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#120 Muñoz St., Talanay Area-B, Brgy. Batasan Hills, Quezon City
S.Y. 2022-2023

Second Monthly Examination in English 8

Name: Coleen Audrey D. Bautista Date: 1/24/23

Teacher: Vanessa Ruelo Grade/Section: VIII – Bethlehem
I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answers on the space provided
before the number.

A 1. It is a collection of Confucius conversations and teachings ,strongly emphasizes the importance of morality
of betterment of onself.
a. The analects
b. The bamboo
c. Book of rites
B 2. He was a philosopher and teacher who lived from 551 to 479 B.C.E
a. Confucianism
b. Confucius
c Cartitious
C 3. Confucius is the early Chinese philosopher and the founder of the ethical teaching known as
a. Confucious
b. Confucius
c. Confucianism
A 4. It is the collection of anthrophisms and historical anecdotes embodying basic values of the Confucian.
a. The analects
b. The bamboo
c. Book of rites
C 5. Kind of principles that refers to faithfulness and being honest towards oneself and others.
a. Li
c. Xin
C 6. It is a multimodal text in written and spoken words.
a. Alphabeth
b. Lingual
c. Linguistic
B 6. It include picture books,text books,graphic novels,comics and posters where meaning is conveyed to the
reader through varying combinations of visual.
a. animation
b. Multimodal text
c. Written works
C 7.It convey meaning through combination of written and spoken language,visual ,audio and gestural and
spatial modes.
a. Animation
b. Live Multimodal
c. Digital Multimodal
B 8. Convey meaning through combinations of mode such as gestural,spatial,spoken language and audio.
a. Animation
b. Live Multimodal
c. Digital Multimodal
A 9. Include pictures,books,textbooks it conveyed to the reader through varying combinations of visual,written
language and spatial modes.
a. Multimodal text
b. Live Multimodal text
c. Digital Multimodal text
A 10. Has often been used to emphasize the multilayered contradictory nature of modern experience.
a. Irony
b. Verbal
c. non verbal

II. Define the following terms. (5 points)

 Verbal Irony : Saying one thing when you mean the opposite.

 Situational Irony : what actually happens is the opposite of what you want or expected

 Dramatic Irony : the readers knows something that the character doesn’t know

III. Identification
Identify what is being ask in each questions. And write your answer on the space provided.

China 1. Japanses Literature is inspired by______

Korean literature 2. It was generally unknown to the world until 1980’s
Foreign Publisher 3. Most of these translation have been largely published overseas by.
Namidabanashi 4. It is a japanese folklore forms that talks about sad stories.
Ongaeshinabanashi 5. It is a Japanese folklore forms about stories of repaying kindness.
Mukashibanashi 6. A type of japanses folklore about the tales of long ago.
Shinsosol 7.Came a surge in novels written in the Korean script.
_______________8. It was being used more and more frequently even in the Philippines.
Yun Ok 9. The name of the young wife in “The tigers whiskers”
_______________10. Its contact with western culture and art.
_______________11. Jenny rowed the boat across the pond to the clubhouse.
_______________!2. Parrots like to talk to people and react crackers.

IV. Enumeration
5 Principles around which Confucianism revolves. (5 points)
1. Jen
2. Li
3. Yi
4. Xin
5. Chung

Give the 2 dynasties in Korean Literature


3 types of Reading styles

1. skimming
2. scanning
3. intensive reading

3 Types of Irony

1. Verbal Irony
2. Situational Irony
3. Dramatic irony

5 types of Multimodal Text

1. Linguistic
2. Gestural
3. Spatial
4. Aural
5. Visual

What is the 3 Japanese Folklore forms? (5 points)

1. Ongaeshinabanashi
2. Namidabanashi
3. Mukashibanashi

V. Creative writing

What is a short story? (

A short story is a story that has a meaningful story and has a lesson in the end of story
What are the 5 key elements of a story? Explain each element. (5 points)
1.Character – character is the one that is acting in the story
2.Setting – setting is the place where the story is made or the place in the story
3.Plot – plot is the exiting part of the story

VI. Direction: Write your understanding about the following phrases from the book of “The Analects by
Confucius” (2 points each)

1. Confucius said “A young man who speaks with honeyed words and pretends to be kind cannot be benevolent.

Sometimes people are more on sweet words but lack of actions. We should not believe easily on what others
say. Because it hard to trust ,we don't really know if they are saying the truth or they just want to get our trust.
We need to focus on the actions of the peapole around us then their sweet words.

2. The master said “ It is not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?”

I think its trying to emphasize what really the meaning of success is In order to become successful we need to
learn a lot. And learning is a continues process. We learn through our parents, teachers, friends and especially
thru our experiences. Even if there are many trial and error in the end we succeed. The result will be more
meaningful. We just have to be patient and endure.

3. Confucius said “ Don’t worry about being misunderstood but about being understand others”

it's about how people will understand our behaviors towards them. Sometimes we are being misunderstood by
others, on how we talk or act. The most important thing is our behavior towards them, how we understand their
actions and how are we going to react to their actions even if it negative or positive behavior

4. Confucius said “ When walking in the company of other men ,there must be one I can learn something from.
I shall pick out his merits to follow and his shortcomings for reference to overcome my own”

5. The master said “ Let him preside over them with gravity ,then they will reverence him.Let him be kind to all
,then they will

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