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TICs are consider as a synonym of innovation.

People tend to think because it’s

innovative, it’s a synonym of effectiveness. We associate technologies with more

update schools, they are more advance. Relationship between tics in my life and

education, the role they play is not the same in each aspect, if educators take things,

they could take wrong decisions.

What use are we doing in education with TICs? How useful it is?

 TICs are not the same in the world of education and the real life.

The use of technology is not different that books o many other resources, is the way we

use it.

Why blogging is and important or useful resource?

Children can have more feedback because all learners are different teachers, the door of

the class is open and because you are opening your class. They improve their writing

skills because they make a bigger effort to write in a correct way. It increases the sense

of community, anybody can connect.

It brings a sense of purpose, reality, orientation, intrinsic motivation because it brings


Computer games and young learners:

Computer games can be a very good resource to teach some kind of aspects of each

subject in a dynamic and playful way. Besides, it doesn’t train just some aspects of each

subject, it also develops some abilities, like the reflexes and also the reaction capacity.

On the one hand, it can happen that students will feel motivate, but on the other hand,

we have to choose very carefully which games we are going to use, because they could

not fit in the way we need in our class.

We have to be careful in the way we use videogames, because it could happen that

students will need videogames all the time to learn, so we have to use them right on.

They get feedback, knowing what is wrong and proving their knowledge.

Take into account the students interest and the teacher has to monitor what students are


Digital literacy: individual’s ability to produce information by using tech.

Basic ideas:

 Bringing technologies to class implies that teachers need to adapt what they are

going to do.

 It’s necessary to make a good use of them and also to know how to use them.

Training is necessary.

 The use of technology in real life is not the same as the use of it in education. It

depends of the learner’s circumstances.

 Take into account the learners ability, never take it for granted.

We don’t have to waste time explaining how to use technology.

Are they in a good position to put it to work in service of their knowledge and learning?

Yes, because children grow surrounded by technologies, despite we said technologies

are not the same in education that in real life, the way of use them is more developed in

young learners. Anyway, we shouldn’t take anything for granted.

How can educators assist in the transformation from practical, social use of technology

to a more rigorous, pedagogical use?

We have to difference between digital native and digital immigrants never take it for


Knowledge-based view of changes occurring in society. What vision do we have as

teachers in class, what could we do?

Expectations from learners’ school experience vs. what they actually receive.

What learners do with techs vs. what educators may offer.

Technology depends on the use we do as teachers.

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