D102 Nav 2 (T Nav 1) Brinas

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Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Navigation – is the process of conducting
a ship safely on the surface of water

a) In the shortest routes

b) With the least possible time and
c) Most convenient route or accurately determine
the position of the ship while underway

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

The Branches Of Navigation
And Its Appropriate Uses

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

∙ Terrestrial navigation- the method of
Navigation in which the ship’s position is
determined through terrestrial object (like
Light Houses, buoys, and other land marks).

∙ Dead reckoning- -is the method by which the

position of a ship is determined by her progress
along a direction of travel from latest known

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

∙ Celestial Navigation- is the method by which
the position of a ship is determined by
observation of heavenly bodies such as sun,
moon, planets and stars.

∙ Electronic navigation- involves the use of

electronic devices like radar, GPS satellite
receiver to navigate the ship.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

• Satellite navigation- is a system of satellites
that provide autonomous geo-spatial
positioning with global coverage. It allows
small electronic receivers to determine their
location (latitude, longitude, and
altitude/elevation) to high precession (within a
few meters) using time signals transmitted
along a line of sight by radio from satellites.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Earth System
Gegraphical Equator – primary great circle of the
Parallel of Laltitude earth sysytem.
Prime Meridian – meridian passing through 0°.
Meridian – a great circle passing through the
0° poles and is perpendicular to the geographical
Geographical Equator
Parallel of Latitude – a small circle whose plane is
parallel to the geographical equator.

Latitude – angular distance of an observer measured

from the geographical equator north or south towards
S the pole.
Longitude – angular distance of a meridian / observer measured east or west
from the prime meridian.
Great Circle – a circle whose plane passes through the center.

Small circle – a circle whose plane does not pass through the center.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Vertex of the great circle-
The vertex of a great circle is the
maximum latitude point of the great
The point of greatest latitude is called
the vertex.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Small circles- any circle drawn on the surface of a
sphere, whose plane does not pass through the center of
the sphere.

Spherical angle- an angle formed by the intersection

of two great circles of a sphere.
the angle between two intersecting arcs of great
circles of a sphere measured by the
plane angle formed by the tangents to the arcs at the
point of intersection.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Spherical angle

Spherical Triangle
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Spherical triangle
A spherical triangle is a figure formed
on the surface of a sphere by three
great circular arcs intersecting pairwise
in three vertices.

The spherical triangle is the spherical analog of the planar triangle

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-
Spherical Triangle
A spherical triangle is a figure formed on the surface of a sphere
by three great circular arcs intersecting pairwise in three

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Poles of a great circles- The two points where the
rotation axis meets the surface of the Earth are
known as the north pole and the south pole and the
great circle perpendicular to the rotation axis and
lying half-way between the poles is known as the

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Earth poles- They are the places
on Earth's surface that Earth’s imaginary spin
axis passes through.

Equator- is an imaginary line around the middle

of a planet or other celestial body. It is halfway
between the North Pole and the South Pole, at 0
degrees latitude. An equator divides the planet
into a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern
Hemisphere. The Earth is widest at its Equator
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Rhumb line- is an arc crossing all meridians of longitude
at the same angle, that is, a path with constant bearing
as measured relative to true or magnetic north.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Meridians- A (geographic) meridian (or line of longitude)
is the half of an imaginary great circle on the Earth's
surface, terminated by the North Pole and the South Pole,
connecting points of equal longitude, as measured in
angular degrees east or west of the Prime Meridian

Latitude- is the distance on the earth's surface, north

or south of the Equator, expressed in angular
measurements from 0° at the Equator to 90° (North or
South). Southern latitudes can also be expressed as
negative number where -90° is at the South Pole. Lines of
latitude run parallel to the Equator.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Parallels of latitude- a small circle whose plane is
parallel to the geographical equator.

Prime meridians- the earth's zero of longitude, which

by convention passes through Greenwich, England.

Longitude- – the angular distance between the meridian

of Greenwich and the meridian passing through the point
or the angular distance of a place East or West of the
Prime Meridian measured 000⁰ at the Prime Meridian to
180⁰.It is 180⁰ East longitude, 180⁰ West longitude and
180⁰ at the nadir of that Meridian.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Dlat- is the arc of a Meridian, contained between the
parallels of latitude of the two places or the angular
length of a meridian between the parallels of latitude of
two places.

DLong- between two places is the smaller angle at the

pole or the minor arc of the equator that is contained
between the meridian of the two places.

Earth as ellipsoid- An Earth ellipsoid is a mathematical

figure approximating the Earth's form, used as a
reference frame for computations in geodesy,
astronomy, and the geosciences.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
International date line- is an imaginary
line of demarcation on the surface of Earth
that runs from the North Pole to the South
Pole and demarcates the change of one
calendar day to the next.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Meridians – is the two semi-great circle which are diametrically opposite
each other whose plane passes through the North and South poles of the

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

George Allan B. Brinas
Meridians are great circles on the surface of the earth
perpendicular to the equator. The planes of which pass through
and converge toward the poles. The plane of every meridian
contains the earth’s axis and every meridian is bisected by the


Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE (Dlat.): is the arc of a Meridian, contained

between the parallels of latitude of the two places or the angular length of
a meridian between the parallels of latitude of two places.

Latitude A North Pole

Parallel A
In this figure: From point
Latitude B
A to point B is the
Difference of Latitude.
Parallel B


South Pole

Parallel B
Difference of Latitude
Latitude of B
D Lat. = Lat of B – Lat of A Parallel A
Latitude of A

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
If a ship sailed between two points in the northern
hemisphere the difference of latitude between
those two points is merely the numerical Dlat.
The same principle applies if the vessel sailed
between two points in the southern hemisphere

If the two points sailed from and arrived at and found on

different sides of the equator the Dlat. is the numerical sum of
their latitudes.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Finding the dlat
Lat.1 – (lat from) is the latitude of the place left by
the vessel.

Lat.2 – (lat in) is the latitude of the place arrived at.

Dlat is named according to the direction traveled

North or South.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

The difference of latitude (DLat.) - is the angular length of arc of any meridian
between their parallels. It is the numerical difference of the latitudes if the places are
on the same side of the equator; it is the sum of the latitudes if the places are on
opposite sides of the equator. It may be designated north (N) or south (S) when

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B Jr.

DIFFERENCE OF LATITUDE (Dlat.): is the arc of a Meridian, contained

between the parallels of latitude of the two places or the angular length
of a meridian between the parallels of latitude of two places.

Parallel A
Latitude A North Pole
In this figure: From point A
Latitude B
to point B is the Difference
Parallel B
of Latitude.

South Pole

Parallel B
Difference of Latitude
Latitude of B
D Lat. = Lat of B – Lat of A Parallel A
Latitude of A

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

The rules are as
1.) Latitude of the same name (both North or both South) –
subtract the lesser latitude from the greater latitude.

2.) Latitude of different names (one North, one South) – add

their latitudes.
3.) Difference of Latitude is named North or South whenever the
direction of movement is North or South respectively.

Note: The best method to solve this kind of problem is to make a plot of the parallel of the two places. It will be easy for you to determine the direction of
travel of the ship rather than resort to rules which you are to forget.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr. 12



a.) Lat of A = 20° 38’ N D. Lat. = 05° 16’ S

Lat of B = 15° 22’ N

b.) Lat of A = 15° 10’ S

D. Lat. = 21° 18’ N
Lat of B = 06° 08’ N

c.) Lat of A = 20° 33’ S D. Lat. = 04° 57’ N

Lat of B = 15° 36’ S

d.) Lat of A = 54° 45’ N

D. Lat. = 55° 40’ S
Lat of B = 00° 55’ S

e.) Lat of A = 14° 06.7’ N D. Lat. = 20° 54.0’ N

Lat of B = 35° 00.7’ N
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
2. Difference of Latitudes and Difference of

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

The difference of longitude (DLo) between two places is the shorter arc of the
parallel or the smaller angle at the pole between the meridians of the two places.
If both places are on the same side (east or west) of Greenwich, DLo is the
numerical difference of the longitudes of the two places; if on opposite sides,
DLo is the numerical sum unless this exceeds 180°, when it is 360° minus the

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
The Difference of Longitude (DLO) between two places is the smaller angle at the pole or the
minor arc of the equator that is contained between the meridian of the two places.

Dlo - is the shorter arc of the equator between their meridians.

G λA represents the longitude (east) of place A.

w E
λB represents the longitude (east) of place B.
DLO λC represents the longitude (west) of place C.
The DLO between A and B and the DLO
between A and C is indicated in the figure.

Ps B Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.


The DLO is named EAST if the direction
Equator of movement is towards EAST.

The DLO is named WEST if the direction

of movement is towards WEST. 18
George Allan B. Brinas
In crossing the meridian of 180°, if
the ship is East longitude, the DLO
must be East to pass into West
longitude, and if the ship is in West
longitude, the DLO must be West to
pass into East longitude.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
George Allan B. Brinas Jr.


a.) Long. of A = 96° 54’ W D. Long. = 61° 20’ E

Long. of B = 35° 34’ W

b.) Long. of A = 32° 39’ W D. Long. = 52° 57’ W

Long. of B = 85° 36’ W

c.) Long. of A = 04° 00’ W D. Long. = 09° 36’ E

Long. of B = 05° 36’ E

d.) Long. of A = 136° 24’ E

D. Long. = 16° 46’ E
Long. of B = 153° 10’ E

e.) Long. of A = 176° 25’ E

D. Long. = 18° 43’ E
Long. of B = 164° 52’ W

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

George Allan B. Brinas
Finding Latitude In
If the latitude is known and a given Dlat is applied, the latitude of arrival can be found. In which
case, the direction of travel as indicated by Dlat must be considered with respect to the latitude of the

If the latitude from and Dlat are known, the navigator can easily compute his latitude arrived at.
Thereby, he can determine in advance the position of the ship and can assess if there is a navigational
hazard or danger in that particular area.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Rules For Finding Longitude In (Long In)
1. When the Longitude From and the DLO have LIKE NAME
proceed as follows:
a) to Longitude From ADD the DLO, the SUM if not more than 180,
will be the Longitude In, of the SAME NAME as the Longitude
b) But if the SUM exceeds 180° SUBTRACT from 360° and
remainder is Longitude In and CONTRARY name to the
Longitude From.

2. When the Longitude From and DLO have UNLIKE NAMES,

proceeds as follow:
a) Under Longitude From put the DLO, take the less FROM the
greater: the remainder, marked with the name of the greater, is
the Longitude In.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Rules For Finding Latitude In

1.When the Lat. Left and the DLat have a LIKE Names ( both N or both S)

2. When the Lat. Left and the DLat have UNLIKE names --- SUBTRACT
the smaller from the great.

Lat In, will have the same names as the greater number.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B Jr.

George Allan B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

3. Arc to Time, ZT
to GMT and Vice

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

The Basis of
As the Sun appears Time
to revolve about the earth from EAST to
WEST, it transits each of the meridians consecutively. In doing
so it brings NOON to each of the earth’s meridians
consecutively. Since the Sun’s apparent motion is from EAST to
WEST, places to the Eastward experience NOON earlier than
those places farther WEST.

The Sun circle the Earth's 360º Longitude in day’s time or in

24 hours. In one (1) hour it passes over 1/24 of the earth’s
meridians, or 15º ( since 360 x 1/24=15º). In one (1) minute
of time the covers 1/60 of the distance it covers in one hour,
15 minutes of ARC. Similarly, in 4 seconds of time it covers
one minute of ARC and in one second of time it covers 0.25 of

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

The basis of Time Relationship
between time and longitude
The sun appears to revolve about the earth from East to
West. It transits each of the earth's meridians
consecutively. In doing so, it brings noon by Mean Time to
each of the earth’s meridians consecutively.

Since the sun's apparent motion is from east to west,

places eastward experience noon earlier than those places
farther west.

A day represents one complete rotation of the earth.

Each day is divided into 24 hours of 60 minutes. Each
minute has 60 seconds
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

1. SUBTRACT the Longitude of both places, if they have

the Same Names, and ADD if Unlike Names, and the
result is DLO.
2. If the places is to the EAST of own place, Name the
DLO East and If it is West of own place Name it
3. Convert the DLO into Time (hours, minutes, seconds)
4.If the converted DLO is EAST, ADD it to your own
time and if West, SUBTRACT it, the result is the time
of the other places.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Time and Longitude
summary relationship.
360º 24 Hours
15º 1 Hour
1º 4
15’ 1 Minute
1’ 4 seconds
15” 1 Second
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Utc/ Gmt Time To Standard
Places FAST on Co-ordinated Universal
Time (UTC) or Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT) Mainly those EAST of GREENWICH.

1. Places in Longitude EAST, ADD the given

Zone Description (ZD) to the UTC time to
the place.

1. SUBTRACT the given Zone Description

TIME to obtain UTC or GMT time.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Utc/ Gmt Time To Standard
Places SLOW on Co-ordinated Universal
Time (UTC) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Mainly those WEST of GREENWICH.

1. Places in Longitude WEST, SUBTRACT the

given Zone Description (ZD) from the UTC
time to obtain STANDARD TIME or LOCAL
TIME of the place.

1. ADD the given Zone Description (ZD) to

obtain UTC or GMT time.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Arc to Time and Time to Arc

Navigators convert arc to time more often than the
reverse and explain the importance of conversion
of arc to time.

Any two places, the local time differs from the other by the
longitude and that places in the East has later time than
To find time at another place add longitude difference East
and subtract longitude difference West

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

George Allan B. Brinas

The following are steps to convert Arc to Time

1. Divide the degrees by 15 to obtain hours.
2. Multiply the remainder from step 1 by four to obtain
minutes of time.
3. Divide the minutes of arc by 15 to obtain minutes of
4. Multiply the remainder from step 3 by four to obtain
seconds of time.
5. Divide the seconds of arc by 15 to obtain seconds of
6. Add the resulting hours, minutes, and seconds.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

The following are steps to
convert Arc to Time
Example: Convert 215º 24’ 45” to
Time units.

a.215º ÷ 15 = 14h remainder 5

b.Remainder 5 × 4 = 20m
c.24’ ÷ 15 = 01m remainder 9
d.Remainder 9 × 4 = 36s
e.45” ÷ 15 = 3s
Answer: 14h 21m 39s Time units.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
The following are steps to
convert Arc to Time
Example: Convert 215º 24’ 45” to
Time units.
a.215º ÷ 15 = 14h remainder 5
b.Remainder 5 × 4 = 20m
c.24’ ÷ 15 = 01m remainder 9
d.Remainder 9 × 4 = 36s
e.45” ÷ 15 = 3s
Answer: 14h 21m 39s Time units.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
George Allan B. Brinas
The following are steps to convert Time to Arc

1. Multiply the hours by 15 to obtain degrees of arc.

2. Divide the minutes of time by four to obtain degrees.
3. Multiply the remainder of step 2 by 15 to obtain
minutes of arc.
4. Divide the seconds of time by four to obtain minutes of
5. Multiply the remainder by 15 to obtain seconds of arc.
6. Add the resulting degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
The following are steps to convert
Time to Arc
Example: Convert 14h 21m 39s
to Arc
a.14h x 15 = 210º
b.21m ÷ 4 = 5º (remainder 1)
c.Remainder 1 × 15 = 15’
d.39s ÷ 4 = 09’ (remainder 3)
e. Remainder 3’ x 15 = 45”

Answer: 215º 24’ 45” Time units.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
The following are steps to convert
Time to Arc
Example: Convert 14h 21m 39s to Arc

a.14h x 15 = 210º
b.21m ÷ 4 = 5º (remainder 1)
c.Remainder 1 × 15 = 15’
d.39s ÷ 4 = 09’ (remainder 3)
e. Remainder 3’ x 15 = 45”

Answer: 215º 24’ 45” Time units.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Dep : 23 Jan 1800 LT
ZD: +8
23 Jan -8
ST 12 day 0500
GMT: 04 Feb.
ZD -0400
04 Feb. 1100
LT Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas
A time zone is an area that observes a uniform
standard time for legal, commercial and social

Time zones tend to follow the boundaries

between countries and their subdivisions instead
of strictly following longitude, because it is
convenient for areas in frequent communication
to keep the same time.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

time zones

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Local Mean Time (LMT) is a type of
solar time, a timekeeping method
using the Sun's movements across the
sky. It is based on the average length
of a solar day. Sundials show true
solar time. A sundial shows the true or
apparent solar time.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Greenwich Mean Time
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the mean solar
time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London,
counted from midnight. At different times in the
past, it has been calculated in different ways,
including being calculated from noon; as a
consequence, it cannot be used to specify a particular
time unless a context is given. The term 'GMT' is also
used as one of the names for the time
zone UTC+00:00 and, in UK law, is the basis for civil
time in the United Kingdom
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
zone description- The number,
with its sign, that must be
added to or subtracted from
the zone time to obtain the
Greenwich mean time; the zone
description is usually a whole
number of hours.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Daylight Saving Time (DST), also known
as daylight savings time or daylight
time (United States, Canada,
and Australia), and summer time (United
Kingdom, European Union, and some other
countries), is the practice of advancing
clocks (typically by one hour) during
warmer months so that darkness falls at a
later clock time.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Map projection is the method of
transferring the graticule of latitude and
longitude on a plane surface. ... The
horizontal lines represent the parallels of
latitude and the vertical lines represent the
meridians of the longitude. The network of
parallels and meridians is called graticule.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

What is the difference between Chart

and a Map?
“A chart can be map but a map cannot
be a chart.”

A nautical chart is a graphic

representation of a maritime area and
adjacent coastal regions
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
STCW Table A-II/1

What is a map?
A map is defined as a representation, usually on a
flat surface, of a whole or part of an area.
Maps can display political boundaries, population, physical features, natural resources, roads, climates,
elevation (topography), and economic activities.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

What is a chart projection?

A chart projection is a mathematically

described technique of how to represent the
Earth’s curved surface on a flat map

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Chart Projections
Desirable qualities of a chart projection:
▪ Correct angular relationships
▪ Representation of areas in their correct proportions
relative to one another
▪ True scale
▪ Rhumb lines represented as straight lines
▪ Great circles represented as straight lines

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Mercator Projection

Developed by Gerhardus Mercator some 400 years ago.

▪ Imagine a cylinder rolled around the earth, tangent at
the equator, and parallel to the earth’s axis.
▪ Meridians appear as straight vertical lines when
projected outward onto the cylinder.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1
Mercator Projection

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Advantages of the Mercator


▪ Position, distance, and direction can
all be easily determined
▪ Rhumb lines plot as straight lines
▪ Meridians plot as straight lines

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Disadvantages of the Mercator Projection

▪ Distortion of true size of surface features

increases with distance from the equator
▪ Great circles, other than a meridian or the
equator, appear as curved lines.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Gnomonic Projection

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Advantages of the Gnomonic Projection

▪ Great circles appear as straight lines.

▪ Used to plot the optimum great circle route
(shortest path) between two points

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Disadvantages of the Gnomonic Projection

▪ Distortion of shape and scale increases as

the distance from the point of tangency

▪ Distance and direction cannot be measured

directly from a gnomonic projection.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Polyconic Projection
A conic map projection having distances between meridians
along every parallel equal to those distances on a
globe. The central geographic meridian is a straight line,
whereas the others are curved and the parallels are arcs
of circles

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Polyconic Projection

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Chart Projection Summary

Mercator Gnomonic
Parallels: Straight lines Curved (except equator)
Meridians: Straight Straight
Conformal: YES NO
Great Circles: Curved* Straight
Rhumb lines: Straight Curved lines
Applications: Piloting Great-circle determination

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Mercator vs. Gnomonic

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Chart Scale
The scale of a chart refers to a
measurement of area, not distance. A chart
covering a relatively large area is called a
small-scale chart and a chart covering a
relatively small area is called a large-scale
chart. Scales may vary from 1: 1,200 for
plans to 1: 14,000,000 for world charts

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1


Everything appears Small– less detail.

Means 1 inch on the chart is100,000 inches on
the Earth’s surface

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1


Everything appears Large– more details.

Means 1 inch on the chart is 1000 inches on the
Earth’s surface

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Distances And

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

A datum is a set of reference points
on the earth's surface against which
position measurements are made, and
(often) an associated model of the
shape of the earth (reference
ellipsoid) to define a geographic
coordinate system.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Describe the linear measurement of distance and speed

Linear measurement can be defined as a

measure of length. The length. of a table,
the length of a piece of pipe and the length
of a football field are all examples of linear
measurement. We might also refer to it as
distance. Linear measurements represent a
single dimension.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Linear Measurement Of Distance

The linear measurement is the distance

between the two given points or objects. ...
The height of the object is the distance
between the top and the bottom. The basic
tools used for linear measurement are: Ruler –
The standard rulers generally measure 15 and
30 cm with markings in mm, cm on top and
inches on the bottom.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Time, Speed,
and Distances

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Dist. = Speed x Time

Speed = Dist / Time

S T(SPEED) (TIME) Time = Dist / Speed


SOLUTION: Distance = Speed x Time

= 15.5 x 60
Prepared by: 2/M Brinas, G.A.B.Jr. = 930.0 miles

SOLUTION: Distance = Speed x Time

= 12.6 x 72
= 907.2 miles


= 1232 / 90.75
= 13.58 KNOTS

Prepared by: 2/M Brinas, G.A.B.Jr. 92



= 936/ 71.5
= 13.09 KNOTS

00°-37.25’S, LONG. 008°44.58’E) ON OCT. 28, 2009 BOUND FOR ST. CROIX (LAT. 17°-


= 4623.9/ 14.0
= 330.28 HRS /24 = 13days 18h- 16.7m

Prepared by: 2/M Brinas, G.A.B.Jr. 93

Used On Charts
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Above the surface

Below the surface

Help to the mariner

Chart No. 1 – Section & Title

Hydrographic source(s)

Chart title
Projection & scale


Cautionary notes


Source data diagram

Chart number in national series

True North




C - Coastline
Coastline Shore type

Surveyed Flat

Unsurveyed Sandy shore

Stony shore

Steep coast

Apparent shoreline


C – Relief Features

Contour lines Spot height

& spot height

Approximate Form lines

contour lines spot height
& height

Height of tree

C – Water Features

Intermittent River,
river stream

Rapids, Lakes

Ruins, Ruined Landmark


Road (hard surfaced)

Track, Path (unsurfaced)

Railway, with station


Fixed Bridge Draw Bridge


Opening Bridge

Swing Bridge

Lifting Bridge

Tank Chimney

TV or Radio
Specific Landmark Tower

Radar Mast


Standpipe Grain Elevator
Water Tower

(spot height 800 ft)






Photo Chart: courtesy, Maptech, Inc.






* note dashed lines marking ruins


(partly below MLLW)


Small scale

Pump-out facilities


Traffic Separation
Scheme (TSS)
Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B. Jr.

Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

Inshore Zone


Line Termination


Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B. Jr. 110

George Allan B. Brinas
Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B. Jr. 111
George Allan B. Brinas
Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS)

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B. Jr. 112

Traffic Lanes and Separation Zones
In order to increase the safety of navigation, routes
incorporating traffic separation, with the approval of the
IMO, have been established in certain areas of the world.
In the interest of safe navigation, it was recommended that
through traffic should as far as circumstances permit, use
these routes.

Routeing – a complex of measures concerning routes aimed

at reducing the risk of casualties; it includes traffic
separation schemes, two-way routes, tracks, areas to be
avoided, inshore traffic zones and deep-water routes.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B. Jr. 113

George Allan B. Brinas
Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS) – a scheme that

separates traffic proceeding in opposite or nearly apposite
directions by the use of separation zone or a line, traffic
lanes or by other means.

Separation Zone or Line - a zone or line separating

traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic proceeding
in another direction. A separation zone may also be used to
separate traffic lane from an adjacent inshore traffic
zone. In narrow passages and restricted waters a
separation line may be used instead of a zone, for the
separation of the traffic, to allow for more navigable
Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B. Jr. 114
Traffic Lane – an area within definite limits inside which one-
way traffic is established.

Roundabout – a circular area within definite limits in

which traffic moves in a counter- clockwise direction around a
specified point or zone. This is used to facilitate navigation at
focal points where several traffic separationschemes meet.

Inshore Traffic Zone – a designated area between the

landward boundary of a traffic separation scheme and the
adjacent coast intended for coastal traffic. Ships navigating
in any direction may be encountered in the inshore traffic

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B. Jr. 115

Two-way Route – a route in an area within definite limits
inside which a two-way traffic is established.

Track – the recommended route to be followed when

proceeding between predetermined positions.

Deep-water Routes – a route in a designated area within

definite limits, which has been accurately surveyed for
clearance of sea bottom and submerged obstacles to a
minimum indicated depth of water.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B. Jr. 116

8. IALA Maritime Buoyage
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
IALA Scope
The IALA Maritime Buoyage System applies to all fixed and
floating marks( other than lighthouses, section lights, leading lights
and large navigation buoys) serving to indicate:
1.The lateral limits of Navigable Channels.
2.Natural Dangers and other obstructions such as wrecks.
3.Other areas or features of importance to the Mariner.
4. New Dangers.

Five (5) Types of Marks

1. Lateral Marks 4. Safe Water Marks
2. Cardinal Marks 5. Special Marks
3. Isolated Danger Marks

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B Jr.

George Allan B. Brinas Jr.
MARKS Description

1.Lateral Marks – are generally used for well-defined channels; they indicate
the port and starboard hand sides of the route to be followed, are used in
conjunction with a conventional direction of buoyage.

2.Cardinal Marks – is used in conjunction with the compass to indicate where

the mariner may find the best navigable water. Black and Yellow horizontal
bands are used to color a cardinal mark.

3.Isolated Danger Marks – is erected on, or moored on a above, an isolated

danger of limited extend which has navigable water all around it. On a chart,
the position of a danger is the center of the symbol or sounding indicated it.
Black with one or more red horizontal bands are the colors used for
isolated danger marks.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B Jr.

George Allan B. Brinas Jr.
Marks Description cont…

4.Safe Water Marks – is used to indicate that there is navigable

water around the mark. Such mark may used as a center line, mid-
channel or land fall buoy.
Red and White vertical stripes are used for safe water marks.
5.Special Marks – may be used to indicate to the mariner a special
area or feature.

Uses include:
1.Ocean Data Acquisition System ( ODAS) i.e. buoys carrying
oceanographic or meteorological sensors.
2.Traffic Separation Marks
3.Spoil Ground Marks
4.Military Exercise zone marks
5. Cable or Pipeline Marks
6.Recreation zone marks

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

IALA Maritime Buoyage System
Navigation Aids
During the IALA conference in November 1980 two navigation
marking systems, i.e. the System A (red color for the left hand of the
ship) and the System B (red color for the right hand of the ship),
were combined into one - the IALA System.

In the IALA System the regional (of the systems A and B) principle
of painting of the lateral signs was maintained. The countries that
accepted the red color for the left hand lateral sings were included
in the Region A. The countries that use the green color for the left
hand lateral signs were included in the Region B. In the both regions,
the fairway direction is the one leading from the sea (when a
different manner is used than an adequate notice is provided).

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

IALA Maritime Buoyage System

• Region A is used by nations in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, parts of Africa and
most of Asia other than the Philippines, Japan and Korea.
• Region B is used by nations in North America, Central America South America, the
Philippines, Japan and Korea.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

A lateral buoy, lateral post or lateral mark, as defined by the

International Association of Lighthouse Authorities, is a sea mark
used in maritime pilotage to indicate the edge of a channel.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Lateral Marks – are navigational mark used to indicate the lateral limits of a channel.
The marks and light are green or red in color and conical or cylindrical in shape.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Lateral Marks – are navigational mark used to indicate the lateral limits of a channel.
The marks and light are green or red in color and conical or cylindrical in shape.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Lateral Marks – are navigational mark used to indicate the lateral limits of a channel.
The marks and light are green or red in color and conical or cylindrical in shape.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

In the Region A, during the day and night, the green color is used
to mark the right side of the fairway, and the red color - to mark
the left side.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

In the Region B the colors are reversed, ie the red color

is used for the right side, and the green color - for the
left side.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Modified Lateral Buoys and Marks for the Region A

Modified Lateral Buoys and Marks for the Region B

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

This rule only applies in Region A
When proceeding in the conventional direction of buoyage, a preferred channel to starboard mark indicates that the main channel
is on the right side of the mark.
Therefore, a ship proceeding in the main channel should leave the mark to port.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Preferred channel to starboard mark
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
This rule only applies in Region A
When proceeding in the conventional direction of buoyage, a preferred channel to port mark indicates that the main channel is on
the left side of the mark.
Therefore, a ship proceeding in the main channel should leave the mark to starboard.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Preferred channel to port mark

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

This rule only applies in Region B
When proceeding in the conventional direction of buoyage, a preferred channel to starboard mark indicates that the main channel
is on the right side of the mark.
Therefore, a ship proceeding in the main channel should leave the mark to port.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Preferred channel to starboard mark
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
This rule only applies in Region B
When proceeding in the conventional direction of buoyage, a preferred channel to
port mark indicates that the main channel is on the left side of the mark.
Therefore, a ship proceeding in the main channel should leave the mark
to starboard.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Preferred channel to port mark
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Cardinal Buoys indicate that the deepest water occurs at the
side of the mark’s name.

❑ They are placed to the north, south, east or west from the

❑ The cardinal buoys have mainly the shape of columns or poles.

❑ They are painted in horizontal, yellow and black stripes, and

their topmarks (two cones) are painted black.

❑ The arrangement of cones at the top is an indication of the

black stripe (or stripes) position on the buoy.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Cardinal Buoys indicate where water is navigable for a ship
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
❑cones with tops up: the black stripe is above the yellow one,
❑cones with tops down: the black stripe is under the yellow one,

❑cones with bases towards one another: the black stripes above and
below the yellow one, cones with tops towards one another: the
black stripe with the yellow stripes above and below.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Diagram of cardinal marks as seen during the day, with their light patterns.
Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

❑Cardinal buoys are equipped with white light

characterized by a special rhythm. The main
types of rhythms are as follows: flashing (Q)
or fast flashing (VQ).

❑The flashing light has 60 or 50 flashes per


❑The fast flashing light has 120 or 100

flashings per minute.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

The lights in individual quadrants have the following

❑N quadrant: VQ or Q - continuous.
❑E quadrant: VQ(3) or Q(3) with a blackout afterwards.
❑S quadrant: VQ(6) or Q(6) with a long flash and a
❑W quadrant: VQ(9) or Q(9) with a blackout afterwards.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

❑The number of flashes - 3, 6 and 9, in the respective

quadrants E, S and W facilitates the identification of
the cardinal buoys, as the number can be associated
with the positions of the 3, 6 and 9 hours on the
clock dial.

❑A longer flash (not less than 2 seconds) just after

the VQ (6) or Q (6) is typical of the S quadrant.
There are two other marks with white light, however,
their rhythm is very different and cannot be
confused with the rhythm of the white light used in
the cardinal buoys.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Marks indicating Isolated dangers are placed directly over minor obstacles
around which the water is navigable.

❑ The have shapes of columns, poles or other, however, they are difficult to
confuse with the cardinal buoys. They are black with horizontal red stripes.

❑ The top marks consists of two black spheres one above the other. The light is
white - a group flash light Fl (2) with two flashes in a group.

The light (when present)

consists of a white group
flash: Fl(2)

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A.B. Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

Marks indicating Safe water

❑ They indicate that water is navigable around the mark and they do not show
any hazards.

❑ They can be used to mark, eg a fairway axis or as approach signs.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

Marks indicating Safe water.

❑ The safe water marks appearance is completely different from the
one of the buoys that indicate the hazard.

❑ Their may have a shape of a sphere, a column or a pole, with a red

sphere as a topmark. These are the only marks painted in vertical
stripes (red and white).

❑ When the light is installed, then its colour is white and its rhythm
may be isophase, occulting, long flash or the Morse Code letter

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Special Buoys and Marks do not represent navigational aids. They
indicate a special area or an object mentioned on maps or in other
nautical documents and publications.

These special marks are painted yellow and have a top mark in the shape of a
yellow lying cross (X). The light (if installed) is also yellow.


Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Special Buoys and Marks
❑ As in poor visibility it is possible to mistake the yellow color for the white, the
yellow lights of the special marks cannot have the rhythm adopted for marks with
the white light.

❑ The shape of the special marks cannot be confused with the shape of navigational
marks, i.e. if special marks have been used to mark, eg the left side of the fairway,
then they must have a cylindrical and not conical shape. The special
marks may have letters or numbers
painted on them.


Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Correction to Compass Courses and Bearings

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.


George Allan B. Brinas

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

IALA buoyage system A
IALA Buoyage Region B

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

preferred channel
Prepared by: 2/M marks
G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
IALA Buoyage
Prepared Self
by: 2/M G.A.B. Testing
Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Nautical chart
and Nautical

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

SOLAS Chapter V
REGULATION 27 - Nautical Charts And Nautical

Nautical charts and nautical publications, such as

sailing directions, lists of lights, notices to
mariners, tide tables and all other nautical
publications necessary for the intended voyage,
shall be adequate and up to date.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1


Large Scale Charts

1:2,400 – 1:50,000
Used Primarily For Inshore Navigation
and for Navigating Large Inland

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Approach CHARTS:
Large Scale Charts
1:50,000 – 1:150,000
Used for inshore navigation, for entering Bays and
Harbors of considerate width and for navigating
large inland waterways.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Large Scale Charts
1:50,000 – 1:150,000
For approaching bays and harbors and used for
coastal navigation outlying reefs and shoals.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Small Scale Charts
1:150,000 - 1:600,000

Used for voyage planning.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Small Scale Charts

1:600,000 - SMALLER

Used For Open Ocean Navigation

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1


▪ Designed For Use By The U.S. Navy and U.S.

Coast Guard.

▪ Built by Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) who has

changed it’s name to:

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
STCW Table A-II/1


▪ 5 Digits: are of suitable scale to depict coastal

regions with the great detail necessary for
❑ There are nine coastal regions in the world
❑ Each is divided into several subregions
▪ The first number is the region
▪ The second number is the subregion
▪ The last three numbers represent the
geographic sequence of the chart
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
STCW Table A-II/1

Chart Numbering System

▪ All charts produced by NIMA and NOS are assigned a number
from one to five digits, according to the scale and area they
# of digits Scale
1 No scale involved (supporting pub)
2 1 : 9,000,001 and smaller
3 1 : 2,000,001 to 1 :1,900,000
4 Miscellaneous and special, non-
navigational charts
5 1 : 2,000,000 and larger
▪ The chart numbering system also allows the navigator to organize
his/her charts into chart portfolios.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1
Ocean Basin of the World

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

One Digit Charts (1-9)

▪ Have no Scale Connections.
▪ Comprise The Symbol And Abbreviation For Charts of
The United States And Other Nations.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Two and Three Digit Charts

▪ Covers Very Large Areas Such As:
❑Entire Ocean Basins
❑Portions of Ocean Basins.
▪ The World’s Water Are Divided Into Nine
Ocean Basins.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Four Digit Charts

❑ Covers Numbers From 5000 to 9999
❑ Non-navigational, Special-purpose Charts Such
▪ Special World Charts
▪ Plotting Sheets

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Five Digit Charts

❑ Covers portions of Coastlines
❑ Most Common Type of Charts By
❑ Majority of Nautical Charts Found Aboard

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Chart Numbering
The Five Digits Combined Make Up The Alpha-numeric
(Words& Numbers) Prefix.

First Two Digits Are The Sub-region.

Third Digit Is The Portfolio Assignment Number.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Chart Numbering

The Fourth And Fifth Digits Of The Prefix

Specify The Type Of Chart:

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

CHART 12245

(1) First Digit Of A Five Digit Chart Is The


(12) First And Second Digit Combined Indicate The

Sub Region.

(245) Last Three Digits Are Numbered

COUNTERCLOCKWISE Around The Continents.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Portfolio Assignment

The Three Portfolio Assignments A, B, and X.

❑ “A” Portfolio Consist Of:

All Operating Area Charts

Principal Coastal Charts

Harbor And Approach Charts.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Portfolio Assignment

❑ “B” Portfolios Supplement the “A” Portfolio

▪ Additional Coastal Charts
▪ Harbor And Approach Charts
▪ For Each Sub-region.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Portfolio Assignment
❑ “X” Portfolio:
▪ Designated Standard Nautical Charts
Which Have Not Been Assigned To
Either an “A” Or “B” Portfolio.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Chart Correction System

❑ Chart corrections are disseminated via Notice to

Mariners and Local Notice to Mariners.
▪ Notice to Mariners - issued by NGA and contain
changes relating to oceanic and coastal areas
▪ Local Notice to Mariners - issued by the U.S.
Coast Guard districts and contain changes
pertaining only Prepared
to U.S. by: 2/M G.A.B.inland
Brinas Jr. waters.
STCW Table A-II/1

Chart Correction System

❑ Navigators are not required to immediately enter

changes on every chart.
▪ Corrections are entered on correction cards
when received. The navigator’s staff updates the
charts when the ship is scheduled to operate in
an area covered by the chart portfolio.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1


▪ What is a Great Circle?

▪ What is a Small Circle?
▪ 2 degrees of Latitude is = how many nm?
▪ What is the difference between a Mercator and
Gnomic projection?
▪ Distance is always measured on the LATITUDE

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Electronic Charts
An electronic navigational chart is an official
database created by a national hydrographic
office for use with an Electronic Chart Display
and Information System (ECDIS).

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Electronic Charts

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Differences Between RNCs and ENCs

A Raster Navigational Chart is an accurate digital

image comprised of pixels, displayed on an electronic
screen. Each pixel has a unique color or it has no
An Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) is
navigational features in a vector format. That is
achieved by digitizing each feature’s geometry into a
specific object.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
STCW Table A-II/1

What is S-57?

❑ International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) for

Transfer Standard for Digital Hydrographic Data
❑ Uses International Standard Organization (ISO) 8211
file format
❑ Platform independent structure
❑ Provides a standard catalog for chart features
❑ ENC is a product specification for S-57

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

S-57 Object Catalog

▪ Chart features belong to object classes

▪ Over 180 object classes defined
▪ Each object has set of descriptive attributes
▪ Object classes encoded as acronyms
▪ Attributes encoded as acronyms and
▪ Includes attribute data types and value
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
STCW Table A-II/1

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

What is ECDIS?
An Electronic Chart Display & Information System (ECDIS)
is a computer-based navigation information system that
complies with International Maritime Organization (IMO)
regulations and can be used as an alternative to
paper nautical charts. IMO refers to similar systems not
meeting the regulations as Electronic Chart Systems(ECS)

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1


ENCs contain all the chart information
necessary for safe navigation, and may
contain supplementary information in addition
to that contained in the paper chart (e.g.,
Sailing Directions) and show dangers.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1


Raster Charts
Raster navigational charts are raster charts that
conform to IHO specifications and are produced by
converting paper charts to digital image by
The image is similar to digital camera pictures,
which could be zoomed in for more detailed
information as it does in ENCs.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1


Vector Charts
A vector chart is a database, where different
objects are encoded. Your chart software may
sort these objects in categories and display them
in layers.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1


Vector Charts
There are many advantages of vector charts:
▪ Automatic alarm generation is possible
▪ Optional information can be displayed (customized
▪ Zoom option with no deterioration of the
▪ They are easy to correct

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

STCW Table A-II/1


Vector Charts
There are many advantages of vector charts:
▪ They require little memory capacity (quick loading)
▪ Information can be added (files, pictures etc.)
▪ Good readability in all presentation modes like Head-up,
North-up, Course-up
▪ Presentation is adapted according to the safety
parameters of your vessel

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

10. Chart
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
The chart catalogue consists of over 3,500
admiralty charts with coverage appropriate
for navigation of deep sea ocean crossings,
passage planning, coastal navigation, port
approaches and harbour berthing. ... New
Editions of charts are also released on a
weekly basis for the same reasons.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.
S Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.
The navigator uses many information sources when
planning and conducting a voyage. These sources include:
1. Notices to Mariners
2. Admiralty Sailing Directions
3. Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals
4. Admiralty List of Radio Signals
5. Tide & Tidal Stream Publications
6. Astronomical Publications

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

1. Notices to Mariners is published weekly by United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) for Admiralty
Charts and Publications and the Defense Mapping
Agency Hydrographic / Topographic Center (DMAHTC)
for U.S. Charts and Publications.
Over 60 countries which produce nautical charts also
produce a notice to mariners. Therefore you can only
correct U.S. charts with the U.S. notice to mariners.
Similarly, correct foreign chart using foreign notice to
mariners because chart datum often vary according to
region and geographic positions are not the same for
different datum.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Hydrograms - a listing of important items
in the notice, composing of a chart
correction section, a publication
correction section, and summary of
broadcast nav. warnings and miscellaneous

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

The content of the Admiralty Notices to Mariners
comprises of 6 sections;
Section I Explanatory Notes, Publication List or the
1. New guidelines for Notices to Mariners
2. New Laws and Regulations for NTM
3. Reliance on Charts & Associated Publications
4. Updating of Weekly Notice
5. Further guidance on T & P notices, List of
Lights, Radio Signals, Sailing Directions and
Radio Navigational Warnings

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Section II Admiralty Notice to Mariners, Updates to
Standard Navigational Charts & Publications

1. New charts and new edition of charts published

during the week and any charts withdrawn are listed in a
This also mentions other charts affected by these
changes, and gives notice of forthcoming publications and
The publishing of new editions of volumes of the Sailing
Direction or their Supplement, List of Lights, List of
Radio Signals, Tide Tables are announced in Notices
immediately following the above Notices.
2. Temporary and Preliminary Notice
Temporary (T) and Preliminary (P)
are found at the end of Section II. Usually
in the last weekly edition of the month. All
T and P notices in force at the end of the
year are reprinted in Annual Summary of
Admiralty Notice to Mariners.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Section III Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings

Radio navigational warnings are designed to give the

mariners early information of important incidents which
may constitute a danger to navigation such as:
1. Particulars of recent dangerous wrecks
2. Shoal depths
3. Alterations to major navigational aids
4. Salvage and survey operations in congested waters
5 Movement of oil drilling rig
6. Extensive maritime exercises
7. Significant malfunctioning of radio navigation aids

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

3 Types of Radio Navigational Warnings
1. Local = for local vessel operating inshore
2. Coastal = for international shipping
3. Long Range = for international shipping

Local Radio Warnings primarily affects vessel in inshore

waters and are normally issued by Port and Harbor

Coastal Radio Warnings primarily assist the mariners in

coastal navigation and between ports as far as the port
outer limits. The warnings are broadcast from the
country of origin. Time frequency and other information
are given in ALRS Volume 5.
Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.
Long Range Radio Warning = The World-wide
Warning service comprises 16 geographical sea
areas termed as NAVAREAS. In addition to
Navarea IV and Navarea XII, the U.S. issue
HYDROLANTS and HYDROPAC warning for the
remainder of the Atlantic and Pacific / Indian
Ocean areas.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Section IV Amendments to Admiralty Sailing
Correction to Sailing Direction which
cannot await the supplement are promulgated in
Section IV of the weekly notices.
Section V Amendments to Admiralty Lists of
Lights and Fog Signals
The volumes of the Admiralty List of
Lights are corrected by Section V, which includes
any relevant alterations mentioned in Section II.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Section VI Amendments to Admiralty List of
Radio Signals

The volumes of the Admiralty List of Radio

Signals and the notices in the Annual Summary of
Admiralty Notices to Mariners related to those
volumes, are corrected for Section VI, which
also includes any relevant alterations mentioned
on Section II.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

2. Admiralty Sailing Directions (NP 1 to 72)
Also called Pilot Book is published to
complement Admiralty charts. Each volume of the
Sailing Directions contains;
1. Description of the coast and off-lying features
2. Notes on tidal stream and currents
3. Direction for navigation in intricate waters
4. Relevant information about channels & harbors
5. Information about navigational hazards
6. Buoyages system used in the area covered
7. Pilotage

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

8. Regulations, general rule on the countries within
the area
9. Port facilities
10. General summary of seasonal current, ice and
climatic conditions with direct access to the sea except
Great Lakes and USA.
Each volume of Sailing Direction is completely
revised at intervals of 5 to 10 years. In the intervening
period each is kept to date by supplement issued at
intervals of 1 1/2 to 2 years. Each new supplement is
cumulative and incorporates all previous corrections.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

3. List of Lights and Fog Signals (NP 74 to 84)
The Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals is
published in 11 volumes giving a worldwide tabulation of
all lighthouses and lights of navigational significance.
The areas covered by each volume are:
1. Vol. A (NP 74) British Isles and North Coast of
2. Vol. B (NP 75) Southern and Eastern side of
North Seas
3. Vol. C (NP 76) Baltic Sea

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

4. Vol. D (NP 77) Eastern side of Atlantic Ocean
5. Vol. E (NP 78) Mediterranean Black and Red
6. Vol. F (NP 79) Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and
North Pacific Ocean
7. Vol. G (NP 80) Western side of South Atlantic
Ocean and East Pacific Ocean
8. Vol. H (NP 81) Northern and Eastern Coast of
9. Vol. J (NP 82) Western side of North Atlantic

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

10. Vol. K (NP 83) Indian and Pacific Ocean, South of
the Equator
11. Vol. L ( NP 84 ) Norwegian and Greenland Seas
and the Arctic Ocean
For each light the following details are given:
1. Number, used for index purposes
2. Name & descriptive position
3. Approximate Latitude & Longitude
4. Characteristics & intensity
5. Elevation of lights in meters above Mean High
Water Spring Level

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

6. Range of visibility in sea miles
7. Description of the structure in which the light
is situated & the height of the structure
above the ground in meters.
8. Phases, sectors, arc of visibility, period of
illumination, important temporary information
and other relevant remarks. Also any minor
associated light which do not merit separate
A new edition of each volume of the list of
lights is published at intervals of about 18

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

4. Admiralty List of Radio Signals

The Admiralty List of Radio Signals ( ALRS )

provides a comprehensive source of information on all
aspects of Maritime Radio Communications. The
contents range from a complete listing of stations
handling maritime public correspondence to a full range
of services essential to compliance with the GMDSS (
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System ). The
ALRS consists of 8 volumes. New edition of these
volumes are published annually.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Vol. 1 Coast Radio Stations NP281(Parts 1&2)
⮚ Maritime Public Correspondence
⮚ Stations identified by DSC MMSI codes
⮚ Ship Reporting System including AMVER
⮚ Details about how to use Inmarsat Maritime
Satellite Services
⮚ Piracy & Armed Robbery Reporting Procedures
⮚ Worldwide coverage in two parts
⮚ Updated from Weekly Notice to Mariners
⮚ Revised Annually

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Vol. 2 Radio Aids to Navigation, Electronic Position Fixing
Systems, Legal Time & Radio Time Signals (NP282).
⮚ Listing of all Radio Direction Finding Stations
⮚ Listing of all Radar & Radio Beacon Services
⮚ Latest Electronic Position Fixing System details
⮚ International Time Signal Broadcast details
⮚ Over 40 explanatory diagrams to supplement text
⮚ Worldwide coverage
⮚ Updated from Weekly Notice to Mariners
⮚ Revised Annually

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Vol. 3 Maritime Safety Information Services
NP 283 ( Parts 1&2)
⮚ All Maritime Radio Weather Services listed
⮚ All Maritime Safety Information Broadcast listed
⮚ Over 160 color diagrams showing worldwide
weather broadcast areas
⮚ Worldwide listing of Navtex & Facsimile station
⮚ Submarine and Gunnery warning details
( Subfacts and Gunfacts )
⮚ Radio Facsimile worldwide listing of stations
/frequencies/ index of map areas

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

⮚ Worldwide coverage in two parts
⮚ Updated from Weekly Notice to Mariners
⮚ Revised Annually

Vol. 4 Meteorological Observation Stations

( NP 284 )
⮚ Essential for both professional & amateur
⮚ All MET observation stations listed
⮚ Worldwide coverage
⮚ Revised every 18 months
Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.
Vol. 5 Global Maritime Distress & Safety System
( GMDSS ) NP 285
⮚ All worldwide communication requirements for distress,
search and rescue
⮚ SOLAS compliant guide for GMDSS
⮚ Pull out chart coverage for MERSAR
⮚ Color diagrams for operational DSC ranges
⮚ Essential information for GMDSS operator
⮚ Updated from Weekly Notice to Mariners
⮚ Revised Annually

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Vol. 6 Pilot Services, Vessel Traffic Services and Port
Operations NP 286 (Parts 1,2,3,4 & 5)
⮚ Detailed Pilot Information
⮚ Global Vessel Traffic Services Information
⮚ Color diagrams depicting Reporting Points, Pilot
Boarding Positions and ports
⮚ Harbor VHF facilities listed
⮚ Worldwide coverage in five parts
⮚ Updated from Weekly Notice to Mariners
⮚ Revised Annually

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Vol. 8 Satellite Navigation System NP 288
⮚ Major Satellite Navigation System explained
⮚ Information on the correct use & limitation on
these system
⮚ Descriptions & examples on the over reliance on these
⮚ Advantages and disadvantages DGPS
⮚ Dynamic worldwide listing of beacons
transmitting DGPS
⮚ Updated from Weekly Notice to Mariners
⮚ Revised Annually

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

5. Tide and Tidal Stream Publications
Admiralty Tide Tables (ATT) are published in 3 volumes
⮚Vol. 1 European waters incl. Mediterranean Sea
⮚Vol. 2 Atlantic and Indian Ocean
⮚Vol. 3 Pacific Ocean and Adjacent Seas
Each volume is divided into 3 parts;
❖ Part 1 Gives daily predictions of the times and
heights of high and low water for a
selected number of standard ports.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

❖ Part II Gives time and height difference for
prediction of high and low water at a
much larger number of secondary ports.
❖ Part III Give the Harmonic Constants for use
with the Simplified Harmonic Method of Tidal
Predictions for those ports, where they are
Admiralty Tide Tables are corrected annually
by Notice to Mariners No.1 contained in Annual
Summary of Admiralty Notice to Mariners

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

6. Astronomical Publications
Sight Reduction Table for Marine ( NP401)
⮚ Published in 6 volumes, each covering a band of 15º of
⮚ Contain data necessary for the solution of sights of
heavenly bodies.
⮚ Values of altitude and azimuth are tabulated for all
combination of latitude, LHA and declination at interval
of 1º.
⮚ The calculated altitude and azimuth of the heavenly
body being observed s extracted from the tables and
compared with the true altitude to obtain a position line.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Sight Reduction for Air Navigation consists of 3
volumes NP 303 (1) to (3);
⮚ Vol.1 Contains tables for selected stars for all
latitudes and new edition is issued every 5 years.
⮚ Vol. 2 ( Latitude 0º to 39º ) and Vol. 3
(Latitude 40º to 89º ). Contains tables for
integral degrees of declination providing for sights
of the sun, moon and planets. These tables are

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

The Nautical Almanac ( NP 314 )
Tabulates all the data for the year required
for the practice of astronomical navigation at
It is compiled jointly by HM Nautical Almanac
Office, Royal Greenwich Observatory and the
National Almanac Office, U.S. Naval
Observatory and published annually b HMSO.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.

Star Finder and Identifier ( NP 323 )
Consists of star chart on which are printed the
navigational stars and on which the position of planets and
other stars may also be plotted. The altitude and true
bearing of a star at any time can be obtained using a
superimposed transparent grid.

Prepared by: 2/M Briñas, G.A Jr. B.


Prepared by: 2/M G.A.B. Brinas Jr.

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