In The World, P

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In the world, people always imagine a perfect world to satisfy themselves.

In the movie
Equilibrium directed by Kurt Wimmer. Short story "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurtvonnegut and the
poem "Utopia" by Josh Gibbens. Those symbolism show unfair conformity and hope.

Granted, the unfair situation is happening in society anywhere and anytime. It is comprehensible
that three references all have symbolism of unfair. In the film Equilibrium directed by Kurt
Wimmer, an item proves special symbolism. For example, after the main character decides to kill
the father, He went to the father's office and found out his father's room was so luxurious. There
was a lot of artwork on the wall and the dominant hue was warm(Wimmer). So people can know,
father's room is the symbolism of unfair because father let soldiers destroy or confiscate citizens'
art work to prevent people from using art work to decorate their room, but father still uses the
art work decration in his own office. In the Equilibrium world, the government forces people to
destroy any items that may affect people's emotions, but ironic father's office has a strong
contrast to highlighting father's unfair to citizens. That is the symbolism of unfair in the movie
Equilibrium. What's more, in the short story Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut there is an item
symbolism unfair. For example, in the beginning of the story "All this equality was due to the
211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing watchfulness of
the officers and agents of the United States Handicapper General"(Vonnegut 1). From this
sentence, people can understand the government constantly reinforce the "constitution" because
the government wants to control people through the "constitution". If people try to break the
"constitution" that the government made, People would have big trouble. So the "constitution" is
a symbolism of unfaire which prevents people having their own thinking and "constitution" is not
used to protect people. And in the poem "Dystopia" by Josh Gibbens there are some items that
can prove the symbolism of unfaire. For instance, in the poem they mention that "Jagged,
crooked architecture" (Gibbens 4). In this verse, the architecture is anomaly and decayed, which
means the government let the army destroy citizens' houses because people do not follow them.
The architecture is like people's own thinking, but the government destroys them because the
government does not allow there to be some thinking about adverse government profiles. So the
architecture is the symbolism of unfaire.In those three refrence whatever which item it is they all
can proved same symbolism of unfaire.

However, people will conform because of the threat from life or the pressure from the
government. In three references, there are many items that can symbolize conformity. In the
movie Equilibrium, directed by Kurt Wimmer, the action "line up" is a symbolism of conformity.
For example, in the movie Equilibrium, when the main character gets back emotion, he looks
around other people line up perpare to work and those people walking like a zombie(Wimmer).
From people's action in this movie, the audience would realize people who live in the city already
accepted the government action like taking away their emotions. In the movie, people walk like
zombies because they do not have emotion and they do not care about the government
brainwashing them. If people conform their life to a line, people only know work and sleep like a
machine. They do not want to fight back because they never care anymore, so people 's action
such us line up is the symbolism of conformity in the movie. Initially, there is an item symbolism
of conformity. In the short story "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, the main character must
wear a machine to control their mind. For example, "She was referring to the forty-seven pounds
of birdshot in a canvas bag, which was padlocked around George's neck" (Vonnegut 24). The
"birdshoot" is government control or monitoring people's machines. Actually, people can take off
this "birdshot" and get back their thinking, but they will face very strict punishment and nobody
wants to do that. The government persuades people to think the birdshot is very important to
wear and most people follow government policy conformity. Additionally, in the poem "Dystopia"
by Josh Gibbens there is an item that can directly prove the symbolism of conformity. For
example, in the poem after the 3rd paragraph there is a sentence "Blackness fills the void, Mere
machines without thought"(Gibbens 13-14). In this sentence, written use a metaphor to refer to
some people who give up fighting back and choose conformity to the government. Because
machines are cold and numb, if people choose conformity to the government, they will become
like a machine and live without their soul. From "machine" in this poem, people give up backlash
because machines won't backlash. Those three symbolism all imply some people choose
conformity and live in this world without respect and soul.

In the end, if people never give up when they face a dangerous and troublesome situation, the
hope will never disappear. There are many items in three references proved symbolism of hope.
In the movie Equilibrium directed by Kurt Wimmer; the red ribbon is the symbolism of hope in
the movie. For instance, after the main character finds a penetralium; he was crying in this room
because there was a lot of art work and the story touched his heart. Although, he burns up
everything; he still takes away a red ribbon and he always uses that red ribbon to remind himself
that emotion is very important(Wimmer). From the movie, people can know the director uses the
red ribbon symbolism hope still exists in this world. The main character knows emotion is
necessary like people's souls, before he loses his wife, but now he won't lose the last hope
anymore. Although he is a killer and works for the government; he still uses his life to protect this
red ribbon. And in the short story "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut has a symbolism of hope
and this action is very romantic. For instance, after the king found his queen; they kiss each other
on the television. "And then, neutraling gravity with love and pure will, they remained suspended
in air inches below the ceiling, and they kissed each other for a long, long time"(Vonnegut 65).
From this paragraph, the writer uses kiss to prove the symbolism of hope because in this world
most people are afraid of the government's punishment and wear the machine to control their
own thinking, but this king and queen use their true love to show everybody the hope is not
disappearing. People should fight back on the government and prevent government action for
their freedom and thinking. Although the king and queen were killed by the government; they
still use kisses trying to inspire people. There is hope. Next, in the poem "Dystopia" by Josh
Gibbens there is a dream symbolism of hope. For example, in the poem; a little girl said she made
a dream"I dream of what might have been"(Gibbens 15). From this sentence, the writer wants to
use dreams to tell people the hope still exists. Although there are lots of government oppress;
people still make this dream and that also proves in their hearts they expect hope and they want
to stand up to stop the government. If people are all hopeless, nobody makes a dream. The
dream is the symbolism of hope. Three reference shows different items but have the same
symbolism of hope, whatever from kiss dream or red ribbon.

In the end, there are many items that can prove the symbolism of hope unfair and conformity.
People always leave some items which symbolize a special meaning and I hope in the future
there won't be war and pain.

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