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1. Which passage is cause-effect? Put information from the passage in the graphic organizer.

Passage Number: 1

Effect: When the tension between plates

becomes too great,they grind against each
other causing the Earth’s to surface to
tremble and shake.
Cause: Earthquakes happen all over the
world in areas called seismic zones.
Seismic zones occur where the plates of
crust covering the Earth’s surface meet
each other. Inside the Earth, the mantle is
always moving, Which in turn moves the
Effect: These plates push against each plates.
other,building up tension between them.

2. Which passage is sequence? Put information from the graphic organizer.

Passage Number: 4

Next, locate the oil

filter and oil drain plug,
Put gloves to protect
your hands and
position an oil drain
pan under the engine
then remove the plug
the rest of the way
Then, find a flat
surface to jack the
vehicle from the
center under the

After you have

collected all of the
tools and supplies,
prepare your
Start the car and let it run
for one to two minutes to
warm the oil and the
The First Step
Changing oil in a
car is to gather

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