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Competency 2: Explains that stress is normal and inevitable (H7PH-IIIa-b-

Test Item: Mr. Joe, Grade 7 health teacher discusses about stress. Stress is
defined as the psychological and emotional responses to a significant or
unexpected change happening in one’s life and it is normal to experience
stress. Why is it that stress is normal and inevitable in life?
A. Stress refers to a positive and healthy response
B. Without stress you will be bored, it is unavoidable reality of life and it’s
natural to experience stress
C. Stress is a negative response to our body
D. It may cause problems in health, alter the mood and emotions and even
affect the way a person thinks

Competency 9: Explains the importance of grieving (H7PH-IIId-e-37)

Test Item: Grief refers to the emotional suffering caused by loss, disaster or
misfortune. The following are importance of grieving, which one is NOT?
A. To say good-bye and to ritualize our movement to a new peace
B. To accept the finality of the loss
C. To allow us to “free-up” energy that is bound to the lost person, object
and experience
D. To cry every day and every night

Competency 10: Demonstrates coping skills in managing loss and grief

Test Item: Christian’s friend was always grieving because of the loss of her
mother. If you were Christian, how would you help your friend in order to
cope up with loss and grief?
A. Laugh Christian’s friend
B. Focus on good memories and lessons learned and could work on a
tribute. These actions may re-frame your grieving emotions and bring you
temporary relief.
C. Help Christian’s friend cry every night so that he/she will not be alone
D. Rest, relax and watch emotional movies

Competency 11: Reconizes triggers and warning signs of common mental

disorder (H7PH-IIIf-h-39)
Test Item: Alicia, at times feel very happy and elated, then at an instant she
feel utmost sadness, extreme irritability and had difficulty in concentrating.
It can be seen that Alicia had a sign of what type of mental disorder?
A. Schizophernia C. Major depressive disorder
B. Post-traumatic stress disorder D. Bipolar disorder

Competency 12: Discusses the types, sign, symptoms and prevention,

treatment and professional care in managing common mental health
disorder (H7PH-IIIf-h-40)
Test Item: Mental health or psychiatric conditions are common. This are
disorders that disrupt thinking, feeling, moods, behaviors and impair daily
functioning. Which of the following prevention, treatment and professional
care can manage common health disorder?
A. Eat more fruits and vegetables everyday
B. Professional dentist may decide on whether to give the patient medication
or subject to routine therapy
C. Counselling or talk therapy involves talking about your problems with a
environmental health professional
D. Self-help and support groups can help you gain insight. They can provide
friendships, support, resources and tips on how to live with your condition

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