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Enterprise structures & Master data

Shipper scenario

Cologne Bremen Newark Chicago

(Shipper) (Port) (Port) (Consignee)
Organizational units

• Organizational units in TM are broadly classified into

Sales organization

Purchasing organization

Planning & Execution


• Organizations can be further divided into groups and offices

• Sales organization – Used in LSP scenario

• Purchasing organization – Used in Shipper scenario

• In Shipper scenario the transportation services are procured from the carrier.

• In LSP scenario the transportation services are sold to shipper.

• Planning organization are used when there is a central entity that takes care of
transportation planning of the group.
Organizational units

• An organizational unit is an object that is used to map the corporate structure of a


• The organizational unit function describes the purpose of an organizational unit.

• The organizational unit role defines the organizational element's level within the



Organizational units

• BSG Org Unit – Links to the organization unit in SAP ERP system.

• Charge profile ID – Used for charge calculations. Calculation profile is linked to charge profile ID.

• Business system group – Used for system landscape directory. Usually it is used to link system

where master data originates

Master data

• Location

• Transportation zone

• Mode of transport

• Means of transport

• Vehicle resource

• Schedules

• Default routes

• Transportation lane

• Transshipment location

• A location represents a physical location where goods are delivered, picked up, or
transshipped, or where trucks and trailers get coupled or uncoupled

• Every location is identified by a location type

• Logistics → Transportation management → Master data → Transportation

network → Location

• T Code - /SCMTMS/LOC3

• IATA code (International Air Transport Association Location Identifier)

• UN/LOCODE - maintained by United Nations Economic Commission for

Europe (UNECE). UN/LOCODE assigns codes to locations used in trade and


• Geographical data comes from GIS server or based on address in combination

with precision

• Alternative location identifier type

• Alternative ID – This is used in combination with ALI type for identifying purpose for

external organizations.

• Min & Max duration for wait time

• SAP EWM system & Warehouse number

Location - Config

• Activate change doc : If this is activated a change document will be created for changes

made by user in master data.

• ALI Type – Here we define location scheme agencies such as IATA or UN/ECE which uses

the identification scheme for locations. We also define ALI type and assign code list to it.

• Define IATA code

• Define UN/LOCODE
Transportation zone

• It is used to group together multiple locations. It is used to simplify master data maintenance.

• Transportation zone will be used while calculating charges

• Logistics → Transportation management → Master data → Transportation network →

Transportation zone

• T code - /SCMTMS/ZONE

• Location can be groped based on


Postal code

Mode of transport

• Define which medium is used for logistics

• SPRO →TM → Master data → Transportation network → Transportation lane

• Means of transport is assigned to mode of transport

• Vehicle resource is linked to means of transport

Mode of transport - Config

• Mode of transport category : Road , Air, Rail or Sea

• Main carriage indicator : Defines if mode of transport can be used for main carriage

• Sustainability factor defines fuel consumption and Co2 emissions. Used mainly for

statistical reporting

• Means of transport – Advisable to leave it blank

Means of transport

• SPRO →TM → Master data → Resources → Means of transport & compartment

• Superordinate MTr – Here we can assign MTr another MTr hierarichaly

• Speed parameters – Low , Medium , High & Average

• Distance factor – Here we can specify ratio between shortest distance between two
locations and actual distance travelled by the MTr. It is used to calculate transportation

• Standard Code – Code for MTr. Ex. UN/EDIFACT codes can be assigned here
Means of transport

• Multiresource – Defines whether the resource assigned to this MTr is Single or


• If this check box is selected and if number of individual resources is specified, system will
create as many number of freight orders while planning.

• Lock multiresource is used to lock the resource when planning is done simultaneously.

• Passive resource – Can only be moved by active resources Ex.Trailers

• Active resources – Can move by itself. Ex. Trucks

Means of transport

• No Capacity – If you activate this checkbox we cannot add compartments to this resource

• No Direct load – Indicates that goods cannot be loaded to this resources. Used in cases of
locomotives or tractors.

• Your Own MTr – Indicates that resources assigned to this MTr belongs to companies own fleet.

• Schedule MTr – Indicates if MTr can be used for schedules

• GIS Quality - If this is selected system will use GIS for distance and duration determination by
taking into account low, medium and high speed

• Default MTr- Indicates if this MTr should be used for distance duration determination by default.
Equipment type & Groups

• SPRO →TM → Master data → Resources → General settings

• This denotes different types of transportation unit resources, handling resource & vehicle

• Groups are used to categories similar equipment types.

• Define vehicle group

• Define vehicle types for vehicle group Ex : 50 T , 20 T etc

Equipment type & Groups

• MTr – MTr specific to this equipment type

• Compartment profile define sequence of compartment types

• SPRO →TM → Master data → Resources → Means of transport & compartment

• Packaging material used if EWM is integrated

• Food grade resource – Indicates if equipment type is used to transport gods

• Physical properties of equipment type can be mentioned here.


• Logistics → Transportation management → Master data → Resource

• T Code - /SCMTMS/RES01
• Resources can be of
Transportation unit
Handling resource

• Vehicle group & Vehicle type

• Resource class

• Location

• MTr

• Time zone – Time zone in which resource functions

• Continuous dimension – Capacity in which resource is scheduled

• Capacity

• Units

• Factory calendar

• General data tab – Most of the attributes here gets copied from the MTr config.

• Transportation tab comprises of

• Owner

• Ownership type

• Registration No & Country

• Planning block – Blocks this resources from being used in transportation planning

• Special instructions

• Resource conditions – Actual condition of the resource

Compartment profile

• Compartment type defines the properties of one compartment in a vehicle resource,

such as its capacity and its attributes

• Ex - Temperature-control capabilities to differentiate frozen, chilled, and ambient


• In Capacities field we can define the UoM and capacity for the compartment type

• Steps – Steps are the group together products Ex – Pallets. It is used to model
consumption of the compartment capacity with goods.

• SPRO →TM → Master data → Resources → Means of transport & compartment

Compartment profile

• Consumptions of compartment capacity can be

Step wise


• Linear can be used when pallet places are not available for other compartments

Fixed compartment

Total capacity of the vehicle resource = 15m 3

Each compartment has a maximum capacity = 5 m 3
Flexible compartment – With steps
Flexible compartment – With steps

• If load is more than 0 m3 and less than 5 m3, capacity consumption is 5 m3.

• Ex Load = 3 m3 Capacity consumptions = 5 m3

• If load is more than 5 m3 and less than 10 m3, capacity consumption is 10 m3.

• If load is more than 10 m3 and less than 15 m3, capacity consumption is 15 m3.
Zero consumption possible

• Zero consumption is possible for the compartment. That means if you leave this compartment empty,

it does not consume any capacity.

• Zero consumption is not possible for the compartment. That means if you do not load this
compartment, it still consumes a capacity of 5m 3
Linear indicator

If linear indicator is on, capacity consumption matches the actual load.

Ex - if load is 3 m3. Capacity consumption is 5 m3

If load is 7 m3. Capacity consumption is 7 m3 (Linear)

If load is 9 m3. Capacity consumptions is 10 m3

Compartment profile

• Compartment profile contains sequence for each compartment type and

compartment type

• Compartment profile is attached to the MTr

Vehicle combinations

• Vehicle combinations are used to combine active & passive vehicle together.

• Combination contains MTr and number of MTt for each instance.

• Capacity constraints can be defined for the vehicle combination that consists
of the truck and the trailer

• SPRO →TM → Master data → Resources → Means of transport &


• A schedule represents a recurring transportation that follows a predefined

location sequence.
• Schedule contains set of departure rules defining the days on which
transportation is possible.
• Master data – Resources (Worklist)
• Schedules are controlled by schedule type

• Transportation mode is assigned to schedule type.

• Transportation group – It is used to determine which FU can be assigned to

schedules. It is specified in MMD

• Capacity – Capacity that the departures can handle

• Transportation cost - Quantity cost will be used in planning if quantity

dependent cost is considered and also we can define fixed cost for departures.

• Cargo cut off time - Specifies when freight units must be delivered to the location at
hand so that they can be transported by the schedule from this location.

• Documents cut off time & Dangerous goods cut off time

• Transit duration

• Distance - System automatically determines the distance between two consecutive

stops based on the geographical coordinates of the locations.

• Availability time – Defines how long goods will be available at the location to be
picked up for further transportation process.

• Length of stay - Represents the length of stay at an intermediate stop

• Auto fill time – Defines if we can change one departure or arrival time

and let the system propagate this to the other times

• Create departure rule and generate voyages for the departure rules
Schedule upload report



Schedule types

• Default – Default schedule type

• Gateway - Define if schedule uses consolidation points for transfer of goods where
goods from number of customers are stored to shipped together is one container.

• Gateway schedules is similar to maintaining carrier schedules, but some important

additional data has to be maintained. First. you maintain the source gateway and the
destination gateway.

• We can model three kinds of gateway schedules, containing both source and
destination gateway, only source gateway, and only destination gateway

• Direct gateway – Transportation of goods between 2 CFS

• Indirect – Transportation of goods between two gateways involves a port or


• Skip Source GW – Skips source gateway

• Skip Destination GW – Skips destination gateway

Schedule types

• Document type - freight document type that is used for creating freight documents out of the

• Template – Specifies if the schedule created out of this schedule type is used as template and we
can change data in Freight booking/Freight order

• CC Strategy & Deletion strategy – Define which process controller strategy have to be used when a
schedule is changed or deleted.

• Ex – In Change controller strategy we can define if changes in schedule can have an effect on
already created freight documents.

• Offset time type – Absolute or Relative

Schedule types

• Absolute – Departure at 10:00 a.m. and a cutoff defined by an offset of one day and a time of11:30 a.m.
results in a cutoff time 11:30 a.m. two days before

• Relative – A cutoff of 1 day and 12 hours means that the cutoff time for a departure at 8 a.m. is mapped
into a cutoff time of 8 p.m. two days before. Similarly, an availability of 20 hours for an arrival at 5 p.m.

• One order - We can plan only one freight document for each departure

• Use Transportation cost & Capacities

• Do not propagate carrier – Defines if carrier can be copied to freight documents

Default route

• In transportation network there can be several possible paths between two locations.

• A default route defines a location sequence for a given source and destination, which can be
locations or zones.

• Based on source and destination location system determines default routes and chooses most
specific one.

• Default route with source location and destination location same as source location and

destination location is considered.

Default route

• lf there are multiple matching default routes. the system chooses the most specific one.

• Direct location match is more specific than a zone match.

• Advantage of the zone-to-zone default route is that you don't have to create new default
routes if new source or destination locations show up in the source and destination zone.

• We can also maintain the transit durations per stage and the lengths of stay per
intermediate stop

• We can restrict the applicability of a default route by choosing DG

Default route type

• Transportation mode – Maintained in default route type.

• Default route is Mandatory – Specifies if default route is mandatory for FWO.

• Optimizer settings define in which instance default route can be used (FU, TU, Railcar

units etc)
Transportation lane

• Transportation lane describes how a location can be reached within a network.

It contains three elements

• A start, which may be a location or a transportation zone

• A destination, which also may be a location or a transportation zone

• A means of transport
Transportation lane

• If a transportation lane is defined between two transportation zones, this

means that the means of transport operates between all locations in the start
transportation zone and all locations in the destination transportation zone.

• An intra-zone lane (a transportation lane where the start and destination

transportation zones are the same) indicates that the means of transport
operates between any two locations within this zone.
Transportation lane

• Validity dates – Applies to the means of transport on the transportation lane.

• Trans duration & time - The distance between the start and destination and
the amount of time it will take the means of transport to travel that distance

• Fix Trans duration & distance - Indicate whether the specified duration and
distance are to be overwritten by an automatic distance and duration
Transportation lane

• Precision - Indicates whether the distance was calculated automatically based on the
straight-line distance (value: 0000), with GIS precision (0100) or entered manually

• Transportation cost – Variable cost for transportation of products

• Means of transport cost – This will be used in cost profile for calculating distance
dependent cost.

• Min MTr cost – Minimum cost when MTr is used for single trip
Transportation lane

• Carrier selection relevance - Strategy for carrier selection by selecting the

Relevant for Carrier Selection field and specifying whether costs and/or
priorities are to be used, which costs are to be used

• Continuous move – Controls whether continuous moves are allowed.

• Carriers grant discounts if they are assigned several freight orders for the
same vehicle resource
Simple continuous move
Round trip continuous move
Transportation lane

• Business share - Specify whether business shares are to be taken into

account in carrier selection & tolerance percentage

• Allocations - Capacity allocations for carrier and planning period.

• Monthly or Weekly or Daily

Transportation lane determination

• Transportation Management → Master Data →

Transportation Network → General Settings for
Transportation Network Determination
• Specify the sequence in which the three hierarchies (start,
destination, and means of transport) are to be taken into
account when determining the transportation lane.
Transportation lane determination

• MTr – T1 & T2

• Locations - A & B

• Zones – ZA & ZB
Transportation lane determination

• Means of transport Tl, Start A, Destination B

• Means of transport T2, Start A, Destination B
• Means of transport TI, Start A, Destination ZB
• Means of transport T2, Start A, Destination ZB
• Means of transport Tl, Start ZA, Destination B
• Means of transport T2, Start ZA, Destination B
• Means of transport Tl, Start ZA, Destination ZB
• Means of transport T2, Start ZA, Destination ZB
Transportation lane determination

• Consider Hierarchical Relationships Between MTrs First indicator –

Consider MTr with lowest priority

• Consider Source Hierarchy First indicator – Consider customer more

important than warehouse

Transportation lane determination

• (1) Means of transport, (2) Start, (3) Destination

• (1) Means of transport, (2) Destination, (3) Start – MTr & Destination has


• (1) Start, (2) Destination, (3) Means of transport - Source has priority

• (1) Destination, (2) Start, (3) Means of transport

Transshipment location

• Transshipment location are locations where mode of transportation is changed and

goods are loaded and unloaded.

• There are also transshipment locations where the goods collected are unloaded and
reloaded onto other trucks at a local depot.

• Rough planning - For many business processes, it isn't important to plan complete,
end-to-end transportation in detail. For example, it may be important to find the right
flights, but it's known that the airport can be reached within a predefined time interval
(e.g., eight hours). and planning for this stage of the journey doesn't require the same
degree of precision.
Transshipment location

• This allows planners to specify a duration that can be used for rough
planning instead of the exact distance and duration determined based
on transportation lanes

• No freight documents are created for the rough-planned parts of the

Transshipment location

• In intermodal scenarios, many different schedules may touch one specific port. To allow the port

to be used as a transshipment location for connecting two schedules arriving at and departing

from the port, respectively, the port has to be defined as a transshipment location for all other

locations covered by the schedules.

• This is an error-prone maintenance task

• In optimizer setting automatic connection determination can be activated

• This means that any location covered by two schedules can serve as a transshipment location

for all locations covered by the two schedules and therefore represents an implicit transshipment

location definition

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