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JAMA Psychiatry | Original Investigation

Association Between Folic Acid Prescription Fills and Suicide Attempts

and Intentional Self-harm Among Privately Insured US Adults
Robert D. Gibbons, PhD; Kwan Hur, PhD; Jill E. Lavigne, PhD; J. John Mann, MD

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States, having increased more
than 30% from 2000 to 2018. An inexpensive, safe, widely available treatment for
preventing suicidal behavior could reverse this trend.

OBJECTIVE To confirm a previous signal for decreased risk of suicide attempt following
prescription fills for folic acid in a national pharmacoepidemiologic study of patients treated
with folic acid.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS A within-person exposure-only cohort design was used
to study the dynamic association between folic acid (vitamin B9) prescription fills over a
24-month period and suicide attempts and intentional self-harm. Data were collected from a
pharmacoepidemiologic database of US medical claims (MarketScan) for patients with private
health insurance who filled a folic acid prescription between 2012 and 2017. The same
analysis was repeated with a control supplement (cyanocobalamin, vitamin B12).
Data were analyzed from August 2021 to June 2022.

EXPOSURE Folic acid prescription fills.

MAIN OUTCOME AND MEASURE Suicide attempt or intentional self-harm resulting in an

outpatient visit or inpatient admission as identified by codes from the International Statistical
Classification of Diseases, Ninth and Tenth Revisions, Clinical Modification.

RESULTS Data on 866 586 patients were collected; 704 514 (81.30%) were female,
and 90 296 (10.42%) were 60 years and older. Overall, there were 261 suicidal events
during months covered by a folic acid prescription (5 521 597 person-months) for a rate of
4.73 per 100 000 person-months, compared with 895 suicidal events during months
without folic acid (8 432 340) for a rate of 10.61 per 100 000 person-months. Adjusting for
age and sex, diagnoses related to suicidal behavior, diagnoses related to folic acid deficiency,
folate-reducing medications, history of folate-reducing medications, and history of suicidal
events, the hazard ratio (HR) for folic acid for suicide events was 0.56 (95% CI, 0.48-0.65),
with similar results for the modal dosage of 1 mg of folic acid per day (HR, 0.57; 95% CI,
0.48-0.69) and women of childbearing age (HR, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.50-0.73).
A duration-response analysis (1-mg dosage) revealed a 5% decrease in suicidal events per
month of additional treatment (HR, 0.95; 95% CI, 0.93-0.97). The same analysis for the
negative control, cyanocobalamin, found no association with suicide attempt (HR, 1.01;
95% CI, 0.80-1.27).

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This large-scale pharmacoepidemiologic study of folic acid

found a beneficial association in terms of lower rates of suicide attempts. The results warrant
the conduct of a randomized clinical trial with suicidal ideation and behavior as outcomes of
interest. If confirmed, folic acid may be a safe, inexpensive, and widely available treatment for Author Affiliations: University of
suicidal ideation and behavior. Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (Gibbons,
Hur); Center of Excellence for Suicide
Prevention, Department of Veterans
Affairs, Canandaigua, New York
(Lavigne); Wegmans School of
Pharmacy, St John Fisher College,
Rochester, New York (Lavigne);
Columbia University, New York,
New York (Mann).
Corresponding Author: Robert D.
Gibbons, PhD, Center for Health
Statistics, University of Chicago,
5841 S Maryland Ave, Room W260,
JAMA Psychiatry. 2022;79(11):1118-1123. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.2990 MC2000, Chicago, IL 60637
Published online September 28, 2022. (

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Folic Acid and Suicide Attempts and Intentional Self-harm Original Investigation Research

e developed a novel statistical drug safety signal-
generation algorithm known as iDEAS (High Dimen- Key Points
sional Empirical Bayes Screening) and illustrated its
Question Is folic acid associated with decreased suicide attempts
use by examining the association of suicide attempt with all and intentional self-harm?
922 drugs on the market that had 3000 or more prescriptions
Findings In this cohort study, a within-person pharmacoepidemiologic
in 2014.1 We found 10 drugs associated with greater suicide at-
study that included 866 586 adults, folic acid treatment was associated
tempt risk and 44 drugs associated with decreased suicide at-
with a significantly reduced rate of suicidal events. This large-scale
tempt risk. The strongest associations with increased risk were observational study confirmed results of an earlier signal-generation
for alprazolam, butalbital, hydrocodone, and the combina- study.
tion codeine/promethazine. The strongest associations with
Meaning Folic acid may be an inexpensive and widely available
decreased risk were for folic acid, mirtazapine, hydroxyzine,
suicide prevention tool; a large-scale randomized clinical trial
disulfiram, and naltrexone. is warranted.
The decreased risk of suicidal events in patients taking fo-
lic acid was not predicted.1 Although many people who take
folic acid purchase it over the counter (OTC), the population
receiving it via prescription may be different. In the original Methods
article,1 we found that 52% of patients receiving prescrip-
tions for folic acid had a diagnosis of pain, 16% had a mood dis- Patients
order diagnosis, 31% filled a prescription for methotrexate, and This study was reviewed and deemed exempt from review by
approximately 60% received anti-inflammatories or analge- the University of Chicago institutional review board. Data were
sics. Only 8% received antidepressants. We noted that metho- obtained from the MarketScan Commercial Claims and En-
trexate is commonly prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis pain, counters databases 12 distributed by IBM Watson and in-
and methotrexate depletes folate,2 so folic acid is often pre- cluded inpatient, outpatient, and prescription claims from
scribed to prevent folic acid deficiency. We hypothesized that more than 100 insurers in the United States (164 million unique
low folate levels produced by methotrexate may increase sui- enrollee observations between 2005 and 2017). Codes from the
cide risk, which is then decreased after folic acid supplemen- International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Ninth and
tation. In addition, prednisone (21%) and hydrocodone (20%) Tenth Revisions, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-
were also commonly prescribed in the year before a folic acid CM), were used to identify suicide attempt and intentional
prescription is filled. Both drugs were associated with higher self-harm (including deaths by suicide after a medical claim),
risk of suicide attempts, and we hypothesized that folic acid as well as other diagnoses relevant to suicide risk or folate
may reverse this increased risk. deficiency, from service claims (eTable in the Supplement).
In terms of mechanism, folate deficiency predicts poorer Diagnoses relevant to suicide risk included depression, anxi-
clinical response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,3 and ety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disor-
folate may enhance effects of antidepressants acting via mono- der, schizophrenia, sleep disorders, and pain.13,14
amine neurotransmitter systems by its involvement in meth- The data were extracted for the period of 2010 to 2018. The
ylation pathways in the 1-carbon cycle.4 Folate levels are re- cohort was restricted to patients filling a folic acid prescrip-
portedly low in blood and red cells in future suicide decedents5 tion in 2012 to 2017, and the first folic acid prescription was
but not in cerebrospinal fluid.6 Improvement with folinic acid considered the index date. The 2018 data were not used in de-
treatment in treatment-resistant depression was associated with fining the cohort so that all patients would have at least 1 year
cerebrospinal fluid evidence of brain folate deficiency.7 More of follow-up. The sample was restricted to adults 18 years and
broadly, folate is a member of the vitamin B family and pre- older. The baseline period data (2 years before the index date)
vents neural tube and heart defects in the fetus during were used to identify folate-reducing medications (Table 115-17)
pregnancy8 and may prevent strokes9 and reduce age-related and identify previous users of folic acid, which were used to
hearing loss in adults.10 It is essential for neurogenesis, nucleo- define an incident-user cohort. Patients with private health in-
tide synthesis, and methylation of homocysteine. surance who filled a folic acid prescription between 2012 and
We previously proposed that signals related to individual 2017 were followed up until disenrollment (including death)
drugs identified by iDEAS should be tested using more rigor- or suicide attempt or intentional self-harm. The entire pro-
ous pharmacoepidemiologic studies and, if confirmed, fur- cess (including identification of the index prescription) was re-
ther studied in randomized clinical trials (RCTs). Given the pos- peated for the negative control, cyanocobalamin. Data were
sibility of suicide prevention properties of folic acid, and its analyzed from August 2021 to June 2022.
potential as a new, safe, and inexpensive preventive, we fur-
ther explored this association in a well-controlled large-scale Folic Acid Exposure
pharmacoepidemiologic study using cyanocobalamin (vita- Analyses were restricted to folic acid products, including mul-
min B12) as a negative control supplement. A meta-analysis of tivitamins, prescribed by a health care professional. As previ-
35 prospective studies including more than 14 000 adults did ously noted, the majority of patients prescribed folic acid had
not find an association between vitamin B12 and cognitive im- a pain disorder.1 In this study, 48.0% of folic acid prescrip-
pairment or dementia,11 and our iDEAS study did not detect tions were single agent at a dosage of 1 mg/d. Other single-
an association with suicidal events.1 agent daily dosages ranging from 0.4 mg to 5 mg accounted (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry November 2022 Volume 79, Number 11 1119

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Research Original Investigation Folic Acid and Suicide Attempts and Intentional Self-harm

Table 1. Indications for Folate Prescribing and Folate Drug Interactions

Medication group Generic name Folic acid indication

Antimetabolite Methotrexate Rheumatoid arthritis,15,16
Proton pump Dexlansoprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole,
inhibitor lansoprazole/naproxen, omeprazole, omeprazole/sodium
bicarbonate, pantoprazole, rabeprazole
Antihistamine and Cimetidine, cimetidine/dextrose, cimetidine/sodium chloride,
antacid famotidine, nizatidine, ranitidine, ranitidine/sodium chloride
Antidiabetes Metformin
Antirheumatic Sulfasalazine
Antimicrobial Sulfamethizole/trimethoprim,
Antibiotic Trimethoprim
Antidepressant Citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, olanzapine,
fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, desvenlafaxine,
venlafaxine, levomilnacipran, duloxetine, doxepin, trazodone,
isocarboxazid, phenelzine, tranylcypromine, amitriptyline,
bupropion, fluoxetine, mirtazapine, nefazodone, vilazodone,
vortioxetine, amitriptyline, amoxapine, clomipramine,
desipramine, imipramine, maprotiline, nortriptyline,
protriptyline, trimipramine
Antiepileptic Acetazolamide, carbamazepine, divalproex, eslicarbazepine Any use. May reduce folate, but a
acetate, ethanol/phenobarbital, ethosuximide, ethotoin, folate may also impede Effects are not well understood.
felbamate, fosphenytoin, lacosamide, levetiracetam, mechanism of action.a The prescriber may use discretion in
methsuximide, oxcarbazepine, perampanel, phenobarbital, supplementation with folic acid
phenytoin, primidone, rufinamide, tiagabine, topiramate, when prescribing antiepileptic
valproate sodium, valproic acid, vigabatrin, zonisamide

for 0.11% of all prescriptions, and the remainder were multi- the non–proportional hazard model can be used to assess pe-
vitamins. To have a negative control, we selected the supple- riod and carryover effects, in which the folic acid × month in-
ment cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Cyanocobalamin is a man- teraction allows the effect of treatment to vary over time.
made form of vitamin B12 that is essential for metabolism, blood Models were adjusted for age, sex, baseline use of folate-
cell synthesis, and the nervous system. It is also available both reducing drugs (eg, methotrexate), prior suicidal events, di-
OTC and by prescription. It does not contain folic acid and is agnoses related to suicide attempt (depression, anxiety,
commonly used to treat anemia. attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder,
schizophrenia, sleep disorders, pain) and diagnoses related to
Outcomes intestinal folate absorption (Crohn disease and celiac dis-
Our primary end point was suicide attempt or intentional self- ease) or both (substance use disorder), and any other use of
harm resulting in an outpatient visit or inpatient admission as folate-reducing drugs (antimetabolites, proton pump inhibi-
identified by the ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes listed in the tors, antihistamines and antacids, antidiabetics, antirheumat-
eTable in the Supplement. We refer to these as suicidal events ics, antimicrobials, antibiotics, antiepileptics, and antidepres-
in the rest of the article. sants) (Table 1). Diagnostic covariates were assessed at baseline,
but pharmacologic covariates were treated as time-varying
Statistical Analysis covariates. As such, covariation between folic acid prescrip-
The primary analysis used a discrete-time survival model,18 tion and antidepressant and antimanic (antiepileptic) drug
based on a logistic regression with complementary log-log link prescriptions were adjusted for in the analysis.
function, so that the exponential of the estimated regression To determine if the association between folic acid and sui-
coefficient is a hazard ratio (HR). Patients were followed up for cidal events was moderated by folate-reducing drugs, a sepa-
24 months after the index folic acid prescription month, which rate model with interactions between folic acid and folate-
was designated as month zero and not used in the analysis. We reducing drugs was also fit to these data. A model with
selected a 24-month follow-up period because patients change interactions between folic acid and sex and age was used to
insurance carriers or discontinue service on average every 2 determine if the effects were different in women and/or el-
years. Month was the unit of analysis and treated as a categori- derly individuals. Sex and age have large effects on suicide
cal variable. Folic acid is a time-varying treatment variable, so and suicide attempt rates, and women frequently take folic acid
we compared suicidal events during months with and with- during pregnancy. These 2 variables were specifically exam-
out folic acid prescription coverage within individuals. ined in our original article1 and were included here based on
This is a proportional hazards model in that the effect of that prespecification and to determine whether any identi-
folic acid is assumed to be constant over time. We tested this fied association was restricted to pregnant women. Age was
assumption by adding folic acid × month interactions to the dichotomized at younger than 60 years.
model, which allows the effect of folic acid on the hazard func- As sensitivity analyses, we first repeated the main analy-
tion to take on month-specific values. In our view, the target sis in patients taking the modal 1-mg dosage and second in
trial19 is a sequential randomized trial with rerandomization women of childbearing age. Third, a duration-response analy-
to treatment and control on a monthly basis. In this connection, sis was conducted in patients taking the modal 1-mg dosage

1120 JAMA Psychiatry November 2022 Volume 79, Number 11 (Reprinted)

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Folic Acid and Suicide Attempts and Intentional Self-harm Original Investigation Research

by treating the cumulative number of months on treatment as attempts), for suicide event rates of 8.76 and 8.44 per 100 000
a time-varying covariate. Fourth, we restricted the analysis to person-months, respectively. No association was found be-
enrollment from 2015 to 2017 so that there was no overlap with tween cyanocobalamin and suicidal events in the adjusted
the original signal-generation study. Fifth, we conducted an analysis (HR, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.80-1.27) or unadjusted analysis
incident-user analysis by eliminating data for patients with pre- (HR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.80-1.28).
vious use (past 2 years) of folic acid. Sixth, we eliminated data
for patients with a history of suicide attempt and reanalyzed
both using the primary analysis and the incident-user cohort.
In terms of multiplicity, we designate the primary analy-
sis as the only hypothesis test of the association between fo- This large-scale pharmacoepidemiologic study showed an as-
lic acid and suicide attempts, and all of the other analyses as sociation with the signal originally detected using the iDEAS
secondary/sensitivity analyses to test the robustness and gen- methodology.1 The unadjusted HR of 0.39 was comparable with
eralizability of our conclusions. Furthermore, to have a nega- the iDEAS OR of 0.40. These estimates are not unbiased, and
tive control, we performed comparable analyses in patients pre- the adjusted estimated HR, 0.56, was associated with a 44%
scribed cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), excluding those also reduction in suicidal events. Although both studies used Mar-
taking folic acid. ketScan claims data, eliminating any overlap in years yielded
virtually identical results (HR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.45-0.66). Our
hypothesis that folic acid decreases suicidal event risk by in-
creasing folate levels in people taking folate-reducing drugs
Results was not confirmed in this study. Age and sex did not moderate
Data on 866 586 patients were collected; 704 514 (81.30%) were the association, and a similar association was found in women
female, and 90 296 (10.42%) were 60 years and older. Table 2 of childbearing age. No association was found for our nega-
provides characteristics of the sample in terms of diagnoses, tive control supplement, cyanocobalamin.
concomitant medications, and demographic data. Most folic Adding to the validity of our findings was the demonstra-
acid doses were for the upper tolerable limit for adults (in- tion of a significant inverse duration-response association (1-mg
cluding in pregnancy and lactation) of 1 mg/d. dosage subcohort). Every additional month of treatment was
Overall, there were 261 suicidal events during months cov- associated with a 5% reduction in the suicidal event rate. The
ered by a folic acid prescription (5 521 597 person-months) for validity is also supported by lack of an association between our
a rate of 4.73 per 100 000 person-months, and 895 suicidal negative control supplement, cyanocobalamin, and suicidal
events during months without folic acid (8 432 340) for a rate events. The HR of 1.01 found in our analysis of cyanocobala-
of 10.61 per 100 000 person-months. The observed relative risk min is also similar to that found in our previous study, iDEAS,
is 0.45, which is comparable with the previously reported in an all-drug screening analysis (HR, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.53-
iDEAS odds ratio (OR) of 0.40 (95% CI, 0.28-0.59), and within 1.81), which was based on 301 188 individuals.1
its 95% CI.1 The total number of patients in this data set is Several studies have found associations between folate lev-
866 586 for an overall suicidal event rate of 133 per 100 000 els and folic acid supplementation and depression and suicid-
population. This rate is lower than the reported national rate ality. In a case-control study involving 110 patients with de-
of 600 per 100 000.20 pression and 220 matched controls, a healthy dietary pattern
The adjusted estimated HR for folic acid for suicide events was associated with a 25% reduced risk of depression, and the
was 0.56 (95% CI, 0.48-0.65) (Figure). The unadjusted esti- effect was mediated by folate levels.21 In a meta-analysis of 43
mated HR for folic acid for suicide events was 0.39 (95% CI, studies including 8519 individuals with depression and 27 282
0.34-0.45). individuals without depression, individuals with depression
Tests of the moderating effects of folate-reducing drugs had lower folate levels than those without depression (effect
were all nonsignificant. Two- and 3-way interactions be- size = 0.24 SD units).22 In an RCT of folic acid augmentation
tween age, sex, and folic acid were also nonsignificant. In- therapy for depression in patients treated with lithium for 1
cluding folic acid × month interactions in the model to test for year,23 patients who achieved folate levels of 13 ng/mL or above
nonproportional hazards did not significantly improve the fit at the end point had a 40% greater reduction in Affective Mor-
of the model to the data (χ 223 = 28.21, P = .21), which also sug- bidity Index scores relative to placebo augmentation. A re-
gests that there were no period or crossover effects. cent study in South Korea24 found an association between se-
A duration-response analysis restricted to patients tak- rum folate levels and fatal and nonfatal suicide attempts during
ing the 1-mg/d dosage revealed a steady 5% decrease in sui- follow-up (area under the curve, 0.77). Using a cutpoint of 6
cidal event rates for each additional month of treatment (HR, ng/mL, an adjusted OR of 2.69 (95% CI, 1.27-5.69) was found
0.95; 95% CI, 0.93-0.97). The median (IQR) number of months for dichotomized serum folate levels and OR 2.84 (95% CI, 1.19-
of treatment was 6 months (2-13). 6.77) for folate deficiency defined as less than 3 ng/mL. A case-
A total of 259 600 individuals took cyanocobalamin, the control study7 found cerebral folate deficiency in 36% of pa-
negative control, during the study period. After excluding those tients with refractory depression. All individuals with cerebral
who also took folic acid, 236 610 individuals remained, with folate deficiency and depression were treated with folinic acid
1 460 534 person-months of cyanocobalamin use (128 suicide (leucovorin calcium) for at least 6 weeks, and 83.3% showed
attempts) and 2 440 834 months of no use (206 suicide improvement at follow-up (including reduction in suicidal (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry November 2022 Volume 79, Number 11 1121

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Research Original Investigation Folic Acid and Suicide Attempts and Intentional Self-harm

Table 2. Baseline Characteristics of Study Cohort (N = 866 586) Figure. Hazard Function for Suicide Attempts for Folic Acid vs Control:
Proportional Hazards Model
Variable No. (%)
Age, y 100
18-29 223 294 (25.77)
30-39 236 551 (27.30)

Rate per 100 000 person-years

40-49 144 852 (16.72)
50-59 171 593 (19.80)
≥60 90 296 (10.42) 60

Female 704 514 (81.30) Control

Male 162 072 (18.70) 40

Prior suicide attempt and intentional self-harm 1283 (0.15)
Folic acid 125 870 (14.52)
Folic acid
Antimetabolite (methotrexate) 161 789 (18.67)
Proton pump inhibitor 151 295 (17.46) 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Antihistamine and antacid 33 046 (3.81)
Antidiabetic 60 913 (7.03)
Antirheumatic 15 992 (1.85)
Antimicrobial 76 298 (8.80) in a population of US veterans.29 In the Veterans Affairs study,
Antibiotic 5565 (0.64) the baseline suicide attempt rate over the past 3 months was
Antidepressant 208 804 (24.10) 6%. To detect a 50% reduction in suicide attempt rate with
Antiepileptic 47 016 (5.43) power of 0.8 (6% vs 4%) would require 4000 participants.
Any of above drugs excluding folic acid 464 541 (53.61) Sample size requirements for the CAT-SS would be in the hun-
Comorbidity or other diagnosis dreds for a moderate effect size.
Substance use disorder 41 019 (4.73)
Depression 103 954 (12.00) Limitations
Anxiety 126 425 (14.59) There are several limitations of this study. First, it is an obser-
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 17 680 (2.04) vational study, and selection effects may be present. How-
Bipolar disorder 21 234 (2.45) ever, because all members of the cohort filled a folic acid pre-
Schizophrenia 7301 (0.84) scription in the month before the start of the study period, if
Sleep disorder 82 004 (9.46) confounding does exist, it is dynamic and related to the pro-
Crohn disease 10 369 (1.20)
gression of a disease and increased use of folic acid and sui-
Celiac disease 3177 (0.37)
cidal events. Second, claims data (ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM)
Pain 399 019 (46.04)
likely underrepresent the number of suicidal events because
of incomplete reporting. Indeed, our rate of suicidal events is
ideation). However, an RCT that randomized 475 patients to one-fourth of the national rate reported by the National Insti-
receive either 5 mg of folic acid daily (223 patients) or placebo tutes of Health. Third, the association between folic acid and
(217 patients) as an adjunct to antidepressant treatment for 12 suicidal events may be explained by healthy user bias. While
weeks found no significant difference between groups on sui- this is likely for OTC folic acid use, it is less true for filled pre-
cide ratings.25 scriptions, where more than half of these prescriptions were
The role of folate in depression and cognition has been rec- associated with pain disorders. The within-person nature of
ognized for more than a decade, leading to recommenda- our design and analysis further insulates the treatment effect
tions for folate augmentation in patients with low or normal from this bias. Fourth, in addition to OTC, folate may be pro-
levels at the start of any depression treatment.4 Polymor- vided as leucovorin calcium (folinic acid) as in Pan et al7 or as
phisms have been hypothesized to account for individual 5-MTHF (levomefolate calcium). However, this would lead us
differences in response to antidepressants, including to underestimate the association because some of our non-
treatment-resistant depression; however, in 1 study, no asso- use periods might actually be use periods. Fifth, while we con-
ciation between MTHFR polymorphisms and fluoxetine treat- ducted a sensitivity analysis in women of childbearing age, we
ment response were found.26 did not have data on women actively planning for pregnancy.
We believe that these results justify advocating for an RCT Nevertheless, we found the same association in men and
to study the effect of folic acid on suicidality. That study could women and no evidence of a sex × age × folic acid interac-
be conducted in a high-risk population, which would maxi- tion, making confounding unlikely.
mize the number of suicidal events, and could also use longi-
tudinal assessments of suicidal events using previously vali-
dated adaptive tests for suicidality. 27 The Computerized
Adaptive Test Suicide Scale (CAT-SS)27 has recently been dem-
onstrated to be feasible in a group-level intervention (n = 1485) This large-scale well-controlled pharmacoepidemiologic study
in the US Air Force Wingman Connect Study28 and validated of folic acid found a beneficial association in terms of lowering

1122 JAMA Psychiatry November 2022 Volume 79, Number 11 (Reprinted)

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Folic Acid and Suicide Attempts and Intentional Self-harm Original Investigation Research

rates of suicide attempts. These results warrant the conduct of terest. If confirmed, folic acid may be a safe, inexpensive, and
an RCT with suicidal ideation and behavior as outcomes of in- widely available treatment for suicidal ideation and behavior.

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