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Name: John Piolo M.

Alcantara Date: January 10 2023

Unit 4: lesson 2

Check Your Understanding

1. What does intrapersonal communication mean?
-Communication with oneself is defined as intrapersonal communication. Some
researchers have broadened the definition of communicating with oneself to include a wide
range of cognitive behaviors, mental entities such as traits and knowledge, and processes such
as association and comparison.
2. What are the different types of intrapersonal communication?
- Intrapersonal communication occurs within a single person, usually to clarify ideas or
analyze a situation. At times, intrapersonal communication is used to reflect on or appreciate
something. The following are three aspects of intrapersonal communication:
1) Self-Concept
2) Perception 
3) Expectation

Self-Concept is the basis for intrapersonal communication, because it determines how a person
sees him/herself and is oriented toward others. Self-concept (also called self-awareness)
involves three factors:

- Beliefs are fundamental personal orientations toward what is true or false, good or
bad. Beliefs can be either descriptive or prescriptive in nature.
- Values are deeply ingrained orientations and ideals that are generally based on and
consistent with beliefs about what is right and wrong in terms of ideas and actions
- Attitudes - learned bias for or against a subject, ideals derived from and are generally in
accordance with values. Attitudes are frequently global, and emotional
Intrapersonal communication may involve different levels of communication activity: 
- Internal Discourse
- Solo Vocal Communication
- Solo Written Communication

Internal Discourse involves thinking, concentration and analysis.

Solo Vocal Communication includes speaking aloud to oneself.
Solo Written Communication deals with writing not intended for others. 
3. How can learning more about your inner self help you become a better
- Gaining a better understanding of your inner self will vastly improve your ability to
communicate with others because you will be confident that the advice or answer you provide
is correct. It can also help you learn about your hidden talents and dislikes.
4. If you were to give another reason for engaging in intrapersonal communication,
what would it be? Explain your answer thoroughly.
- I'd like the topic "How can I improve my efficiency in my studies?" I'd like this because I
frequently become demotivated, which has a negative impact on my work results. It's my turn
to do decent work, or worse. I would say I did find some ways, but motivation is usually a mood
5. Suggest another good practice for having effective intrapersonal communication.
- Well, for me, I usually reflect at night. I agree with the notion that people gain enough
confidence to confess or reflect during the night. Then see a mirror then usually think of want
you want to reflect about love life, school, friends, parents, and many more.

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