7543 LabReport

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Patient Name : Ali Murtaza Consultant : HADI POLY CLINIC Medical Record :
Father/Husband : M iqbal Contact : 03051112350 Lab No 7543
Age / Gender : 8 Year / Female National ID : - Sampled : 28-Dec-2022 11:37PM
Address : City Specimen : Brought to lab Result Reported : 29-Dec-2022 12:16AM

Test Result Reference Ranges Units

Complete Blood Count

RBCs 3.9 4.5 - 6.0 x10^6/uL
Hemoglobin 10.8 12 - 16 g/dl
Hematocrit 32 40 - 50 %
MCV 69 80 - 98 fL
MCH 27 27 - 31 pg
MCHC 31 32 - 36 g/dl
Platelet Count 440 140 - 450 10^3/uL
WBC Count 8.7 4 - 11 10^3/uL

Differential Leukocyte Count ( DLC)

Neutrophils 62 40 - 75 %
Lymphocytes 30 15 - 45 %
Monocytes 04 2 - 12 %
Eosinophils 04 2-6 %

Electronically verified report,signature(s) not required

Lab test values should be interpreted by a physician in the context of clinical picture. Not valid for Hon’able court.
Dr. Searh Riaz Dr. Mavra Akhtar Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq Rana Muhammad Akhtar
MBBS, DCP, M.Phil (Haem) MBBS Biochemist & Molecular Biologist B.SC
Consultant Pathologist PGR-Histo(SCH) M.Phil(Molecular Biology) Medical Technologist

The Poly Clinic, Main Sunder Road Raiwind Lahore.Tel: 042 35390657, Mob: 0321-4097779
Email : abrarcdclab@yahoo.com Software Consultancy : Soft3M 0303 4983516
Software Consultancy : Soft3M
0303 4983516

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