement and uptake of RCCE analysis based on a framework of COVID-19 behavioural insights survey emergencies .
interventions, and use of formative key variables essential for slowing tool, in addition to multiple rounds All references and publications/further
research to inform interventions. COVID-19 transmission or measuring of data collected independently in 11 resources are available at the end of the
other countries, has informed policy report.

78 79

The aim of the WHO COVID-19 IPC R&D Expert Group is to
better understand infection prevention and control (IPC) Group members ran 45 research
measures required to inform recommendations and to optimize projects directly supported
the effectiveness of personal protective equipment (PPE) to through the WHO Secretariat.
minimize the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in both health
These included systematic reviews,
care workers (HCWs) and the community.
laboratory studies, modelling,
The work of the group is done in concert with the WHO randomized control trials,
Secretariat, other stakeholders, COVID-19 research pillars and longitudinal studies, qualitative
working groups with the purpose of facilitating coordination
surveys and a multicentric case-
and collaboration of R&D and empower synergies in the field of
IPC research and response during the COVID-19 pandemic and control study.

Objective Understand the effectiveness of public health and social
measures (PHSMs) and IPC strategies to prevent second-
ary transmission in health care and community settings.
Key achievements • combined PPE+ and IPC education and
Estimating the cost-effectiveness of training could have averted 9.8 million
IPC interventions: a global modelling new infections in HCWs, resulting in
study conducted by the Organisation estimated net savings of US$ 7.23 billion
for Economic Co-operation and circa, globally

Development (OECD) and WHO assessed
the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness • per capita, cost of enhancing

IPC research during the

of IPC interventions aimed at reducing HH was estimated to be around
transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among US$ 0.27 adjusted for the differences
HCWs. in purchasing power, whereas the cost

pandemic: Pointing to an These are: enhanced hand hygiene (HH);

of PPE+ alone and combining PPE and
IPC education and training are US$ 0.63

opportunity for saving

increased PPE access (PPE+); combined and US$ 1.15, respectively
PPE+ and IPC education and training
interventions. Contribution to our understanding of

lives and money The study results (not yet published)

suggested that in the first 180 days of the
SARS CoV-2 transmission and control
In the first 180 days of the pandemic,
increased access to PPE combined
pandemic: with IPC training could have averted
Overall summary
new cases, admissions to hospital and
• enhanced HH intervention could have intensive care and deaths among HCWs
The WHO COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Research and Development (R&D) averted about 1 million new infections in in all regions, worldwide.
Expert Group was established following the COVID-19 Global Research Forum in February 2020. It HCWs, globally
includes 48 experts. HH was also found to be a cost-effective
• PPP+ alone could have averted about intervention in most regions. This study
In collaboration with the WHO Secretariat, this group convened regularly to identify and update 4.4 million new infections in HCWs estimated that PPE and enhanced
on the research priorities for IPC in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. resulting in estimated net savings of HH could have prevented millions of
US$ 1.5 billion, globally infections and billions of associated costs
Group members ran 45 research projects directly supported through the WHO Secretariat. These
included systematic reviews, laboratory studies, modelling, randomized control trials, longitudinal on a global scale.
studies, qualitative surveys and a multicentric case-control study.

Through these partnerships, research gaps have been bridged, while the evolving pandemic has
Through these partnerships, research gaps have been bridged, while the
also highlighted new questions and priorities to be considered for COVID-19 and in preparation for evolving pandemic has also highlighted new questions and priorities to be
future outbreaks. considered for COVID-19 and in preparation for future outbreaks.

80 ©WHO/Tom Pietrasi 81

Understanding HCW infections cases varied from 0% to 15.2%. A However, the factors driving these acquired in intensive care units and
• Development of a standardized new definition was developed by the patterns are complex and include the incidence of carbapenem-resistant
protocol for a case-control study authors. changes in patient case mix and organisms. The results (unpublished),
assessing risk factors for COVID-19 adjustments in health care access and including whole genome sequencing,
infection in HCWs. This case-control The review allowed understanding practice, as well as the widening of indicated decreasing trends in 2020
study led by WHO was implemented in of different definitions and systems patient-to-staff ratios, the increasing compared to previous years.
97 health facilities across 19 countries, for HOCI and develop a standardised trend of proning COVID-19 patients, and
recruiting 2,285 HCWs. Preliminary definition. the sub-optimal PPE use. The Singapore study yielded different
results (unpublished) suggested that results from the Imperial London study,
prolonged close contact (>15min • Network
 analysis of COVID-19 • Another study performed in Singapore indicating a possible positive impact of
within 1m) and inconsistent face masks transmission in healthcare settings investigated the impact of the enhanced IPC on health care-associated
(respirator or surgical masks) wearing using patient movement data and a pandemic on the incidence of infections infection and AMR trends.
during SARS-CoV-2 exposures were risk prediction algorithm based on
strongly associated with infection. patient and specialty characteristics,

and development of a real-time and
automated HOCI surveillance and
Objective Optimize the effectiveness of personal protective equip-
The findings of this study highlighted
the gap in appropriate use of masks by individual risk prediction system (not ment (PPE) and its usefulness in reducing the risk of
HCWs and thus, IPC training during the yet published). transmission in health care and community settings.
pandemic, especially in low-to-middle
income settings. The network analysis and algoritm
Key achievements Contribution to our understanding of
development helped monitor patient
Improving PPE effectiveness and SARS- C  oV-2 transmission and control
• Living rapid review on HCWs risk pathway; informed local IPC practices
addressing shortages: Several studies investigated the
factors for infection regularly published by identifying the high-risk locations
effectiveness of PPE (medical masks,
in the Annals of Internal Medicine; (surgical units and renal wards) and • Protocols for evidence-based face shields, respirators, face visors) and
evidence indicate that significant risk patient groups (elderly, male). assessment of PPE effectiveness in community masks in real settings, and
of SARS-CoV-2 infection among HCWs nosocomial and community and PPE combination of different PPE providing
associated with certain exposures (e.g. The methods can be translated to
decontamination methods have been evidence on their efficacy in controlling
involvement in intubations, more direct monitoring transmission of other
defined. virus transmission.
or intense patient contact, or contact pathogens.
with bodily secretions) and with black • The effectiveness and safety of different In the context of severe shortage,
Understanding the impact of the
race, direct contact with infected decontamination methods has been decontamination of single-use respirator
pandemic on health care-associated
co-worker or household member. No demonstrated; the effectiveness of seems a viable strategy as a logistical
infection: A case-control study revealed
consistent association was found with methylene blue in inactivating SARS- stop gap.
that the pandemic and national
age, sex or professional role (nurse vs CoV-2, MERS-CoV, Ebola, Lassa,
responses had an impact on the patterns
physician). Implementation of universal and Nipah viruses on N95 and KN95 Discussion about existing evidence
of community- and hospital-acquired
masking, IPC training, appropriate PPE respirator material was demonstrated; on methylene blue effectiveness in
bloodstream infections (BSIs) in patients
use and hand hygiene were associated a dedicated study, on methylene blue inactivating other viruses, including
(COVID-19 and not).
with decreased risk of infection among applied to N95 respirators and medical norovirus, was also fostered, together
HCWs. Main results: out of 1,047 BSIs, 38% masks providing safety evidence with the need to clarify that other IPC
were hospital-acquired. HAI, with for the use of MBL for SARS-CoV-2 measures (e.g. HH) can be strengthened
The living rapid review highlighted bloodstream HAI rate increased to 132.3 decontamination. but not surrogated by PPE use and reuse
wide-ranging HCWs SARS-CoV-2 per 100,000 patient-days during the first alone.
infection (likely due to differences • New actionable protocols for
wave and to 190.9 during the second,
in local epidemiology of infections, decontaminating PPE in the context Systematic analysis of existing methods
compared to 100.4 across the pandemic
exposures, PPE use, clinical settings) of severe shortage are now under and tools for antimicrobial treatment
(with significant increases in elective
and key independent factors for development. of PPE, suggested that this is a viable
inpatients). Patients with HAI had longer
infection risk among HCWs. The review approach to increase the safety and
hospital stays (≈20 days) and 26.7% • Existing methods for PPE antimicrobial
also evidence gaps related to infection effectiveness of PPE in the context of
higher mortality rates. treatments have been systematically
risk associated with PPE use and PPE severe shortage, although further effort
reuse. reviewed, demonstrating their efficacy, is required to standardize antimicrobial
This retrospective analysis used data
while highlighting the heterogeneity of treatments’ methods, tools, protocols
linkage to investigate possible changing
• Living rapid review on existing protocols adopted by different authors. and further assess their safety and
patterns of BSIs during two COVID-19
HOCI systems initially published in waves; it seems that the pandemic and effectiveness.
the Journal of Hospital Infection; 9 national responses had an impact on the
sets of definitions and surveillance aforementioned patterns.
systems identified. Proportion of HOCI

82 83

Improving PPE design: importance comfort); inconsistent behaviours Objective Identify the role of the environment in transmission
of mask and respirators comfort were documented in relation to PPE
(combination of breathability and fit) in reuse and disinfection; concerns were Key achievements This study suggested that frozen meat
the context of continued and universal raised on uncertainty on assessing Identifying the role of the environment in contaminated with different surrogates
masking was highlighted, beyond PPE and community masks; regrading transmission: could be still infectious after 60 days;
traditional mask properties (i.e., filtering decontamination and reuse, users were temperature response is surrogate
and breathability) worried about several aspects. Infectious virus on fomites; high dependent, indicating that more than
quantitative burdens of infectious virus one surrogate is needed in order to
• Protocols for non-medical masks (aka • Combinations of PPE, medical masks were detected on fomites from almost understand the likely survival of SARS-
community-masks) have been identified and visors have varying impact on HCW 500 samples from 75 hospitalized and CoV-2 in different conditions.
and disseminated. communication and fatigue. community cases. This study suggested
that multiple modes of transmission Key benefits
• Protocols and tools for quantitative • The feasibility of using novel
could be exploited by SARS-CoV-2, The WHO R&D IPC Secretariat worked
assessing properties of masks and technologies for improving PPE
including direct contact, large respiratory synergistically and in collaboration with
respirators were developed. logistics (e.g. drones for PPE delivery in
droplets, and fomite transmission. technical and scientific partners and
remote areas) was demonstrated.
relevant R&D stakeholders. It ran studies
• Protocols for characterization and
Survival of coronavirus surrogates on in all regions (Figure 1),1 contributing to
selection of novel materials for masks Contribution to our understanding of
different kinds of frozen meat and fish the global understanding of SARS-CoV-2
and respirators were developed. SARS- CoV-2 transmission and control
products was investigated: Phi 6 persisted surveillance, prevention, and definition of
These studies supported the
over 60 days, compared 4C vs -20C on effective and cost-effective IPC solutions.
Contribution to our understanding of understanding of HCW and public
different meats, phage survived for all the
SARS- C oV-2 transmission and control preferences in which PPE wear in
time of the observation (4C at 2log10 vs The evidence generated by this research
Protocols aiming to improve the fit, different medical settings (i.e. ER,
-20C at 0.5log10); RNA viruses (i.e. MHV, has supported and will further inform
performance and comfort of non- admission, ICU).
TGEV) shown similar behaviour to phage; measures and guidance to reduce the risk
medical, medical masks and respirators
chicken and pork see slightly greater of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and provide
have been developed. Combinations of PPE have different
reduction than beef or salmon. protection of HCWs and members of the
impact on HCW communication and
Improving PPE and non-medical mask general public.
fatigue. Several studies deepened the
acceptability and availability: importance of comfort, as an important
issue for prolonged use of PPE and non- WHO IPC Supported Research Power BI Desktop

• Human factors affected adoption, Study

medial masks, both in health care settings
effective and safe use of PPE in health Asymptomatic transmission of SARS-CoV…
and in community, beyond filtering and
care settings and non-medical masks Bedside hand hygiene practice
breathability, which were well established
in community; factors affecting the Case control
features for respirators and medical
selection included feeling protected, Completion of human fit study for the re…
while fatigue and communication were Cough and droplet PCR sampling
COVID-19 Droplet Protection Using Face …
the most recurrent reasons hindering Novel technologies such as drones for
Decontamination of masks and filtering f…
adherence to recommendations PPE delivery, for improving PPE access to
Decontamination of masks with methyle…
(mainly linked to breathability, fit and marginalized communities demonstrated.
Efficacy and Impact of Methylene Blue + …
Environmental transmission study
Evaluation of a novel, locally produced va…
Development of a standardized protocol for a case-control study assessing Evaluation of anesthesia airway equipme…
Hand hygiene for all
risk factors for COVID-19 infection in HCWs. This case-control study led by
Human Factors comparison using separa…
WHO was implemented in 97 health facilities across 19 countries, recruiting Improving the Effectiveness of Non-Medi…
2,285 HCWs. IPC cost effectiveness
IPC portal for monitoring and evaluation
Medical and Non-Medical Mask/N95 Res…
Nosocomial transmission CRO
Pandemic impact on hospital burden of …
© 2022
2022 Microsoft
Microsoft Corporation

Figure 1: the WHO IPC Teams coordinated 45 research projects, which included
27 multicentre studies in 45 different states in order to generate evidence on the
research priorities identified in February 2020
Details can be read here:

84 85

Objective 1) Addressing intermittent global • Research on persistent antimicrobial
shortages and logistical constraints for treatments for face coverings has
procurement of PPE: provided an evidence base for further
research and innovation in this area.
• Priority research on decontamination
and reprocessing methods has yielded • Research on innovative delivery of PPE
promising preliminary findings on the and other essential medical supplies
use of methylene blue + light and dry has provided evidence for a promising
heat as filtering face piece respirator strategy for distribution of supplies in
decontamination methods. remote communities.

• Research to support fit testing of 2) Addressing mask use in the

filtering face piece respirators has community:
provided a prototype for a low-
cost alternative to quantitative and • Priority research on the essential
qualitative fit testing methods. parameters of non-medical masks used
in community settings has informed
• Research evaluating eye and face guidance on material combinations and
protection using a global sampling design to optimize fit, filtration, and
of face shields is expected to provide breathability.
improved design guidance for
manufactured and locally produced Research on embedding PVA test strips
face shields. to capture virus in exhaled breath has
provided a multipurpose non-invasive
surveillance strategy for SARS-CoV-2
This review highlighted wide-ranging HCW congregate settings.
SARS-CoV-2 infection (likely due to differences in local
epidemiology of infections, exposures, PPE use, clinical
© WHO / Blink Media - N
 adége Mazars
settings) and evidence gaps related to infection risk
associated with PPE use and PPE reuse.
Key outputs

1 3
Objective 1) Addressing key questions on IPC in simulated scenarios, along with study
Objective • Research on fomites containing Currently, a dedicated special issue on
health care in the context of COVID-19: protocols enabling further research and
viable virus present in patient care the American Journal of Infection Control
evaluative approaches for introducing
environments has provided supporting (AJIC) has been organized and from the
• Research on the cost-effectiveness of novel approaches and technologies to
evidence for IPC strategies to reduce 11 papers initially submitted, three have
IPC interventions has indicated that IPC programmes.
environmental contamination of SARS- been accepted for publication and six are
enhanced PPE use, IPC training and
CoV-2. in an advanced stage of revision.
hand hygiene could have prevented • Research on health care-associated
millions of infections among health infections and antimicrobial resistance
Several journal papers have been
care workers and billions of associated among patients during the pandemic
published by the team members as
costs on a global scale and provided has indicated conflicting results
reported in the IPC pillar achievements
an evidence base to inform the (increase in some settings and decrease
report1 published in May 2021 (an update
development and integration of in others compared to pre-pandemic
IPC report is under preparation), as a
programmatic support for IPC periods) which need to be further
result of the projects mentioned above.
• Priority research on health worker
infections has yielded identification of 2) Addressing sanitation and waste
risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection management:
among health care workers, and
capability to assess high-risk breaches • Research on the use of hypochlorous
in IPC practices acid has been explored as a rational
non-toxic alternative for inactivation
• Research on human factors has of SARS-CoV-2 and other common
provided evidence on normative pathogens in health care settings.
HCW preferences and behaviours in

86 87

In order to respond to emerging developments and stakeholder needs, the group maintains close
linkages with other relevant WHO working groups as well as external partners, particularly those
operating within the R&D Blueprint workstreams and the ACT-Accelerator (ACT-A).

Through webinars, forums, and outreach activities, the group engages with more stakeholders. In
the future, the group will intensify its work on integrating ethics and governance into R&D and public
health decision-making and translating guidance into practice to better prepare for future public
health emergencies.

The Ethics and COVID-19 Working Group identifies
The Ethics and COVID-19 Working Group ethics and governance issues raised by COVID-19.
aims to examine and produce guidance Convened under the WHO R&D Blueprint, the
with respect to the ethical considerations working group also covers broader issues emerging in
and dimensions associated with transmission and control, given the ubiquity of ethical
COVID-19 R&D and broader ethical issues
raised by the pandemic response.
concerns in the pandemic.

Objective Build on pre-existing ethics guidance to develop guidance
materials fit for purpose in COVID-19

Key achievement Contribution to our understanding of
Developing and contributing to WHO SARS- CoV-2 transmission and control
guidance documents and policy briefs on The working group has developed

Ethics and COVID-19 guidance documents and policy briefs on

ethical issues raised by COVID-19.1-15

Specifying principles for research in It has also advised and collaborated with
public health emergencies other WHO working groups on ethical
considerations in their focus areas.

This achievement has also contributed to

delivering objectives 2 and 3.

Overall summary

Objective Identify principles for research and their application
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has repeatedly underlined the importance of ethics in R&D
and response efforts in public health emergencies. (standard operating procedures – SOPs, Solidarity trials,
human challenge studies)
The Ethics and COVID-19 Working Group identifies ethics and governance issues raised by COVID-19.
Convened under the WHO R&D Blueprint, the working group also covers broader issues emerging in Key achievement Contribution to our understanding of
transmission and control, given the ubiquity of ethical concerns in the pandemic. Specifying principles for research in SARS-CoV-2 transmission and control
public health emergencies The working group has developed ethical
Since the onset of the pandemic, the working group has developed several WHO guidance
standards for research during public
documents and policy briefs. These documents support WHO and Member States in attending to health emergencies,9 rapid research
ethical issues in R&D, public health, and clinical response. ethics review,10 and guidance to scientists,
The Ethics and COVID-19 Working Group aims to research ethics committees, funders,
The working group has developed ethical standards for research in public health emergencies, rapid
examine and produce guidance with respect to the policy-makers and regulators on the
research ethics review, and controlled human infection studies. Further guidance addresses topics in
ethical considerations and dimensions associated design, conduct and governance of
the public health response, including but not limited to the allocation of scarce resources, the use of controlled human infection studies.6
digital tools, and mandatory vaccination. with COVID-19 R&D and broader ethical issues raised
by the pandemic response.

88 © WHO/Blink Media - Bart Verweij 89


Objective Develop allocation principles for clinical management,
vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics
Key achievement can interact more systematically with
Hosting the WHO Pandemic Ethics & technical and policy work in current and
Policy Summit (6 Dec 2021) future infectious disease outbreaks.7 8

Contribution to our understanding of This achievement has also contributed to

SARS-CoV-2 transmission and control delivering objectives 2 and 4.
The working group hosted a high-level
global forum to explore how ethics

Objective Build ethical preparedness for the subsequent waves and
future infectious disease threats
© WHO / Blink Media - Saiyna Bashir
Key achievement through the Epidemic Ethics Platform.
Dissemination and outreach activities Working group members have advised Key outputs
their national governments and ethics
Contribution to our understanding of committees, and published on ethics and Since publication of the previous -A
 Policy Brief on Ethical Standards
SARS-CoV-2 transmission and control governance issues raised by COVID-19 in Achievements Report (2021),17 the for Research During Public Health
The group has presented its work across peer-reviewed journals.18-34 working group published the following Emergencies9
multiple platforms, including at regional
key outputs:
and global summits of national ethics This achievement has also contributed to - Guidance
 for the Rapid Review
committees. Nine additional seminars delivering objectives 2 and 3. - The
 Ethical Framework for WHO’s of Research during Public Health
(since May 2021) were convened Work in the ACT-Accelerator1 Emergencies10

- Ethics
 sections in guidance documents - Key
 Criteria for the Ethical
Key benefits led by the WHO Digital Health team Acceptability of COVID-19 Human
on Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Challenge Studies11
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic researchers, policy-makers, and other Certificates for:
has repeatedly underlined the importance stakeholders to integrate ethics and - An
 Interim guidance on Ethical
of ethics in R&D and response efforts in governance considerations into decision- - Vaccination status2 Considerations to Guide the Use
public health emergencies. making. of Digital Proximity Tracking
- Test results3 Technologies for COVID-19 Contact
Examples include setting research Such guidance is vital towards the R&D Tracing12
priorities, facilitating rapid research Blueprint’s aim to improve coordination - Principles
 and key ethical
ethics review, allocating vaccines and between scientists and global health considerations for COVID-19 -A
 Policy Brief on Ethics and COVID-19:
other scarce resources within and across professionals, and to shape new norms Immunization in Refugees and Resource Allocation and Priority-
countries, devising and implementing and standards to enhance the global Migrants4 Setting13
restrictions of movement, considering response.
vaccination mandates, and COVID-19 -A
 Policy Brief on ethical considerations -A
 Policy Brief on Emergency Use
vaccination in children. Sustainable and In addition, the working group has of COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Designs in Designation of COVID-19 Candidate
successful R&D and outbreak response collaborated with various technical the Context of Authorized COVID-19 Vaccines: Ethical Considerations for
strategies require an integrated departments of WHO on specific ethical Vaccines and Expanding Global Current and Future COVID-19 Placebo-
consideration of ethical and governance aspects of their work and advised the Access5 Controlled Vaccine Trials and Trial
issues. WHO Communications team on ethics- Unblinding14
related messaging. - The
 new WHO Guidance on the
The WHO Ethics & COVID-19 Working Ethical Conduct of Controlled Human -A
 Policy Brief on COVID-19 and
Group identifies ethical challenges Learning from the ethical challenges at Infection Studies6 Mandatory Vaccination: Ethical
in COVID-19 R&D and the ongoing the centre of the ongoing pandemic will Considerations and Caveats15
be essential to better prepare for the next Further WHO publications prepared by
pandemic response.
unforeseen public health emergency. the working group since the onset of All references and publications/further
On this basis, the Group develops the pandemic include: resources are available at the end of the
guidance for WHO Member States, report.

90 91

Aim Key achievements by objective

A key aim of the regulatory science thematic area
has been to develop and implement efficient and Regulatory science plays a critical role in
effective product assessment mechanisms to enabling and facilitating access to quality
evaluate quality, safety and efficacy of urgently assured, safe and effective vaccines and
needed investigational diagnostics, therapeutics
and vaccines for COVID-19 based on WHO clinical
treatments which provide a basis for good
guidelines and Target Product Profiles (TPPs). health.

In parallel, the regulatory preparedness work aims In 2021, together with regulatory experts
to assist COVAX-supported countries to efficiently
around the world, WHO recommended
authorize COVID-19 vaccines and to provide
technical assistance to collect adverse events, nine additional COViD-19 vaccines for EUL,
identify key safety signals and take appropriate approved 25 drug substance and 41 drug
actions in coordination with regulatory agencies product manufacturing sites and evaluated
around the world.
over 170 post-EUL changes.

Updating EUL and prequalification evaluation A total of 470 EUL dossiers and reports were shared
guidance is also critical for accelerated with 100 NRAs and we assisted over 150 LMIC NRAs
assessment of COVID-19-related products. to issue nearly 3,300 regulatory authorizations of
ten EUL COVID-19 vaccines.

 egulatory science

and convergence Objective Conduct risk-based assessment to ensure quality,
safety, efficacy and user-suitability of COVID-19
between national diagnostics, treatments and vaccines, including
investigational products that are under clinical trials
regulatory authorities Key achievements • Prequalified four FPPs, two APIs,
• Listed nine additional COVID-19 two injectable dexamethasone
Overall summary vaccines for EUL with 17 NRA of
records for vaccines manufactured and/ • Prequalified three formulations of
or authorized in Australia, Argentina, tocilizumab
Regulatory science plays a critical role in enabling and facilitating access to quality assured, safe and
effective vaccines and treatments which provide a basis for good health. Belgium, Canada, China, France,
Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Rep • Four applications for API of
Korea, South Africa, the Netherlands, Molnupiravir under assessment
In 2021, WHO assessed and recommended nine additional COVID-19 vaccines for Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, UK and the
USA • Developed the first Expert Review Panel
Emergency Use Listing (EUL) with approval of 25 drug substance and 41 drug product mechanism for biotherapeutics
manufacturing sites and evaluation of over 200 post-EUL changes. • Approved
 25 drug substance and 41 drug
product vaccine manufacturing sites • One hundred and sixty eight
applications received for EUL of
WHO also shared 470 EUL dossiers and reports with 100 national regulatory authorities (NRAs) and • Evaluated over 200 post-EUL changes COVID-19 diagnostics with listing of 29
assisted over 150 low- and middle-income country (LMIC) NRAs to issue nearly 3,300 regulatory products and rejection of 53 products
authorizations of ten EUL COVID-19 vaccines. • Prequalified nine 0.3ml-auto-disabled
(AD) syringes and four other AD • Conducted over 40 onsite inspections,
Working closely with NRAs and regulatory networks, WHO has been helping to promote regulatory syringes including COVID-19 vaccines
alignment and convergence in the COVID-19 pandemic response and providing support to NRAs to manufacturing sites in China and
strengthen regulatory systems and increase regulatory capacities. Russia despite the unprecedented
travel restrictions and quarantine
requirements in place

92 ©iStock/skodonnell 93

2 4
Objective Implement a reliance mechanism for resource-limited Objective Continue strengthening national and regional regulatory
countries to efficiently and effectively authorize vaccines procedures for risk-based evaluations during public health
that are listed for EUL for procurement emergencies and increase the number of national regula-
tory authorities to implement the reliance concept to ex-
Key achievements pedite regulatory authorizations
• Under
 confidentiality agreement, shared • Held weekly meeting with WHO regions,
470 EUL dossiers and reports with 100 UNICEF and GAVI to provide technical
Key achievements
national NRAs and provided technical support and to ensure timely regulatory
• Published WHO guidelines on Good and a list of potential adverse events of
support authorization of donated COVID-19
Regulatory and Reliance Practices and special interest (AESIs), to monitor and
implementation of quality management ensure the safety of these new vaccines
• Assisted
 over 150 LMIC NRAs to issue
nearly 3,300 regulatory authorizations • Organized technical webinars for NRAs
• Published Emergency Interim Guideline
of ten EUL COVID-19 vaccines in each WHO region on each of the ten
• Over 300 regulators trained on on the detection and management of
EUL COVID-19 vaccines
assessment of CTD-based dossiers, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia
bioequivalence studies, regulatory syndrome (TTS) associated with the
• Held EUL workshops on COVID-19
preparedness during public health adenovirus vector COVID-19 vaccines
diagnostics in three regions
• Though subcommittee of the WHO
• Conducted quality assessment training Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine

for 70 regulators from over 40 countries Safety, adverse events were closely
Objective Promote information sharing, reliance and regulatory monitored and relevant advice was
alignment and convergence in the COVID-19 pandemic issued
response and engage in dialogues with regulatory Assisted 40 self-benchmarking
• One hundred and forty-nine WHO
agencies around the world and completed five formal
Member States shared adverse events
benchmarking (GBT) of regulatory data with Vigibase
Key achievements systems, with follow up of 11 NRAs
• Actively
 participated in weekly • Took a lead in developing the ICMRA on the implementation status of • Held the first World Local Production
meetings organized by the International report on: Forum: Enhancing access to medicines
institutional development plans and
Coalition of Medicines Regulatory and other health technologies to foster
Authorities (ICMRA) and its subject • Review of regulatory flexibilities/ provided technical support to over dialogue and timely action globally
specific-working groups. agilities as implemented by NRAs 15 NRAs in promoting local production and
during pandemic technology transfer to tackle COVID-19
• Contributed to the ICMRA workshops on: and beyond
• Deep dive report on the review
• Use of virtual platforms developed for
• Vx safety collaboration (13 Jan 2021) of provisions and procedures for • Supported countries to implement
benchmarking methodology
emergency authorization of medical national strategies and develop
• COVID-19 Virus Variants (10 Feb 2021) products for COVID-19 among ICMRA plans of action for pharmaceutical
• Launched training of GBT assessors
members manufacturing:
• COVID-19 Virus Variants (24 Jun 2021)
• Assessed 24 substandard and falsified
• Co-chaired monthly COVAX Regulatory reports on COVID-19 vaccines – 4 manufacturers in Ethiopia achieved
• Enabling manufacturing capacity in the Advisory Group (RAG) meetings and national GMP certification
COVID-19 pandemic (07-08 Jul 2021) published technical brief on: – 15 falsified vaccines
 dvanced GMP and CAPA
– 4 substandard vaccines
• Global public health emergencies and • Synopsis from Aug-Oct 2020 COVAX implementation virtual training
regulatory systems – moving forward RAG meetings workshop (Mar 2020) in Ethiopia
(01-02 Dec 2021)
• Conducted feasibility assessments and
• Synopsis from Apr 2021 COVAX RAG Issued four global medical products situational analyses for sustainable local
• Omicron variants (12 Jan 2022) meeting alerts production:
• Issued
 WHO-ICMRA joint statements on: • Synopsis from May 2021 COVAX RAG –E
 thiopia with feasibility assessments
meeting – 2 unauthorized vaccines for local vaccine production and
• Transparency and data integrity Virtual benchmarking of Kilinto
• Issued 38 regulatory updates on • Published a COVID-19 vaccines safety Pharmaceutical Industrial Park
• How COVID-19 vaccines are regulated COVID-19 surveillance manual and training aids,
for safety and effectiveness together with relevant study protocols

94 95

 gypt for assessment of cGMP sustainable quality LP (Sep 2020) Objective Continue developing product evaluation guidance
compliance readiness of a vaccine
manufacturer and local production • Conducted a joint UNICEF-UNFPA- for variants
of COVID-19 Vxs WHO meeting with manufacturers and
suppliers (Dec 2020) Key achievements
 ri Lanka, etc: Holistic situational
• Published a points-to-consider guidance • Provided technical input to the WHO
analyses for sustainable local • Global resources on local production for evaluation of modified COVID-19 ACT-A Ethics Advisory Group in
production and technology transfer: vaccines to ensure scientifically sound, developing policy brief on ‘COVID-19
– Situational analysis tool and its ethically acceptable, efficient, prompt vaccine trial designs in the context
• Successful
 execution of:
e-version for sustainable local and reliable evaluation of modified of authorized COVID-19 vaccines
– 1 st World Local Production Forum versions of monovalent vaccines and expanding global access: ethical
production of quality health products
‘Enhancing access to medicines and considerations’
(refining and piloting)
other health technologies’ in Jun 2021
– Updated WHO guideline on
 cGMP training marathons, each with
technology transfer for pharmaceutical
12 topics (6 weeks in 2021, 13 weeks
manufacturing Key benefits
in 2020) and high participations from
>60 country • Partnerships and collaborations in local The COVID-19 pandemic has created In a rapidly changing environment, the
 olistic training workshops on key production to improve access: unprecedented demand on health care COVID-19 pandemic has brought together
enabling factors for successful LP, systems in all countries with an urgent informal groups of regulatory leaders,
– Joint WHO-UNCTAD webinars on
tailored for each region (EMRO) need for access to quality assured health including WHO regulatory teams, to
‘Pandemic Preparedness beyond
products. explore and provide strategic directions
 irtual training workshop on LP of COVID-19: Investing in vaccine
for enhanced collaboration to address
Quality and Safe Essential IVDs, WHO production and supply in LMICs’ (Apr
Over 70% of countries have weak common challenges.
PQ, EUL and ERPD processes (Feb 2020, Mar 2021, Oct 2021)
regulatory systems with inadequate
2021) • Co-organization WHO-CEPI Vaccine capacity, especially to cope with These frequent open dialogues have not
– Virtual
 workshop on strengthening Manufacturing Workshop for WHO pandemic. only resulted in considerable regulatory
collaboration as one WHO in EMRO (Sep 2021) alignment and convergence in the
supporting Member States towards COVID-19 pandemic response, but they
Thus, sharing of WHO EUL dossiers have also created opportunities to reflect
and reports with NRAs under on lessons learned and explore more
confidentiality agreement and effective and efficient approaches.
implementing reliance concept-
The outputs and their associated
facilitated timely regulatory references can be found at the end of the
decision-making without report.
compromising the independent
evaluation of quality, safety and
efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines has
been essential.

© iStock/toondelamour

96 97

The use of the WHO International Standard (IS) of SARS-CoV-2 antisera is important for interpreting
the results from vaccine clinical trials by providing the basis for the expression of the antibody titres
in International Units (IUs).

In particular, this allows results from efficacy trials for different vaccine candidates to be defined with
a single, common unitage (IU/mL), which in turn aids in establishing correlates of protection.

Following the establishment of WHO standards, continuous support has been provided to users, for
example through organizing trainings and webinars on their implementation and utilization.

In addition, a WHO manual to create national and other secondary standards for antibodies against
infectious agents focusing on SARS-CoV-2 is being developed to further assist with this.

In response to the rapid development of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines, a WHO document
‘Evaluation of the quality, safety and efficacy of messenger RNA vaccines for the prevention
of infectious diseases: regulatory considerations’ was developed in broad consultation with
stakeholders worldwide.

This document provides guidance and establishes international specifications on the manufacture,
quality control, nonclinical and clinical evaluation, of preventive mRNA vaccines against infectious
disease for human use.

Although applicable to all mRNA vaccines, it has provided special considerations for COVID-19
mRNA vaccines.


To provide international standards International written standards and measurement
and relevant technical support to standards have been developed, through global
 HO International Units:
W manufacturers and regulators, and to
facilitate regulatory convergence in
collaborative effort, to facilitate the development
and regulatory convergence of COVID-19 vaccines,
A common language in
the evaluation of COVID-19 vaccines,
diagnostics and therapeutics. diagnostics and therapeutics.

evaluation of the immune

Develop, standardize, and evaluate assays for SARS-
response to vaccines
CoV-2, its variants of concern, and confirming the continu-
al applicability of the International Standard (IS)
Overall summary
Key achievements Contribution to our understanding of
• 1st WHO International Standard and SARS- CoV2 transmission and control
Regulatory Science Vaccines R&D
Reference Panel for the anti-SARS- • Facilitate and harmonize the evaluation
CoV-2 antibody were established by the of COVID-19 diagnostics, vaccines and
International written standards and measurement standards have been developed, through
WHO Expert Committee on Biological therapeutics
global collaborative effort, to facilitate the development and regulatory convergence of COVID-19
Standardization (ECBS)
vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics.
• 1st WHO International Standard for
WHO standards are referred to by the WHO Emergency Use Listing Procedure (EUL) for COVID-19
SARS-CoV-2 RNA was established by
Measurement standards help with assay validation and quality assessment and enable the
comparison of results from different assays and vaccine clinical trials.

98 © iStock/ PonyWang 99

The use of the WHO International Standard (IS) of SARS-CoV-2 antisera is

important for interpreting the results from vaccine clinical trials by providing
the basis for the expression of the antibody titres in International Units (IUs).

Key benefits
WHO standards provide guidance and • Additional
 pertinent guidance
establish international specifications for documents are available at: https://
manufacturers and regulators on the
development, regulatory evaluation and product-and-policy-standards/
approval of vaccines. standards-and-specifications/vaccine-
These efforts facilitate regulatory
convergence and ensure the availability These include:
of safe and efficacious vaccines
internationally and through the WHO – Guidelines on nonclinical evaluation of
prequalification programme. vaccines

– Guidelines on nonclinical evaluation

In addition, a WHO manual to create national and of vaccine adjuvants and adjuvanted
other secondary standards for antibodies against vaccines
infectious agents focusing on SARS-CoV-2 is being
– Guidelines on clinical evaluation of
developed to further assist with this. vaccines: regulatory expectations
© WHO / Blink Media - Kibwe Brathwaite
– Human challenge trials for
Key outputs vaccine development: regulatory
considerations • 1st
 WHO International Standard and • WHO
 Reference Panel for antibodies
1. Relevant WHO technical documents Reference Panel for anti-SARS-CoV-2 for SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern
 manual for the establishment antibody (established and made (ongoing with the aim for submission
for COVID-19 vaccines and other
of national and other secondary available in Dec 2020 and distributed to to the WHO ECBS in October 2022)
biologicals have been made available:
standards for antibodies against the users worldwide in 2021 (Figure 2))
infectious agents focusing on SARS- • 2nd
 WHO IS for anti-SARS-CoV-2
CoV-2 (To be reviewed at WHO ECBS • 1st
 WHO International Standard for immunoglobulin (ongoing with the aim
in April 2022) SARS-CoV-2 RNA (established and for submission to the WHO ECBS in
In particular, the following guidance
health-topics/biologicals#tab=tab_1 made available in Dec 2020) October 2022)
documents are most pertinent to
vaccines for SARS-CoV-2:
 Guideline for the safe production 3. Training activities and technical
• Guidelines
 on the quality, safety and
and quality control of monoclonal To provide international standards and relevant support have been provided on the
antibodies and related products for technical support to manufacturers and regulators, standardization of immune assays and
efficacy of plasmid DNA vaccines,
use in humans are being developed calibration using WHO ISs through
ECBS 2020: and to facilitate regulatory convergence in the
(To be reviewed at WHO ECBS in April webinars organized in collaboration with
publications/m/item/plasmid-dna- evaluation of COVID-19 vaccines, diagnostics and
2022) CEPI, COVAX Enabling Sciences SWAT,
topics/biologicals#tab=tab_1 therapeutics. the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
• Evaluation
 of the quality, safety (BMGF), and other partners in January,
2. Measurement standards for SARS- • International
 standard for SARS-CoV-2 March, May, August, October and
and efficacy of messenger RNA
CoV-2 to facilitate and harmonize the antigens to support the development, November 2021.
vaccines for the prevention of
evaluation of COVID-19 diagnostics, assessment and comparability of
infectious diseases: regulatory
vaccines and therapeutics, developed by antigen-based rapid diagnostic tests These activities were attended by
considerations, ECBS 2021: https://
WHO Collaborating Centre, the National (ongoing with the aim for submission members of the vaccine industry,
Institute for Biological Standards to the WHO ECBS in October 2022) regulatory authorities, national control
and Control (NIBSC) in the UK, and
established by WHO ECBS:

100 101

laboratories, academia and other propagated in Vero E6 cells there is a

participants worldwide. One aspect of risk that deletions may arise in critical Figure 3.
the implementation of the WHO IS into virulence components of the virus, Use of the WHO International
practice is illustrated by Figure 3. including the FCS, during the sequential Standard for Anti-SARS-COV-2
passage of the virus for the production Immunoglobulin by 26 vaccine
4. In light of the rapid development working stock. manufacturers
of COVID-19 vaccines which utilize
SARS-CoV-2 viral stocks for their Such deletions appear to result in
development, as well as animal the stock virus being less virulent in
studies and human clinical trials, an animal models (as measured by clinical 58% 42%
investigation of the serial propagation observations and/or viral titration in
of the virus in Vero cells was organized mucosal secretions).
by NSB/HPS/MHP team.
The results were published (Reference
This was to explore the potential impact 3). They may have an impact on the
of cell substrates on the genetic stability interpretation of the data from both
of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. animal studies and clinical trials and
may help to improve the quality and
Studies conducted at Public Health control of viral working stocks used in
England (PHE), NIBSC, University of vaccine development, production and No Yes
Wisconsin-Madison and BEI Resources evaluation.
all concluded that when SARS-CoV-2 is

Figure 3. Use of First WHO International Standard (IS) for anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoglobulin by the
vaccine manufacturers

Figure 2. Distribution of the WHO International Standard for anti-SARS-CoV-2


The map shows the geographical distribution of end users who have acquired the
WHO International Standard (IS), NIBSC code 20/136 from December 2020 until
July 2021.

The size of the circle corresponds to the relative number of units shipped per
country. The location of the circle within a country is arbitrary and is not pinned to
the end user.

Overall, more than 2,400 units were shipped to 581 individual customers in 46
different countries worldwide.

The graph has been produced using Microsoft Power BI.

102 103

 . Pandemic preparedness
3 Figure 4. Co-ordinated research work in key R&D thematic areas is powering

is a constant, long-term the global response to COVID-19

investment Health
Good Evidence
Participatory to Policy
workers Practice Qualitative
COVID-19 Research Methods
We cannot completely prevent outbreaks The underlying principle is that a Roadmap Social Science
or pandemic, but we can be much better comprehensive research and innovation Working Group
COVID-19 Social
prepared and better coordinated in effort should continue to be at the core PHSM Tracker Sciences Technical
Working Group
responding to possible future outbreaks of pandemic response and of any efforts
and ensuring that they are detected and to be better prepared. PHSM Working
prevented at an early stage. This session
One health High level
provides insights on how the scientists in By embedding research at the centre Technical advisory group Expert Panel
the different research areas are reflecting heart of the pandemic response, we on virus evolution Public
health and Scientific Advisory
on the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pursue and achieve two goals: helping social Social Group for the Origins
pandemic and applying them to propose fight this pandemic while it is still Virus natural
measures of Novel Pathogens
WHO Infodemiology
future priorities. underway; and protecting us in the future. Conference evolution
animal Epidemiology
interface Technical Advisory

The Constitution of WHO defines as part of its functions a role to promote and Technical Advisory Expert group on
conduct research in the field of health. It states that one of the functions of the Group for Emergency
Use Listing Epidemiology
World Health Assembly shall be to promote and conduct research in the field
of health by the personnel of the Organization, by the establishment of its own ACT-A IPC R&D Expert
Regulatory Regulatory Group
institutions or by cooperation with official or non-official institutions of any Advisory science Two challenges for science:
Member with the consent of its Government. Moreover, the functions of the Group During this pandemic, to Global IPC
accelerate innovative research
Executive Board include … “to undertake studies and research the urgency of ICMRA to help contain the virus and
Infection Network
which has been drawn to the attention of the Board by any Member or by the Network and control
Director-General”. pandemic
For future pandemics, to further Hub
and develp global platforms used in
this pandemic to build our ACT-A
epidemic EPI intelligence defences for the next one. Diagnostics
Expert Group
Technical Working
Group on Rapid
The global research network has been Figure 5 on page 100 shows the extent of Ethics
Diagnostic Test
instrumental in delivering the COVID-19 global collaboration: 5,000 researchers
WHO Ethics & Expert Committee
pandemic response and platform trials now registered from 171 countries to COVID-19 Working Biological on Biological
Group Standardization
have been very important. implement COVID-19 R&D; a network that Clinical
can be activated for future outbreaks and ACT-A Standards
Vaccines Committee
This collaborating network is the pandemic. Clinical Management and Therapeutics R&D
Characterization Working Group R&D
powerhouse of the global research effort Solidarity Trial
now and in the future. Figure 6 also on page 100 shows WHO Rapid Evidence Appraisal Vaccine DSMC
for COVID-19 Therapies (REACT)
Solidarity II – a global platform trial Working Group Solidarity Trial Vaccine
Three examples demonstrate how and global serologic study engaging Executive Group
collaborations are powering the global 442 research representatives from 65
research and innovation response to countries to better understand how Prioritization Animal Models Working
Solidarity Therapeutics
COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2 affects different populations Trial Executive Group
Working Group Group – Viruses, Reagents
and Immune assays
across the world.
Figure 4 on the opposite page shows Solidarity Therapeutics Target Product Profiles for
Trial DSMC COVID-19 Vaccines Vaccine R&D for COVID-19
the core WHO R&D themes/teams and There is emerging consensus for global Working Group Vaccines Working Group
their satellite expert groups for COVID-19 platform trials – established as working WHO Advisory Group COVID-19 Working Core Protocol for vaccines
intersecting to build global research during pandemic in COVID-19 -- to on Therapeutics Group on Outpatient against COVID-19 Working
Prioritization for Therapeutics Group
innovation and knowledge. become a preferred future approach; COVID-19 Protocols
their adaptive design and master protocol
meaning results are rapid, robust and
comparable across multiple sites.
104 105

FIGURE 5 Building our research capacity and defences against old

and new threats
Registered researchers across the globe working to combat COVID-19
Over 5,000 researchers from 171 countries are now registered / We must complement our research The greatest priority should be
collaborating to implement COVID-19 R&D. pandemic activities with longer-term empowering existing research institutions
investments in research capabilities and researchers in LMICs, and building
globally that better prepare us for the research capacity where it is lower than
emergence of any future virus. Now we in higher-income countries.
risk focusing only on the current variants
of concern. Instead, our long-term Below is a preliminary list of research
research investments should be selected questions that will be complemented and
to be effective now and in the future. finalized with the deliberations during
the forthcoming Global Research and
Innovation Forum.

Number of Researchers

= > 50
>25 and < 50
>10 and < 25
>1 and < 10
Lower middle-income


Solidarity II - a global serologic study for COVID-19

442 research representatives from 65 countries are co-ordinating globally to better
understand how the virus affects different populations across the world

Solidarity II is a global collaboration led by the World Health Organization that • how many people have been infected but may not have been identified
promotes the implementation of serological surveys of SARS-CoV-2. • what proportion of the population may be immune from infection by
The collaboration will provide key data to help the world understand many
key issues: This map shows there are over 442 research representatives from 65 countries
• how frequently SARS-CoV-2 infection occurs among different populations taking part in this global data effort to better understand how the virus
• how many people have had mild or asymptomatic infection is affecting different populations across the world

© iStock/FG Trade

106 107

1. S
 ARS-CoV-2 at the 2. Virus natural history,
human-animal interface transmission, and
The three major research priorities going
forward are: Outbreaks of viruses, known and
unknown, are a fact of nature. Part of
1. Susceptibility studies in potential
being prepared for the next pandemic
animal hosts
is planning what steps we will take
2. Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 infections to assess its origins. There has been
in susceptible animal species, including an increasing number of high threat
genetic sequencing pathogens emerging and re-emerging
in recent years with, for example, SARS-
3. Virus evolution predictions in CoV, MERS-CoV, Lassa, Marburg, Ebola,
susceptible animal species Nipah, avian influenza, the latest being
This research agenda is designed to lay
the scientific foundation to: 1. There is now a need for robust
surveillance and early actions for rapid
– limit the risk of viral circulation in detection and mitigation efforts.
animals and transmission of SARS-
CoV-2 and related variants from 2. There is also a need for robust and
established animal reservoir to human systematic processes to establish the
study around the emergence of these
– reduce selection pressure associated pathogens and routes of transmission
with spillover and genomic variations from their natural reservoirs to humans.
of the circulating viruses. A better
understanding of the dynamics of This is essential for putting in place
the COVID-19 outbreak together with risk reduction measures, targeting
improved biosafety and monitoring surveillance and designing control
at the human-animal interface will be measures for outbreak response.
essential to reduce the risk of future
spillover of zoonotic pathogens It is why WHO has formed the Scientific
between humans and domestic and/or Advisory Group for the Origins of Novel
wild animals. Pathogens (SAGO). This committee will
provide a robust framework outlining
In addition, the partnership platform the range of studies that are needed in
with OIE, FAO, UNEP, other partners in animals, humans, the environment, and
national institutes of animal and public biosafety and biosecurity. https://www.
health as well as academics is being
strengthened and expanded. This will on-the-origins-of-novel-pathogens-
enable us to be better prepared for future (sago)
events at the human-animal interface
during the current pandemic and future
ones, working together through a One
Health approach.

108 © iStock/NickyLloyd 109


4. Epidemiology of 5. Outbreaks should be

COVID-19, focusing on past detected and prevented at
and current trends, drivers of an early stage: A hub for
transmission and Pandemic and Epidemic
severity, and epidemiological Intelligence
research gaps
Researchers plan to use artificial
intelligence to identify possible
Globally we need a system to promptly
pandemics at an early stage. The mission
detect new SARS-CoV-2 variants and
of the WHO Hub is to build a system of
other emerging pathogens. We have
collaborative intelligence enabling better
several data collection systems and
decisions to avert and manage pandemic
analytic initiatives that could be more
and epidemic risks.
efficient if they contribute to global
coordinated efforts to answer key
The WHO Hub will foster collaborations
across the world to use the best
technology and data to detect and
The following research activities have
understand risks about future epidemics
been identified:
and pandemics. The WHO Hub will
1. Research into the most effective work to:
surveillance strategies, in various
contexts, to monitor burden and 1. enhance access and linkage across
hospitalizations, detect early multiple data sources necessary to
trends and detect and monitor generate signals and insights on
new variants disease emergence, risks, evolution, and
2. Continued use of serological studies
in the context of new variants and 2. develop state-of-the-art tools to
vaccination – to better understand process, analyse and model data for
transmission dynamics, waning of prediction, detection, assessment and
immunity, and use of serotyping response

3. Scenario planning and forecasting 3. connect and catalyse institutions and

existing networks developing disease
for the short- and long-term,
outbreak solutions for the present and
including the role of waning immunity,
future; and
seasonality, and prior infection/
vaccination in outlining future
4. p
 rovide WHO, our Member States, and
partners with collaborative tools to
underpin better and faster decisions on
4. Addressing unknown factors of
how to address outbreak signals and
emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants and
lessons learned from epidemiology events.
and PHSMs in how to tackle the next
All aspects of pandemic and epidemic
intelligence will be developed and
adapted continuously through the hub’s
collaborative intelligence approach,
including technical, governance, ethical
and other dimensions.

110 © iStock/RomoloTavani 111


6. Research on public health 7. Infodemiology:

and social measures and Progressing on the public
their impact health research agenda for
managing infodemics
The scale and duration of the
implementation of public health and Developing infodemiology and translating
social measures (PHSMs) has been practice into the field will be key to
unprecedented for the COVID-19 limiting the harms that the infodemic
pandemic to reduce the risk of spread accompanying the COVID-19 pandemic
of COVID-19 and the impact of the continues to perpetuate. Evidence
disease globally, including in low capacity generated today can inform management
and humanitarian settings with some of infodemics that will accompany future
adaptation for use. emergencies, particularly related to
building and maintaining trust in health
Given the significant impact of PHSMs
systems and emergency response to
at individual, social and economic
support adherence to PHSMs and uptake
levels, evidence-based decision-making
of treatments, diagnostics and vaccines.
is critical to ensure that the benefit/
burden ratio of these measures is well The following research priorities have
understood. been outlined:
The following research themes have been 1. Measuring and monitoring the
identified: impact of infodemics during health
1. Mapping existing research to identify
knowledge gaps 2. Detecting and understanding the
spread and impact of infodemics
2. Measuring the direct effectiveness
and impact of PHSMs on transmission, 3. Responding and deploying
morbidity and mortality interventions that protect against the
infodemic and mitigate its harmful
3. Assessing the impact of PHSMs on
health, social and economic outcomes
4. Evaluating infodemic interventions and
4. Building preparedness for future health
strengthening resilience of individuals
emergencies: resilience and response
and communities to infodemics
5. Promoting the development,
5. Promoting uptake of and adherence to
adaptation and application of tools for
managing infodemics
6. Methodological research to advance
implementation and evaluation of

112 © WHO/P. Phutpheng 113


8. Vaccines: Research and 4. Improved understanding about the 9. Advancing the COVID-19 3. R
 ecognizing the importance of a
source of VOCs, in order to be better global forum for clinician-scientists to
development priorities prepared for future variants clinical care pathway: share thoughts and perspectives on
Outbreak research response addressing common clinical challenges,
Additional vaccines are urgently 5. Assessment of Omicron-specific and a role for the WHO in forging a
needed. Many current approaches responses to more vaccines including
centred around the patient
dialogue amongst research groups
are highly promising and feasible; variant-specific vaccines to harmonize activities, minimize
however, the speed at which they The global clinical characterization and
duplication of efforts, and expedite
are further developed will depend on 6. G
 eneration of data that permits the management working group has brought
the consolidation and release of new
resource availability. Novel platforms connection of laboratory results on together clinician researchers who are
may also require support for significant variants and immune evasion to clinical actively engaged in the care of patients
manufacturing development. outcomes with COVID-19 around the world. Its
strength lies in its ability to provide a 10a. Research and
Selected priority research topics include: 7. A
 dditional epidemiological data forum for clinicians, clinical researchers, development for treatments
regarding vaccine effectiveness against and policy-makers to respond to the
1. A framework that could be used for rapidly changing profile of the pandemic,
of hospitalized patients
Omicron and other VOCs
variant-specific modifications of current and to build robust international
vaccines, new variant-specific vaccines, 8. A
 dditional evidence on the severity collaborations. Global collaboration is needed to rapidly
or pan-sarbecovirus vaccines is thus of Omicron disease (and other VOCs) identify new and repurposed treatments,
needed in different groups (vaccinated, not There is a valuable role for such a forum for hospitalized patients in this and future
vaccinated, previously infected, hybrid in the ongoing pandemic, in preparing pandemics. The current pandemic has
2. Increased standardization of assays immunity) for future pandemic needs, and in using seen several initiatives of unprecedented
and readouts: more information about the knowledge gained and partnerships levels of collaboration prove invaluable in
mechanisms of protection (e.g. CMI, 9. Improved understanding on the spread formed over the past two years to generating evidence on hospital-based
non-neutralizing responses, mucosal and transmissibility of Omicron accelerate knowledge generation and treatments through the conduct of large-
immunity especially against severe dissemination within the global health scale and robust clinical trials, as flexible
disease; larger sample size studies; 10. F
 uture research that should support care system. This points inexorably to and adaptive platforms supporting
animal studies research on a range of sarbecoviruses a future where the generation of new therapeutic candidates for clinical
that may protect against emerging knowledge through research is a core evaluation in hospitalized patients.
3. Enhanced sharing of reagents, variants and other coronaviruses health care right, and where that research
particularly the need for convalescent is integrated and championed by the Research priorities include the following:
Omicron and VOC serum health care system.
1. Accelerating the identification of
The core research priority themes have promising compounds, repurposed and
been identified as follows: new, for evaluation in the treatment of
hospitalized patients, through sustained
1. Conducting rigorous research, as the collaborations involving the public and
most powerful tool the health care private sectors
system has to improve care, through
large-scale collaboration as the most 2. Promoting the rapid generation of
efficient means of using that tool, large scale randomized evidence on
and through the use of new research promising therapeutic candidates,
models such as platform trials through broad collaborations and with
equity and accessibility as guiding
2. Shaping a research agenda through principles
patient leadership, promoting and
providing research education,
particularly in LMICs and the global
south, regions currently under-
represented in knowledge generation

© iStock/RomoloTavani

114 115

10b. Critical needs for 11. Moving from rhetoric 2. Build fit-for-purpose structures for 3. Promote systematic, institutional
social research to inform action in inclusion of social evidence for
outpatients and for the to reality: Placing a future public emergency: Invest readiness and response: Promote
design of outpatient communities at the centre in systems and structures for rapid mechanisms and structures for
therapeutic trials of health emergency evidence production, including intersectoral dialogue (private
mechanisms for localized research sector, government, NGOs, etc.)
readiness and response agenda setting, rapid funding and transdisciplinary initiatives to
The availability of effective outpatient
mechanisms linked with pre- address the complexity of problems
treatment is essential to control this and The social science in outbreak response positioned, partially approved research experienced by marginalized groups;
future pandemics, and outpatient clinical thematic area will continue to advocate protocols; building and strengthening and the need for adaptive responses.
trials with the clinical goals of limiting for integration and inclusion of evidence networks and capacity-building of local Systematic inclusion and embedding of
progression, limiting hospitalization and from a wide range of social sciences to and national social scientists and best social scientists in national policy and/
improving symptoms have emerged as strengthen strategic preparedness and practice approaches for integrated, or advisory groups and government
essential for many communities in this response to COVID-19. Going forward, robust, rapid social science research, response teams.
pandemic. a key focus will be on evidence for including innovations related to data
localized solutions and to underpin collection, analysis and dissemination;
The following priority research activities
systems and structures for resilient sensitizing emergency response and
have been proposed:
communities. policy leaders to the benefits and
1. Consolidating the experience and methods of including social science
This knowledge is critical for refining into readiness and response.
knowledge gained from the conduct
governance systems, informing
of outpatient treatment platform trials
resource allocations, and shaping RCCE
and how to better generate evidence
approaches. Efforts to build networks
to guide treatment in a pandemic;
and infrastructure to systematically
including but not limited to the choice
collect and manage data are ongoing.
of outcomes measures and endpoints,
design and analysis, dynamics,
This knowledge must be contextualized,
sample size and number of events,
produced in an equitable way and
reproducibility and robustness of integrated across policy-making
results, implementation challenges and platforms, so that no community is left
mitigating factors behind.
2. Promoting the development and
To prepare for future public health
sustainability of research centres
emergency events, key lessons from
around the world to conduct
the COVID-19 pandemic need to
outpatient trials as an integral part be incorporated across the health
of the health care system, as part of emergency cycle.
regional and global collaborations
across the clinical development Priorities for action related to research,
spectrum research infrastructure (such as global
platforms) and policy in the following
areas include:

1. Learn from COVID-19 to be ready for

future shocks: Key lessons from the
COVID-19 pandemic, including related
to its impacts and secondary impacts
to inform planning for community
readiness and resilience for future
health shocks. This includes driving
evidence to advance community-
centred approaches across the health
emergency cycle, for example, to © iStock/Rapeepat Pornsipak

disease surveillance, and building the

case for sustained investment in social
sciences evidence.

116 117

12. IPC research during the 2. C

 omparing the effectiveness of
different decontamination methods
pandemic: Pointing to an of medical masks, respirators and
opportunity for saving lives other PPE; developing standardized
protocols for implementation of
and money
decontamination methods and
antimicrobial treatments
Significant progress has been made in
critical areas of IPC highlighted during 3. D
 efining standards for the
the pandemic. However, several questions manufacturing, mass production,
remain open. The following research optimal use, performance assessment
priorities were identified. and decontamination of community
masks (also known as non-medical
Regarding the effectiveness of PHSMs
masks), as well as associated public
and IPC strategies
communication strategies
1. Understanding infection (and 4. Assessing human factors affecting
reinfection) of HCWs: epidemiology the effective and safe use of PPE;
and risk factors, case definitions and investigating if PPE use affects
surveillance methods compliance with other IPC measures
2. Continually assessing new strains, their 5. Investigating benefits, costs and risks
impact and consequential need to related to the use of PPE, medical and
re-evaluate strategies related to epi/ community masks in persons with
surveillance in HCF settings specific needs (such as children, elderly
people; people with hearing, cognitive,
3. Understanding the impact of
or respiratory impairment; people with
vaccination on HCW behaviour/
autistic spectrum disorders, people
compliance that may impact the
with mental health conditions)
dynamics of infection transmission,
including the impact of mandatory 6. Improving international standards,
vaccination, and the impact of design processes of PPE, medical
vaccination on required PPE and IPC and community masks, taking into
measures (de-escalation) consideration physical differences,
including gender and/or ethnicity
4. Understanding the impact of the
pandemic on antimicrobial resistance 7. Optimizing the life cycle of PPE,
and hospital-acquired infections medical and community masks:
(HAIs), also in the context of a logistics, management, surveillance,
protracted emergency; impact on and waste management, minimizing
device-associated infections, risk the impact on environment, including
of HAIs due to resistant pathogens; through innovative solutions and
assessing the impact on antibiotic decontamination
use and access; and understanding
emerging and re-emerging pathogens 8. Defining exit strategy for PPE use in
associated with surges in disease cases the context of the epidemic: when can
PPE measures be relaxed?
Regarding PPEs
In relation to the role of the
1. Generating high-quality evidence environment in transmission
on the comparative effectiveness
and safety of medical masks and 1. Understanding further the presence of
respirators, in the context of prolonged viable SARS-CoV-2 in different WASH
use, repeated use and in combination environments; the role of fomites
with other PPE. Role of fit testing in (through PPE, contaminated hands)
respirator effectiveness and the need in infection transmission in health care
for novel technologies and community settings, and related

118 © iStock/onebluelight 119


mitigation measures, including the – Facilitate the implementation of the 8. focus areas identified at the WHO systems and revealed the exacerbated
cost-effectiveness of novel approaches ethical framework developed for the Pandemic Ethics & Policy Summit:7,8 challenges from having weak regulatory
and technologies for environmental ACT-Accelerator integrating ethics advice into policy- systems and inadequate regulatory
decontamination making and further societal sectors, capacities around the world.
– Support WHO and Member States in systematic updating of existent ethics
2. Documenting the role of contaminated responding to ethical and governance and infectious disease guidance On the other hand, the COVID-19
water and sanitation in transmission issues as they arise in the ACT- documents in light of the pandemic, pandemic has brought together NRAs,
Accelerator and addressing standards of quality research communities and other
3. Evaluating the utility of wastewater and rigour of ethics guidance stakeholders worldwide to collaborate
surveillance in the evaluation Specific priority research areas include documents and focus on regulatory alignment and
and implementation of PHSMs in but are not limited to: convergence in the COVID-19 pandemic
community settings, and for detection The new expert group will further response.
of unsuspected cases in health care 1. ethics review, prioritization, and ethical intensify its linkages with other relevant
settings oversight of COVID-19 research R&D WHO working groups as well as external 1. WHO, together with NRAs and
governance, funding, and policy- partners, particularly those operating regulatory networks, will continue to
4. Understanding modes of transmission making for global health justice and within the R&D Blueprint workstreams. collaborate with countries to strengthen
in different settings, including the role equitable access in future public health regulatory systems in particular in
of ventilation, humidity, temperature emergencies The working group is continuously LMICs so that they are fit for purpose
and pressure, the role of contaminated revisiting its roadmap. This includes and agile. This is essential to facilitate
fomites and whether the virus can 2. monitored emergency use of updating its guidance in the light of new access to medicines and vaccines for
infect through water and food in poor unregistered and investigational developments. For example, the group is a world where everyone has access to
hygiene environments interventions (MEURI), emergency currently finalizing an update of the WHO quality assured medicines, vaccines and
use of unproven interventions Policy Brief on COVID-19 and mandatory other essential health products.
13. Ethics and research outside research, expanded access vaccination.15 The update reflects new
(‘compassionate use’), and off-label evidence and changed circumstances 2. W
 HO will continue to closely
use since the first version of the document collaborate with the International
The WHO Ethics and COVID-19 Working
Group was recently merged with the was published. Coalition of Medicines Regulatory
3. ethics of public health response to Authorities (ICMRA). This is acting
WHO ACTA Ethics and Governance
COVID-19 and future public health as a forum to support strategic
Working Group. The newly constituted
emergencies, including ethics of 14. Regulatory science
WHO COVID-19 Ethics and Governance coordination and international
vaccination mandates, vaccination convergence in response cooperation among global medicine
Working Group is currently drafting
certification, and adjusting PHSMs in
a specific workplan, based on WHO to a global public health regulatory authorities.
light of increasing rates of vaccination
priorities that will be identified and emergency 3. A
 s part of ACT-A efforts and
updated in ongoing road mapping. 4. e
 thics of digitally mediated outbreak recognized as one of the critical
The working group will continue to countermeasures Regulatory science plays a critical role in enablers for further accelerating
integrate ethics into R&D and public enabling and facilitating access to quality equitable access efforts, WHO will
health decision-making and to translate 5. ethics of transitioning out of the assured, safe and effective vaccines and continue to support accelerated
guidance into practice to better prepare acute phase of the pandemic and of treatments which provide a basis for regulatory processes.
for future public health emergencies. the implications of post-COVID-19 good health. The COVID-19 pandemic has
conditions (i.e. ‘long COVID’) confronted the robustness of regulatory
Its specific objectives include:
6. e
 valuating whether and how ethics
– Develop WHO guidance on ethics and guidance was used in the development
governance matters and related tools of COVID-19 pandemic policies by
for COVID-19, including on research, subnational and national governments,
public health measures, and equitable regional and global organizations, non-
allocation of COVID-19-related profits, etc. to provide an empirical
resources basis for improving the practical
contribution that ethics can make
– Discuss and advise on ethical and
going forward.
governance aspects of preparedness
for subsequent waves and other public 7. o
 utreach, dissemination, and
health emergencies knowledge translation of research
findings by the Epidemic Ethics

120 121

15. WHO International Units: local production. The first six countries The COVID-19 Technology Access Pool WHO’s position paper on building health
that will receive the technology needed (C-TAP) and the Medicines Patent Pool systems’ resilience towards UHC and
A common language in to produce mRNA vaccines on the finalized its first licensing agreement for health security during COVID-19 and
evaluation of the immune African continent have been identified. a COVID-19 serological antibody test. beyond underlines the urgent need for
Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South renewed and heightened national and
response to vaccines for
Africa and Tunisia all applied and have technology-access-pool global commitment to make countries
pandemics been selected as recipients. better prepared and health systems 1. C-TAP will continue to provide resilient against all forms of public health
The development, establishment and item/18-02-2022-who-announces- platform for developers of COVID-19 threats for sustained progress towards
use of international measurement first-technology-recipients-of- therapeutics, diagnostics, vaccines and both UHC and health security. https://
standards is essential for communicating mrna-vaccine-hub-with-strong-support- other health products to voluntarily
information on the clinical performance from-african-and-european-partners share their intellectual property, s-7-policy-recommendations-on-building-
of vaccines and involves elaborate knowledge, and data, with multiple resilient-health-systems
collaborative studies in many laboratories 1. To ensure that all countries build quality-assured manufacturers.
around the world. The following research the necessary capacity to produce This position paper emphasizes the
priorities have been identified: their own vaccines and other health 2. C-TAP will continue to work through its need to create and promote enabling
technologies, WHO has been working implementing partners, the Medicines environments for research, innovation
1. Research capacity in WHO to establish a biomanufacturing Patent Pool, Open COVID Pledge, and learning, this includes:
Collaborating Centres and other workforce training hub that will train UN Technology Bank and Unitaid
Institutions that collaborate with WHO people from all interested countries to facilitate timely, equitable and 1. enabling regulatory environments
to be expanded in scientific and clinical research and affordable access to COVID-19 health
production capacity. The training hub technologies. 2. maintaining and adapting innovative
2. A framework for the rapid response will be announced in the coming weeks. models implemented during the
and collection of source bulk materials 3. Developers of COVID-19 health pandemic encompassing infodemics
needs to be established 2. In addition, WHO’s current regulatory technologies and holders of related
strengthening activities in LMICs will knowledge, intellectual property and/ 3. providing regulatory support to
3. Tools for education on the calibration expand through a global benchmarking or data are invited to voluntarily share facilitate intercountry and intra-country
of secondary reference standards for tool that assesses countries’ ability to with C-TAP by joining the Solidarity information management, data-sharing
serological assays should be developed ensure the quality, safety and efficacy Call to Action. and coordination
and made available to regulators, of health products and provides
vaccine developers, and contract 4. promoting research, innovation and
training where improvements are 17. Health system resilience learning in all-hazards emergency
laboratories involved in clinical trials needed to build regulatory authorities
as well as for other users of WHO that are agile and fit for purpose for
during the pandemic: risk management and health system
standards the future. Priority research areas for resilience

4. Training centres for serological preparedness It is a priority to support a radical

3. The WHO mRNA technology transfer
assays with a mandatory use of WHO hub is part of a larger effort aimed reorientation of health systems towards
International Standards (ISs) to be COVID-19 has had a wide-ranging im- primary health care, as the foundation of
at empowering LMICs to produce
established and become operational pact on all areas of society, leading to UHC. That means restoring, expanding,
their own vaccines, medicines
setbacks in health gains and efforts to and sustaining access to essential health
and diagnostics to address health
achieve universal health coverage (UHC). services, especially for health promotion
16. Working to increase emergencies and reach UHC. The
The diversion of health system resourc-
initial effort is centred on mRNA and disease prevention, and reducing
access to, and facilitate the es to address COVID-19 care led to a out-of-pocket spending.
technologies and biologicals,
development of, COVID which are important for vaccine
protracted disruption of essential health
life-saving medicines and manufacturing and can also be used
for other products, such as insulin to
vaccines in the LMICs treat diabetes, cancer medicines and,
potentially, vaccines for other priority
WHO and partners established the diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis
mRNA technology transfer hub in South and HIV. The ultimate goal is to
Africa to boost vaccine production on the extend capacity-building for national
continent. And more than 100 Member and regional production to all health
States co-sponsored a World Health technologies.
Assembly resolution on strengthening

122 123

4. Publications and further resources -W  HO 3rd infodemic management conference:

whole-of-society challenges and approaches to
C, Wasserman H, Wilhelm E, Würz A, Yau B, Zhou
L, Purnat T: A Public Health Research Agenda for
respond to infodemics: Managing Infodemics: Methods and Results of
lications/i/item/9789240034501 the First WHO Infodemiology Conference; JMIR
- Meeting report of the 4th WHO infodemic man- Infodemiology 2021;1(1):e30979; URL: https://
Key WHO research related documents and guidance
agement conference on advances in social listen-; DOI:
ing, May 2021 (forthcoming, to be published on 10.2196/30979
1. SARS-CoV-2 at the human-animal interface 4. Epidemiology of COVID-19 focusing on past
infodemic health topic website) 4. Purnat TD, Vacca P, Burzo S, Zecchin T, Wright
and current trends, drivers of transmission and
1. Reducing public health risks associated with the - Meeting report of the 5th WHO infodemic man- A, Briand S, Nguyen T. WHO Digital Intelligence
severity, and epidemiological research gaps
sale of live wild animals of mammalian species agement conference on measurement of the Analysis for Tracking Narratives and Information
in traditional food markets; Interim guidance, 12 WHO website burden of infodemics, November 2021 (forthcom- Voids in the COVID-19 Infodemic. Stud Health
April 2021. · COVID-19 epidemiological dashboard https://cov- ing, to be published on infodemic health topic Technol Inform. 2021 May 27;281:989-993. doi: website) 10.3233/SHTI210326. PMID: 34042821. https://
WHO-2019-nCoV-Food-safety-traditional-mar- · - WHO competency framework: Building a, https://
kets-2021.1 el-coronavirus-2019/technical-guidance/early-in- response workforce to manage infodem-
vestigations ) ics: 5. Purnat TD, Wilson H, Nguyen T, Briand S.
2. SARS-CoV-2 in animals used for fur farming; Scientific publications item/9789240035287 EARS - A WHO Platform for AI-Supported
GLEWS+ Risk assessment, 20 January 2021. · Real-Time Online Social Listening of COVID-19 · Peer-reviewed articles and abstracts with WHO Conversations. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021
2019-nCoV-fur-farming-risk-assessment-2021.1 · authors May 27;281:1009-1010. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210330.
· 1. Tangcharoensathien V, Calleja N, Nguyen T, PMID: 34042825. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.
3. COVID-19 and Food Safety: Guidance for com- irv.12915 Purnat T, D’Agostino M, Garcia-Saiso S, Landry gov/34042825/;
petent authorities responsible for national food · M, Rashidian A, Hamilton C, AbdAllah A, Ghiga volumearticle/57037
safety control systems Interim guidance 22 April 4.21267791v2 I, Hill A, Hougendobler D, van Andel J, Nunn 6. Luengo-Oroz, M., Hoffmann Pham, K., Bullock,
2020. · M, Brooks I, Sacco P, De Domenico M, Mai P, J. et al. Artificial intelligence cooperation to 14.22270934v1 Gruzd A, Alaphilippe A, Briand S Framework support the global response to COVID-19. Nat
2019-nCoV-Food_Safety_authorities-2020.1 · for Managing the COVID-19 Infodemic: Meth- Mach Intell 2, 295–297 (2020). https://doi.
2.21266897v1 ods and Results of an Online, Crowdsourced org/10.1038/s42256-020-0184-3
4. COVID-19 and food safety: guidance for food WHO Technical Consultation J Med Internet 7. Sell TK, Hosangadi D, Trotochaud M, Purnat TD,
businesses Interim guidance 7 April 2020. irv.12915 ) Res 2020;22(6):e19659; URL: https://www.jmir. Nguyen T, Briand S. Improving Understanding org/2020/6/e19659 DOI: 10.2196/19659 of and Response to Infodemics During Public
and-food-safety-guidance-for-food-businesses 6. Research on public health and social measures 2. Purnat T, Vacca P, Czerniak C, Ball S, Burzo Health Emergencies. Health Secur. 2021 Jan-
and their impact S, Zecchin T, Wright A, Bezbaruah S, Tanggol Feb;19(1):1-2. doi: 10.1089/hs.2021.0044. PMID:
5. WHO recommendations to reduce risk of trans- F, Dubé È, Labbé F, Dionne M, Lamichhane J, 33606576; PMCID: PMC7910413.
mission of emerging pathogens from animals to -M  eeting report of the global technical consulta- Mahajan A, Briand S, Nguyen T Infodemic Sig- 8. Gruzd A, De Domenico M, Sacco PL, Bri-
humans in live animal markets or animal product tion on measuring the effectiveness and impact nal Detection During the COVID-19 Pandemic: and S. Studying the COVID-19 infodemic
markets 26 March 2020. of PHSM during health emergencies (forthcom- Development of a Methodology for Identifying at scale. Big Data & Society. January 2021. ing, to be published on PHSM website) Potential Information Voids in Online Conversa- doi:10.1177/20539517211021115
item/10665332217 - Background paper on the draft global research tions JMIR Infodemiology 2021;1(1):e30971; URL: 9. Briand SC, Cinelli M, Nguyen T, Lewis R, Pry-
agenda for PHSM (published as annex in the, bylski D, Valensise CM, Colizza V, Tozzi AE,
meeting report) DOI: 10.2196/30971 Perra N, Baronchelli A, Tizzoni M. Infodemics: A
2. Virus natural history, transmission and
- Enria et al. (2021). Strengthening the evidence 3. Calleja N, AbdAllah A, Abad N, Ahmed N, Al- new challenge for public health. Cell. 2021 Dec
base for decisions on public health and social barracin D, Altieri E, Anoko J, Arcos R, Azlan 9;184(25):6010-4. https://www.sciencedirect. measures. WHO Bulletin, 99(9) https://www.ncbi. A, Bayer J, Bechmann A, Bezbaruah S, Briand com/science/article/pii/S0092867421012861
item/9789240018440 S, Brooks I, Bucci L, Burzo S, Czerniak C, De 10. Purnat T. The Evolution of Evidence and Public Domenico M, Dunn A, Ecker U, Espinosa L, Health Practice in the Digital Era. 2021. QSci- 7. Infodemiology Francois C, Gradon K, Gruzd A, Gülgün B, Hay- ence Proceedings, The Evolving Health Infor-
cale-attribute=fr darov R, Hurley C, Astuti S, Ishizumi A, Johnson mation Landscape Symposium: Weill Cornell
- An
 ad hoc WHO technical consultation managing N, Johnson Restrepo D, Kajimoto M, Koyuncu Medicine-Qatar, Distributed eLibrary, Jan 2022,
the COVID-19 infodemic: call for action: https:// A, Kulkarni S, Lamichhane J, Lewis R, Mahajan Volume 2022, 12.
CoV-2-variants/ A, Mandil A, McAweeney E, Messer M, Moy W, qproc.2022.ehil2021.12 - WHO public health research agenda for man- Ndumbi Ngamala P, Nguyen T, Nunn M, Omer 11. Organised by: EUPHA, EUPHA-PHMR, Mod-
cation-of-omicron-(b.1.1.529)-sars-cov-2-variant-of- aging infodemics: S, Pagliari C, Patel P, Phuong L, Prybylski D, erators: Iveta Nagyova (EUPHA), Petronille
concern tions/i/item/9789240019508 Rashidian A, Rempel E, Rubinelli S, Sacco P, Sch- Bogaert (EUPHA-PHMR). PLENARY 2: Commu- neider A, Shu K, Smith M, Sufehmi H, Tangchar- nications and public health. European Journal
ment-on-omicron-sublineage-ba.2 oensathien V, Terry R, Thacker N, Trewinnard of Public Health. 2021 Oct;31(Supplement_3):ck-
T, Turner S, Tworek H, Uakkas S, Vraga E, Wardle ab166-001.
124 125

12. Organised by: PHIRI, EUPHA-PHMR, WHO WHO Meeting on correlates of protection, The COVID-NMA initiative: Living Mapping of Trials als: The use of active controls and non-inferi-
EPI WIN, Sciensano (Belgium), Chair persons: - a living mapping of all registered vaccine trials ority studies. Clinical Trials. 2021;18(3):335-342.
Petronille Bogaert (EUPHA-PHMR), Tim Nguyen tail/2021/06/01/default-calendar/covid-19-vaccine- doi:10.1177/1740774520988244
(WHO/Europe). 8. F. Round table: European swho-meeting-on-correlates-of-protection The COVID-NMA initiative: Living Synthesis of 9. Advancing the COVID-19 clinical care pathway:
experiences on infodemic management. Europe- Can booster doses contribute to control this pan- Published Trials - a living synthesis of vaccine trial outbreak research response centered around the
an Journal of Public Health. 2021 Oct;31(Supple- demic: what research is needed?, https://www. results patient
ment_3):ckab164-567. The COVID-19 candidate vaccine landscape and References are embedded in the text of the chapter.
Peer-reviewed articles and journal special issues fault-calendar/who-consultation-on-covid-19-vac- tracker - a living compilation on vaccine candidates
following WHO call for papers cines-research-13-august-2021 in devel-opment 10a/ Research and development for treatments of
1. Health Security Will emerging data allow increased reliance on tions/m/item/draft-landscape-of-covid-19-candi- hospitalized patients.
toc/hs/19/1 vaccine immune responses for public health and date-vaccines WHO Solidarity Trial Consortium (2021).
2. Big data and Society https://journals. regulatory de-cision-making?, Repurposed Antiviral Drugs for Covid-19 — Interim
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infodemiology WHO Advisory Group on Therapeutics
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priorities related to the Omicron variant https://
8. Vaccines: research and development priorities ACTIV2
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– Knowledge gaps and research priorities, https:// AGILE
control of the pandemic everywhere?, https://www. ANTICOV
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The Collective Service is a collaborative partner-
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cy-effectiveness-and-impact are-the-implications
Fleming TR, Krause PR, Nason M, Longini IM, by GOARN, that brings together a wide range of
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responses to health emergencies: progress, gaps Fleming TR, Nason M, Krause PR, Longini IM,
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tions? the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It is an
sponses Krause PR, Fleming TR, Peto, Longini IM, et al. Con- approach that brings together multiple data types,
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cines - preferred characteristics of a COVID-19
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126 127

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