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get to the

H. Q. Mitchell
Marileni Malkogianni

Revised Edition

Grammar Tests
Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition

get to the
H. Q. Mitchell
Marileni Malkogianni

Grammar Tests Revised Edition


Test 1 (Module 1) ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Test 2 (Module 2)........................................................................................................................................................ 5

Test 3 (Module 3)........................................................................................................................................................ 7

Test 4 (Module 4) ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

Test 5 (Module 5)........................................................................................................................................................11

Test 6 (Module 6)..................................................................................................................................................... 13

Copyright © MM Publications

Final Test .................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Key to Grammar Tests .................................................................................................................................... 19

Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition
Test 1

A. Circle the correct words.

1. Catherine has lived in this house before / since she was two years old.
2. Have you never / ever read that book?
3. Angela has gone / been to Athens twice.
4. Julia and Maggie have just / yet finished eating.
5. My brother has never been bowling ever / before.
6. We went to the theatre last / yesterday Saturday.
7. I took up karate eight months ago / before.
8. Peter’s had this car since / for 2014.
9. Roland bought his house since / in 2015.
10. My parents have been married since / for twenty-five years.
Score 10

B. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

1. Paul: you (ever / visit) Beijing?

Jack: Yes. I (go) there last summer.

2. Jessica: There you are! I (call) you five times so far today.

Susan: I’m sorry. I (not hear) the phone ring. I was sleeping.

3. Kathy: Hey! What you (do) last night?

you (go) over to John’s house?

Alice: No, I (be) really busy at work since last Friday.

4. Alex: How long you (know) Mark?

Ron: We (be) friends for more than 10 years. We (meet)

in 2007.

5. Diane (buy) new trainers last week but she (not wear) them

to school yet.

6. Brian: you (see) Tony lately?

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Steve: Yeah, many times.

Brian: When you last (speak) to him?

Steve: Two days ago.

Score 14

Test: Module 1 Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition

C. Expand the notes into sentences. Use the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Progressive.
1. Elaine / already / borrow / three books / library

2. Kevin and Laura / read / two hours

3. Martha / drive / children / school / yet / ?

4. Stuart’s car / never / break down

5. It / rain / since / this morning

6. Peter / already / take / two Maths tests

7. Louise / not iron / all day / , / she / clean / house

8. your parents / ever / visit / Germany / ?

Score 16

D. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1. I’ve known George since 2016. (met)

I .

2. I began taking computer lessons eight months ago. (for)

I .

3. Alan visited Cairo in February. (since)

Alan .

4. David has been to Japan before. (already)

David .
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5. Brenda saw that film last Saturday and she saw it again yesterday. (twice)

Brenda .

Score 10
total Score 50

Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition
Test 2

A. Expand the notes into sentences. Use the Past Simple or the Past Progressive.
1. Diane / brush / hair / while / she / talk / on the phone

2. As soon as / Gail / see / dress / she / buy / it

3. As / I / walk / along / street / I / find / wallet

4. Fred / have / bad dream / when / his mum / wake / him / up

5. Henry / get on / bus / and / sit down

6. Mary / carry / shopping / when / Kevin / offer / help / her

Score 12
B. Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. By the time I (open) the door, Sam had left.
2. Tony (collect) 200 pieces of art by the time he sold his collection.
3. Susan (not do) her homework by 7 o’clock last night.
4. I had already cooked dinner when Kelly (invite) me to a restaurant.
5. Judy (already / water) the plants by the time the rain started.
6. Martha had posted the letters before I (see) her.
Score 6

C. Complete with the Past Simple, the Past Progressive or the Past Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.
Doris: Where (1) you (stay) when you (2) (go) to
Scotland last summer?

Victoria: Glasgow.

Doris: (3) you also (visit) Edinburgh?

Victoria: Yes, of course we did. We (4) (travel) quite a lot, so by the time we (5)
(leave) Scotland, we (6) (see) most of it. I (7) never (be)
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there before and I really enjoyed it.

Doris: (8) anything exciting (happen) while you (9)

(travel) around?

Victoria: Oh, you won’t believe this, but I (10) (see) something in Loch Ness while we
(11) (drive) by the lake. Score 11

Test: Module 2 Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition

D. Complete with question tags.

1. You bought the vegetables I asked for, ?

2. Anna doesn’t feel like going out, ?

3. Do me a favour, ?

4. Dave will tell us the truth, ?

5. They haven’t arrested anyone yet, ?

6. Philip is quite energetic, ?

7. Let’s change the channel, ?

8. Your sister believes in ghosts, ?

9. The boy wasn’t shoplifting, ?

10. I’m a great detective, ?

11. Helen didn’t beat you, ?

12. The game won’t go into extra time, ?

Score 12

E. Choose a, b or c.
1. Claire got her first job the age of twenty.
a. on b. at c. in
2. Diane always sits next to me Maths.
a. since b. on c. during
3. It’s only 2.30 so my parents are still work.
a. at b. to c. in
4. The Johnsons always have a party New Year’s Eve.
a. after b. at c. on
5. Lots of people think that travelling plane is really dangerous.
a. by b. in c. on
6. John was running me with a smile on his face.
a. across b. along c. towards
7. Kevin took off his shoes and then he went his room.
a. into b. out c. down
8. Lisa drove the bus stop but she didn’t see me waiting there.
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a. around b. through c. past

9. We are going to move house spring.
a. at b. in c. since
Score 9

total Score 50

Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition
Test 3

A. Circle the correct words.

A: Good morning, Sir. How (1) would / could I help you?
B: Well, I (2) need to / needn’t speak to Mr Smith. Is he in his office?
A: I’m afraid he’s out at the moment.
B: Oh, that’s too bad. (3) Can / Might you tell me when he will be back?
A: Sorry, I (4) can’t / may not. I don’t know how long he’ll be out for. (5) Could / Would you like to leave a
A: Hi, Jason. How are you?
B: Not very well. I (6) can / have to finish my project by tonight, and I’m still at the beginning.
A: Well, you (7) must / need hurry. (8) Will / Would you like some help?
B: Oh, that would be great, thanks.
Score 8

B. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1. I’m sure Barry is at home at the moment. (must)


2. There is a chance that I’ll go to Paris next month. (might)

3. When I was young, I was able to run faster. (could)

4. I’m sure Susan isn’t the thief. (can’t)


5. Perhaps Louise will come with me. (may)


6. You don’t need to wake up early tomorrow. (needn’t)


7. You aren’t allowed to bring your pet in the shop. (must)

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8. Ted needn’t pick me up from the station. (have)

Score 16

Test: Module 3 Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition

C. Complete the sentences using the full or bare infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Julia enjoys (dance).
2. Keith stopped at the supermarket (buy) some milk.
3. There was nothing good on TV, so I suggested (go) out.
4. My tea is too hot (drink).
5. Chris had lunch but Nigel refused (stop) working.
6. Susan remembers (wake up) very early to help on the farm when she lived
in the countryside.
7. (have) a shower in the evening is very relaxing.
8. Kevin asked me (tell) him what was happening.
9. I go (shop) every Saturday.
10. Linda made Bob (buy) her a new bike.
11. It isn’t worth (spend) so much money on a hotel room.
12. The children must (study) for their exams.
13. We use this knife for (cut) bread.
14. Sam helped me (build) a treehouse last year. Score 14

D. Choose a, b or c.
Yesterday, I called my friend Brian (1) him a few questions about a school project
and he told me some great news. He knows how much I like (2) to rock concerts and he
told me that my favourite group was coming to town! I was very excited (3) this news and
I kept (4) Brian more questions but that was all he knew, so he couldn’t
(5) me. Anyway, I thanked him for (6) me and decided
(7) . I haven’t asked my parents yet, but I think that if I promise
(8) my room more often, they will let me (9) . I know that it may be
difficult (10) a ticket, but I hope I will be lucky enough (11) one. I’m
really looking forward to (12) to the concert!

1. a. ask b. to ask c. asking

2. a. go b. to going c. going
3. a. hear b. to hear c. hearing
4. a. ask b. to ask c. asking
5. a. help b. to help c. helping
6. a. tell b. to tell c. telling
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7. a. go b. to go c. going
8. a. clean b. to clean c. cleaning
9. a. go b. to go c. going
10. a. find b. to find c. finding
Score 12
11. a. get b. to get c. getting
12. a. go b. to go c. going total Score 50

Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition
Test 4

A. Circle the or -.

1. Sam is the / - fastest runner in the class.

2. Many people in the / - USA speak the / - Spanish.

3. Have you ever been to the / - Africa?

4. The / - Wilsons have just moved next door.

5. The / - Polar bears only live in the Arctic.

6. Adam had the / - dinner and went to the / - bed.

7. I like playing the / - football.

8. The / - Fiona is really good at the / - Maths.

9. Jessica’s favourite colour is the / - blue.

Score 12

B. Choose a, b or c.

My family has been really busy lately because we are moving to a new house. The whole house

(1) last week but we can’t move in because we (2)

it and this (3) some time. Also, we (4) any new furniture yet.

That (5) when we finish cleaning. I really like the new house

because it is in a nice area and it’s got a garden. Of course, there are still many things that

(6) care of, but we don’t mind because it’s (7)

beautiful when it (8) .

1. a. painted b. was painted c. was painting

2. a. have to clean b. have to be cleaned c. have cleaned
3. a. may be taken b. may taken c. may take
4. a. didn’t buy b. haven’t bought c. haven’t been bought
5. a. will do b. will be c. will be done
6. a. should take b. should be taken c. will take
7. a. going to look b. going to be looked c. looking
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8. a. finish b. is finished c. is finishing

Score 8

Test: Module 4 Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition

C. Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice.

1. Tracy will paint the kitchen.

2. Ron has to tidy the house.

3. They are going to build a new theatre in my neighbourhood.

4. You should take your dog out for a walk.

5. Someone robbed a bank last night.

6. Has the mechanic fixed the car?

D. Complete the replies using so, neither, too, either. Score 12

1. A: I hate the weather this time of the year.

B: I. / I .
2. A: We didn’t try scuba diving.
B: We ./ we.
3. A: Our house was damaged by the hurricane.
B: Ours ./ ours.
4. A: Larry won’t come sailing with us.
B: Debbie. / Debbie . Score 8

E. Choose a, b or c.
1. Ronald likes milk.
a. the b. - c. a
2. Has Mandy given an invitation yet?
a. be b. being c. been
3. Judy lives in north of England.
a. - b. the c. a
4. Which languages in Belgium?
a. are spoken b. speak c. spoken
5. The actress yesterday evening.
a. was interviewing b. to be interviewed c. was interviewed
6. Freda was born in June.
a. the b. a c. -
7. The letter yet.
a. hasn’t been posted b. hasn’t posted c. has posted
8. A: The river is polluted.
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a. The lake does too. b. So is the lake. c. The lake is either.

9. The firefighters the fire quickly.
a. put out b. was put out c. were put out
10. A: We’ve never experienced an earthquake.
B: Score 10
a. So have we. b. Neither have we. c. We did too. total Score 50

Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition
Test 5

A. Write questions for the answers below. Ask about the words in bold type.

I’m going to wear a dress to the party.
Carol met John at the concert.
My grandmother is visiting us at the weekend.
Lucy is using the computer.
My sister is helping my mother.
Score 10

B. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to form Conditional Sentences Type 2.

1. If we (have) more money, we (buy) a more expensive car.

2. I (feel) sick if I (eat) all those sweets.

3. If Phil (win) loads of money, he (lend) you some.

4. Carol (not drive) her mother’s car unless it (be) an emergency.

5. It (not be) so hot in this room if you (open) the window.

6. I (apologise) to my mum if I (be) you.

Score 12

C. Choose the correct words.

1. Fred hurt him / himself while he was climbing a tree.

2. On Sunday mornings, Stephen wakes up, makes himself / him breakfast and reads the newspaper.

3. Diane didn’t invite me / myself to her party! Can you believe it?

4. My friend and I enjoyed myself / ourselves very much on our holiday.

5. Some people walk down the street and talk to them / themselves.

6. Did you and Mike make this pizza by yourself / yourselves?

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7. I don’t need your help. I can do this by me / myself.

8. The teacher gave us / ourselves lots of homework for tomorrow.

9. Donna bought her / herself a new computer and she’s really happy with it.

10. Jenny looks at her / herself in the mirror for hours every morning. Score 10

Test: Module 5 Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition

D. Choose a, b or c.

1. you like ice cream?

a. Aren’t b. Doesn’t c. Don’t

2. Gina and I cooked dinner by today.

a. our
b. us c. ourselves

3. you Sylvia’s cousin?

a. Isn’t b. Don’t c. Aren’t

4. Listen! I think grandpa is talking to .

a. he
b. himself c. yourself

5. last year in the USA?

a. Didn’t Ron spend b. Hasn’t Ron spent c. Doesn’t Ron spend

6. My uncle gave a football for my birthday.

a. myself
b. him c. me

7. Annette’s dad is going to buy a camera.

a. herself b. she c. her

8. the washing-up yet?

a. Didn’t you finish b. Aren’t you finishing c. Haven’t you finished

Score 8

E. Write sentences using wish.

1. I want to live and work in Japan but I don’t speak any Japanese.

2. My neighbours’ children are very noisy and I can’t sleep at night.

3. The beach near my house is polluted and we can’t go swimming there.

4. My father works long hours and we don’t spend a lot of time together.
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5. I want to win the dancing competition but I can’t dance very well.

Score 10

total Score 50

Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition
Test 6

A. Choose a, b or c.
1. Kate asked Marian she exercised often.
a. whether b. that c. to know if
2. The police asked the driver how control of his car.
a. he lost b. had he lost c. he had lost
3. The teacher ordered the children talking.
a. stop b. that stop c. to stop
4. Mike asked Robin he was meeting at the airport.
a. who b. why c. if
5. Mum me to lock the door before I left the house.
a. said b. tells c. told
6. Jane’s father to know when she was going to leave for her trip.
a. wanted b. asked c. said
7. Simon asked Henry if he had seen James week.
a. the previous b. the following c. last
8. Kelly told her mother for her because she was going to be late.
a. to not wait b. not to wait c. not wait
Score 8

B. Rewrite the dialogues using Reported Speech.

1. Percy: What did you do last weekend? 3. Tatiana: When will you bring me your book?

Minerva: I took part in a competition. Phil: I will bring it to you tomorrow.

Percy wanted to know Tatiana asked

Minerva answered Phil answered

2. Carl: Please help me with my homework! 4. Mother: Stop making so much noise!

Melissa: OK, but I must tidy my room first. Billy and Lilly: We’re sorry, Mum. We promise we

Carl asked Melissa won’t do it again.

Melissa agreed but she said Billy and Lilly’s mother told
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Billy and Lilly said

Score 16

Test: Module 6 Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition

C. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.

1. ‘Have you seen The Lost City?’ Mike asked Matilda.

Mike asked Matilda

2. ‘I went to the cinema with Marco yesterday,’ said Sandra.

Sandra said

3. ‘When are you flying to Rome, Fiona?’ asked Ginny.

Ginny asked

4. ‘Don’t lie, Mrs Norris!’ the police officer said.

The police officer told

5. ‘Does your teacher give you a lot of homework?’ Paul asked Joanne.

Paul asked

6. ‘I may call Peter this evening,’ said Julia.

Julia said

7. ‘If I explain it again, you will understand it,’ Linda said to Harry.

Linda told

8. ‘Can you see that star over there?’ David asked Betty.

David asked
Score 16

D. Rewrite the sentences using Direct Speech.

1. Tom told Mary to do the exercise again.

2. The dentist told Mr Adams that he shouldn’t eat many sweets.

3. Chris said that he was going to order new furniture for his living room the following week.

4. Kevin asked Samantha where she had put the car keys.
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5. Charlie asked the children whether they had played football the previous day.

Score 10

total Score 50

Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition
Final Test

A. Complete with the Past Simple, Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Progressive of the verbs
in brackets.

1. Debbie (sleep) all morning. Someone needs to wake her up.

2. My brother already (finish) reading that book you

(give) him last night.

3. How you (sprain) your ankle?

4. Gary usually lifts weights every day but he (not be) to the gym for over a week now.

He (have) problems with his left arm.

5. The fire (destroy) three buildings since it (break) out.

6. Mum, you (clean) the house all afternoon and

(not finish) yet. Why don’t you sit down for a bit and watch this TV programme with me?

7. It (rain) since I (get) up this morning. Isn’t it going to stop?

Score 12

B. Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

1. The school basketball team (win) every game last season. Unfortunately, while they

(play) in the last game, a player (break) his leg.

2. Yesterday evening, my friends and I (watch) a DVD at my house. As soon as we

(feel) the earthquake, we (run) outside.

3. Last Saturday, while Tina (walk) in the park, a man

(jump) out from behind a tree and (grab) her bag. Fortunately, as the man

(run) away, a police officer (catch) him.

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Score 11

Final Test Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition

C. Expand the notes into sentences. Use the Past Simple or the Past Perfect Simple.

1. What / time / you / return / home / last / night / ?

2. The ambulance / not arrive / by / 7 o’clock

3. By the time / Julie / wake up / her husband / leave / for / work

4. When / teacher / ask / question / all the students / raise / their hands

5. The rain / stop / before / the match / start

6. I / miss / beginning / film / because / it / already / start / by the time / I / get / cinema

Score 12

D. Choose a, b or c.

1. Wayne and Roger learnt to speak Spanish by .

a. himself b. themselves c. ourselves
2.  A: I’ve invited all my classmates to my party.
a. We did too. b. Have I too. c. So have I.
3. I put quite a lot on your plate but you eat all of it.
a. don’t have to b. mustn’t c. couldn’t
4. The creature was coming me but I didn’t have time to take a picture.
a. towards b. along c. in front of
5. Maya was making sandwiches when she cut with the knife.
a. her b. herself c. themselves
6.  A: Kevin won’t win the race.
a. Neither Ben. b. Either will Ben. c. Ben won’t either.
7. The cinema near my house closed last week so we go there any more.
a. couldn’t b. wasn’t able to c. won’t be able to
8. There was a woman who looked just like Julia Roberts sitting me on the bus.
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a. between b. opposite c. over

9. I haven’t spoken to Susan I came back from my trip.
a. since b. from c. until
10. you please let me borrow your mobile for a minute?
a. May b. Need c. Would
Score 10

Final Test Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition

E. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1. There is a possibility that we won’t find tickets to the concert. (might)
We .
2. The exercise was so difficult that we didn’t do it. (such)
It .
3. Janet wants to take up aerobics. (interested)
Janet .
4. Luckily, I managed to fix my car by myself. (able)
Luckily, I .
5. Dave, why don’t you put some antiseptic cream on your scratch? (how)
Dave, .
6. People shouldn’t cut down trees. (be)
Trees .
Score 12

F. Choose a, b or c.
Last Monday, a jewellery shop in my neighbourhood (1) . This shop
(2) since I was a young girl so I was really upset when I heard what had happened. Luckily,
very little (3) and no one (4) . Every night the jewellery
(5) in a safe place so that it can’t be found. Unfortunately, the three robbers still
(6) . Tomorrow, an alarm system (7) so that something similar
doesn’t happen again. The shop (8) until the police finish investigating the crime.

1. a. is robbed b. was robbed c. robbed

2. a. was open b. has been open c. was opened
3. a. stole b. was stolen c. is stolen
4. a. hurt b. was hurt c. had hurt
5. a. was stored b. is stored c. are stored
6. a. are not found b. haven’t found c. haven’t been found
7. a. is set up b. is going to be set up c. will set up
8. a. will be closed b. is closed c. will close Score 8

G. Circle the correct words.

1. Try to come to work earlier, will you / don’t you?
2. Last summer, we spent our holiday by the / - Lake Michigan.
3. You needn’t / mustn’t bring your coat, it’s quite warm out.
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4. What did you buy / bought when you went shopping yesterday?
5. You’ve been working since this morning. You can / must be exhausted.
6. When they travel, they always stay at - / the Hilton.
7. Who baked / did you bake this delicious cake?
8. It was so / such a lovely day that we didn’t want to leave the park.
9. The parade took place in the city centre, took it / didn’t it? Score 9

Final Test Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition

H. Complete with the bare/full infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in the box.

tease enter sit cry go learn turn get

1. I would love how to play water polo.

2. Should we scuba diving or do you want on the beach all day?

3. Danny stopped his sister when she started .

4. I decided a part-time job so I can make some extra money.

5. Did you remember off the cooker before we left the house?

6. My Aunt Sally let my cousin Jenny the beauty contest.

Score 8

I. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.

1. ‘Will we go to the theatre?’ Robert asked Dennis.

2. Yvonne said, ‘Susan can’t come to work tomorrow.’

3. ‘Where are you going?’ he asked.

4. Mr Belinger said, ‘Sit down!’

5. ‘Did you enjoy your surprise party?’ Linda asked her sister.

Score 10

J. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I were you, I (not buy) that dress.

2. Jessica wishes she (dance) as well as Monica.

3. If I (have) enough time, I would come to the cinema with you.

4. If I (feel) ill like you do now, I (take) a painkiller.

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5. I wish I (not have) to wake up so early every morning.

6. If I (live) in a city where it rained all the time, I’d be depressed.

7. Kelly wishes her classmates (not tease) her about her glasses.
Score 8

total Score 100

Get to the Top 4 - Revised Get
to the Top 4 - Revised Edition
Key to Grammar Tests
Test 1 D. D. C. C.
1. met George in 2016 1. didn’t you 1. dancing 1. The kitchen will be
A. 2. have been taking 2. does she 2. to buy painted by Tracy.
1. since computer lessons 3. will you 3. going 2. The house has to
2. ever for eight months 4. won’t he 4. to drink be tidied by Ron.
3. been 3. hasn’t been to / 5. have they 5. to stop 3. A new theatre
4. just visited Cairo since 6. isn’t he 6. waking up is going to be
5. before February 7. shall we 7. Having built in my
6. last 4. has already been to 8. doesn’t she 8. to tell neighbourhood.
7. ago Japan 9. was he 9. shopping 4. Your dog should
8. since 5. has seen that film 10. aren’t I 10. buy be taken out for a
9. in twice 11. did she 11. spending walk.
10. for 12. will it 12. study 5. A bank was robbed
13. cutting last night.
B. Test 2 E. 14. build / to build 6. Has the car been
1. Have... ever visited, 1. b fixed (by the
went A. 2. c D. mechanic)?
2. have called, didn’t 1. Diane was brushing 3. a 1. b
hear her hair while she 4. c 2. c D.
3. did... do, Did... go, was talking on the 5. a 3. b 1. So do I. / I do too.
have been phone. 6. c 4. c 2. We didn’t either. /
4. have... known, have 2. As soon as Gail saw 7. a 5. a Neither did we.
been, met the dress, 8. c 6. c 3. Ours was too. / So
5. bought, hasn’t she bought it. 9. b 7. b was ours.
worn 3. As I was walking 8. b 4. Neither will Debbie. /
6. Have... seen, did... along the street, I 9. a Debbie won’t either.
speak found a wallet. Test 3 10. b
4. Fred was having a 11. b E.
C. bad dream when his A. 12. c 1. b
1. Elaine has already mum woke him up. 1. could 2. c
borrowed three 5. Henry got on the 2. need to 3. b
books from the bus and sat down. 3. Can Test 4 4. a
library. 6. Mary was carrying 4. can’t 5. c
2. Kevin and Laura the shopping when 5. Would A. 6. c
have been reading Kevin offered to 6. have to 1. the 7. a
for two hours. help her. 7. must 2. the, - 8. b
3. Has Martha driven 8. Would 3. - 9. a
the children to B. 4. The 10. b
school yet? 1. opened B. 5. -
4. Stuart’s car has 2. had collected 1. must be at home at 6. - , -
never broken 3. hadn’t done the moment. 7. - Test 5
down. 4. invited 2. might go to Paris 8. - , -
5. It has been raining 5. had already next month. 9. - A.
since this morning. watered 3. could run faster 1. What are you going
6. Peter has already 6. saw when I was young. B. to wear to the
taken two Maths 4. can’t be the thief. 1. b party?
tests. C. 5. may come with me. 2. a 2. Who did Carol
7. Louise hasn’t been 1. did... stay 6. needn’t wake up 3. c meet at the
ironing all day, she 2. went early tomorrow. 4. b concert?
has been cleaning 3. Did... visit 7. must not bring 5. c 3. Who is visiting
Copyright © MM Publications

the house. 4. travelled your pet in the 6. b us (you) at the

8. Have your parents 5. left shop. 7. a weekend?
ever visited 6. had seen 8. doesn’t have to 8. b 4. What is Lucy using?
Germany? 7. had... been pick me up from 5. Who is your sister
8. Did... happen the station. helping?
9. were travelling
10. saw
11. were driving
Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition - Key to Grammar
Get to theTests
Top 4 - Revised Edition
B. 5. I wish I could dance 6. (that) she might C. F.
1. had, would buy / better. / I wish I could call Peter that 1. What time did you 1. b
could buy win the dancing evening. return home last 2. b
2. would feel, ate competition. 7. Harry (that) if night? 3. b
3. won, would lend / she explained it 2. The ambulance 4. b
could lend again, he would hadn’t arrived by 7 5. b
4. wouldn’t drive, was Test 6 understand it. o’clock. 6. c
5. wouldn’t be, 8. Betty if/whether 3. By the time Julie 7. b
opened A. she could see that woke up, her 8. a
6. would apologise / 1. a star over there. husband had left
was / were 2. c for work. G.
3. c D. 4. When the teacher 1. will you
C. 4. a 1. ‘Do the exercise asked the question, 2. -
1. himself 5. c again,’ Tom told all the students 3. needn’t
2. himself 6. a Mary. raised their hands. 4. buy
3. me 7. a 2. ‘You shouldn’t eat 5. The rain had 5. must
4. ourselves 8. b many sweets,’ the stopped before the 6. the
5. themselves dentist told Mr match started. 7. baked
6. yourselves B. Adams. 6. I missed the 8. such
7. myself 1. what Minerva had 3. ‘I’m going to order beginning of the 9. didn’t it
8. us done the previous new furniture for film because it had
9. herself weekend / the my living room already started by H.
10. herself weekend before. next week,’ said the time I got to the 1. to learn
(that) she had Chris. cinema. 2. go, to sit
D. taken part in a 4. ‘Where have you 3. teasing, crying / to
1. c competition. put/did you put the D. cry
2. c 2. to help him with his car keys?’ Kevin 1. b 4. to get
3. c homework. asked Samantha. 2. c 5. to turn
4. b (that) she had to 5. ‘Did you play 3. a 6. enter
5. a tidy her room first. football yesterday?’ 4. a
6. c 3. Phil when he would Charlie asked the 5. b I.
7. c bring her his book. children. 6. c 1. Robert asked
8. c (that) he would 7. c Dennis if / whether
bring it to her the 8. b they would go to
E. following/next day. FINAL Test 9. a the theatre.
1. I wish I could speak / 4. them to stop 10. c 2. Yvonne said (that)
spoke Japanese. / making so much A. Susan couldn’t
I wish I worked in noise. 1. has been sleeping E. come to work the
Japan. (that) they were 2. has... finished, gave 1. We might not next / following
2. I wish my sorry and they 3. did... sprain find tickets to the day.
neighbours’ promised (that) 4. hasn’t been, has concert. 3. He asked where
children weren’t they wouldn’t do it been having 2. It was such a I was / we were
noisy. / I wish I again. 5. has destroyed, difficult exercise going.
could sleep at broke that we didn’t do it. 4. Mr Belinger told us /
night. C. 6. have been 3. Janet is interested me to sit down.
3. I wish the beach 1. if/whether she had cleaning, haven’t in taking up 5. Linda asked her
near my house seen The Lost City. finished aerobics. sister if / whether
wasn’t/weren’t 2. (that) she had 7. has been raining, 4. Luckily, I was able she had enjoyed
polluted. / I wish I gone / been to the got to fix my car by her surprise party.
could go swimming cinema with Marco myself.
at the beach near the previous day / B. 5. Dave, how about J.
my house. the day before. 1. won, were playing, putting some 1. wouldn’t buy
Copyright © MM Publications

4. I wish my father 3. Fiona when she broke antiseptic cream 2. could dance /
didn’t work long was flying to Rome. 2. were watching, felt, on your scratch? danced
hours. / I wish I 4. Mrs Norris not to ran 6. Trees shouldn’t be 3. had
could spend more lie. 3. was walking, cut down. 4. felt, would take
time with my 5. Joanne if her jumped, grabbed, 5. didn’t have
father. teacher gave her a was running, 6. lived
lot of homework. caught 7. didn’t /wouldn’t
Get to the Top 4 - revised edition
Grammar Tests Get to the Top 4 - Revised Edition
H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

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ISBN: 978-618-05-2000-2
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ISBN: 978-618-05-2000-2
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